"I Don't Want To Seem Like An Alarmist, But -" Sixty-Ninth Year EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN then Opinions Are Free UNDER AUTHORITY OF BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS Truth Will Prevail" STUDENT PUBLICATIONS BLDG. *ANN ARBOR, MICH. ' Phone NO 2-3241 Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the, individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints. l DAY, APRIL 23, 1959 NIGHT EDITOR: PETER DAWSON Vice-President, Other Participants Should Not Review SGC Actions -' Km t a " i - - (2 4P 'rte DRINKING HABITS: Militia Conts Personal Behavior (EDITOR'S NOTE: Nikita Khrushchev's own brand of repression is having a sobering effect on the Russians, Harold K. Milks discloses in this third of four articles on the Soviet Union today. Milks has just come out of Moscow after nearly three years as chief of the Associated Press bureau there.) By HAROLD K. MILKS Associated Press Staff Writer NIKITA KHRUSHCHEV appears to be instituting a new control system to replace the dreaded midnight knock of Stalin's secret police. The stocky free-wheeling ruler of the Soviet Union has called for expanded supervision of the personal habits and behavior of his people. His cam- paign against drinking is one phase. His institution of People's Volunteer IT'S AN ENCOURAGING sign that the Com- mittee on Clarification of -the Student Gov- ernment Council Plan, after agreeing to dis- agree for such a long time, has finally agreed to agree on certain areas. Debate in the Committee's meetings had been so legalistic and repetitive, communica- tion of ideas had been so poor and progress had been so lacking that some observors have started calling the group the "Obfuscation Committee." In more or less rapid succession, students, faculty, and administrative members would present tentative ideas for discussion. But in debate at succeeding meetings, such presum- ably new ideas were ignored, and the commit- tee went back over ground already covered, ad infinitum, once more. THE AGREEMENT for prior consultation and information exchange between SGC and other segments of the University was pretty definite. As such consultations are neither mandatory nor binding on the Council, and as they do help communication and information flow within the University they seem like a good thing. Agreement was less certain in other areas. A "broad scope of power for SGC" is favored by all, but the type of review to "protect" other segments of the University remains uncertain. An area which the Committee says it agrees on, but which is still under dispute concerns the role of the Vice-President for Student Af- fairs, acting as the delegated representative of the University's president. All sides agree that it is clear that the presi- dent has veto power over anything that goes on in the University, on the merits of the event itself, disregarding jurisdictional con- siderations. Faculty and administrative members of the committee argue that the president can and does delegate his authority to whomever he pleases, and thus can appoint the Vice- President for Student Affairs to veto SGC's ac- tions if he pleases. The students, however, wish to make the president the only overall veto power.. THERE IS, a fairly prevalent concept in le- gal thought which holds that individuals personally involved as participants in issues should not hold the-power to review the out- come of these same disputes. In the past, the functions of Vice-President Lewis have been as a participant in student affairs. He has not acted as an Olympian over- seer of student affairs, but as an active ad- visor and participant. His letter to SGC con- cerning the'recognition of Sigma Kappa clear- ly shows his commitment to personal active in- volvement in student affairs. Considering the Vice-President for Student Affairs' traditional role in the University, giv- ing the office the power to veto actions deal- ing with events in which the vice-president is personally concerned would be a violation of a fundamental principle of judicial behavior. Either the vice-president's role should _be changed drastically, or he should be of neces- sity disqualified from exercising the president's veto power over SGC's actions. -PHILIP POWER LETTERS TO THE EDITOR: Ohison Reaffirms Stand on 'Radicals' The New Secretary of State CHRISTIAN HERTER has been confirmed as Secretary of State not only at a time when the job is, especially tough but also after being handicapped by President Dwight D. Eisenhower's manner of announcing the replacement for John Foster Dulles. The handicap stemmed from the delay of President Eisenhower in making the announce- ment when everyone - Herter, Dulles, and even the President himself - knew it was coming. After all, Herter served Dulles as Under-Secretary and moved in when Dulles became ill. Since the possibility was evident that Dulles would not have been able to con- tinue, carrying either a full or partial load, the President must have been considering a pos- sible replacement. It has been suggested that President Eisen- hower didn't want to announce the appoint- ment simultaneously with the resignation be- cause he wanted it to be "Foster's day." If true, it was a poor move, for three whole days elapsed before the appointment did come 'through, and during the announcement-of- resignation speech, Ike said there "are others to be considered." The result was doubt in many many minds where none existed before, doing little to strengthen Herter's appointment. THIS IS DOUBLY unfortunate because Her- ter faces a test, in fact several tests, that will be tough enough without handicaps. In less than a week Herter must confer in INTERPRETING THE NEWS Russia Still Ft Paris with foreign ministers of Britain, France and West Germany on preparing proposals for negotiations with Russia over the Berlin mess. He probably won't unpack his bag upon re- turning from Paris because he has* to gallop off to attend the Big Four foreign ministers meeting with Russia in Geneva May 11. Later in the year, if things go as predicted, he will accompany the President to a Summit Con- ference with Khrushchev, Macmillan and de Gaulle. Meantime the overall problem remains of tying together the divergent strands of Allied attitudes toward the summit negotiations in order to build a united front against the Reds. How he will accomplish these tasks remains to be seen but it's a pretty sure bet that his operating techniques will be different from his former boss. It is not expected that he will carry on the same sort of personal diplomacy that Dulles did and which created the vacuum when he fell ill. The newest Cabinet member's methods of operating are still subject to speculation. Britain hailed Herter's appointment for dif- ferent reasons than did West German Social- ists. The former two look for a continuation of former policies but the Socialists expect a more flexible attitude. However he tries to do it, the new Secretary does not have an enviable job. -RALPH LANGER ears Germany To the Editor: ' IN REPLY to various criticisms of my recent letter, I should like to reframe my original statement in terms of the actions to which I referred, which should further ex- plain my position. Likewise, an evident misunderstanding of my beliefs on segregation should be clarified. My objections to the public school integration petition and march and the attempt to introduce legis- lation regarding fraternal organi- zations stem from different, but related, sources. It is my belief that both actions demonstrate a lack of knowledge and/or disre- gard of firmly established prin- ciples of government and law. First, the integration petition and march, no doubt worthy of themselves, are not consonant with my standards of gvernment, which are admittedly conservative, but far from unusual. American government is one of the law, not of the mob. The law has been established with regard to segre- gation, and the by which it shall be enforced, which must and do recognize the need for moderation, rather than haste, in their ap- proach, are in being. Attempts by pressure groups to hasten the process by rallies and demonstra- tions are typical, not of the U.S., but of Latin America or the Middle East. It is the first step to mob rule, which might fairly be deemed to be radical. Second, consideration of the anti-fraternal legislation move- ment illustrates another branch of radical thought. It has been recognized by the Supreme Court that voluntary associations, among which are fraternal orders, reli- gious groups, and Thursday after- noos bridge clubs, may establish any qualifications for member- ship which they might desire, re- gardless of how arbitrary they might be. Further, no person has any legal right, to which I would add moral right, to admission or continuation of membership, nor can any legal remedy be invoked to force admission or continuance. It might here be pointed out that any religious group, including that from which the integration peti- tion was circulated, is a voluntary association having arbitrary quali- fications for membership. I sin- cerely question that these grups would care to admit all comers, regardless of intent of belief. Thus, Mr. Bissell and his fellows have shown a complete lack of re- spect for these two basic American principles of government by law and unrestricted voluntary associ- ation. From this standpoint, they are radicals and deserving of the title. Finally, I should like to make my position on integration crys- tal-clear. I believe in integration in public places as provided by the law. I do not believe in attenpts to subvert the law in the name of integration, nor do I believe in the withdrawal of the constitutional rights of voluntary associations in the name of integration. -John E. Ohlson, Jr., '59 Sacrifice To the Editor: the choice, and since our proxy chooses, we absolve ourselves of, any guilt. But the plan is the same: some of us must be sacri- ficed, to God or Science, that the rest may live (I won't go into the efficacy of this); we are giving these gifts that God, or the bomb, will be with us in the battles against our enemies. (Of course battles are the only sure way be- cause our enemies are pure evil incarnate and do not understand Good. We go through the motions toward peace, but we know ahead of time what the results will be.) We tend to look down on the heathens' sacrifice because it isn't as glorious as ours. They did it in the name of Xom, and we do it in the name of Humanity (effectively, the humanity inhabiting the U.S. of A.). Our sacrifices, you see, are justified. Besides, the number to be sacrificed is relatively insigni- ficant. When they see to what extent we will go, I am sure the atoms will be on our side. --Omar L. DeWitt Weapons . . To the E5ditor: AN EDITORIAL by Lane Van- derslice takes issue with Linus Pauling's comments concerning the cessation of nuclear weapons test- ing. He thinks 'that Pauling is wrong. This is why I think that Vanderslice is wrong. Does Mr. Vanderslice believe that our ingenuity and inventive- ness is limited only to making de- structive devices? As recent evi- dence from Geneva shows, it is possible indeed to detect and dis- tinguish underground atomic ex- plosions from earthquakes to a better degree than has heretofore been admitted. With further im- proved devices and methods it will become increasingly difficult to hide atomic tests. Anyway, since we know the destructive capabili- ties of nuclear weapons it is un- necessary to conduct further tests. Since Mr. Vanderslice admits what everyone knows, namely, that the U.S. is committed to massive nuclear retaliation, it is unneces- sary to test small yield atomic weapons for the practically non- existent armed forces since they would never be in position to use them-if indeed they even sur- vived. Anyway, we have weapons that are designed to kill small numbers of people efficiently and effectively. So what "new and vital areas" could atomic weapons be applied? (Just how "creative" can we get in this business of human slaughter?) Moreover, the Rus- sians, despite their large army and navy are also committeed to mas- sive nuclear retaliation. Guess who wins in such a conflict. As for the very high altitude anti-missilemissiles, there is dis- agreement by responsible persons as to the effectiveness and/or ability to disable an enemy mis- sile. Furthermore, we are ignorant of what possible cumulative, permanent, and irreversible effects such revices when used or tested might have on the ionized layers and radioactive absorption proper- ties of our earth's atmosphere. Then there is Mr. Vanderslice's callous dismissal of fallout cas- - from rocks is higher than in other areas of lesser radioactivity. Thus, we cannot even "taper off" test- ing, since the half-life of many radioactive isotopes that end up in the human body extend through a good portion of a person's life. We have just begun to collect. statistics on radioactive effects. It might be that Mr. Vanderslice would become less objective and impartial about such statistics if someone near and dear to him were to become such a statistic. Mr. Vanderslice is apparently ig- norant of the pain and anguish suffered by the victims and sur- vivors of people afflicted with those. disorders. Mr. Vanderslice, is this the legacy you would leave the future? --Sol Schwartz, Grad. Help! ...0 To the Editor: WITH THE coming of Spring the Michigan Campus again be- comes alive with strolling couples, students with spring fever, and bicycle maniacs. Of course we have no objection to bicycle riders, but when one of us was nearly clob- bered by a bicycle emerging from a line of halted cars and speeding through a stop sign, we began to wonder if Spring was so nice after all. We do not know why the Ann Arbor City Police Department does not enforce the regulations for bicycles (Art. I, Sec. 2a; and Art. V, Sec. 30b), but we would think that sensible bicycle riders would obey stop signs (at least once in a while) for their own protection. In the interest of pedestrians and bicycle riders alike, we would like to hear in these columns from the Ann Arbor Police Department and the bicycle maniacs concerning their negli- gence. -Tyler Bastian -Winfield H. Arneson Militia to curtail what is called public misbehavior is another. 1 The drinking habits of Russians, long famed as hardy tipplers, have been changing rapidly under the demands of Khrushchev-former- ly renowed himself for his 'ability to handle a full glass. Some say Khrushchev's criticism of excessive drinking as harmful to Soviet progress began about the same time as reports that he suffers from kidney trouble. Be that as it may, it appears the strong man of the Soviet Union has tapered off sharply in his consumption of alcohol, and that he expects every drinking man and woman in his country of over 250 million people to join him. NOWHERE has the change in Khrushchev's-and the nation's- drinking habits been more star- tling apparent than at formal Kremlin receptions. These show ceremonies of the Soviet Union were once the scene of heavy and sometimes lively drinking bouts. Tables at such Kremlin affairs were laden with bottles -vodka, wines, Armenian brandy, beer, sometimes champaign from the Republic of Georgia. Few bottles were returned to the shelves un- emptied as Russians and their guests toasted themselves and, everyone else. The last Kremlin reception I attended-in honor of a visiting Iraqi delegation - was in sharp contrast. Gone were the vodka bottles, even from the inner ring tables for serving diplomats and top level Russian officials. Our table held three bottles of native wine, a col- lection of soft drinks called "Fruk- ti Water" and several flasks of mineral water. The diplomats fared no better. They too, drank wine or water. A few trays of brandy wer passed among top Russians for the formal toasts, but their drinks were small and few. Drinks for Soviet citizens have been cut off at lower levels, too. A factory worker out for a night on the town can no longer sit in a Moscow restaurant and down vod- ka until his friends carry him home or the militiamen lug him off to a sobering-up station. * w. 9 BEHIND THE whole program of semi-prohibition is a campaign, first, to make drinking unpopular a'nd, second, to bring party and official pressure to bear on habit- ual drunkards. Hand in hand with the temper- ance 'campaign, Khrushchev has formally endorsed a broad pro- gram of behavior control. Its en- actment is largely in the hands of the Komsomol (Young Communist League), from whose leader Khrushcshev has recently drawn a new chief of secret police to replace Gen. Ivan Serov. They concentrate on restaurants, parks, public areas, making sure that hooliganism is suppressed, that behavior is proper, that drunkenness in public and at home is sharply controlled. Official announcements say the volunteer policemen will go un- armed, will depend more on per- suasion and instruction than force to accomplish their assignments, and if necessary will call on the regular militia or police to take action. OFFICIAL : rn DAILY BULLETIN The Daily Official Bulletin is an official publication of The Univer- sity of Michigan for which The Michigan Daily assumes no edi- torial responsibility. Notices should be sent in TYPEWRITTEN form to Room 3519 Administration Build- ing, before 2 p.m. the day preceding publication. Notices for Sunday Daily due at 2:00 p.m. Friday. THURSDAY, APRIL 23, 1959 VOL. LXIX, NO. 143 General Notices Student Accounts: Your attention is called to the following rules passed by the Regents at their meeting on Feb. 28, 193: "Students shall pay all ac- counts due the University not later than the last day of classes of each se- mester or summer session. Student loans which are not paid or renewed are subject to this regulation; how- ever, student loans not yet due are exempt. Any unpaid accounts at the close of business on the last day of classes will be reported to the Cashier of the University and "(a) All aca- demic credits will be withheld, the grades for the semester or summer ses- sion just completed will not be re- leased, and no transcript of credits will be issued. ,(b) All students owing such a- counts will not be allowed to register in any subsequent semester or sum- mer session until payment has been made." commencement Instructions to fa- uity members: Convene at 4:15 p.m. in the first floor lobby in the Administra- tion Bldg. Buses will be provided in front of the Administration Bldg. on State St. to take you to the Stadium or Yost Field House to join the procession and to take the place assigned to you on stage, as directed by the marshals; at the end of the exercise buses will be ready in driveway east of the Stadium or at west side of Field House to bring you back to the campus. Distribution of Diplomas: If the ex- ercises are held in the Stadium, diplo- mas for all graduates except thoseof the 'School of Dentistry, the Medical School, and Flint College, will be dis- tributed from designated stations un- der the east stands of the Stadium, immediately after the exercises. The diploma distribution stations are on the level above the tunnel entrance. If the exercises are held in the Yost Field House, all diplomas exceptthose of the School of Dentistry, the Medical School, and Flint College, will be dis- tributed from the windows of the Cashier's Office and the Office of Regis- tration and Records in the lobby f the Administration Bldg. Following the ceremony diplomas may be called for until 9:00 p.m. Phi Chi Theta, professional women's business fraternity, is offering a $150 scholarship this spring to women en- rolled inSchool of Business Adminis- tration. Application blanks and infor- matio navailable in the Bus. Ad. School Office (150 B. A.) Completed forms are due on or before May 8. Lectures The English Journal Club presents Albert Cook, Prof. of English at West- ern Reserve University. "Some Habits of Words in Poetry," Thurs., April 23, 8:00 p.m. E. Conf. Rm. of Rackham Bldg. Prof. Albert Cook of Western Re- serve University Dept. of English. Thurs., April 23, at 4:10 p.m. Aud. A, Angell Hall. "The Dramatic Action of Macbeth." Glidden Lecture in Chemistry: Prof. H. C. Brown of Purdue University "Se- lective Reductions"- Thurs., April 23 8:00 p.m. Rm. 1300 Chem. Bldg. Lecture: Poll. S. Dept.,, Fri., April 24. 4:15 p.m. Rackham Amphitheater. The Hon. Tom Mboy, Kenya Legis- lative Council. "A Report on Africa" (Continued on Page 5) r a :.. x:. _. r i By L. M. ROBERTS Associated Press News Analyst THE SOVIET UNION'S latest protests against the nuclear arming of West Germany em- phasizes a fear which appears to be very real. The fear is one which is well understood in Western Europe, even though the Soviets, created the postwar situation which make fu- ture trouble with Germany most likely. It took a great deal of soul-searching and pressure from the United States to get Western Europe to agree to include a rearmed West Germany in its defense plans. This was not due solely to modern Germany's record of resorting to force in her relations with her neighbors. It was also due to the fear that, in the situation created by Germany's partition, a resurgent nation, even if force were precluded, would eventually make an independent deal with the Soviet Union for reunification., Because of this, in the formation of the European union through which West Germany was brought into NATO, rearmament was sur- 1j1g 0jj pirt !Daily rounded with Allied controls. The Allies be- lieve these controls are sufficient not only to guard themselves against a German about- face, but also to insure the Soviet Union against a repetition of 1941. THERE IS, however, a worldwide recognition that Germany will not remain perpetually divided, regardless of what other nations do. Just as NATO was produced by Soviet mili- tary posture and international Communism's aggressive attitude, so has Kremlin policy cre- ated an explosive situation between Germany and Eastern Europe. The Soviet Union first made a deal with Hit- lerite Germany for some Eastern Polish terri- tory. When Hitler moved in from the west, the Reds moved in from the east, and there for a year and a half before the outbreak of war be- tween them they glared at one another across a new line partitioning Poland. AT WAR'S END the Soviets stayed, but the Germans were driven not only from modern Polish territory, but from wide areas which were truly German. Eight million Germans were driven into West Germany, and Polish colonizers replaced them in compensation for the Soviet's push westward. This territory beyond the Oder and Neisse rivers was, like the present Communist zone of East Germany, the major breadbasket for the German industrial complex in the West. It will remain a bone of contention as long CAPITAL COMMENTARY: 0 Hysteria:T A By WILLI e Smaller Risk [AM S. WITE PR MORE than a year a pro- found struggle has been going on between two government agen- cies over which should have final authority for protecting the Amer- ican people from radiation and issue of war or peace itself. On The great question touches our lives as could no other except the issue of war and peace itself. On one side is the Atomic Energy Commission. On the other side is the Department of Health, Educa- tion and Welfare. THE ONLY umpire presently available is the Bureau of the Budget. "Budget," which is essen- tially a lofty bookkeeping instru- ment for the President to deter- mine what outlays should be asked of Congress for what departments, is not eager to make the hard decision. President Eisenhower himself, this correspondent is told on good authority, is "staying out of it"- though to an onlooker it is difficult to see whv. In the meantime. Con- ation and fall-out is' tolerable? Or, should this responsibility now be passed to the Federal Public Health Service - a division of Health, Education and Welfare whose sole interest is simply in the public's health? * * * BUT A SECOND great ques- tion is bound up in the first. For much more than health is involved here. True, radiation and fallout, when the human intake passes a certain point, becomes deadly poisons to those alive and those yet unborn. But radiation and fall- out are unavoidable accompani- ments to the immensely useful development of atomic power and to the necessary continued de- velopment of atomic weapons in an era of unceasing danger from the Soviet Union. Thus, this government must maintain a desperate balance be- tween the demands of the people's health and the demands of mili- tary safety for the whole free world. simply seeking to enlarge its vast bureaucracy. It merely holds the less-than-revolutionary view that the best place to protect the public health by'setting the safety stan- dards is the Public Health Service. H-E-W seems to have the better case. For the Atomic Energy Com- mission would be more than hu- man if it did. not tend to play down any factor, including lhealth, that would retard atomic develop- anent. Moreover, the commission's medical units, superb thoughthey are, are far -down in the commis- sion's hierarchy. AND THE Commission's deter- mination to continue to be the final authority on what atomic work is safe, and where, might un- derstandably rest most of all upon this factor: a fear that public concern over atomic, dangers' to health could become public hys- teria if evaluations of that danger were handed over to some wholly independent source like the Public Health Service. Editorial Staff RICHARD TAUB, Editor CHAEL KRAFT J itorial DirectorI oHN WEICHER City Editor DAVID TARR Associate Editor