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April 21, 1959 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1959-04-21

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AgA Michgatt ail
Sixty-Ninth Year
Truth Will Prevail" STUDENT PUBLICATIONS BLDG. * ANN ARBOR, MICH. * Phone No 2-3241
Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers
or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints.

"Can You Afford $25 A Head For Us?"
- "

Russian-Fear of War
Called Deep Seated
(EDITOR'S NOTE: How do the Soviet people feel about the Berlin crisis?
This is one of the questions Harold K. Milks, Associated Press Chief of
Bureau in Moscow for nearly three years, deals with in this first of a series
of uncensored articles. Milks now is en route to a new assignment.)
Associated Press Staff Writer
PEOPLE IN THE SOVIET UNION seem just as frightened as those in
the West that Nikita Khrushchev's Berlin demands may bring war.
They say so, too, although not as readily as Western citizens. The
prospect of armed conflict over the German question seems to cause
just as many fears and drowns in the Communist heartlandas it does
in the United States or in more vulnerable Western Europe.
When I left Moscow in early April there was no appearance of war
hysteria such as shook some sections of the Soviet Union during the
Suez crisis of 1956 and again during the Iraqi revolt of last year and
the Western landings in Lebanon and Jordan.
But Russians were talking-and talking freely even to foreigners-
about their deep-seated fears of war. Most of the talk contained heavy

APRIL 21, 1959


Pauling Wrong in Suggesting
Ban on Nuclear Weapons Tests


THE EFFECTS of nuclear testing are pretty
grim, Linus Pauling said here Friday night,
and he concluded that atomic bomb testing
should be halted.
But, in disagreement with Pauling's conclu-
ion, there are very valid reasons why the
United States should continue testing its atom-
c bombs.
First of all, there is no certainty that all
atomic bombs can be detected now, let alone-
n the future. The techniques of "muffling"
inderground bombs, for example, have not
been fully explored. It is entirely possible that
nethods will be developed to completely mask
nuclear explosions. If it did become possible to
ixplode an atomic bomb without detection, it
would be relatively harder for the United
States where news is harder to conceal, to vio-
ate the spirit of the ban by continuing tests
han it would for Russia.

United States and her NATO allies have shown
themselves definitely unwilling to provide.
Even if Pauling and others with similar views
do not believe that the United States' nuclear
stockpile should be made ineffective, the pres-
sure from the other nations of the world to
ban all nuclear weapons would increase. Thus,
at a minimum, the United States may find it-
self out of the propaganda frying pan into the
fire, and at a maximum, may find itself with-
out its chief deterrent to Russian threats.
Pauling also told his Ann Arbor audience
that for every 20 megaton bomb tested in the
world, approximately 15,000 people would die
of bone cancer and leukemia, and another 15,-
000 would be seriously deformed, either physi-
caly or mentally. At first glance, these statistics
seem shocking. But the equivalent of only eight
of these bombs have been exploded, and the
resulting number of casualties, though im-
tiense, is insignficant when compared to the
number of lives that could be lost if the United
States could not keep its guard up.
PERHAPS a better answer to the problem of.
nuclear testing can be found than the pres-
ent system, however. Kissinger has proposed
a quota system, whereby each country will
agree to put not more than a certain amount
of radioactivity into the air. The quota would
be reduced over a period of years, but a com-
plete ban would not come until Russia had
agreed to a sizable reduction in the size of her
conventional forces.
It seems doubtful that Russia, at least at
this time, would agree to any significant re-
duction in her armed forces, but the quota plan
taken alone could provide the best method of
limiting the amount of radioactivity in the air,
consistent with the United States defense in-

IT IS OFTEN argued, and Pauling took this
line Friday night, that there is no need for
more testing, since the United States has
enough bombs to destr y the USSR three or
four times over. Unfortunately, there is a con-
tinual evolution in the use of nuclear weapons,
and it may be necessary to test atomic weapons
in new and vital areas. Certainly if an atomic
weapon exploded in the stratosphere could
cause the detonation of enemy missiles as in-
dicated in the Oct. 31 detonation, then a ban
prohibiting this sort of test, would be folly.
The end of nuclear testing has been regarded
by many, Pauling included, as a first step. But
a first step toward what? If anything, as Har-
vard political scientist Henry Kissinger has
said, it is a first step toward abolition of nu-
clear weapons. But nuclear weapons are the
mainstay of the United. States military es-
tablishment, balancing Russia's possession of
a powerful standing army, something that the
NEVER BEFORE have the people in Lansing
been so humble.
It takes a great deal of effort to act the vil-
lain. Even though they've had to sacrifice the
welfare of the state in general, the legislators
.have continued to make the state appear "fi-
nancially embarrassed."
They pretend that a Democrat-Republican
factionalism is keeping state purse strings held
tight. They even, act as though they are afraid
higher taxes will wreck their popularity with
the taxpayers.
Actually, they are martyrs to the ideals of
higher education. They are really trying to im-
prove the quality of future University fresh-

Coalition in


ox, but ..

men. Altruists that the legislators are, they
shout "No appropriations" merely tohide their
For; with increasing applications and' no
funds to increase enrollments, the University
will be forced to improve its student body.
Competition already assures just the more
proficient out-of-state students of entrance.
Severely restricted enrollment, coupled with
growing demand, might also leave room at
the University for only the very best of the
state applicants.
A clever stratagem!

WASHINGTON - Now is the
time for all good men to come
to the aid, not of their party but
of their country.
A grave weakening of the Eisen-
hower Administration has been
evident for months. The resigna-,
tion of the strongest member of
the Cabinet, Secretary of State
John Foster Dulles, is but the lat-
est of a series of instances of the
Administration's progressive de-
Some of these circumstances
could have been avoided. But the
important question now,' in any
event, is not who is to blame for
this situation. The important
question is what is to be done
about it.
A famous old admiral, a salt
who was as hard as rock, once
growled of his own elevation to
high wartime command: "When
they get into trouble they send
for the so and so's."
MORE OF THE so and so's -
defining these as men who will do
the job that must be done even at
risk of alienating their fellow par-
tisans - are badly needed now.
The Congressional Democratic
leadership, which the President
himself would privately concede
has on the whole run a respon-
sible opposition for six years, is
under rising pressure to "get
These clamors are being resist-
ed. well short of the point of per-
mitting irresponsibility, by such
leaders as Senators Johnson of
Texas, Fulbright of Arkansas and
Mansfield of Montana. But so far
they come mostly from the per-

petually shrill Democratic far-left
wing. There is danger that more
responsible Democrats will begin
to add their voices and so raise
an irrestible chorus for harsh par-
tisanship in a time of world peril.
For when an administration
falters attacks upon it always rise.
Current things illustrate this
fact. Senator Wayne Morse (D-
Ore.), has been at the forefront
of an inquisition into the views of
Clare Boothe Luce, the President's
nominee to be Ambassador to,
It is an undoubted fact that '
many Democrats can think of .
sound reasons not to love Mrs.
Luce's publisher-husband, Henry
R. Luce of Time, Life and For-
tune, or Mrs. Luce herself. But it
is equally true that what Mr. Luce
prints or what Mrs. Luce says is
no proper concern of the Senate
in deciding whether to confirm
her appointment.
* * *
SHE HAS SAID some harsh
things about Democrats, including
Franklin D. Roosevelt and Harry
S. Truman, and she certainly can-
not prove her accusations. But
Senator Morse has said some very
harsh and unprovable t h i n g s
about President Eisenhower. And
before switching from the Repub-
lican to the Democratic party, the
Senator said some very harsh
things about Presidents Roosevelt
and Truman, if it comes to that.
The significance of the Luce
episode isnotgreat in itself. It
would be a pity, however, if it
should develop into a pattern of
Senate intrusion into the Adiin-
istration's proper sphere. That
was what the right-wing Repub-

licans tried to do - to take over
the intimate details of Mr. Tru-
man's foreign policy once his Ad-
ministration became weak.'
Much more immediately mean-
ingful is the proposal of such a,
Seator as Henry M. Jackson of
Washington, one of the few who.
are entitled to be called military
experts. Jackson has announced.
plans for a Senate inquiry into
the operations of the National Se-
curity Council. NSC is a Cabinet
outfit, an intimately Presidential
instrument, which largely makes
the Administration's high mili-
tary and foreign policies.
How it functions is unarguably
the President's sole responsibility.
For Congress to attempt to push
itself into this body, with its
highly confidential and infinitely
delicate operations, would be like
the intrusion of Congressional
committees into Abraham Lin-
coln's conduct of the Civil War.
* * *
THE POINT IS not whether
NSC is efficient or not. The point
is that Congress at best will strain
the Constitution in any attempt
to move in on NSC and at worst
could create a chaotic diffusion of
responsibility. Some cures are
worse than the disease.
Indeed, some here now believe
there is need to establish, in an
informal way, what would amount
to a coalition government. We
confront a Berlin crisis, a fateful
summit meeting, and serious divi-
sions within our alliance.
This is no time to be getting
tough in partisan demonstrations.
What we need is to get rationally
tough against external dangers.
(Copyright 1959, by United
Feature Syndicate, Inc.)

propaganda overtones. To hear the
the situation, it was all started by
Western imperialists. To Ivan,
Nikita Khrushchev was just an
innocent victim of Western war-
"Why do you want war?" is the
question heard as frequently in
the Soviet Union by foreign ears
as are queries about how you like
the weather or the Kremlin's ar-
Then the average Russian -
whether he is a taxi driver, a cas-
ual neighbor in a Moscow sub-
way, or someone who heard Eng-
lish spoken in' a Moscow restau-
rant and joins in-gets around to
his fears of war.
It was apparent during my time
in Russia that despite his exercise
of what he calls brinkmanship by
others, Nikita Khrushchev doesn't
want war. That desire seems to be
shared by Russians generally.
Few Russians will discuss the
questions behind Khrushchev's de-
mands on Berlin. When they do
they repeat the Pravda line that
the whole problem is the fault of
the West. But they will discuss
war, and what they call the noble
struggle of Soviet leaders for
** .*
DURING the Suez' crisis, war
hysteria in some areas of Soviet
Union almost got out of control.
Citizens in some sections began
hoarding sugar, salt, and other
foodstuffs. Matches almost dis-
appeared from the market as an-
xious housewives began stockpiling,
against the threat of war.
Newspapers ridiculed. the war
fears, published names of hoarders,
and urged party action against
them, laughed at the possibility of,
a successful Western attack on the
all-powerful Soviet Union.
Today's propaganda organs are
rolling out the same tunes with
different words.
Marshal Rodion Malinovsky,
considered more of a party figure-
head than his predecessor as de-
fense minister, Georgei Khukov,
repeats the old slogan that any new
war means destruction of capital-
ism and the ultimate triumph of
But not all Soviet citizens be-
lieve him.
"I don't want war," a bearded
Moscow cab driver told me. "I went
through the last one. Maybe we
can beat you in all-out war, but we
will both lose."
Occasionally a Russian will voice
the question which must be buz-
zing in the minds of many-why
did Nikita Khrushchev choose to
bring up the German demands at
this time?
"I thought things were looking
pretty good," said one Soviet
teacher. "Why didn't they (the
boys in the Kremlin) keep their
minds on the seven-year plan?"

Russian man in the street discuss


THE FILM opens with a Chicago
police car chasing a seemingly
innocent hearse, but, when the
bullets fly and the coffin leaks not
embalming fluid but other fluids
of higher proof, we are in a spoof
of the fertile land of the American
past - The Twenties. Some pe-
destrianism is needed to get into
the juice of the action; let it suf-
fice that two musicians, Joe
(Tony Curtis) and Jerry (Jack
Lemmon) are accidental witnesses
to a gangland murder while try-
ing to get to an Urbana college
Fleeing the mobsters, they be-
come Josephine and Daphne, un-
willing - we presume - trans-
vestites who would rather be liv-
ing women than dead men. The
motivation makes plausible an
otherwise highly unlikely - at
least in movies -- transformation,
one which does much for Tony
Curtis. The changelings take a job
with an all-girl band in order to
gain passage to Florida; once
there, set up in the Seminole-Ritz,
a rococo resort that is a long way
from the Fontainebleau, they do
not forsake the dresses, because
Joe has taken a sweet tooth to
Sugar Kane (MM), the singer
with the band.
Everything goes well until the
Friends of Italian Opera hold a
convention-"Friends" who think
Rigoletto owns a speakeasy. In
Lemmon's words, "The place is
crawling with mobsters-gangrene
is setting in." One of the opera-
lovers is Spats (George Raft), the
murderer, w'ho with insight or in-
stinct or something soon realizes
that the girls are not necessarily
so. Another chase ensues. But
gangland takes care of its own,
and Jo and Daphne are rid of
their pursuers; the moon over the
Biscayne Bay is a symbol that all
ends happily. It all sounds very
"SOME LIKE IT HOT" is, how-
ever, about as dull as a bull in a
cow shop. Taking about every
cliche available in the movie busi-
ness, the joke business, and the
love business, director Billy Wild-
er, by giving them the business
with the mere addition of the fe-
male impersonations, has cooked
up a pease porridge that will still
seem hot when it is nine days, or
nine years, old. The sustained hi-
larity of the middle of the film is
such that no period of longer
than thirty seconds elapses dur-
ing which nothing funny is said
or done, for nearly forty-five min-
utes. And one middle-aged lady
in the audience accented the hu-
mor in a scene wherein Tony Cur-
tis cuddled with Marilyn Monroe
by saying very loudly, "Can you
imagine how his wife feels?"
The Marilyn Monroe of "Some
Like it Hot" is a nuance of Lorelei
Lee, a charming nuance who
strums a ukulele nicely enough to
make any man wish he wore a G-
-Fred Schaen


At Last, Leadership

NrHEN A HIGH government office changes
hands, there is often concern over "con-
nuity of policy." Often it is feared that the
ew incumbent in office will not carry out the
bligations and promises of his predecessor.
Such will not be the case in the Department
State. The policies of Christian Herter ap-
arently will be merely the continuation of
lose guided by John Foster Dulles.
Although an important reason for this coi-
nuity is the close relationship maintained by
Mdles and Herter in the past few years, even
lore important in the expected continuity is
resident Eisenhower himself.
The President, it appears, has finally taken
te active lead in American policies, and is
ushing his own personal ideas, rather than

simply approving suggestions from his cabinet.
In the early years, various people charged the
Administration was dominated in turn by
George M. Humphrey, Sherman Adams, John
Foster Dulles and "Engine Charlie" Wilson.
Now these men are gone, but policy still has
direction, and the direction can come from only
one place.
The President has finally assumed the active
role, both in domestic and foreign policy, that
was promised in 1952. Though all cannot agree
with his particular policies, certainly none can
fail to appreciate that at long last, firm and
courageous leadership is emerging from the
White House, even though it has been long
in coming.

Women Vegetate; 'Radicals' Advocate

It's Been Heard Before

Associated Press News Analyst

"HE CHINESE REDS, having demonstrated
once again the disdain of Communists for
eir own agreements, face a living fact which
a serious obstacle to their attempt to.-brazen
t what has been happening in Tibet.
It is the presencein India of the Dalai Lama
He is not in Lhasa, where the Reds promised
1951 that he could maintain control of the
;ernal affairs 'of Tibet.k
He says that such control has always been a
tion - that at all times the local government
s been subjected to dictation by the Reds.
This does not surprise the world, long fa-
liar with the pattern of Red control wher-
er the forces of .liberty are weak.
Peiping now attempts to make it appear that
had to act in Tibet because the balance be-
een Communist control of external affairs
d Buddhist control of internal affairs was
set by imperialist plotting.

THE LAMA says no attempt to establish such
a balance was ever made.
He denies that his flight was involuntary, in
the sense that he was abducted by rebel Ti-
betan forces. Instead he makes it plain that
he and his party took different routes, in dis-
guise, to escape the Reds.
The Red version of abduction apparently is
based on the fact that the Dalai Lama's party
was given a rebel escort after it was united in
the border area.
There is nothing to suggest a basis in fact
for the Red claim that his statement was
forced from him by the so-called abductors or
anyone else.
DESPITE the timidity of the Indian govern-
ment, which displays sympathy for Tibet
along with fear of saying anything to displease
Peiping, the Indian press accepted the Lama's
statement at face value.
His story of Communist deportation and en-
slavement of political opponents, and the exe-
cution of others, fits the pattern so well that
the rest of the world will hardly doubt.
The whole story is given in restrained terms,
perhaps at the behest of Indian officials, and

To the Editor:
AS A MICHIGAN co-ed who Mr.
Richard Taub would undoubt-
edly consider a victim and example
of the "Senior Syndrome," I would
like to comment on his editorial
of April 19-"Senior Ianic."
Statistics have proved that a
girl has, for various reasons, her
best opportunity of "catching" a
man while on a college campus.
Thus, the male specimen in col-
lege comes to feel that he is a
hunted animal - and his inde-
pendence becomes his most prized
possession. Of course, there are
those young men who meet their
dream girls while in college, and
for these individuals all is well -
at least sometimes! Too often one
sees the boy who joyfully gives his
fraternity pin, his love and his
independence away - and soon
wants these commodities back.
"After all," this boy confides to
his friends, "who wants to be tied
down? I want time to 'kick up my
heels' in college - I've got plenty
of time before I get really serious."
Call it truth, immaturity, or what
you will....
And then we have the females'
viewpoint. Yes, the majority of
singleton senior girls have mar-
riage in mind. Obviously they have
not met their "intended mates" on
cnmni ands n thel nnr In tthe

patience is a supposed virtue, they
Here it is - Springtime in Ann
Arbor. The senior girl, like the
freshman girl and the senior boy,
wouldn't mind a last college fling
at a springtime romance; ice
cream and long walks and talks
with a boy still have a certain ap-
peal and value. And when June 13
and graduation comes rolling
around, the girl who leaves the
University of Michigan with good
memories and an eye to the fu-
Senimore Says

ture is, believe it or not, as lucky
and happy as is her roommate who
has acquired a pin, engagement
ring, or even a husband. Why, she
might even have acquired an edu-
-Judith ICI. Gruber
No Harm . . .
To the Editor:
I WAS AMAZED, if not shocked
to read in the Friday Daily, a
letter from John E. Ohlson, Jr.

00 " 0

which severely criticized the "rad-
ical" activities of certain students
at the University. His attack was
launched not only at the students
themselves, but at the University
for allowing these activities. He
even questioned whether or not the
University is an educational insti-
tution on the grounds that several
lobbying groups, operating inde-
pendently of the university, are
allowed to exercise their freedoms.
What he proposed is some sort of
censoring of free thought by the
University so that it can "long
maintain the present excellent
reputation as an educational in-
Though I oppose their views, I
feel that the active interest that
these groups (be 'they radical or
not) have taken in their govern-
ment is very encouraging on a
campus whose students show a de-
pressing apathy toward- these mat-
ters. Besides stirring Mr. Ohlson's
ire, I can see no harm done!
Larry Robert Carr, '62
Our Job
To the Editor:
has mistaken Torre Bissel's
basic aims and accomplishments
when he labels Torre a 'radical' as
if mintynnni. mwr P+ thre+t+to+he


The Daily Official Bulletin- is an'
official publication of The Univer-
sity of Michigan for which The
Michigan Daily assumes no edi-
torial responsibility. Notices should
be sent in TYPEWRITTEN form to
Room 3519 Administration Build-
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Daily due at 2:00 p.m. Friday.
VOL. LXIX, NO.4141
General Notce4
Due to an error in programming it
is requested that all persons, who have
signed to usher for Skit Night on Fri.,
April 24, please report for duty fifteen
minutes earlier than the time stated.
In other word,, report at 7:15 p.m.
Freshmen: Interviewing for commit,



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