I I I I I I I I I I I I I I , I 1 11 1 1 1 1 1 I 11 11 1 ", . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... .. .. .. .. .. .. I I I I I 1 1, , "I . ", 11 , , I , I I I I I . I I - , - - - ii- , , - " , I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 11 1 11 1 11 1: " 11 I I I I I 111 c, , , I , I I . - , , i- - - , , . , Ultr oaC nser va ism (Continued from Page 4) Cerns of these members of thej Status politics, on the other hand, might be defined as an ap- peal to resentments of people who want to maintain or improve their social status, or, as Hofstadter puts it,-"The clash of various pro- jective rationalizations arising from status aspirations and other personal motives." In American history interest politics comeawith economicrre- form demands in times of depres- sion and unemployment. Status politics is on the upswing with good times, prosperity, and full employ- ment when many people can im- prove their economic position. BUT STATUS politics has no clear cut objectives according to Lipset. He sees in status politic motivations, people moving up in the social scale (such as immi- grants). and not being accepted by those already on a higher level, and people who are being moved down (such as old-family Ameri- can and the type of person who associates with such organizations as the DAR) by social change and do not like it. Status politics is irrational in character and has the tendency to seek scapegoats; there is also the common concern for "pro- tecting 'traditional' American values." far right that become interwoven with their politics. It is so because, as one writer put it, "political life is an arena into which status as- pirations and frustrations are, as the psychologists would say, pro- Jected." ALL OF THE forces contributing to the strength of ultra-con-. servatism in this decade were brought together in the early 1950's in the person of Sen. Mc- Carthy. There is a considerable diver- gence of opinion among members of the ultra-conservative group on many issues. The single issue which unites it is vigorous anti-Com- munism, the force that was behind McCarthyism. An obsessive fear of Communism in the United States gave Sen. Mc- Carthy an opportunity to unite the ultra-conservatives. McCarthyism was not a resuit of the Senator's sudden rise in the public world but a direct outgrowth of the fears and apprehensions of the far right on the numerous issues already discussed. Com- munism must be considered a handy issue around which ultra- conservatives could rally and use as a sort of funnel through which to vent their personal grudges on United Nations: Anathema to Ultra-Conservatives SEN. McCARTHY strongly de- per classes, by the prosperous, by fended minority groups and the wealthy, by the well educated. the underprivileged while attack- To the status-deprieved he is a ing the upper classes; his usual critic of the upper class; to the image of the American Communist, privileged he is a foe of social And so it is the personal con- )a wide variety of topics. White or tinted... They're all-the-world to a summer wardrobes Ready, to answer every business calling and gay invitation. Pointed, hi or litile-heel operas in. WHITE COTTON RIVIERA well tint any rotor, * As seen in Mademoisellm. according to Lipset, pictured him: as an Easterner, usually of Anglo- Saxon origins; Episcopalian; and educated in schools such as Groton and Harvard. Typical was part of his famous Wheeling speech at the beginning of his anti-Communist crusade in 1950. "It is not the less fortunate, or members of minority groups who have been selling this nation out, but rather those who have had all the benefits the wealthiest nation on earth has had to offer - the finest homes, the finest college educations, and the finest jobs in the government that we can giver "This is glaringly true in the State Department. There the bright young men who are born with silver spoons in their mouths are the ones who have been the worst." "Over and over . again," says Lipset, "runs the theme, the com- mon men in America have been victimized by members of the up- change and Communism." THE DECLINE of McCarthyism coincided with the decline of prosperity and the rise of economic difficulties in this country. Economic issues, however, are not sufficient to explain the de- cline of McCarthyism. Perhaps the biggest single factor that worked to destroy McCarthy- ism, although there is considerable- question of its effect on the ultra- conservatives as a group, was Sen. McCarthy's break with the so- called Modern Republicans in the Party. While the Republicans were out of power and fearful of ever again getting back in, the ultra-con- servatives could be sure of - no direct opposition from the moder- ates in the party; thus a clash was avoided. But ,where the Re'- publicans regained power and the ultra-conservatites, Sen. McCarthy included, discovered that Modern Republicanism, Dwight Eisenhow- er, Arthur Larson and fellow trav- elers did not fit their needs the only alternative was open warfare between the two factions. While it was impossible for them to win control of the Party, Lip- set says, it is entirely possible that the Modern Republicans may take over a few of the ultra-conserva- tives' issues in order to retain some support from the followers of that faction. WHAT SORT of an appraisal can be given, then, to Sen. McCarthy and the ultra-conserva- tive movement? And if McCarthy- ism has declined and died is there anything to fear from it and its living disciples? Put very simply it has been said that "ultra-conservative agitation has facilitated the growth of prac- tices which threaten to undermine the social fabric of democratic politics." One of the better known con- servatives who has already been quoted extensively, Clinton Rossi- ter, said of the far right: "They apparently do not realize the implications of their actions. They are dabbling dangerously in a form of radicalism in their mania for amending the Constitution, their reckless assaults on the Pres- idency, their wistful plans for a new party, their disregard for the American traditions of fair play and freedom of dissent, their en- thusiastic support of the new demagoguery and their cult of ex- treme individualism. Men who en- gage in this sort of political ex- tremism can only be classed as 'pseudo-conservatives.' " ON SEN. McCARTHY, political analyst Roscoe Drummond had this to say: "It seems to me that one of' Sen. McCarthy's greatest unfairnesses "was his inability or unwillingness to concede loyal, patriotic, honest differences of opinion among his fellow Americans over the ques- tion of what ism-the best and most effective means of dealing with the Communist conspiracy." The danger from the ultra-con- servative movement has been signaled by numerous writers who warn that a prolonged cold war could result in an institutionaliza- tion of mafiy of the restrictions on personal freedom that are now either' law or government practice. It seems only too clear that Sen. McCarthy and the ultra-conserva- tives have brought to this country many practices which run counter to the American tradition of poli- tical freedom. They can be seen in the height- ened security program, political controls on passports, political tests for schoolteachers, increased tightening by the government on the release of information, and the "increasing lack of respect for an understanding of Constitutional guarantees of civil and judicial rights for unpopular minorities and scoundrels." Academic Mind (Continued from Preceding Page) provide the absence of restraint and harassing worry and en- courage the interstimulation of diverse opinions required for im- aginative learning, while, on the other, we protect existing institu- tions from applications of that learning which are detrimental to the public's long-range interests? The discussion of academic freedom has too long been carried on in irrelevant assertions by its supporters and its enemies. Thej activities. of higher education do have implications for the public and we can depend on it that the public will regulate higher educa- tion. The issue is not whether we shall have such regulation, but, how it will be structured. Like the doctor, attorney, clergy- man, and other valued specialists, the professor must exerecise judg- ment on matters crucial for his society. Unlike some other pro- fessionals, the competence of American professors is not certi- fied through examinations pre- pared by agencies of the state or, as in the case of the clergy, by the' special publics served. As Lazarsfeld shows, only 13 per cent of the accredited colleges have as many as 45 per cent of their faculty members holding the doctorate. In 40 per cent of the accredited colleges, at least three- fourths of the teachers do not hold the doctorate. MORE than this, the professional ethics of college teachers are not generally policed by public or semi-public bodies. r Unlike the practise in many European countries, agencies of government in America do not participate in evaluating candi- dates for leading professorships. If' professional freedom must be ex- ercised in the context of the pub- lic's welfare, and if no semi-public or professional bodies are avail- able to insure that welfare, in- terested publics will try to exercise controls through irregular means. This, I believe, is a major source of the surveillance and harassment so thoroughly documented in La- zarsfeld's study. The nature of support for much higher education in America only exacerbates an already difficult problem. Many colleges are so de- pendent on state or local resources that narrow and transitory local interests frustrate the stimulation of imaginative learning. Many colleges have responded to public pressures with efforts to educate the public concerning the proper work of higher education, and the facilities it requires. This is desirable, but not likely to succeed. Much of the public is indifferent. Most of it cannot be reached by means available to the colleges. Minorities in violent op- ".. conserve, present and extend knowledge" position to collegiate institutions will not be convinced by mere "public relations" devices. What is required are arrange- ments by which the several im- portant and politically active pub- lics can assure themselves that the colleges promote the long-term welfare of the whole public. Where should we begin? BECAUSE all things cannot be done at once, we need a stra- tegy for the employment of limited resources. It would seem that much would be gained by showing special con- cern for the larger institutions, especially those which grant sub- stantial numbers of doctoral de- grees. These colleges set. the standards which others follow. They train the next generation of college teachers. Their strategic importance is increased by Lazars- feld's finding that it is among KNIT SPORb their number that the likelihoodG of incidents, worry, and caution is highest. - Fortunately, as we shall see, it is exactly these pivotal colleges which are most likely to be in a position to solve the problem of public assurance. One might think, secondly that there is merit in special efforts to assure the public concerning the orientations of liberal arts' col- leges, and, within them, of those disciplines which are at once most concerned with values and re- moved from immediate public ap- praisal. In contrast to that of most pro- fessional schools, the devotion of liberal arts' faculties to the public welfare is not under the intimate and continuing observation of pro- fessional organizations and clients outside the university. While this is the situation of the liberal arts disciplines generally, it seems truer of the humanities than the social sciences, of mathematics and physics than of chemistry. Such considerations suggest criteria for priority of attention. BUT HOW SHALL such assur- ance be organized? Surveil- lance-by government is unaccept- able, and fortunately so, in our free and heterogeneous society. Boards of trustees, whether pub- licly elected or not, are only par- tially capable of affording assur- ances. They are, first, burdened with much detailed supervision of the continuing operation of the in- stitution and do not have suf- ficient time for sustained atten- tion to the effectiveness with which the college serves the pub- lic se th pa, tid ta th at wo its sht ic leg gi si Sol stl in st p1 th rai ch ca H vi th 01 ti th be th th w co ge a B f] 10O95 Q 0) FLOWERS O LoutJ-luB AND GIFTS O for all Spring occasions 334 SOUTH STATE STREET NO 3-5049 0 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN c C UG U "O{-- t)-OG "O<-- U UO U U1""" Have your car CLEAN and SPOTLESS for SPRING WEEKEND with this U U COUPON worth 25c This coupon must be presented. Coupon good Monday, April 20 thru Saturday, April 25 on I ONE CAR WASH I : regular price $1.50... WITH COUPON $1.25 * STDU AUTO WASHI ,.142 E. Hoover -one bloc keast of 1000S. 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