THE MICHIGAN DAILY OUTGOING IHC PRESIDENT: Ashton Views Campus Life 4P r- For Direct Classified Ad Service, Phone NO 2-4786 from 1:00 to 3:00 P.M. Monday through Friday,and Saturday 9:30 'till 11:30 A.M. UY By THOMAS KABAKER Robert Ashton, '59, outgoing president of the Inter-House Council, plunked his feet on a desk as he began to drawl, in his best Southern manner. He even won a debate contest- in high school--"Southern Speech Congress, of course." Since that time, Ashton has done quite a bit of speaking, and a large part of it has been about .IHC and the, residence halls. "The re'sidence halls could be one of the major factors-in break- ing down the size of the Univer- sity and 'providing programs Where faculty members and stu- dents may come together," he re- inarked. Looks tp Future Ashton has an education com- plex-moreover, education in the residence. halls. Those who know him hear his opinions of the sub- ject every other day. He sees the day when the residence halls will have to have educational coordin- ators. "The University is too large to carry this co rdination on oth- erwise, and it needs every means at hand," he claims. - "The thing lacking in residence halls is direction. They have been on campus for twenty years as expedient housing for students without any comprehension of its educational potential." He said this view is prevalent among both students and the administration, He has supported the expansion of quadrangle libraries, faculty guest programs and a program of displays and exhibits in the quad- rangles. "Unattainable anywhere else on campus," he claims. Consider All "There is a paradox in residence halls," he continued. It is that there is. a strength because the men are independent and a weak- ness in. that there is no defined c commitment. This needs to be taken into account. ' The administration should use i any ways it can to strengthen the \ commitment to the residence units, thus increasing house unity t ALTERATIONS JOHN'S TAILOR SHOP "The Clothing Stores' Tailor" Alterations for Men and Women. Pressing While You Walt 118_ E. Washington NO 2-4617 (above Conlin and Wetherbee Clothing Store) )P1 BARGAIN CORNER ARMY-NAVY type Oxfords - $7.25; socks 39c; shorts, 69c; military sup- plies. Sam's Store. 122 E. Washington. )W1 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY GUY CARI is now accepting applica- tions in his newest beauty college. Days, afternoons, and evening classes. For student beautician. For more in- formation write or call Ann Arbor Beauty College, +4567 Washtenaw, Ypsilanti or NO 5-7500. ) CC1 BUSINESS SERVICES FOR TODAY'S breakfast why not buy some lox, cream cheese, bagels, onion rolls, or assorted Danish pastry? Plan ahead also . . later in the week we'll have smoked whitefish, gefitle fish, kosher soups, pastrami, and corned beef. Shop at Ralph's for these delicious foods. RALPH'S MARKET MICHIGAN DAILY CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES LINES 2 3 4 I DAY .8Q 96 1."12 3 DAYS 2.00. 2.40 6 DAYS 2.96 3.55 4.14 Figure 5 average words to a line. Call Classified between 1 :'00 and 3:00 Mon. thru Fri. and 9:00 and 11:30 Saturday - Phone NO 2-4786, -Daily-Allan Winder SOUTHERN GENTLEMAN-Ih a position of moderate relaxation, Robert Ashton, retiring president of IHC, reflects on his ast experiences at the University. while at the same time not in- fringing on, the rights of the in- dividual. In comparing the r e siden e halls to fraternities, Ashton says, there is- a decided difference in the kind of freedom for the indi- vidual. "The fraternity offers the freedom of the smaller group with, the fewer rules that go along with it. But residence halls allow'a per- sonal freedom - one not bound by ritual or pledge ceremony. Each Decides "It is up to the individual to decide which group he prefers, Personally; the idea of mutual se- lection, which is a polite word for institutionalized prejudice, has never appeared to me." Ashton views IHC's'main func- tion as lobbying for the residence Lebanon Resistance Traced To Deinocratic Background halls. So he lobbies (a polite word for pressurs everyone he can find to get one thing or another for the quadrangles. He's been finagling to get milk machines in. the residence halls for years. "Over the years, I've developed an amiable cynicism," he says. "The administrators seem to feel that IHC is good practice for us kids. This is not true. The value of Any student government is measured in how much is contrib- uted-by the student to the ,group and by the group to the student." Thinking Wrong Concerning SGC, he remarked that it "need not. be an extra- curricular activity without mean- ing. Any thought of SGC as a training ground for democracy shows no understanding of its po- tential for contribution to the University. Such a feeling toward SGC is meaningless if not detri- mental:. Hopping to (and on) honor- aries, Ashton growled, "They have become a sterile tradition on the campus. I think their initiations are ludicrous for University men. Such exhibitions would never be tolerated if they were performed by social fraternities. Doesn't Work "The concept of honoraries is wrong. I don't think it follows that because men become mem- bers of a group and share secrets in silence, that they can work to- gether any better. It always seems ironic to me that a concept of re- striction is defended for the free- dom it can afford." Leaping from the frying pan into the fire, he continued, "I think the University should take steps to de-emphasize football. There is nothing wrong with ath- letic scholarships, but I would rather be proud of my school be- cause of scholastics than because of its football team,." Jumping from that fire into another one, Bob made one brief remark about women. "I wish they didn't like me so much." A local female laughed and hit him- with a coke bottle. 709 Packard J NO 2-3175 J56 SPRING SALE Group of cocktail, evening and day dresses Originally $29.95 to $39.g5 NOW $10 to $19.98 I THE DLLON SHOPS on S.U. and off S.U. near the Campus J69 RITZ BEAUTY SALON _______________________ U SED CA RS 1953 NASH. New tires and seat covers. $200. Call Dave Smith at NO 2-3169 between 6 and 7 or leave message any- time. N54 1955 CHRYSLER, Windsor-Newport. 2 door, hardtop, all power., Beautiful, car. See UNVERSITY OLDS ... 907 N. Main. NO 3-0507. N49 FOR SALE: 1951 MG-TD. Rebuilt motor, new top, new paint, good cond,, reasonably priced. Steve Bow, NO 2-3169. N52 MUST SELL immediately - Going in service - '53 Blue Austin-Healey con- vert., excel. cond., many extras, $1.300. NO 3-4187-ask for Stu: , N45 FOR SALE CAR '59 S.A.A.B. Gray, like new, 10,000 miles, 1st owner. Call NO 3-7787, N44 1957 RENAULT Dauphine - good con- dition. NO 8-7393, after six. N42 IILLMAN 1958 Four-door wagon heat- er. Like newi HU 2-7140. N1O FOR GALE We specialize in good used cars from $100 up. GENE'S AUTO SALES at 544 Detroit Street. NO 3-8141. N3 FOR SALE FROI. BEAUTIFUL private home one' 9x12 wool floral rug by Boxbury, $50, like new. 10 cu ft. Westinghouse ref. cost $360. Will sell for $85, One red leatherette platform rocker-$25. One, tapestry platform rocker-$15. One green slip-covered chair-$15. Lovely, honey-colored hard maple double dresser and desk with glass tops- half of purchase price-$110. Single box spring and mattress-$25. One green cushioned porch glider-$5. Available May 1. NO 3-0148. B44 FOR RENT NEW FURNISHED o APT. Available for summer. Air conditioned, dish washer, disposal, 3 bedrooms, 2 baths, patio, parking, near campus and hospital. Call NO 5-7857. 0123 5813 DEXTER AVE. Two bedrooms, ap- pliances furnished, $125 per month. NO 2-6154. C121 HOUSE FOR RENT-Fenced backyard and fireplace included with a fully carpeted, gas heated 6 room house. Inquire at 629 5th Street after 4:00. C118 SUBLET FOR SUMMER deluxe apartment, new: modern.. appointments, hi-fi, Beautyrest double. $115 monthly. NO 2-7533 after 5. C125 1950-35 ft. Detroiter House Trailer. Available immediately. HU 2-6101. C126 CLEAN ROOM for Student. For fur- ther information call NO 2-4049.' C127 FOR RENT-Modern, furnished three room apartment, close to hospitals. 'NO 3-7001. C122 LARGE CLEAN rooms for men, 1 block from campus. Linens furnished, rooms cleaned weekly. Reasonable rates. Re- mainder of semester. 'summer and fall. Call Floyd, NO 2-6652 or Rock, 'NO 2-3179. Leave name and phone. C119 HOME: 2 floors, 6 rooms, June on. Fur- nished, very reasonable. Close to cam- pus. Call NO 2-9181. C115 1ST FLOOR APT.. 4 rms. partially fur- nished, recently redecorated, bright and cheerful; quiet west side neigh- borhood. NO 2-4346 or NO 3-0820. C413 2 RMS. FOR RENT. You take your choice. Park free in my' driveway. 'Breakfastand privileges. NO 2-1279 or NO 2-7282. C114 303 S. DIVISION. 2nd floor apartment. Very well decorated. Bachelor apart- ment. Would prefer Instructor or Professor. Available by April 15th. Can be seen from 9 A.M. to 5 P.M. Phone NO 3-5797, ask for Mrs. Kelly. Cill LARGE ROOM in our house for rent.. Quiet Gentleman. Living and bedroom furniture. Garage included. Phone HU 3-1316. C110 STUDY UNDISTURBED Large quiet rooms for men. Near campus. NO 3-4747. )C3 TRANSPORTATION LARK by MERCEDES Studeboker tHE WORLD-S ODESt AUIOMOUtE MAgERS' If you are planning a trip to Europe this summer and would like to purchase a Mercedes in Europe, you should place your order immediate- ly with ARCURE MOTOR SALES 617 Detroit Street -Ann Arbor, Mich. TELEPHONE. NO 3-3309 )G2 Phone NO 2-4786 om einofBek SIAMESE Kittens. Stud service. Call Complete line of Beauty wor NO 2-9020. 605 Williams Phone NO 8-7066 J5 By CHARLES KOZOLL. Lebanon's ability to resist Com- munist propaganda can b' traced to its distinct democratic orienta- tion, Elias Kawar observed Thurs- day during his one-day visit to &nn Arbor. Kawar, chief of programming for the film division of the United States Information Service in Beirut maintained that Western propaganda devices have been able to successfully counter 75 per cent of the Soviet line. A cer- tain part of this success can be attributed to the USIS, he added. But there is still a great deal to be done to destroy the false im- pression that some Lebanese gain of the United States from books, and ilovies. The idea that this country is "racketeer-ridden is one false notion'- that, must be cleared up, Kawar explained. Aided by Visit "My three-week visit to tlie United States will enable me to further my understanding of this country and communicate it to my people," Kawar said. Pointing out that the United States isn't completely enthralled with the desire to develop rockets and oth- er nuclear weapons and is inter- ested in promoting peace will be one of my duties when I return to Lebanon, he added. "Too often, people assess the USIS on the basis of demonstra- tions against the libraries," he said. The real state of affairs, though, is shown in USIS records, which indicate the increased use of its facilities over a period of years. - Discussed Ways Discussing ways in which the United States can strengthen its moral position, Kawar mentioned an enlargement of the view of Arab nationalism. "I personally believe that the people of this country are not against Arab unity," Kawar com- mented. SPRING GARDENERS: We can meet all of your- gardening needs. Grass seed and fertilizers, lawn and fer- tilizing carts, lawn rakes, pruning shears and all other gardening tools, MUEHLIG & LANPHEAR 311 S. Main St. Phone NO 2-3277 J63 EXPERT TYPING. Theses, Papers. NO 8-6157.. J67 Radio, Phono, T.V. SERVICE Fast Dependable Pick Up & Delivery Ann Arbor Radio and TV 1217 S. University, Phone NO 8-7942 J61 LADIES BARBER SHOP 11081125. University Only barber in town who is a trained and licensed Ladies' Hair Stylist. J17 ON-DAY SERVICE and COMPLETE SERVICE at SAN FORD'S Shoe Repairing -- Hat Cleaning Tailoring - Pressing Shoe Shining . 119 East Ann Street (opposite court house) NO 8-6966 J2 35' FOOT 856' MARLETTE, excellent' condition, fully equipped, airecon- ditioned. Call NO 3-2294 after 5. B2 CAR SERVICE, ACCESSORIES FOREIGN CAR SERVICE We service all makes and modeis of Foreign and Sport Cars. Lubrication $1.25 Nye Motor Sales 514 E. Washington Phone NO 3-4858 '87 WHITE'S AUTO PAINT SHOP Bumping and Painting 2007 South State NO 2-3350 }S2 NEW ATLAS TIRES "Gripsafe" in sets of 4; 4-670x15, $58.75; 750x14, $74.95; (plus recap- able tires and tax). Other sizes comparably low. Tune-ups. Brake Service. HICKEY'S SERVICE STATION Cor. Main & Catherine NO 8-7717 S3 C-TED STANDARD- SERVICE Friendly service is our business. Atlas tires, batteries and accessor- ies. Warranted & gtaranteed. See us for the best price on new. & used tires. Road service-mechanic on duty. "You expect more from Standard and you get it!" 1220 S. University at Forest NO 8-9168 CAR SERVICE, ACCESSORIESCAR SERVICE, ACCESSORIES SERVICE on ALL FOREIGN CARS r i, 8. t - r. -. /\ l A-e -. o