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April 19, 1959 - Image 5

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The Michigan Daily, 1959-04-19

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Reading Service Helps
'Blue-Book Maladies'



(EDITOR'S NOTE: This is the sev-
enth in a series of articles dealing
with the Institute for Human Ad-
"Clutching," the emotionally
charged term which signifies a
mental blackout during an exam,
confronts about 50 per cent of the
University students at one time or
another during their academic
To help students resist this
"blue-book malady," the Reading
Improvement Service, a division of
the Bureau of Psychological Serv-
ices of the Institute for Human
Adjustment, works with this and
other related problems.
Begun in 1952, the service is
geared to help students improve
their "efficiency in reading and
Show Methods
"It isn't a question of telling
them to study in well-lighted
rooms free from distractions, but
to show them the most systematic-
methods of learning different
types of things," Prof. Donald
E. P. Smith, service director,
pointed out.
By showing students the proper
techniques, he explained, the
service helps to reduce difficulties
that confront both graduates and
Teaching students of foreign
languages to "trace words out
while learning them" and visual-
ize words" is one method used to
alleviate this trouble. Through in-
dividual and group sessions the
clinic also points out the ways to

master spelling and theme writing
difficulties, Prof. Smith added.
In seven-week, non-credit, non-
tuition courses, the students re-
ceive instruction in note-taking,
reading critically and developing
their vocabulary. For the 900 who
enroll yearly in the course, the
clinic also provides training in the
arts of preparing for and taking

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C va~ 4 , a,. Lilli Uo .
"Many students clutch because
they don't know what they know,"
Prof. Smith commented. This is
due to their not knowing what to
learn, he added.
Staff. assistance individually or
in a discussion session helps to de-
velop skills which enable students
to take examinations in "a more
relaxed atmosphere."
Graduates Intern
The service function is also ex-
tcnded to areas of the state with
graduate students in educational
psychology who' are completing
their internship through this pro-
gram. Along with the classes, the
graduates serve as consultants to
schools and advisors at profes-
sional meetings on the problems
of reading.
Interrelated with training and
service is the valuable research
function of the Reading Improve-
ment Service. Working with be-
tween 50 and 100 children, gradu-
ates and professional staff aim at
providing remedial help along
with furthering research in the
Reporting through papers dis-
cussing the causes of reading
problems, graduates contribute to
the field in a "feedback system."

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tickets on sale tonight of SUPPER CLUB
B naii B rith Hillel Foundation
1429 Hill Street
Subscribe to The Michigan' Daili

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OPEN DAILY 9.30--5.30

Mech. Engrg. with B.S.M.E. and with
some time and motion study ability.
U.S. Atomic Energy Comm., Chicago,
Ill., patent Engrg. with B.S.E.E.
Wolverine Tube, Detroit, Mich., Pro-.
ject Metallurgist with B.S. in Met, or
Chem. Engrg. 20-40 yrs of age.
A. ,0. Smith Corp., Milwaukee, Wisc.
Patent Office for person with' B.S. in
Science or Engrg. with electrical trng.
or electronics.
Seneca Wire & Mfg. Co., Fostoria, O,
Jr. Metallurgist, Recent grad. in Met.
for Met. Lab. work, process control &
dev. of products and practices.
The Rubberoid Co., Hyde Park, Vt.,
Asst., Staff Research Engrg. B.S.M.E.
Age: 25-35; must be competent drafts-
man, complete military service.
The Sherwin-Williams Co., Cleveland,
Ohio, Engineering Position in Mainten-
ance Supervisory capacity. B.S.E.E. or
Sheffield Corp., Dayton, Ohio, Elec-
tronics Engrgs. B.S. in Physics or elec.
electronic engrg. Top half of the class.
Age; 22-40.
General Motor Corp., Flint, Mich. for
persons with: B.C.E. In Chem. Engrg.-
June grad-U.S. citizen and B.SJE. in
Mech. Engrg. U.S. citizen.
Bell Aircraft Corp., Buffalo, N.Y.
Development Engrgs., majoring in E.E.
Eastman Kodak Co., Rochester, N.Y.
Chemist or Chem. Engrg.
The Standard (Ml Co., Cleveland, Ohio
persons with the following: B.S. in
Ch.E., B.S. in Ch. E., Math., E.E., B.S.
M.E. and any and all degrees for Mar-
keting Trainee.

For further information concerning
any of the above positions, contact the
bureau of Appts., 4001 Admin., Ext. 3371.
Pharmacy Students. American Cya-
namid Co., New York City has phar-
maceutical production and product de-
velopment area for, students who have
completed their junior year.
The Huron Portland Cement Co. of
Alpena, men.
Marion Simpler, Director and Owner
of Chippewa Trail Girls Camp. Women
Students for water safety and sailing.
Tues., April 21
The Summer Placement Service is
open Tuesday and Thursday from 1:00
to 5:00 and Friday from 8:30 to 12 in
D528 of the S.A.B
fob Application
and Passports
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