"Well,,I Guess We're All Ready For 'Em Now" OUT, A 1 rd4x Bapt Date Sixty-Ninth Year EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN "When Opinions Are Free UNDER AUTHORITY OF BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS Truth Will Prevail" STUDENT PUBLICATIONS BLDG. * ANN ARBOR, MICH. * Phone NO 2-3241 Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints. AT LANE HALL: DAC's Ionesco: Restrained but Welcome WHO AND WHAT is Eugene Ionesco? A Roumanian-born dramatist who writes in France, he has been hailed as everything from "the poet of double-talk," and a "formidable avant-gardist" to a charlatan and trickster. The question arose last night at the Lane Hall Theatre as the newly-revitalized Dramatic Arts Center presented M. Ionesco's first widely popular play, "The Bald Soprano." Perhaps the truest and most entertaining way in which to con- sider him is as one of the most theatrically imaginative writers of our time. Whether his "message" is a mere slam at the British petit bour- geois, or a deploring glance at the lack of true communication and presence of conformity in the lives of all of us, he presents it in a [URDAY, APRIL 18, 1959 NIGHT EDITOR: THOMAS TURNER The Queens College Controversy: A Test of an Institution Q UEENS COLLEGE in New York City is in danger of undermining that institution's and other universities' claim to intellectual purposes. The Faculty Committee proposes to dissolve the two Queens College newspapers in favor of a revised publication with a paid student editor and increased faculty supervision. If the Aensorship motion is passed, then the papers would be placed in the same position now "enjoyed" by the Brooklyn College news- paper. To prevent' this step, editors of the four other municipal college newspapers have launched a formal protest. Some years ago, the Brooklyn newspaper printed a story that the Brooklyn Catholic In- stitute termed "biased against Catholics." And the Institute asked that all stories have "pre- publication censorship." PON THIS PRETEXT, the administration took control of the newspaper. Now the publication has no freedom at all. True, the editorials are the "opinions of the staff," but only after 'the professor in charge has care- fully edited them to "insure that they hurt no one." The mere fact that they are read by the 'faculty influences editorial content and scope. Sometimes what a paper is unable to print is a truer ,indication of censorship than what meets faculty approval. I Tuesday, the proposal to revamp the Queens College newspaper goes before the Faculty Council which can either pass or defeat this motion. President Harold Stokes has been equivocal about this matter. An editor of one of the City papers launching the protest describes him as being afraid to take any definite stand for fear of stepping on someone's toes. He predicts that Stokes will let himself be drawn along with the crowd, and will not throw in his weight against the motion. T IS UP to the Faculty Council to show the real nature of its academic concern. Sub- jecting newspapers to administrative control contradicts the purposes of education for it indicates that the faculty is more concerned with the social graces of keeping students from stepping on other people's toes than en- vouraging them to think and to examine crit- ically, whether in print, the classroom, or "real life." Administrators will admit that the student retains little of the factual information that has been given to him throughout high school and college. But they generally agree that a student should leave a university or college with the ability to read critically and formulate his own opinions. Their attempt to revise the school papers merely defeats their avowed purpose. -RUTH ANN RECHT I FOR Icit4 MWtIStERS M'eur f q LY , ,' ,,d 's -.dmh ' © y +, r r z'' ' . ;;,' ' '' '' G fji--O'er -~ tlrtSr-7rt c.} tttt+.EG'ev .s Pcsr . . riotous, loony and original man- ner. IWhen we stop laughing, we should have the horrible realiza- tion that here is a disgusting and grotesbue truth. Important to this is that the wild and distorted mode of presentation of ideas be matched by a wild and distorted production. *9* * THE PLAY, a maniacal though biting attack on the London sub- urbia version of America's own organization automaton, was given a performance which only occa- sionally met the wild and hilarious pace demanded by Ionesco's idiom. Only when Tom Kind as Mr. Smith tells a story solely using gestures, and when the wild melee of non sequiturs and truisms .are delivered through faceless white masks, did the production catch the play's true spirit. Director Philip Diskin seemed to feel that a play demonstrating the vapid monotony of English life could be played in a monotonous manner. It couldn't. The production was weakened by its lack of speed, gearing of the show to the tone and style of Eugene Ionesco. The performances of Kind and Raeburn Hirsch as the Smiths and Diskin and Mari Stephens as the Martins, though at times. genuinely funny, still seemed below the comic attitudes of the maid (Betty Ellis) and the Fire Chief (Paul Marchese) who themselves seemed a trifle unsure as to exactly what their, purpose was in the play. The visual and sound effects by Milton Cohen and Gordon Mumma were spectacularly presented in a kaliedescope of fantastic color, de- sign and audio manifestations. Al- though these, too, suffered from length and repetition, the experi- mentation used here and the good albeit mild fun generally pre- sented make the return of the DAC a welcome one. -Allan D. Schreiber MICHIGAN: Mfans ion Rambles THE CURRENT Metro screen translation of W. H. Hudson's "Green Mansions" has quite a colorful history attending its pro- duction; a history spanning over two decades. The property which at one time or another was an- nounced for filming by practically every major American studio was abandoned at least half a dozen times because of insurmountable difficulties. "Green Mansions" is that type of literary property which either bursts forth as a bit of cinematic; magic or wilters as an unforgive- able bore. Unfortunately the cur- rent production of Hudson's novel deteriorates into the major disas- ter of the year. Miss Hepburn tripping barefooted about the jungle with Anthony Perkins stumbling clumsily behind just does not constitute the arresting drama and impassioned entertain- ment Metro hoped it to be. The Cinemascope entry credited, to Dorothy Kingsley recounts the tale of Rima, child of the forest. Somehow Rima has encountered the wrath of Sessue Hayakaya and for the bulk' of the picture is pur- sued by his tribe until at the climax of the film they chase her up a tree in the heavenly garden. There she is burned to death in lovely Metrocolor. But somehow (chalk this up to Hollywood magic) she returns at the fadeout to join her.lover in the beauty of the dawn. This unique and touching scene is followed by the traditional fade out which in turn is followed by the melodic but not very Michigan hiss. --Marc Alan Zagoren 4 Messing Up Education ALABAMA Igeislators have new-found hope in their battle against integration. Each year for the last decade, the legisla- ture has appropriated funds to the privately- operated Negro school, Tuskegee Institute. Founded in 1881 by Booker T. Washington, Tuskegee today has an enrollment of over 2,000 and provides practical training for many trades and industrial occupations, as well as agricul- ture and home economics, education and nurs- ing. The variety of curricula offered at Tfuskegee makes it advantageous for the legislature to help support the private institution, makes it advantageous for the legislature to help sup- port the private institution, rather than in- creasing the scope of any of the state- controlled Negro institutions: But under the pressure of the integration orders, segregation-minded legislators have been casting about in desperation for some legitimate means of keeping the schools "sep- arate but equal." Governor John Patterson has advocated closing the public schools if' necessary to forestall integration. At the same NOW that spring has definitely sprung and the balmy breezes are again carrying the aroma of fertilizer across the Diag, the time has come for the University Plant Department to take a peek at the thermometer., Steaming radiators and hot air pipes are a bit incongruous with Florida-type temperatures and opening a window above a register to avoid suffocation is a waste both of manual and heat energy. In the interests of the budget and pure ani- oral comforts, it is time to turn off the heat. --Jean Hartwig time, some legislators have suggested using the Tuskegee appropriation as precedent for ap- propriating state funds for other private schools, namely, schools "for white students only." The plan, still tentative, runs something like this: the legislature will appropriate all or part of,,the Tuskegee request, with the un- derstanding that some taxpayer would contest it in court as unlawful use of state funds. The complaining taxpayer would try to bring in a federal question with the idea of taking it ul- timately to the United States Supreme Court. SHOULD THE Supreme Court rule the ap- propriation unconstitutional, segregationists could tell the Negroes, "We tried to give 7ou the money, but the Supreme Court wouldn't let us." But, if the Supreme Court approved the allocation of the funds for a private Negro institution, then the legislators would construe it as an endorsement of the use of tax money to support other private schools. The legislators figqje they have a fifty-fifty chance of coming out ahead, while the Negro students are sure to lose. The worst the state schools can do in this situation is to break even. If the Court rules the appropriation un- constitutional, then Tuskegee loses the funds but the public schools are only back where they started. If the Court rules in favor of the legislature, they can close down every pub-. lic school in the state and open private schools, using the Tuskegee precedent, and allocate state funds to the new schools, which would be for "white students only;" It is unfortunate that Tuskegee Institute must bear the brunt of this experiment in re- sistance, by the Alabama legislators. But it might not be a bad thing if the school lost its money, and the state of Alabama was forced to keep its politically dirty fingers out of the pie of private educational institutions. SELMA SAWAYA CAPITAL COMMENTARY: Nixon Ado By WILLI WVASHINGTON - Vice-President versy, and the soundes Richard M Nixon has put jection to him is the f away one weapon-his old mastery might be a divisive f of producing useful headlines built White House. To be th upon intense controversy within that kind of symboli the nation. He is now brilliantly degree; always harmfu employing another and a softer dential contender. To tactic, in new circumstances. that lighit in 1960, in He is progressively drawing fa- world, probably would vorable attention by persuasion him. and calm reasonableness, where he used to demand it by loud THUS, GIVEN thisa threshing about in the national potential weakness, w scene. He is a world away from the doing to strengthen h Nixon who, only short months ago, He is presenting him led a hotly partisan GOP Con- ever-mellowing public gressional campaign because this he is doing a good job seemed the only possible way to staying out of the par stir the Republican sluggards. ing that used to occur * * * most endlessly. He is e TO WATCH Nixon these days, ing out of such infight: approve him or disapprove him, is is ,among the Republ to watch a truly virtuoso political unlike the Democrats,r performance. The fact that his that their true antagon antennae to public moods and each other but rather1 changing public attitudes are ex- tion party. traordinarily sensitive has, of He is accepting only 'course, long been obvious. What is' speaking engagement now striking is the way in which these all are in marl Nixon-who underneath is a curi- level, and preferably Qusly lonely and one-man operator demic, surroundings. H -is using those fabulous antennae ing of big matters like to master his great problem for Court; his tone is muc 1960. of a man who is alreac On all form, on such "gut" facts and more interested in as his present control of much of than in a party. He is the regular GOP organization, he erous things, even abou is the distinct favorite for the ocrats. 1960 Presidential nomination. These things arer The Vice-President's vulner- Nixon, whatever his fa ability lies in this: He came up phoniness in him. Bu strictly via the route of contro- the kind of remarks ptsP AM S. W t single ob- 'ear that he orce in the nought of as is, to some l to a Presi- be seen in i a perilous be fatal to as his basic what is he is position? nself as an figure, and of it. He is rtisan fight- apy him al- qually stay- ing as there icans-who, never forget nists are not the opposi- a very few s, and of kedly high- even aca- Ee is speak- e the World ch the tone dy President n a country saying gen- it the Dem- meant; for ults, has no ut they are he never Vew Role e HITE would have uttered until Rocke- feller began to breathe genially down his neck. For the Vice-Presi- dent, until lately, has been in the rock-'em, sock-'em school of poli- tics. One of .his old models in the school was a man not overfond of him, Harry S. Truman. But Nixon now follows the basic techniques not of Truman but of Franklin D. Roosevelt. Roosevelt maintained power largely by tying himself close to great all-national issues. This, and not merely his famous personality, enabled him to sustain a quite illogical coali- tion between conservative South- ernkplanters and Detroit auto workers. * * * NIXON, in sum, is now becom- ing what he always would have preferred to be, an issue politician as distinguished from a personality politician. This probably explains his improving place in the polls. He has decided that the public is already a bit tired of the "old faces"-including Nixon's. And he knows ghat in any personality con- test with Nelson Rockefeller he would be fighting in the wrong field. He is, therefore, moving to. force Rockefeller to engage him in quite another field-the field of largely impersonal issues. The odds are at least even that before it is over Rockefeller will. find himself playing in Nixon's ballpark. (Copyright 1959, by United Feature Syndicate, Inc.) LETTERS TO THE EDITOR: 'Radical' Replies SGC IN REVIEW: Concerning the executive Session INTERPRETING THE NEWS: World- Law Still Goal By J. M. ROBERTS Associated Press News Analyst WHEN THE LEAGUE of Nations was disin- terred after World War II so the United Nations could take over some of its functions, the name of the Permanent Court of Inter- national Justice was changed, not without irony, to the International Court of Justice. 'Permanence had not been found to be a very applicable word when applied to machinery designed to provide for peaceful settlement of international disputes. The idea of a world court to which nations could take their disputes grew out of an old practice, that of submitting matters to arbi- tration. But no fundamental conflicts such as the cold war have ever been handled that way. Indeed, insofar as major matters are con- cerned, the postwar court has more often ap- peared somewhat like a trustee in bankruptcy rather than a living and decisive factor be- tween nations. Nevertheless, some American statesmen have always advocated peaceful settlements under a code of international law, before an inter- national court of objective judicial bearing. THE IDEA, though not a practical approach to its implementation, has received new im- petus under the advocacy of President Dwight Now Vice-President Richard Nixon has sug- gested that all future international agreements should contain clauses for submission of inter- pretative disputes to the world court, with the signatories binding themselves to accept the court's decision. Under such a system, presumably, the pres- ent argument over Berlin would be submitted to the court. Khrushchev, for instance, could argue that times have changed the status of Berlin, while the Allies might reply that per- haps there had been change, but not as much as the Russian dictator tries to make out. Then the court would decide just what the status of Berlin should be, and everybody would be bound to follow its decision. That is an overdrawn picture, of oourse. IN THE FIRST PLACE, many international agreements which the world tries to live by, or fails to live by, are merely understandings between men who later die or pass out of posi- tions of responsibility. The thoughts of dead men in a dead era offer little evidence upon which judicial de- cisions can be based. In these days specific agreements, which could then be made subject to judicial rather than unilateral interpretation, have proved im- possible among the nations that are really By PHILIP POWER Daily Staff Writer WITH THE appointment on Wednesday of Richard Ugo- retz to the vacant Student Gov- ernment Council seat, the last act of this year's tragi-comedy star- ring Mike Fishman and the Coun- cil has probably been concluded. Dramatically, the ending was too anticlimactic to be really effective. At the meeting, Scott Chrysler presented a petition urging Fish- man's appointment that he said was signed by over 1,100 students. The Council then went into execu- tive session and emerged, as ex- pected, with Ugoretz's appoint- ment confirmed. THE MOVE to executive session was wise. It was customary pro- cedure before in similar situations. Obviously, it was not designed to deny the campus its proper repre- sentation on the Council. Previ- ously, consideration of Fishman's election violation had been carded on in public, and there was no rea- son to believe that since then any new and startling information had been turned up which we being kept from the campus. Further, the Council made careful provision to obtain any pertinent informa- tion from constituents present at the meeting so nobody with any- thing to say was unjustly silenced. Such action should have been taken at the start of the incident. TTad the Council mnved into x- ing their vote on other things which they were either afraid or unwilling to say in an open session. Then too, it would have saved Fishman the personal discomfort and harm incurred when his name and actions were dragged out into the open. The same end result, with the same preservation of SGC's integrity, would have come about had discussion of the prob- lem remained private, and Fish- man's reputation would not be further endangered. For the Council, the issue would not have been inflated beyond its true importance had it been han- dled quietly; and the Council would not have become embroiled in a rather fruitless and legalistic discussion of why it couldn't seat -and later on, appoint-Fishman. Ex-Council president Maynard Goldman said when the issue first arose that "A deliberative body clearly has the right to determine its own membership." Further comment, protest and analysis which has hurt SGC's reputation at a bad time, all of which be- came more and more sophistic as time went on, would have been unnecessary had the issue been disposed of in a quiet, tasteful manner. The Council has an obligation to the campus, but this does not in- clude hanging out its dirty laun- dry for all to see for no useful purpose. To the Editor: I WOULD like to thank Mr. Ohl- son for the honor of being labeled a radical. However, Mr. Ohlson shows a certain naivete in his use of the term. A genuine radical would not take the time nor the effort to go to the state legislature or petition the Presi- dent which are, after-all, demo- cratic methods. Mr. Ohlson worries about the function of a university and whether I am "a serious student desirous of gaining an education." I see the function of a university to be to provide a-meet- ing-ground for the free exchange of all ideas. My conception of edu- :cation is that I should become aware of as many ideas as is pos- sible, and that I should apply those ideas outside of the class- room. Is not the purpose of the "serious studnt" to earn to apply his knowledge? He fears that the University is becoming "a haven for the radical fringe," and says that the "proper authorities should take appropriate action quickly" to ferret out all who are dissen- tors from his norm. Who are the proper authorities and what is appropriate action? He worries about the reputation that I and other "radicals" are giving the University. Universities rarely be- come great or gain secure reputa- tions because of the ideas which they censor but rather by the encouragement they give to free and open discussion. In summing up. Mr. Ohlson believes me to be a radical because I am for desegre- gation in both the North and the South. If this be radicalism, let us make the most of it! -Terre Bissell, '60 Bantus . .. To the Editor: AFTER . reading Prof. Israel- stam's comments on the prob- lems of South Africa I felt he rather meant to say, "Before you judge the Union of South Africa, learn all the sides of the problem. and' live there for a time. Then you will become most confused and lost." It appears he got your staff writer confused; otherwise I should think Prof. Israelstam is just a bundle of inconsistencies and an intellectual mediocrity. I am praying for the day when some honest South African white would tell the following facts to the nutside wnrld.: to join trade unions or stage a strike in support of legitimate wage deinands. 4) That it is high treason In South Africa for any *person, be he whit., colored or black to talk of the rule of law, civil rights or democracy. 5) And the ,most 'interesting of all, that the University of Wit- watersrand was the first to put the Bantu Education Act into ef- fect by asking the African medi- cal students, some of them seniors, to withdraw from school. I wish to tell Prof. Israelstama that it is a plain untruth for any- one to claim that the Bantus have a higher standard of education and better health standards than any black race in Africa. He should also note that he is talking to a well-informed and civilized people at the University of Michi- gan! L. A. K. Quashle DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN The Daily Official Bulletin is a official publication of The Univer- sity of Michigan for which The Michigan Daily assumes no edi- torial responsibility. Notices should be sent in TYPEWRITTEN form to Room 3519 Administration Build- ing, before 2 p.m. the day preceding publication. Notices for Sunday Daily due at 2:00 p.m. Friday. SATURDAY, APRIL 18, 1959 XOL. LXIX, NO. 39 Academic Notices All applicants for the doctorate who are planning to take the May prelim- inary examinations in Education, May 27, 28, 29, 30. must file their names with the Chairman of Advisers to Graduate Students, 4019 University High School, not later than May 1. Doctoral Examination for Richard Campbell Faulkner, Chemical Engi- neering; thesis: "Experimental Deter- mination of the Thermodynamic Prop- erties of Gases at Low Temperatures and High Pressures," Mon., April 20, 3201 E. Engrg. Bldg. at 3:15 p.m. Chair- man, D. L. Katz. Doctoral Examination for John Henry Holland, Communication Sciences; the- sis: "Cycles in Logical Nets," Mon., April 20, 2216 AngellrHal at 4:00 p.m. Chairman, A. W. Burks. Student Recital: Muriel Greenspon. mezzo-soprano, Aud. A, Angell Hall, i A I The State Portrait w I L .~.tAd