Bu x
Get Award
(Continued from Page 1)
City Plans Ahead for Population Shift
Clinic Researches, Offers Guidance
United States has not extended
The Communist government
later in 1951 sold the jade to a
citizen of India named Singh. The
sale which was for $60,000 took
place in Shanghai. Singh then
took the collection to India.
Singh in turn sold the collection
to a representative of the Doe
Museum of New York, a corpora-
tion, for $100,000. The contract
was fully executed in New Delhi.
Also at the time of the sale the
full history of the collection was
disclosed to the buyer, including
the confiscation.
Jade Displayed
The Doe Museum took the col-
lection to New York and put it on
display. Smith heard of it and
came to New York to claim it.
Both his demand for the return of
the collection or for payment for
it were refused by the respondent.
He filed for return of the jade
or for payment of $200,000, which
was considered to be its present
value on April 1, 1957 in the
United States District Court for
the Southern District of New
At this trial the respondent in-
cluded in his pleading possibly
relevant Chinese and Indian law,
while the petitioner introduced a
letter from the Secretary of State
which stated in part the United
States has not recognized the so-
called nationalization decrees of
the Chinese Communist govern-
ment and also the United States
recognizes the Nationalist govern-
ment as the only lawful govern-
ment of China.'
Parties Agree
Both parties agreed that no gov-
ernment regulations on trading
apply to objects of art such as
the jade and also that the statute
of limitations has not extinguished
Smith's claim.
The District Court decided in
favor of the Doe Museum and the
United States Court of Appeals for
the Second Circuit affirmed the
verdict. In October of 1958 the
Supreme 'Court of the United
SStates agreed to hear the case.
Used Three Points
The petitioners based their ar-
" guments for the compensation of
Smith for his jade on three main
points. In part these were based on
the United States non-recognition
of Red China. Because of this any
decrees made by that country
., legalizing such seizures cant not be
acceptable'., Even not. considering
the non-recognition, they con-
tinued, this seizure was a violation
of public international law. -
In their arguments the respond-
' ents claimed under both Indian
law and the laws of New York the
Museum had a legal claim to the
jade. They) also stressed the point
that although we do not officially
recognize Communist China, it
must be granted they have a
sovereign right to govern and
make laws within the Chinese
Miller Calls
Delense Test
'Good Session'
Yesterday's Civil Defense test
was "a very good practice session,'
Washtenaw County Civil Defense
Director Gerald 4r. Miller said last
"I think we got a pretty clear
picture of what we still have to
do," he said, adding that he would
have fuller information next
Sirens blew about 11:30 a.m.
and 1:30 p.m., and citizens were
requested to tune in to a CONEL-
1RAD broadcast from 11:30 to
noon.- City and county Civil De-
fense units swung into action to
work on pretended problems due
to radioactive fallout from pre-
:ended bombings of large cities in
Miller said he was happy over
the number of people that called
in, as Indicating interest on their
part. Yet he also expressed dis-
appointment that they asked such
basic questions about what they
should do.
Dr. Harry -R. Shipman, recent-
ly-appointed'Ann Arbor Civil De-
fense Director, said he was "very
much pleased" with the test. He
said the twenty-odd workers in
the communications center "did
very well," cooperating seriously:
He will meet with the various
city departments and department
heads involved in the test to see
how preparations could be im-
. "My puone rang constantly," he
said, with people asking questions
and even volunteering services.
For example, one retired nurse'
called and offered to get together
(EDITOR'S NOTE: This is the sixth
Iu a series of articles dealing with
the Institute for Human Adjust-
"Words and feelings" were de-
scribed as the primary tools in
the treatment of people with emo-
tional problems at the psychologi-
cal clinic, a division of the Insti-
tute for Human Adjustment.
Directed by Prof. Frederick
Wyatt of the psychology depart-
ment, the clinic provides diagnos-
tic and treatment facilities for
adults and children and conducts
an active program in graduate
training and research. -
Further explaining the ap-
proach to treatment, Prof. Justin
L. Weiss, assistant director of the
clinic, pointed out that a close
emotional relationship between
client and psychologist is neces-
sary to achieve improvement.
Through this relationship a pa-
tient becomes aware of the scope
of his feelings and ideas.
Provides Relaxation
By providing a relaxed atmos-
phere in which defensiveness may
be progressively eased, the treat-
mentseeks to help the client to
understand, to accept and to
modify his reaction patterns and
their role in his difficulties. In its
diagnostic and therapeutic work
the clinic is aided by psycho-,
analysis contributions and social
science data.
Both adults and children may
use the clinic's diagnostic, treat-
ment and consultation services.
Typical treatment cases fall in
the- moderate range of disturb-
ances with severe emotional prob-
-Daily-Robert Kaplan
UNDER CONSTRUCTION--A new junior high school which will serve the rapidly expanding northwest section of Ann Arbor will be
ready for occupancy in September, by approximately 1,000 students. This new school is part of a 10-year program planned by the
city for building new schools to serve the shifting population.
lems or complicating medical dif-
ficulties being referred to psychi-
atric facilities.
These same services, Prof. WeissI
pointed out are not available to
University students at the clinic.'
The counseling division of the In-
stitute along with Health Service
are equipped to handle their prob-
Grad Students Work
Working with the professional
staff which includes six faculty
members of the psychology de-
partment and social work and
medical consultant, the clinic em-
ploys 15 graduate students who
are participating in a training
program. Carrying out both treat-
ment and diagnostic assignments,
advanced and intermediate grad-
uatse gain field experience while
under intensive supervision.
'Ensian Uses
Fate rTIheMe
The 1959 edition of the Mich!-
ganensian, the University's year-
book, will have "Destiny's Wheel"
as its theme.
An attempt will be made, ac-
cording to, C. David Martenson,
'59Ed.,-to make this year's 'Ensian
a "unified book." As part of this
unification, the honoraries and
professional fraternities will be
placed with the respective schools
they represent.
The yearbook will have several
new features this year, including
a new section on culture, which
will summarize the 1958-59 sea-
son's lectures, concerts, special
films and drama events.
Features on International Week
and Spring Weekend will be in-
cluded in the seven pages of color
contained in the 'Ensian. There
will be a color foldout picture of
the stadium, equivalent to three
ordinary pages in size.,
Part of the graduates' work i
done with children who are re
ferred to the clinic by schooli
courts, physicians or other agen
Before being accepted for treat
ment they are evaluated in i
series of diagnostic sessions whicl
involve tests, interviews and ii
the case of younger children, pla;
materials and situations.
Parents' Aid Sought
The clinic also interviews th
parents to obtain a reasonabl
complete picture of the total con
text in which the problem ha
arisen. Compiling all of the dati
the entire staff reviews the infor
mation and arrives at a recoin
mended plan.
Involving either treatment a
referral, the plan is shown to th
parents for their opinion. For a
of the services provided, the clini
charges fees according to a slid
ing scale based upon income an
number of dependents.
Along with training and servic
the clinic also has established
research program. One of th
present projects involves an exam
ination of the various aspects o
the maternal role in relation t
seeking help for children and hoi
they view the clinic.
I 0rganiauon
French Club, recital with Robert an
Lydia Courte, April 21, 8 p.m., Ange
Hall, Aud. A.
Gamma Delta: Luth. Stud. Clul
meet at the Student Center for "Splas
Party" at Women's Pool, April 18, 7:
p.m., Luth. Stud, Center, 1511 Wasb
* * *
Graduate Outing Club, hiking, Apr
19, 2 p.m., meet in back of Rackhar
(N.W. entrance).
Mich. Christian Fellowship, April 1
4 p.m., Lane Hall. Speaker: Rev. I
Buteyn, "After This the Judgement
-Daily-Robert Kaplan
DIRECTS PLANNING - School superintendent Jack Elzay points
out population clusters on a map showing the distribution of
school children in Ann Arbor, with a pin representing each child.
Conference To Discuss
Coll e e Reli i on Trend
Student members of religious
groups in universities and colleges
throughout . the country will con-
clude a two-day conference today
at the University.
The meeting is the second. In-
tercollegiate Conference on Stu-
dent Religious Activities spon-
sored by the Council of Student
Religious Organizations.
Prof. G. B. Harrison of the Eng-
lish department spoke on "The
Student and Religion on Campus"
following a dinner meeting last
night At the Father Richard Cen-
Discuss Religion
Later in the evening, small
group seminars were held at the
center to discuss "How is Religion
an Integrative Force in the Life
of the Student?"
Prof. Benjamin Willerman of
the Counseling Bureau of the Uni-
versity of Minnesota will speak on
"The Program of Religion and
Student Values" at the Lutheran
Chapel at 9 a.m.
At 10:30 this morning, a group
will discuss "How Organizational
Work is Related to Religious Life."
The panelists will be Rev. John
F. Bradley of the Board of Re-
ligious Counselors, Prof. George
Mendenhall of the Near Eastern
studies department, and a third
person yet to be selected.
Give Seminars
Small group seminars will give
students an opportunity to dis-
cuss the current trend toward
schools and departments of re-
ligion in state supported schools
School Board
Budget Plans
Members of the Ann Arbor
Board of Education discussed a
detailed budget for the 1959-60.
school year at an informal meet-
ing last night.
A booklet containing budget
estimates will be submitted to the
Washtenaw County Tax Alloca-
tion Board. Total estimated budget
for tho year is just shy of $5 mil-
lion. This is an increase of. $168
thousand over the current -budget.
It was noted at the meeting
that adult education, including
-iir rrn iv i l af n al~
at 1:15 p.m. at the Presbyterian
Norman Miller, '60L, will lead
an evaluation session of the con-
Fazlur Rahman of the Institute
of Islamic Studies, McGill Univer-
sity, will discuss "The Importance"
of Inter-Religious Perspectives."
Will Not Take
Reelection Bid,
A-map of Ann Arbor with a pin
for every child in the city sits in
the basement of a former school
building on Wells St.
Each May a school-census is
taken, and the pins moved around
to mark the children's current
homes. This process, central to the
city's complex planning for new
schools, is directed by school su-
perintendent Jack Elzay,
Currently the city is building
one school, the northwest junior
high on Sunset Road at the in-
tersection of Newport.
To Take Bids
In addition, a six-room addi-
ition to North Side Elementary
is off the drawing boards, he said,
and bids will be taken Wednesday.
Two elementary schools, one in
Buhr Park in the southeast and
another in Lakewood in the west,
are planned for occupancy in
September, 1960, but "neither is on
the boards yet" according to Elzay.
He explained he is now in the
process of inspecting brochures
from 22 or 23 architects, looking
at buildings they've built and talk-
ing to their owners.
Elzay Screens
He will narrow -the choice to
seven or eight firms, then submit
their applications to the school
board for interviews, Elzay con-
All of these projects are part of
a 10-year program for qew schools,
subject to population shift or
other difficulties.
But the plans are unlikely to be
very far wrong.
Missed by 23
"This year," Elzay said, "we have
11,000 students in school and
missed by 23."
But coming this close isn't very
hard, he said, with the annual
census and a correction factor of
twice as many entering school as
leaving each year.
And the school system follows
closely other groups which plan
for city growth, he said.
Follows Prediction
Detroit Edison Co.'s prediction
is extremjely accurate, he illus-
trated, particularly since electrical
service doesn't follow new building
but goes with it.
Likewise, he is constantly con-
Declines Board
Rep. George W. Sallade, (R-Ann
Arbor), said yesterday he does not
wish reappointment to the city's
Human Relations Commission be-
cause of the press of legislative
In a letter to Mayor Cecil O.
Creal, he praised the group's work
and urged the mayor and City
Council to strengthen its re-
Sallade's term will expire on
May 4 as will the terms of Herman
Jacobs and Albert H. Wheeler. The
councilman-member of the com-
mission will also be appointed- at
that time. The post has been held
by Councilman Richard Dennard.
Commission appointments are
made by the mayor with council
The state legislature is faced
with three rival plans to provide
from $300 million to over $370
million a year in state aid to
public schools.
The latest proposal is the Michi-
gan Education Association plan for
a distribution based on a unit of
27 pupils for each certified em-
ployee-a system that emphasized
class size.
The bill was introduced by Rep.
Allison Green (R-Kingston) floor
leader in the House.
County Tells
Renewal Plan
A renewal project, comparable
to Ann Arbor's Urban Renewal
program, is being considered for
12 townships in the eastern section
of Washtenaw County, according
to County Planning Director Rob-
ert D. Carpenter.
"We hope to get federal funds
so that we can draw up a county
master plan," Carpenter said. "I
have asked Ivan D. Carson, re-,
gional director of urban , renewal,
to inform us of our eligibility as
to the grant limitation that would
be placed on our project and the
steps necessary to accomplish our
Carpenter has informally don-
tacted Tracey Augur, director of
Urban Planning Assistance, and
Harold Merrill, his assistant, in
The area considered for the
renewal plan includes 432 square
miles, 18 cities, villages and town-
ships, and has a population of
approximately 123,491.
Townships included in the area
are Ann Arbor, Ypsilanti, Salem,
Superior, Augusta, Northfield,
Pittsfield, York, Webster, Scio,
Lodi and Saline.
The group must prove it is em-
powered legally to petition for,
and spend funds. It also must pro-
vide 50 per cent of the money
required -with non-federal funds,
and prove it is technically qualified
to perform the work.
Daily Classifieds
Bring Results
This bill would discard the pres-
ent formula-- $190 gross allow-
ance for each child plus a "de-
ductible millage" factor, based .on
the premise of equal opportunities
for all children in a class of rea-
sonable size and with a teacher
adequately paid.
Every district would have to levy
an eight mill local property tax
to qualify. The present tax is
seven mills.
In addition, the bill would order
state support for schools decreased
as local districts' ability to fl-
nance education improves.
A different measure sponsored
by the Michigan School Board As-
sociation and the State Depart-
ment of Public Instruction would
abolish the "gross allowance" plan
and divide funds on a new for-
mula averaging about $9.50 more
a child than at present. The aver-
age district would get $161 a child.
This bill would cost about $50
million dollars more than the
present law.
A measure advanced' by "equali-
zation" districts is given little
chance of passage. It is heavily
weighted in favor of poorer dis-
tricts and would cost an estimated
$345 million.
Present state aid is financed
through earmarked -sales, cigaret
and liquor taxes. These taxes are
insufficient to meet the formula,
and are being augmented by a
state general fund appropriation of
about $27 million for the current
fiscal year.
Edna St. Vincent Millay
SUNDAY, April 19,7 P.M.
No Charge
Hillel Foundation
1429 Hill Street
(By the Author of "Ratty Round the Flay, Boysl" d
"Barefoot Boy with Cheek.')-
While up in the attic last week hiding from the tax:man, I came
across a letter, yellow with age, that dear old Dad had sent me
when I was a freshman. I reproduce it below in the hope that
it may light your way as it did mine.
"Dear Son, (Dad always called me Son. This was short for
Sonnenberg, which used to be my first name. I traded it last
year with a man named Max. He threw in two outfielders and
a left-handed pitcher... But I digress.)
"Dear Son, (Dad wrote)
4 I suppose you are finding college very big and bewildering,
and maybe a little frightening too. Well, it need not be that way
if you will follow a few simple rules.
."First of'all, if you have any problems, take them to your
teachers. They want to help you. That's what they are there for.
Perhaps they seem a little aloof, but that is only because they
are so busy. You will find your teachers warm as toast and
friendly as pups if you will call on them at an hour when they
are not overly busy. Four a.m., for instance.
"Second, learn to budget yqur time. What with classes, activi-
ties, studying, and social life all competing for your time, it is
easy to fall into sloppy habits. Set up a rigid schedule and stick
to it. Remember, there are only 24 hours a day. Three of these
hours must be spent in class. For every hour in class you must,
of course, spend two hours studying. So there go six more
hours. Then, as we all know, for every hour studying, you must
spend two hours sleeping. This accounts for twelve more hours.
Then there are meals-three hours eagh for breakfast and lunch,
four hours for dinner. Never forget, Sonnenberg, you must
chew each mouthful twelve hundred times. You show me a
backward student, and I'll show you a man who bolts his food.
ferring with realtors and devel-
opers, the City Planning Commis-
sion and officials of the University,
keeping up with the plans of each.
To keep ahead of population
growth, he continued, the school
board can't build buildings "out
in nowhere" but it can and does
buy land before the developers
move in and prices rise.
Rival Aid Plans Offered
For State Public Schools
C">- I
Prof. H. Harlan Bloomer of the
speech department said recently
that he would not seek re-election
in June as president of the Ann
Arbor Board of Education.
"I regretfully announce that I
shall not be a candidate for re-
election to the Ann Arbor Board
of Education. Increased personal
and professional responsibilities
make it inadvisable for me to seek
to continue my membership on
the Board," he said.
"I hope that this announcement
will bring to the attention of other
interested citizens the need for
candidates for this office seriously
interested and deeply concerned.
"During the period of nearly
three years that I have served with
the board, a number of important
decisions have been made and
plans have been formulated which
will affect the growth of our com-
munity and the lives of our chil-
dren. These decisions and plans
have been the result of co-opera-
tive effort by members of the
school staff, the Board of Educa-
tion and interested citizens."
During our Annual "Spring Homecoming"
Sale Ends Monday, April 20 at 8:30 P.M.
C--- .U, f. . C. 1 A,, .A n 0. )A
You can only wear Bermudas
EFFECTIVELY on a cycle! A
"But college is more than just sleeping, eating, and studying.
There are also many interesting activities which you must not
miss. You'll want to give at least three hours a day to the campus
newspaper, and, of course, another three hours each to the
dramatic and music clubs. And let's say a total of eight hours
daily to the stamp club, the debating club, and the foreign
affairs club. Then, of course, nine or ten hours for fencing and
bird-walking, and another ten or twelve for ceramics and three-
card monte.
"Finally we come to the most important part of each day-
what I call 'The Quiet Time.' This is a period in which you
renew yourself-just relax and think great thoughts and smoke
Marlboro Cigarettes. Why Marlboro? Because they are the
natural complement to the active life. They have better 'makin's';
the filter filters; the flavor is rich and mellow and a treat to the
tired a boon to the spent, a safe harbor to the storm-tossed.
That's why.
"IWel onbenI -fT ues that's-abot all. Your kindly cold
BIKE " . -
f T