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April 18, 1959 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1959-04-18

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She Page 4
Sixty-Eight Years of Editorial Freedom


Hatcher 'Pleased'
H a O.r
With SSR Tour
MOSCOW (P)-An educational group headed by University Presi-
dent Harlan Hatcher yesterday ended the first week of a month's tour
of the Soviet Union.
Hatcher said he is happy at the results so far.
The University President and his companions have been visiting
higher educational institutions and have been luncheon guests of A. S.
Nesmenayev, head of the Soviet Academy of Sciences. They also have

Pick 'litlists
in Cmpbell
Barbara A. Burger, '60L, and
Jerry Borden, '60L, won the an-
nual Henry M. Campbell award
last night.
Miss Burger was the first woman
to reach the finals in the 34 years
the awards have been given. The
Campbell awards are given to the
best final arguments in a mock
courtroom case.,
George P. Kersten, '60L, and
Donald A. Hines, '59L, were run-
ners-up in the competition.
Kaufman Presided
Presiding over the case was
Judge Irving R. Kaufman of the
United States District Court for
the Southern District of New York.
The other four ,panelists included
three judges and a professor of
the University Law School.
In giving the awards Judge
Kaufman said that while the coun-
sel for the petitioner, consisting of
Kersten and Hines, had submitted
the best briefs, the respondents,
Borden and Miss Berger, had the
best overall presentation of the
case that involved international
conflict of laws.
Involves Importer
The case involves an importer of
jewelry, John Smith, who has a
shipment of jade seized by the
Communists in Red China. He was
buying in the Far East in 1948
and purchased the antique jade
ornaments for $50,000 from a
Chinese National who was selling.
them to finance his escape to For-
By staying in Communist China
to make more purchases he was
captured and his jade' seized on
government orders in 1950. Finally
without his jade he was released in
June, 1951 and returned to Eng-'
land where he was a citizen.
Some Recognize
Prior to the seizure of the jade
the governments of India and
Britain had recognized the Con-
munist government of China. The
See BURGER, Page 3
Two Released
Threats Grow
In Prison Riot
DEER LODGE, Mont. () --
Armed convicts demanding better
conditions at the Montana State
Prison released two hostages but
threatened to burn alive 21 others
held in riot-torn cell blocks last
They killed the deputy warden
and stabbed a guard when they
seized control of the 90-year-old
institution late Thursday.
Sixteen guards were among the
hostages. The others are convicts
termed stool pigeons by their fel-
lows because of their practice of
informing to prison officials.
Guard Chris Pletan, 49 years
old, and prison sociologist Walter
Jones, 24 years old, were freed
late yesterday.
Pletan, a diabetic, told news-
men "They mean b u s i n e ss.
They're not fooling.",
An uneasy peace fell on the
gray sandstone walls and the
lighted cell blocks inside as night
fell. Armed National Guardsmen
and state patrolmen watched
from six turrets atop the walls,
and others patrolled outside the

$200 Million
In Aid Asked
ate Appropriations Committee
recommended yesterday that Con-
gress provide 200 million dollars
this vpm.r +nfi-a 1n-a+

sat in classes at Moscow University
and reviewed teaching, at the Pe-
dagogicia Institute.
"I am amazed and gratified at
the high standards of their English
instruction," said Pres. Hatcher,
a former teacher in the English
department at Ohio State Univer-
Other members of the visiting
group seeking to expand exchange
agreements are Cyril James, vice-
chancellor of Mc Gill University,
Montreal; Norman Auburn, presi-
dent of Akron, Ohio, University;
William Dewey, University Rus-
sian language expert; William
Pine, Ford Motor Co. scholarship
director, and Lyle Nelson, Univer-
sity journalism instructor and
public relations chief.
They were luncheon guests to-
day of Canadian ambassador Da-
vid Johnson. Another guest was
Ivan G. Petrovsky, rector of Mos-
cow University. t
Pres. Hatcher said his group
plans to go to Leningrad next week
but will be back in Moscow for
May Day celebrations.
The following events are
scheduled for today as part of
the Creative Arts Festival:
Tours of WUOM Studios to
noon,rAdministration Bldg.
Announcement and Presen-
tation of Photography Contest
Winners, Union, main floor
lobby, 11 a.m.
-eed Funds
Next Week
The University needs definite
assurance of $3,650,000 by the end
of next week to meet its April+ 30
and May 5 payrolls, Vice-Presi-.
dent in Charge of Business and
Finance Wilbur H. Pierpont said
last night.
This sum will also cover some
of the University's payments to
creditors, he noted. A source of
the funds, rather than the cash
itself, must be found within a
week, he said. He added that the
University at present has "about
$22,000" in its treasury.
State Treasurer Sanford A.
Brown yesterday promised the
state will meet the April and May
payrolls, either through use of the
Veteran's Trust Fund or by scrap-
ing together the needed cash from
the state treasury.
The University -has repaid all
but $600,000 of the $4 million
which it borrowed from Detroit
banks in January to meet its pay-
rolls then, Pierpont explained.
University creditors are still be-
hind $900,000 in their payments,
Michigan State University has
also said it needs state funds next
week. Their first payroll falls on
April 27.

... defends regime

Castro Says
WASHINGTON (P)--Fidel Cas-
tro yesterday strongly defended
his revolutionary regime's execu-
tion of "war criminals" as a move
to restore a rule of law and justice
in his homeland.
"We are not Communists," the
bearded rebel chief, now Cuban
prime minister, told a gathering
of United States newspaper edi-
Only the worst of the war crim-
inals under the regime of ousted
dictator Fulgencia Batista, have
been executed, he said, and
No Torture
"We are trying to teach our
soldiers, our policemen that re-
gardless of the reason, people
must never be tortured or assas-
sinated for political reasons."
Some 1,000 editors and guests
jammed the main ballroom of a
Washington hotel to hear Castro,
speaking in halting English, ad-
dress the American Society of
Newspaper Editors.
In reply to questions after a 90-
minute speech, Castro made these
points :
Includes All Classes
1) His 26 of July revolutionary
movement included all classes of
people and no single group such
as Communists can take credit for
the successf,-' uprising.
2) His government "within a
few weeks" will restore the right
of habeas corpus for defendants.
This will come as soon as the
courts have been reorganized.
3) Cuba at the present time has
no intention of voiding an agree-
ment which allows the United
States to maintain a naval base
at Guantanamo Bay.
Would Host Exiles
4) Cuba will provide hospitality,
opportunity for work and help to
Latin American exiles who hope
to overthrow dictatorships in their
own homelands. But he favors a
policy of nonintervention in the
internal affairs of other Latin
American governments.:
5) His regime will maintain full
membership with the other 21
American republics in an exist-
ing treaty to defend the western
hemisphere against outside at-
tack. He avoided a direct answer
to a question about whether Cuba
would remain neutral in any war
between Russia and the United

Rackets Committee Chairman
John L. McClellan (D-Ark.),
threw his weight yesterday be-
hind a fight to knock contrver-
sial Taft-Hartley Law amend-
ments out of the Kennedy-Ervin
labor bill.
It was his first announcement
of the stand he would take in ma-
neuvering on the politically
charged measure.
The bill, co-sponsored by Sens.
John F. Kennedy (D-Mass.), and
Sam J. Ervin Jr. (D-N.C.), is de-
signed to help clean up evils in
labor-managment relations. In-
cluded in it are several Taft-
Hartley Law changes sought by
organized labor.
Would Allow Vote
Two major ones would allow
replaced strikers to vote in a bar-
gaining election and would legal-
ize prehire agreements in the con-
struction industry.
Sen. McClellan told a reporter
that retention of disputed Taft-
Hartley amendment provisions
"can, well jeopardize passage of
this important legislation."
He said such proposed changes
should be considered later as sep-
arate legislation, and that he
would "urge and insist that the
Senate Labor Committee bring
suchlegislation to the Senate
Has Moved to Strike
Sen. Ervin has moved to strike
the Taft-Hartley provisions from
the bil he is co-sponsoring, and
Sen. McClellan's announcement
lined him up on Sen. Ervin's side.
Of primary issue in the fight
over the bill are provisions to out-
law blackmail picketing and to
eliminate a "no-man's-land" in
which neither state nor federal
governments now assert jurisdic-
tion over certain labor relations
Sen. McClellan offered substi-
tutes for both provisions, plus two
other amendments which would
outlaw secondary boycotts and
"hot cargo" boycott practices i
labor disputes. The Kennedy-
Ervin bill does not deal with the
latter two issues.
Would Let Wait
He said he would let all these
wait for consideration in a later
bill if the Taft-Hartley changes
go out of the pending measure.
Sen. McClellan contended that
the bill's present ban on black-
mail picketing is far too narrow.
As he reads it, Sen. McClellan
said, it would merely forbid union
offiicals to stake out picket lines
in an effort to extort money from
an employer as the price of with-
drawing the pickets.
He said his amendment would
forbid this and also ban picketing
to "compel an employer to recog-
nize a union as bargaining repre-
sentative for his employes with-
out their consent and against
their will."
He said the Kennedy-Ervin bill's
no-man's land provision "is cum-
bersome and confusing and will
accomplish nothing."
As the Senate moved toward the
first votes on the issue next week,
Sen. Frank E. Moss (D-Utah), on
the other hand, endorsed the Ken-
nedy-Ervin bill.

LANSING (M)-Republican barbs
were hurled at Gov. G. Mennen
Williams yesterday over handling
of the first income tax bill sub-
mitted in the 1959 legislature.
It formally was filed yesterday,
signed by Rep. George W. Sallade
(R-Ann Arbor) and Rep. Walter
H. Nill (D-Muskegon). Lawmakers
quit shortly afterward for the
The bill basically was the long-
heralded measure to carry out
recommendations first outlined by
Gov. Williams in a statewide tele-
cast Jan. 30. Only rates and the
proposed exemption structure were
Disclaims Responsibility
Lawrence B. Lindemer, Republi-
can State Chairman, was quick to
disclaim any party responsibility
for the bill.

Lindemer said Sallade was "used
by the Governor's aides in a crafty
maneuver while the Governor was
out of the state to get a Republi-
can name on a graduated personal
income tax."
The chairman of the Senate
Taxation Committee, also a Re-
publican, accused Gov. Williams
of "ducking responsibility." Sen.
Clyde H.eGeerlings of Holland said
the Governor apparently "lacked
the courage" to forthrightly carry
out his own program.
Sharp Words Spoken
Other sharp words came for
other GOP sources. It was obvious
that they doubted now that Gov.
Williams would ever cause to be
introduced a bill that without
qualification- could be labeled his

GOP Says

Pauling Stresses 'Unique


Sallade Supporting Rockefeller

Polls showing ever-increasing
potularity for Vice-President
Richard M. Nixon fails to faze
Rep. George W. Sallade (R-Ann
Arbor) in his Rockefeller for
President campaign.
A Gallup Poll published Sunday
showed Nixon increasing his lead
among Republican voters and alsoi
taking over the lead among inde-
pendents. Just following the No-
vember elections, Gov. Nelson
Rockefeller grabbed a lead among
independents and was within 20
per cent of Nixon among Repub-
Since then, polls have shown
his popularity fading consistently.
Drop 'Expected'
Sallade said a drop was to be
expected due to tax bills Rocke-,
feller proposed to the New York
legislature. Tax bills are never
popular, Sallade said, but when
the benefits of the program are
realized Rockefeller will reap the
profits of his efforts.
Sallade said he had decided to
Says Herter
To Get Post
Republican Leader Everett Dirk-
sen of Illinois said yesterday he
has been assured Christian Herter
will be appointed Secretary of
State. He said ,he expects an of-
ficial announcement today.
Although he did not disclose the
exact source of his information,
Sen. Dirksen indicated that it
came from White House officials.
Sen. Dirksen said he had been
given no information on any other
shift in State Department assign-

seek a new face as. candidate in
1960 because he believed Nixon
has become the captive of his par-
ty's conservative wing. He cred-
ited this to the Vice-President's
desire for nomination.
Even assuming the two were
equal in experience and qualifi-
cations, Sallade continued, he
would support Rockefeller on his
vote-getting ability shown in his
election sweep in the face of a
Democratic sweep.
Cites Experience
However, he declared, Rocke-
feller possesses many qualifica-
tions Nixon doesn't. His experi-
ence in foreign affairs, govern-
ment, and business, and the rec-


ord of the New York legislature
since he took office show his abil-
ities as an executive, according to
Most of the Sallade campaign
for Rockefeller has been carried
on through the mail, he said. First
the different Republican state
chairmen were contacted to deter-
mine their stand on Rockefeller.
Over half of the chairmen have
replied, he continued. The amaz-
ing thing, Sallade said, is that so
few of them are actually com-
mitted to Nixon. Many have
spoken highly of Rockefeller.
Working Across Nation
"We are I attempting to set up
committees in all the states," Sal-
lade said. In Michigan, Ohio, In-
diana, Iowa, California, Florida
and Massachusetts they are in the,
advanced planning stages, he said.
A meeting of the different state
committees is being planned for
later this year or early next year,
he said. It will probably be held
either in Ann Arbor or in Wash-
ington. Unfortunately, Sallade
said, it isn't necessary for com-
mittees for Nixon to be formed
because of the wide support he
Interest Expressed
Members of Rockefeller's office
and top New York Republicans
have been contacted and they
seem interested, he said. However,
Sallade added, they echo Rocke-
feller's present intentions to serve
out his term and be a good gov-
"Ours isn't the only committee
for Rockefeller," Sallade said.
"They are being formed through-
out the country. We are trying
now to tie in all these local groups
into a national organization with
its headquarters here in Ann Ar-
bor," he added.

Michigan Hitters Rock Eastern Michigan, 12-0

Exploding with its first real offensive attack of the young spring
season, Michigan's baseball team raked four Eastern Michigan pitchers
for 13 hits and rolled to an easy 12-0 win at Ferry Field yesterday.
,The lopsided victory, the Wolverines' second in. four days over,
the Hurons, gave the squad a 3-7 record and a 2-1 mark since return-
ing from a disastrous spring trip.
For the first time this spring Coach Don Lund's squad revealed
some of its power-hitting potential to the home fans, blasting four
drives for extra bases-compared to only one extra base hit in two
previous appearances at Ferry Field.
While their teammates were on an offensive rampage, southpaws
Nick Liakonis and Bob Marcereau combined efforts to completely
baffle the visitors from Ypsilanti, giving up only five hits between
them and allowing just one Huron runner as far as second base.
Liakonis, who opened the Big Ten season for the Wolverines
last spring, made a strong bid for this season's opening Big Ten
assignment against Michigan State Friday, as he gave up only four
hits and struck out four in five innings.
Marcereau, a stubby sophomore, was even more impressive, giving
up only one hit in four innings to serve notice on one of the other
starting roles.
Starting the rnntest for theH rnna ws Ted Nix .a hi fasthallina


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