THE MICHIGAN DAILY DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN (Continued from Page 4) Summary of action taken by Stu- ent Government Council at its meet- ag April 15, 1959. Approved minutes of previous meet- :*. Appointed Richard James Ugdretz to .1 the Council vacancy for a term to cpire with the November 1959 elec- ons and issued the following state- ent in regard to this appointment,. 1) "That the selection of Mr. Ugor- z was based solely upon the petition- ig and interviewing process, and in Lew of /the Interviewing Committee as the finest selection to serve the est interests of the student body. 2) That it is the ruling of the Chair a regard to the seating of Michael ishman to fill 'this vacancy that any ppointing procedure is a direct re- ult of action taken by the Council or f members of the Council. This par- cular appointing procedure originat- 1 with the violation of election rules rd falsification of financial statement y Michael Fishman which caused the ouncil to refuse to seat him as a ember which, in turn, created a va- ancy on the Council to be filled by ppointment- procedure. Thus, the ap- ointing procedure was a direct re- ult of the election rule violation. Thus GC could not' justifiably appoint, [ichael Fishman to the vacancy which e himself created. Therefore, it would e logically absurd and parliamentarily npossible to seat Mr. Fishman in this acancy. 3) That the vote on tlje motion to eat Mr. Ugoretz on the Council was 4-0 with one abstention." The action to appoint Mr. Ugoretz nd to issue a statement was taken in ,xecutive Session. A constituents' time ras allowed prior to moving into Ex- cutive Session, during, which time the louncil received a petition on behalf f seating Michael Fishman which was aid to contain signatures of 1,100 stu- ents. Upon recommendation of the Execu- Lye Committee, the following ap- ointments were 4pproved: Orientation Study Committee: Al [aber, Tom Patterson, Philip Power. Human Relations Board: Ellen Lewis, rlene Wolinsky, Paul Litcher, Bart iurkhalter, John Quinn.% Driving Regulations Administrative 3oard: Ronald Bassey. Driving Regulations Revisions Com- nittee: Ronald Bassey, R. Bruce John- on, Betsy Varley, Robert Alan Haber. Finance Committee: Joan Comiano, John Quinn. Interviewing and Nominating Com- mittee: Roger Seasonwein, Wendy Har- ris, Sue Rockne. Received finance report. Heard report on plans being present- ed to the Clarification Committee. Approved the following activities: April 27: Hillel Foundation, cultural program, "Songs of Many Lands," Martha Schlamme, folksinger, 8:30 p.m., Hillel Foundation. IFC-Panhel Greek Week: May 11: Sing, 7:30 p.m., Hill Aud, May 13: "Pick-Up" Jazz Concert, 7:30 p.m., steps of Clements Library. May 16: Picnic at Island Park, 11:00 a.m., to include group games. Tabled a motion to grant recogni- tion to the Baptist Student Union un- til further relative information is avail- able.. Approved motion directing that a letter be sent to recipients designated by the Michigan Region NSA in sup- port of the USNSA policy relating to the proposed Extension of University Education Bill in the Union of South Africa, and endorsing the protest to the proposed legislation contained in a letter from the Michigan Region NSA setting \ forth the following: 1) Reaffirms its condemnation of all forms of racial discrimination and seg- regation in education, believing that these can never give equality of edu- cation to all students, regardless of race, color or creed. 2) Denounces the present ever- increasing policy of racial discrimina- tion in education in South Africa as b e i n g fundamentally incompatible with the rights of all students to ac- cess a full education. 3) Believes that the intention of the government to impose segregation upon the remaining unsegregated universi- ties is similarly without justification and restricts the autonomy of these universities by forcing them to dis- criminate in their admissions policy. Adopted a motion directing the Edu- cation and Student Welfare Commit-. tee to investigate the possibility of set- ting up under Council sponsorship a ticket exchange service for University Lecture and Concert series. Adopted a motion directing that the Student Activities Committee investi- gate the possibility of instituting a plan whereby students would be able to sell or receive a refund for their student season football ticket booklet. The Committee should report to the Council before the end of the semester. ' Proclaimed Academic Freedom Week: April 20-26 and encouraged students as individuals and through their organi- zations, to discuss principles of aca- demic freedom and assess their reali- zation at the University of Michigan. Adopted motion expressing dissatis- faction with the spring examination schedule and requesting the Calendar- ing Committee and responsible admin- istrative agencies to discuss the rea- sons for the scheduling. Particular con- cern with the compression of a major- ity of the examinations in the first week, thus detracting from the oppor- tunity to integrate and reflect on course material was expressed in the motion. School of Music: Applications now being received for Honors Scholar Pro- gram for 1959-60. Forms available in School of Music office. Deadline for re- ceipt of applications by the Honors Council, Mon., April 27. Lectures Prof. Wynne-Edwards, Univ. of Louis- ville, Ky. "Population Density and So- cial Behavior of Game in Scotland", 4041 Nat. Sci. Bldg. at 1:30 p.m. on Fri., April 17. Concerts Student Recital Cancelled: The piano recital by Robert Blasch previously an- nounced for Fri., April 17, has been postponed till a later date. Academic Notices Automatic Programming and Nu- merical Analysis Seminar. Prof. Har- vey L. Garner, "Residue Number Sys- tems, " Fri., April 17, at 4:00 p.m. in 3209 Angell Hall.' Aeronautical and Astronautical En- gineering Dept. Seminar: Fri., April 17, 4 p.m., Rm. 1508 E. Engrg. Bldg. Prof. Elmer G. Gilbert "A Cross-Spectral Density Analyzer for Turbulence Mea- surements." Psychology Colloquium: "Uncon- sciousProcesses." Dr. Charles W. Brik- sen, Ill. U. Psych. Dept. 4:15 p.m., Fri., April 17, Angell Hall. Engineering Mechanics Seminar, Mon., April 20 at 4:00 p.m. Rm. 311, W. Engrg. Bldg. Dr. J.,M. Burgers, Re- search Professor at the Institute of Fluid Mechanics and Applied Mathe- matics, U. of Md. "Rotational Motion of a Visco-Elastic Sphere." Placement Notices The following companies will inter- view at the Bureau of Appointments, 4001 Admin., Bldg., Ext. 3371. Wed., April 22: The U.S. Marine Corps. Manufacturers Life Insurance Co., Detroit, Mich. Graduates: June, Aug. Men with a degree in Liberal Arts or Business Administration for sales train- ing program. Thurs., April 23: The U.S. Marine Corps. Fri., April 24: The U.S. Marine Corps. The Procter & Gamble Distributing Co., Cincinnati, O. Graduates: June. Men with any degree in Liberal Arts. or Business Administration for sales management training. Personnel Requests: State of Michigan Civil Service. Exams for math, trainee (closing date: April 29) and Sewage Disposal Plant Operator (closing date: May 6). Job opening in Ann Arbor for Medi- cal Technician to work with small ani- mals. Will involve training at first. Permanent, woman preferably, who will work for 'at .least 2-3 yrs. United Memorial Hospital, Greenville, Mich, Registered lab. technician to take charge of lab if qualified or as an asst. Central Adevrtising Agency, Inc., Lima, Ohio. Men, graduating soon, to fit into agency trainee program. Parti- ularly interested in those with basic education in advertising, marketing and journalism. Twin Cities Chamber of Commerce, Benton Harbor, Mich. General asst. manager. College degree, intelligence, and completion of military service. Dexter Industries, Grand 'Rapids;, Mich. Man to wor kin Product Engrg. Dept. as a Prod. Engrg. Mech. Engrg. degree, 26-35 years old. Cleveland Hts. Public Library, Ohio People to fill the positions of: Clerical Asst. at Circulation desk, t nd Sub- Professional Asst. in Adult Dept. The following companies will not be visiting campus but would appreciate receiving applications of interested stu- dents. If you wish to apply for any of the following positions, please contact the office so that we may forward copies of credentials. Indianapolis Morris Plan, 110 E. Washington St., Indianapolis, Ind: Mr. W. X. Marsh, Asst. Personnel Manager. Men with a degree in Liberal Arts or Business Admin.. for Management Training Program. Salary Range: $400- $500/mo. The Curtis Publishing, Co., Inde- pendence Square, Philadelphia 5, Pa. Mr. Alan H. Martin, Asst. Manager, Personnel Division. Men and women with a degree in Liberal Arts, Busi- ness Administration, Journalism, or Engineering for Curtis Training Pro- gram. Dept. of Health, Education and Wel- fare, Social Security Administration, 602 Standard 01i Bldg., Baltimore 2, Md. Miss Elizabeth Mulholland, Per- sonnel Officer. Men and women with a degree in Sociology, History, Econom- ics, Geography, Psychology, Interna- tional Relations, Social Welfare, Poli- tical Science, Public Administration, Statistics, Education, Social or Cultur- al Anthropology, Philosophy, English, Modern Language or Classics for Claims Representative Trainee. Federal Service Entrance Examination given on May 9, applications must be on file by April 23. Standard Oil Cg. of Ohio. Profession- al, Tech., and Specialized Personnel: in Engrg., Liberal Arts, Math., Chemistry, Economics, and many others. For further information concerning any of the above positions, contact the Bureau of Appointments, 4001 Admin., Ext. 3371. r ii ,f MARTHA SCHLAMME international folksinger SONGS of MANY LANDS april 27-8:30 p.m. hillel foundation $1.00 members... $1.50 non-members TICKETS NOW ON SALE 9-12 a.m. 1-5 p.m. 7-10 B'nai B'rith Hillel Foundation 1429 Hill St. E L -i1 im- Use. Daily Classifieds! FOR THE VERY FINEST IN FOOD 0~0 0 1 * ITALIAN SPAGHETTI ,Gy * CHICKEN-IN-THE-BASKET ... .to takesout .. . * THREE DECKER SANDWICHES * HOME-MADE PIES ANGELO'S RESTAURANT 1100 . Ctbariae .. OPEN 7 A.M.-8 P.M. . .. 7days a woek i the PaInt (*tettupant State Street on the Campus IT SERVING BETTER DINNERS FOR LESS* Dinner Hours: 5-7 P.M. Open Monday through Saturday 7 A.M.-7 P.m. Good food .. expertly served, tri pleasant surroundings, to the most exacting taste. , \ )J . , 9 family celebration * extra guests *special',girl'! Entertain them in the modern, spacious Dining Room of THE MCHIGAN UNION featuring steaks, lobster, rib roast, special dinners and inexpensive luncheons SERVING HouRs: Monday thru Saturday 7:30 to 9:00; 11:45 to 1:30; 5:45 to 7:45. Sunday 8:00 to 10:00; 12:30 to 2:30; no evening service. AIR-CONDITIONED The BROWN JUG (1edtaumftt SPAGHETTI and RAVIOLI OUR SPECIALTY 1204 South University Hours--10:30-7:30 Closed Saturdays CHUCKHENRY'S CHUK WGONI S=- .......... Luneheons, 11::30 to 2:00 Dinners, 5:00 to 7:00 Sunday: Dinners,12:00 to 3:00 Closed Mondays We suggest that you telephone- for reservations. Vhe Corner Nowe S. Thayer at Washington in Ann Arbor A block west of Rackham Bldg.--NO 8-6056 I The GOLDEN APPLES LUNCH and DINNERS FAMOUS FOR Fine Salads & Sandwiches ROAST BEEF Restaurant.. . Serving your favorite BEER, WINES and CHAMPAGNE - Pizza Pie Served After 8 P.M. - Open From II A.M. to 11 P.M. BANQUET FACILITIES AVAILABLE 2045 PACKARD ering at Your Home or Hal NO 2-1661 Henry Turner, Prop. features for your enjoyment CHICKEN* STEAK* SEAFOOD SMORGASBORD also BUFFET LUNCHEONS 11 A.M. --2 P.M. ALL YOU CAN EAT for $1.00 TOWER HOTEL For A Delicious Dinner in Ann Arbor 0 pDine at WEBER'S VEAL CUTLETS rolled in country fresh egg yolks and bread crumbs, served with tomato creole sauce, includes whipped Idaho or baked potatoes, with sour cream and chive dressing, home made rolls and butter and bur colorful relish- troy .... ..-... ---" . --- ---1.95 SELECTED JUMBO GULF SHRIMP, a favorite seafood fried golden brown and served with snappy sauce and lemon wedge; includes French fried or whipped Idaho potatoes. Also fresh hot rolls and butter and relish tray with pickled beets, bean salad, chopped chicken livers, corn relish and cottoge cheese and chives "........... ...... . ... .........: ... 1.95 BROILED CENTER CUT JERSEY PORK CHOPS, cranberry applesauce, whipped Idaho potatoe with sour cream and chive dressing, hot home- made rolls and butter, also our special appetizer tray with corn relish, pickled beets, chopped chicken livers; cottage cheese and chives and ripe ONE HALF OF TENDER MILK FED CHICKENdisjointed, fried to a golden brown, served with French fried or baked potatoes, sour cream and chive dressing, hot fresh home made rolls and butter and our colorful relish tr:ay . " ......... . ...., . .... ....... .. .. , 2.14 BROILED FRESH LAKE TROUT, the aristocrat of the Great Lakes, served with lemon wedge and tartar sauce, whipped Idaho potatoes or baked potatoes with sour cream and chive dressing and tempting hot rolls and butter. Our colorful relish tray with pickled beets, cottage cheese, corn relish, chopped chicken livers and ripe olives .g,.. ................",....$2.I TENDERLOIN STEAK, skillfully broiled to perfection, crisp, seared on the outside, juicy tender 4 NO 2-4531 300 South Thayer GONDOLA YPSILANTI'S FINEST RESTAURANT and COCKTAIL LOUNGE Serving Sunday 12:30-9:00 P.M. ,DSMORGASBORD U I A II I I ' I -M A The Best in Oriental Cuisine S-I Our chefs are ready to prepare c the most delicious food for your enjoyment. ANTO ALL STUDENTS SAND FACULTY" n 11