"Do You Have To Bring Up Techlnicalities?" EheAir- 4gatt Bal Sixty-Ninth Year EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN "When Opinions Are Free UNDER AUTHORITY OF BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS Truth Will Prevail" STUDENT PUBLICATIONS BLDG. * ANN ARBOR, MICH. * Phone No 2-3241 Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints. FRIDAY, APRIL 17, 1959 NIGHT EDITOR: CHARLES KOZOLL Competition To Enter 'U' Will Justifiably Increase THOSE who are in college and concerned about the academic competition might be able to take a little comfort from the recent announcement by the Director of University admissions that next year's freshman class is practically filled up. Clyde Vroman's statement that 4,404 students haye already been accepted for next fall, a figure 15 per cent ahead of last year's accept- ances at this time, points to the University's speedier processing policy. Vroman says new methods, which require an enrollment fee, are -part of experimental measures to manage the "tidal wave" of students expected from the high schools. The admissions director added that the Uni- versity would like to carry its share of the increased load but this depends upon appro- priations.,, S usual however, appropriations are highly undependable. The lack of legislative worry over the fate of the state's schools becomes evident with each daily dispatch, filled with the old terms "sent to committee," "called a political gesture," and "we're still looking for a better solution." One distinguished legislator, Sen. John Smeekens (R-Coldwater) even declared last week that "the state's reported financial crisis is a complete phony." Apparently, none of the suppliers and con- tractors still owed money by the University and/or the state are located in Sen. Smeeken's district. And apparently, Sen. Smeekens ("they laughed at me when I introduced it in the '30's) has forgotten about his proposal last month that the state prepare to issue scrip. In the face of legislative lack of concern about providing adequate facilities for those in school and those yet to come as part of the flood of war babies, the University should con- centrate on what it claims is its concern- quality education. THE University's obligation to provide for the increasing numbers of applicants is no greater than the state's obligation to provide proper support. Competition to gain admittance to the Uni- versity will undoubtedly increase, but it is the job of those in Lansing to be able to explain it to constituents whose children can't get a good education. The "supported" in the phrase state supported university implies something posi- tive . . . something which still is missing in legislator actions or thinking. -Michael Kraft, Editorial Director ,; . ."' /5'' ~j haunting face of his friend, andt Laglen plays the role of Nolan with great understanding and con- trolled pathos; the character, how- ever, does not seem quite real. The act of informing is certainly in- consistent with most of the Jimbo we see. , The symbolic treatment of Ju- das' betrayal is at times senti- mental, and not quite analogous. F'rankie McPhillips is at best a very significant Christ. Butbmore important, in a portrait of Judas, one would expect the chief force to be guilt; in Nolan, it is fear at being caught and, later, self-pre- servation that are the motives for his action. The treatment loses much of its possible effectiveness. * * * MAX STEINER'S music and Ford's directorial touches give a perfect picture of revolutionary Ireland. The music, while being "intrigue-y," is interspersed with older Irish ballads and lyrics that give the ,definite impression that Ireland was not always like this; Ireland once was gay. But it is in short sequences that Ford's art- istry is best apparent: he creates suspense by playing a few flash- lights on a wall; he induces fear by the mere burning of a poster; and he characterizes. the arrogance of an entire army in the way the Black-and-Tan officer hands over Nolan's reward. The ending is a little sentimental for the chrome-plated Fifties. Per- haps it is out of place; the Com- mandant of the revolutionaries keeps saying, "This is no time for sentiment." But it may have a more subtle, more significant bear- ing; it may be a statement that there is no such thing as an im- proper time for sentiment. --Fred Schaen the changes Jimbo undergoes. Mc- EMILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN The Daily Official Bulletin is an official publication of The Univer- sity of Michigan for which The Michigan Daily assumes no edi- torial responsibility. Notices should be sent in TYPEWRITTEN form to Room 3519 Administration Build- ing, before 2 p.m. the day preceding publication. Notices for Sunday Daily due at 2:00 p.m. Friday. FRIDAY, APRIL 17, 1959 VOL. LXIX, NO. 38 General Notices Law School Admission Test: Candi- dates taking the Law School Admission Test on April 18 requested to report to Rm. 130 Bus. Ad. Bldg. at 8:30 a.m. Sat. Astronomy Dept. Visitors' Night. Fri., April 17, 8:00 p.m., Rm. 2003 Angell Hall. Dr. William E. Howard III "Distances in Astronomy." Student Observatory on the fifth floor of Angell Hal 'will be open for inspection and for telescopic observations of the Moon and Venus. Children welcomed, but must be ac- companied by adults. Honor Society membership lists and recipients of scholarships, awards, and prizes for the 1959 'Honors Supplement, of The Michigan Daily must be sub- mitted to Miss Zimmer, Rm. 517, Ad- min. Bldg., no later than April 24. Phi Beta Kappa: Initiation Banquet, Mon., April 20, 6:30 p.m. In Michi- gan Union. Dr. Laurence M. Goulc, President of Carleton College and Press- ident of the United Chapters of Phi Beta Kappa, will be the speaer. Reser- vations should be made with the Sec- retary, Hazel M. Losh, Observatory, by Sat., April 18. Members of Phi Beta Kappa,'whether members of this chap- ter or not, are invited to attend. (Continued on Page 8) IAT CINEMA GUILD: Revived Sentiment Appears Proper IN 1935, "The Informer" won two Academy awards: John Ford, for directing. and Victor McLaglen. for acting. It deserved both. The story, based on Liam O'Flaherty's novel, takes place in 1922 in Dublin during the gorier years of the Irish Revolution. The prota- gonist Jimbo Nolan. in order to obtain desperately needed miney, informs the Black-and-Tans of the whereabouts of a wanted i-, olu- tionary, an old friend of his. The theme is set up as a replay of Judas' betrayal of Christ, from the opening screen caption: "Then one of the twelve, 'called Judas Iscariot, went unto the chief priest, and said unto theni. What will ye give me, and I will deliver him unto you? And they covenanted with him for thirty pieces of silver." The rest of the film is concerned with the play upon Jimbo of the . MARCH STATISTICS SHOW: Nation Still in Economic Woods' Risig Power Blocs May Serve Peace HE present bipolar international situation has been decried as the cause of many of the world's tensions. At present there are only two powers whose influence means anything and whose military and economic might are unchallengeable except by its equal. Worse still, no mediator or third force in the world is powerful enough to radically alter the intents of the two big powers, the United States and Russia. As the still evenly balanced powers maneuver for an advantage in the world strug- gle, since their power is probably evenly bal- anced, every attempt adds another possible spark to world conflagration. Fortunately however, the means for control may be at hand. New power blocs are being formed or are being proposed with interests not like those of the two present big powers. Perhaps the most immediate are the European economic community, which would form a power bloc about equal to those existing even without political confederation the "United Sttaes of Africa" and Nasser's much maligned effort at Arab unity so recently thwarted in Iraq. Even so relatively insignificant a federa- tion as the West Indies grouping in the British Commonwealth is a sign of a rapidly develop- ing trend. Being interested primarily in their own well being, the new international power confedera- tions would not necessarily become pawns of either the United States or Russia but sovereign international entities competing on a level of equality with all of their fellow superpowers. In the developing multiipolar world, the in- creased competition could have the effect of restoring a balance of power situation similar to that which modified and limited Europe in the earlier years. Even if this were not so, at least possible balancers in the struggle be- tween the United States and Russia would be created who could ensure peace by threaten- ing to ally against the more aggressive power. At the least, the rise of new super powers in many of the present trouble spots would be shielded from the intervention, and possible clashes from the super powers. In restoring any semblance of a multipower balance in the world, the rise of the new power blocs should not be opposed if world peace is truly desired. PHILIP SHERMAN By RALPH LANGER Daily Staff Writer THE LATEST statistics show that employment is up and unem- ployment is down. Unfortunately these two signs of a healthier economy are not of the same mag- nitude. Employment rose in March by more than a million but unem- ployment did not decline by even 400x,000. The new figures released by the administration reflect almost double the springtime improve- ment usually expected. Naturally the administration has played the new data for all it is worth. Released at a special news conference which followed bright predictions by President Dwight D. Eisenhower and his cabinet that the data would be comforting to the nation, the March totals were explained to newsmen with colored graphs and a special lecture by the head of the labor department's employment statistics division. Just exactly what do the new figures mean? Are they just an- other camouflage via numbers or are they truly meaningful? Prob- ably nobody knows for sure but some fairly certain observations are pertinent. THE MARCH unemployment improvement is the best since 1950. This is encouraging except that it also indicates the slump that the economy took last year leaving so much room for improvement. The employment improvement is the best since 1951. Union leaders, taking, as did the administration, the expected view- point of their group, pooh-pooh the latest figures. The unionists claim the changes were chiefly seasonal and didn't really reflect a coming "bright new era." They're at least partly right. March is supposed to be a month of rising employment as many out- door workers return to their jobs. In addition George Meany, AFL- CIO president, charged that the idle total last month was the high- est for any March since World War II except during last year's reces- sion. Meany has repeatedly referred to the 4,362,000 unemployed work- ers and their families and certainly this provides a grim specter of job- lessness. Of the more than four million unemployed about one and one-half million have been jobless for 15 weeks or more. There are, as the labor statistics departments pointed out in releasing the figures, serious job trouble spots in major areas, including Detroit. The mil- lion and a half 15-week-jobless know that fact well. But what is the outlook for the foreseeable future? Businessmen predict all time low unemployment by December of this year. Short range prospects look fairly good too. Many manufacturers have been operating on their supply backlogs and refrained from ordering fresh materials. These backlogs have be- gun to be exhausted and this spurs other industries to begin rehiring. Also plants are being expanded and new machinery is being purchased at a faster rate than a few months ago. This indicates both the demise of the recent recession and bright- er prospects for employment. One thing unions must solve is the problem of the costs of their long - demanded fringe benefits. The cost of these benefits is high enough that it is cheaper for an employer to pay time and a half to present employees than to hire new workers and be forced to ab- sorb all of the fringe benefits new employees require. The situation was summed up quite adequately by the head of the employment statistics depart- ment, who said in releasing the March totals, "We are by no means out of the woods." " , NATIONAL BOOK AWARD: Roethke Verse Firm, Ripe TODAY AND TOMORROW: Herter Faces Tough Job , By WAL.TER LIPPMANN WITH THE announcement that Mr. Herter would represent us at the Foreign Ministers meeting, Mr. Dulles had already put aside the speculation and the hope that he might conduct the coming negotiations about Germany. Now, in submitting his resignation, he has opened the way for an early decision on his successor and a clarification and strengthening of Mr. Herter's authority in the coming meetings. There is no disguising the fact that Mr. Her- ter's position in the forthcoming negotiations will be difficult, even should he then be our Secretary of State. It could become an insur- montably difficult position if here and abroad Mr. Herter is judged by the measure in which he duplicates the role of John Foster Dulles, and is judged on specific questions as to whether he adheres to what are supposed to be the views that Mr. Dulles would have held. There are two things we must bear in mind. The one is that it is impossible to duplicate the role played by Mr. Dulles in this administra- tion. The other is that if Mr. Dulles were able to conduct the coming negotiations, he would not and he could not stand pat on all of the old formulae. While he was still active he said as much. THE RELATIONSHIP between the President and Mr. Dulles has had no precedent since the United States became a world power in this century, Although Mr. Dulles has been loyal and scrupulous in deferring to President Dwight D. Eisenhower, the fact is that in our foreign affairs he is the man who has been really at the summit. The world has become used to the idea that this is what' an American Secretary of State is supposed to be. This creates a special obligation on President Eisenhower. It is the obligation to convince the world that he himself is participating in the decisions, and that what the new Secretary of State says is the authentic and authoritative voice of the United States government. It will be very poor business to let the notion get about that the Secretary of State lacks authority, and that there is a last appeal over his head to the Walter Reed Hospital. F THE PRESIDENT, seconded by Mr. Dulles himself, deals clearly with the question of authority, then there is every reason to believe that Mr. Herter is highly qualified for the office. He is a successful and experienced politician and public man. He is also a man with a large experience in foreign affairs. This is a very unusual combination. Mr. Acheson and Dulles were not politicians, and both paid dearly for it-Acheson in being persecuted by the Con- gress, and Dulles in appeasing those who had persecuted Acheson. By contrast with both of them there was Cordell Hull, who was a very astute politician but with little knowledge or aptitude for foreign affairs. By and large under our system the office of Secretary of State is not one that calls for an expert in foreign affairs. Under any Presi- dent, but particularly under a President like Gen. Eisenhower who is not a politician, it is very necessary that the Secretary of State be an old hand, in fact a professional, in the art of politics. He does not need to be an expert in foreign affairs to know as one might say the precise differences between the Arabs and the Kurds. But he must, of course, be an educated man with a trained mind who can work with experts and decide between them. - In all these respects, Mr. Herter seems to me to fill the bill admirably. I am fortified in this estimate by knowing how excellent are his rela- tions with Congress, and how greatly he has restored the morale and the discipline of the foreign service since he came into the Depart- ment of State. WE MUST BE on guard against those who, if there is any departure from the official formulae of the past, will cry out that flexibility is appeasement, and that anything different is another Munich. There are a lot of people here and abroad who are opposed to negotiation with Communists. They like to believe that this is the real view of Mr. Dulles, and they will in- voke his name- as against any effort to work r~t by iv.,',nyr i'.kPa. ymofbi..iv iuvuli in LETTERS TO THE EDITOR: Is'U' Becoming Haven for 'Radicals'? WORDS FOR THE WIND: THE COLLECTED VERSE OF THEODORE ROETHKE. Doubleday & Company, New 'York, 1958. 212 pages. $4. "BUT BELIEVE ME: you will have no trouble if you ap- proach poems as a child would, naively, with your whole being awake, your faculties loose and alert." Theodore Roethke wrote these words in introducing a selec- tion of his poems published in an. anthology in 1950. Eight years lat- er they still have real pertinence for "Words for the Wind," Roethke's collected verse, which won the 1958 National Book Award for poetry. Roethke's course as a poet has not been one of wide expansion or experiment in technique, subject matter, or point of view. His course has been marked by an intense in- ward development, of examination and re-examination of- those few central themes or ideas that re- veal the child as father of the man. "My Papa's Waltz" appeared in "The Waking," Roethke's first books, published in 1941. Along with such poems as "To My Sis- ter" and "Child on Top of a Greenhouse," "The Waking" an- nounced a mature poet of rare talent. * * '* ROETHKE'S is a talent that, if quieter and smaller in expression and range than some, is still ripe and firm. Unlike most poets of fifty he has little in his early work to regret or revise, much for which one's admiration continues to increase. He is, in this sense, a more traditional poet. So far as a To the Editor: rW O events of the past week have caused me to wonder pre- cisely what the function of the University might be. The events referred to are the circulation of the petition regarding public school integration and the trip to -nsing by several students in an attempt to legislate the constitu- tR . 'its of fraternal organiza- tions out of existence. Both of the g oups responsible for these ac- Sions are under the direction of Torre Bissell who would appear to be something akin to the pro- fessional lobby st or rabble-rouser, as opposed to a serious student desi oc s of gaining an education at c:4 University. I find it difficult to believe that Mr. Bissell can be derivng the maximum possible bent fr from his educational op- portunities here, when he is de- voting himself to his pressure- group activities, which must re- quire a considerable amount of his time. Due to the emergence of several such groups in the recent past, from SGC on down, I question whether the University is rjew an educational institution, or a con- venient haven for the radical fringe If it is the latter, some- thing has gone drastically wrong somewhere, and the proper auth- orities should take appropriate action quickly. I doubt that the University can long maintain its present excellent reputation as an educational institution if it allows itself to be taken over by those who u e it only as a center for their lobbying activities. -John E. Ohlson, Jr., '59 force in the world of today. Too long have her people been bound by the fetters of colonialism and the "white man's burden." Too long has she suffered under the injustices of enforced ignorance. The exploitation of Africa has come to an end, and her rise as a world power is imminent. The progress of Africa deserves close attention. The world is beset by a tug-of-war between two great nations, and Africa is one of the largest links in the chain. Which way will Africa be pulled? The strongest tug will necessar- ily be in the direction of economic development. Africa is a land rich inl resources which are untapped, and the greatest need is for funds which will enable her to make use of this wealth. This aid, from wherever it comes, may be the little extra strength needed to pull Africa over the middle line. The United States, as one of the powers engaged in this relent- less struggle, must concern herself with the future of Africa. The closer that Africa is bound to the United States economically, the easier will it be to influence Africa ideologically. Such economic rela- tions would help build the foun- dations of a free society in this new continent. The U.S. is bound to Africa philosophically as well as economi- cally. The ideology of the United States is deeply concerned with freedom, and since the demise of the Monroe Doctrine the extent of this concern is world wide. The time for African freedom has come, and if the U.S. is to live up to the values which she espouses, then she must support Africa's struggle in every possible way. Afrc it4 nn. ,~ i n orr fhP -. "d'A. .1, best way to assess a student's pro- gress toward this goal is the essay examination. No good, conscien- tious student is fazed by them. He greets them with delight as the fairest means of displaying his own abilities. The cheat, the sloth, and the dullard fear anything which shows up their inability to reason. Of course, these types have no business cluttering up the classrooms and the essay test is the surest way to send them pack- ing home or to less exacting in- stitutions of learning. If the Lit- erary College wishes to send out annually into the world a drove of non-thinking, incompetents, then by all means loosen up on the es- say exam. If not, leave them alone and maintain some semblance of quality. John Wilde, '60 generation of poets can be dated, Roethke was perhaps the fore- runner of our younger poets, now about thirty, who have published first books in this decade. 'The lyric is Roethke's form, a form capable of as much or as little weight as a poet wills, but in recent poetry-years characterized by a clear austerity of diction, pre- cision and dexterity of form, and a tendency toward didactic un- derstatement, particularly in the works of such. poets as Philip Booth, Donald Hall, Howard Moss, and tobert Pack. The disparity in age between Roethke and any one of the younger men points up this difference, that Roethke is rare- ly, if ever, betrayed by his wit in- to writing the kind of poem that fits its short lines (at a certain price) into a single column of a periodical and dies at a single reading, like any filler. None of Roethke's poems, howev- er finished and hard, let one think that nothing more should be expected of a poem than a well-bred surface. Form no more makes a poem than clothes a man; Roethke goes back into himself and his conception of tradition in order to go forward: * * * CHILDHOOD, gardening, night and the dark, love and the light: these are among Roethke's prime concerns. His love poem "The Dream"-with the rare line "Love is not love until love's vulnerable" -is a superb accomplishment, as fine a poem as one has any right to expect of any age. It moves magically through three stanzas and concludes: She held her body steady in the wind Our shadows met, and slowly swung4around She turned the field into a glittering sea; I played in flame and water like a boy And I swayed out beyond the whiteseafoam; Like a wet log, I sang within a flame. In that last while, eternity's confine, I came to love, I came into my own. There are many fine poems in the book: "The Sensualists" has a stark reality with its own beauty; "A Walk in Late Summer" takes a lovely, reflective way in con- sidering the lot of all men, with a brave sincerity that is not maudlin, mock-heroic, or despair- ing. These poems and more say that life is not something one re- ciunc h1ims~elf trn' nor' sonrthini' #. Senimore Says ... .; .:' F :.