"Hey-Look, Fellows-A Parking Platform"
Sixty-Ninth Year
Truth Will Prevail" STUDENT PUBLICATIONS BLDG. * ANN ARBOR, MICH. * Phone NO 2-3241
Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers
or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints.
To The Editor
Letters to the Editor must be signed and limted to 300 words. The Daily
reserves the right to t~dit or withhold any letter.
AY, APRIL 16, 1959
John Foster Dulles:
An Ended Role
IN THE PERIOD of hard, face-to-face nego-
tiating with the Russians that lies ahead,
President Dwight Eisenhower undoubtedly will
sharply feel the loss of John Foster Dulles as
Secretary of State.
More than any other high government offi-
cial during the Eisenhower years, Dulles has
con-5istently urged and pursued vigorous re-
sistance to Communist pressure and threats.
Although success too often has not been his,
many of the Soviets' achievements result froma
Communist initiative and determination and
from Western stagnancy - forces often beyond
Dulles' control.
The President once termed Dulles "The best
Secretary of State I've ever known" and has\
depended heavily on him for foreign policy
leadership. Of course, the way the secretary
operated the State Department as a one-man
show, President Eisenhower had no real al-
'H E SECRETARY'S resignation leaves a
vacuum in the Department. How adequate-
ly this is filled may well determine the success
or failure of American foreign policy for the
rest of Eisenhower's term and perhaps long
after. Dulles' successor will probably want to
reorient the Department to achieve better use
of experts and advisors.
Probably none of Eisenhower's assistants
were more hard-working and devoted to their
jobs than Dulles. He worked from early in the
morning to well into the evening and through-
out the weekend. He wanted to do everything
himself and believed in his ability to do it.
Practically nothing at the State Department
was done without his approval and most of
the policies originated in his own mind. Dulles
is an extremely able diplomat; should he re-
gain his health as the whole nation is hoping,
he may again serve the country, perhaps as an
advisor to the President.
HOWEVER, despite Dulles' experience and
abilities in international relations, his par-
ticular role as Secretary of State has been
ended for some time. He came to office in 1952,
achieving a life-long ambition; and adopted
with certain changes and refinements, the
basic policy of previous administrations: physi-
cal containment of the USSR.
With emphasis on bilateral military alliances
and regional groupings, containment has at
best been a mderate failure. Russia's advances
in many areas of the world were thwarted for
a time by this policy, but during the last dec-
ade 'the opposite has been more common.
THE WESTERN approach to the Communist
threat should have been revitalized several
years ago; it is vitally important this be done
now. All of the hard work, miles traveled and
stern talk by Dulles, necessary as it all was
when Russia was still trying to smash her way
to dominance of the free world, will not sub-
stitute for the bold and imaginative thinking
needed today to meet the more subtle and ef-
fective economic and propaganda pitch of the
Given his approach to the Communist
threatt, Dulles may have done the best he could.
His immovable opposition to Russian demands
based on deeply held convictions may still be
valuable to the United States. But for the fu-
ture of American foreign policy and concomi-
tantly of the free world, Dulles' resignation
comes as a not unwelcome event.
Associate Editor
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To the Editor:
IS TIBET to be a 'ew Hungary?
Are we to stand aside once
more and allow our fellow men
to fight and die for freedom un-
aided? Or will we have the cour-
,age to help the Tibetans in their
The answers to these questions
lie in the attitude of the American
people. If we maintain our present
attitude of "peace at any price,"
the Tibetans are dying in vain. If
we continue to utter pious pro-
nouncements of sympathy while
doing nothing concrete to help, the
rebels of Tibet are, as lost as the
rebels of Hungary. Now is a time
for action, not words. The Tibetans
need rifles, not sympathy cards.
The government will not act
unless it feels it has the backing
of the people in this matter. It is
our duty to let the President know
how we feel. It is for this reason
that the have formed the Com-
mittee for Aid to Tibet. For the
next several days, petitions will
be circulated on campus. This
petition to President Eisenhower
asks the United States to recognize
the provisional rebel government
of Tibet and to extend all possible
aid. It does not advocate direct
armed American intervention, i.e.,
the employment of" American
troops. Although the primary aim
of the petition is to gain aid for
the rebels, it also asks that the
United States government bring
the Tibetan cause before the
United Nations.
We ask that you seriously con-
sider signing. This is no campus
prank; no joking matter. Men and
women are dying for what they,
believe; you can at least spare
them your signature.
-Lester DeLange, '64E
-Terry Rambo, '62
To the Editor:
WOULD like to acknowledge
my recent historical error and
change the passage to read:,
Thomas ("Suspicion is the com-
panion of mean souls, and the
bane of all good society") Paine.
-Delight Lewis
Tragedy . . .
To the Editor:
A LITTLE over two years ago we
were forced to abandon every-
thing that was dear to us in order
to escape Communist terror.
A similar tragedy is now taking
place in Tibet.
It is still vivid in our memory
what the first warm bowl of soup
and all the other manifestations
of friendship and willingness to
help meant to us.
We are happy to be able to share
what we have received with our
Tibetan brethren.
Send or give your donation to
"Aid for Tibetan Refugees" In-
ternational Center, University of
Michigan, Ann Arbor.
-Hungarian Regugees'
Committee for
Tibetan Refugees
RANGING in dance styles from
the stark angularity of Martha
Graham, through Jerome Bobbn's
frenetic jazz mode to the poetic
loveliness of classic ballet, the
Ninth Annual Spring Dance
Concert bounced onto Lydia Mei-
delssohn's boards last evening.
The main feature, a student
choreographed version of Mous-
sorgsky-Ravel's "Pictures at an
Exhibition," preceded by five num-
hers in three widely differing
"Three's Company" and "Such
Sweet Milkshake!"; both in the
jazz idiom, were the most pleasing
because the dancers in both were
having such a good time that their
high spirits could not fail to
excite. The "Divertissement Clas-
sique" had fine point work by
Carol Landis and Ellen Johnson
but was unfortunately marred by
imprecise corps work.
"PICTURES" was given a strong
start by Mary Stephenson's haunt-
ingly moving solo, "Edge of Sleep."
She masterfully created, the
dreamlike feeling that was to pre-
vade so many of the dances that
were to follow her.,
Two high points in the suite
were mysterious tapers of "Sance-
tuary" glowing in a religious dark-
ness and the barbaric frenzy cre-
ated by Baba Yaga (Judy Gold-
berg) and her neophytes.
Each of the other dances cap-
tured the spirit of the music rahg-
ing from the good natured bois-
terousness in "Gossip" to the de-
lightful innocence in "Jeux des
Special mention must go to Bar-
bara Fiel and her lighting crew
for creating such atmospheric
lighting effects during "Pictures."
It is a shame that so few at-
tended this highly interesting
dance program because its parti-
cipants have put together an en-
tertaining hour and a half.
-Patrick Chester
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Disasters Shake White House
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Nor does
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Control High School Standards
:GAN has been given its best chance What it does mean, however, is that every New
a tremendous stride toward the im- York high school student is assured of at least
nt of its high school system, with the a certain quality of education; a New York
to transfer high school accreditation high school diploma guarantees a certain com-
e, University to the state. But with the petency in what the state feels to be important
ee's apparent intention to retain the areas of study.
y, rather than stressing the compul- Under the present system of high school ac-
ect of accreditation, Michigan is head- creditation, where that function is handled by,
rd completely muffing that chance, the University, such control over curriculum
e can deny that the state of, Michigan is not possible, for the University can merely
with the need to improve its high accept or reject a school. It cannot enforce its
And while there has been much wail- conception of what minimum standards should
individual schools should be able to be, for it has no legitimate authority.
their own curriculum, there has as yet The University first began accreditation on
better plan for improving a school its own merely to aid its system of admissions.
other than setting and enforcing a And although their emphasis has shifted now
t system of minimum curriculum to the high schools themselves, they can still
s. only recommend.
S THE New York system, and although Should accreditation become the function of
s been under attack for years, that the state, however, there would be solid legal
,s clung to the supposedly archaic sys- ower to force high schools to comply with its
s clng t th suposedy a~aicsys requirements.
tatewide high school examinations, ad-
ed under the supervision of the New
ate Board of Regents at various points .IT SEEMS LIKELY, however, that the coer-
)ut the high school period. All stu- cive power inherent in the state's handling
e required to pass these tests; no dip- of accreditation will not be used, or will be used
e awarded until'the necessary level of so sparingly as to have no effect. And this is
shment is shown, even more unfortunate than if that power did
asult: The finest high school system in not exist, for it is evidence the state is not yet
on, in the opinion of a majority of willing to face its responsibilities to its grow-
educators.ing ranks of students. Michigan students are
oes not mean that New York schools entitled to the best education available; either
ed down by curriculum requirements. the state is shirking its duties, or Michigan is
it mean that schools attain a stand-bcomingn gacadei ee d.e
but mediocre curriculum. Schools can, clearly not getting what they need.
far overreach the minimum standards. -SUSAN HOLTZER
ONE DESPERATE blow shook
the Eisenhower Administration
at its beginning. Another is now
falling as that Administration
draws toward the end.
Both disasters had a common
sources-cancer. Both denied to
the President the devoted, if highly
independent, services of irreplace-
able men.
The fArst was Senator Robert A.
Taft of Ohio, who died on the last
day of July, 1953. Taft was Mr.
Eisenhower's indispensable guide
and mentor on all domestic mat-
ters. And now, with tragic timing
in this season of brief remem-
brance of Taft-to whom amonu-
ment at the capitol has just been
dedicated-there is yet more tragic
The long struggle of Secretary
of State John Foster Dulles to re-
cover his health has suffered a
grave setback. No one can doubt
that Dulles will fight on with the
courage that has moved men
who value valor and sacrifice. It
is possible, as so many hope, that
Dulles will yet defeat the antagon-
ist to which he has never surren-
IT IS, NOT possible, however,
longer to avoid an inescapable
reality: The Administration plainly
is to be bereft of his foreign-policy
leadership precisely at the time'
when the Western position must
be drawn up, in all its gravity, for
the May foreign ministers meeting
leading up to a summit conference
with the Russians.
History will say that blind mis-
fortune took from the President's
Administration at critical moments
the advice of the two men who
most of all had given that Admin-
istration its strength.
To recall them at the onset of
this Administration six years ago
is to recall two tough, strong-
headed and sometimes wrong-
headed old pros. For all their
faults, they were, nevertheless, de-
termined, each in his own field, to
make another man's tenure a suc-
cess. (And, indeed determined to
do a good deal more leading than
following) .
They were very different men in
some ways. Dulles was cautious
and often legalistic. Taft was im-
patient and harshly candid. Some-
times he was even reckless in his
resolve to guarantee to the country
what he considered to be a proper-
ly Republican Administration. He
looked with skepticism on the
"modern" Republicans who had
put General Eisenhower rather
than Robert A. Taft into the White
House, but he faithfully served all
the same.
* * *
DULLES, on his side, sought
the cooperation of the Democratic
opposition which Taft so grandly
spurned. But Dulles himself never
forgot, actually, that this was a
Republican Administration. And
he was comfortable in Taft's com-,
pany, and Taft in his. True, they
had often disagreed while both
were members of the Senate, and
Dulles in the past has been in the
anti-Taft wing of the GOP.
But these divisions became more
superficial than real. Taft was de-
lighted when Dulles was appointed
to the secretaryship. He told this
correspondent, in his fiat way:
"Most satisfactory! Most satisfac-
tory! Foster will do the job." For
the laconic Taft, this amounted to
the issuance of an accolade.
For, underneath, there was much
in common between Taft and Dul-
les. Each set out to be a strong,
and not necessarily a popular, pub-
lic man. Taft all but courted the
dislike of the -crowd.
HE DID SO, first, because his
great shyness made him, by neces-
sity, an anti-crowd man. And he
did so because he reckoned,
rightly as it turned out, that his
whole public record at length
would speak for him better than
he could speak for himself. He be-
came, "Mr. Integrity." And it -was
an earned title, even if one never
agreed with him for a single
Dulles, too, until lately has been
unpopular with many in this coun-
try and with a great many among
our allies overseas. Unlike Taft, he
has never ignored unpopularity.
But, unlike Taft, unpopularity for
years came to him partly because
in his preoccupation with what he
was doing, he often did not con-
cern himself much with his man-
ner of doing it.
It is only since prolonged illness
took him out of the active arena
that many have become aware
that the ideas of Foster Dulles,
like them all or not, have made a
unique contribution to the coher-
ence - the essential strength -- of
all the West.
(Copyright 1959, by United
Feature Syndicate, Inc.)
The Daily Official Bulletin is an
official publication of The Univer-
sity of Michigan for which The
Michigan Daily assumes no edi-
torial responsibility. Notices should
be sent in TYPEWRITTEN form to
Room 3519 Administration Build-
ing, before 2 p.m. the day preceding
publication. Notices for Sunday
Daily due at 2:00 p.m. Friday.
General Notices
Deadline for Foreign Student Schol-
arship Applications is April 16. Appli4
cations can berobtained at Interna-.
tional Center from appropriate coun-
Peiping Loses Another Chance
African Segregation Extends to Universities
Associated Press Staff Writer
UNITED NATIONS, N.Y. -Red China again
has diminished its own chances of getting
into the United Nations - just as they were
starting, to improve.
The Peiping regime's intervention in Tibet
follows the familiar pattern of 1950 and 1954.
First came the Korean War. The Chinese
Communists entered the conflict at a time
when they seemed assured of UN membership.
Then four years later, when they were gain-
ing support once more, they brought the trend
to a standstill by sending 11 American fliers
to prison on espionage charges.
The reaction to Tibet is expected to be simi-
lar. It's still a long time until fall when the
82-nation General Assembly will take up the
Peiping government's bid, but it's not long
enough for the Tibet affair to be forgotten.
India in the past has been the chief non-
Communist backer of the Peiping government.
Now the 23-year-old Dalai Lama, spiritual and
political leader ousted by the Communists, has
taken refuge in India and public feeling against
the Chinese Communists is strong.
AN INDIAN trade union leader, now in the
United States, says Communist China "has
forfeited for many years to comne all her claims
But UN diplomats doubt that Prime Minister
Nehru will drop his efforts to win a seat for
Red China.
India's UN Ambassador C. S. Jha can't say
yet whether India will again champion the
Red China cause. He expressed the view, how-
ever, that the Tibet question and the China
representation issue should-" be kept separated.
At any rate, the Tibet affair may take some
of the zeal out of India's efforts. And it seems
likely that some other Asian countries will
show a pronounced coolness toward China next
There was no chance even before the Tibet
affair that the Chinese Communists would
join the UN this year or even next year.
India and other advocates of Peiping's ad-
mission acknowledge privately they are simply
trying to whittle down the opposition in the
hope of success after the United States presi-
dential election in 1960.
IT IS GENERALLY agreed here the United
States holds the key. If and when the United,
States gives the word it is ready to drop its
opposition - or even to ease it - Red China
will get a UN seat without difficulty. Many
countries do not want to precipitate an in-
ternal crisis in the world organization by try-
ing to override the United States.
n the lastg 4 ,n. ,o t +ereadb h ea ns hnfn a
Daily Staff Writer
"BEFORE you judge the Union
of South Africa, learn all sides
of the problem and live there for
a time. Then you will be qualified."
This advice from Prof. Samuel
S. Israelstam, president of the
"Convocation" of graduate alumni
of Witwatersrand University in
Johannesburg, was aimed at the
individuals attempting to judge
the controversial policy of apar-
theid or legal segregation without
knowing the complete story.
Prof. Israelstram, who is in Ann
Arbor to, study alumni relations
under a Carnegie Foundation
grant, says it is initially a question
of who inhabits the various sec-
tions of the African continent.
"Most of the Europeans who
settled in the area to the north of
the Union never intended to live
permanently in Africa," Prof. Is-
raelstam pointed out yesterday.
* * *
"BUT THE white people in the
Union intend to live in Africa
permanently and have no inten-
tion of turning their land over to
the Bantu who are largely a primi-
tive people," he went on to say. '
Because they are a backward
--a nl a i --Ilr a a naprnmz t
Bantu of his voting rights, a
growing force in South Africa be-
lieves that eventually the Bantu
will be politically independent in
his own territory, Prof. Israelstam
This territory would be in the
richest agricultural area of South
Africa. The "Bantustan" would
also contain the universities that
the government is going to build
in order to remove the Bantu from
white institutions.
Unfortunately these universities
would be lacking in educational
quality and faculty ability. "How-
ever, there is a great deal of feel-
ing on the part of educators
against the plan to discriminate in
higher education," Prof. Israel-
stam observed.
From a university's point of
view, he believes, it is wrong to
judge students on any grounds
other than academic ability.
Economically, he went on to say,
the Bantu is moving toward great-
er cooperation with the whites.
"They cannot yet compete with
the white population because of
less education and training in
industrial skills," he explained,
predicting the gap will narrow in
the future.
Despite the sharp difference be-
+sscn_ nr-snm n ao raosora of +
These people, he maintains, will
be important in leading the Bantu
from a state of white-dependence
to one where they can help them-
selves. Eventually, he hopes, this
will come about through coopera-
tion in the multi-racial society of
South Africa.
Consciously, Prof. Israelstam
felt, South African whites do not
wish to oppress the Bantu. Over
the years, however, the white man
has developed a type of "paternal-
istic" attitude for the black man
which some people interpret as
disciplinarian control.
Law School Admission Test: Candi-
dates taking the Law School Admission
Test on April 18 requested to report to,
Rm. 130 Bus. Ad. Bldg. at 8:30 a.m. Sat.
Applications are now being received
for the Honors Scholar Program for
1959-1960. Appropriate forms are avail's
able in the Schol of Music office. Dead-
line for receipt of applications by the
Honors Council, Mon., April 27.
Students who are definitely planning
to transfer to the College of Literature,
Science, and the Arts, School of Educa-
tion, School of Music, School of Nurs-
ing, College of Architecture and De-
sign, or the College of Pharmacy in
June or sept. from another campus
unit should come to the Office of Ad-
missions, 1524 Ad. Bldg. Immediately
to make application for transfer.
LSA students planning on doing col-
lege work during this summer at other
educational institutions should imme-
diately file the proper summer course
approval forms. These forms are avail-
able in the Office of Admissions, 1524
Ad. Bldg. May 22 is the last day for
presenting these forms.
Astronomy Dept. Visitors' Night. Fri,
April 17,8:00 p.m., Rm. 2003 Angell Hail.
Dr. William E. Howard III Distanceu
in Astronomy." Student Observatory
on the fifth floor of Angell Hall will be
open for inspection and for telescopic
observations of the Moon and Venus.
Children welcomed, but must be ac-
companied by adults.
Honor Society membership lists and
recipients of scholarships, awards, and
prizes for the 1959 Honors Supplement
of The Michigan Daily must be sub-
mitted to Miss Zimmer, Rm. 517, Ad-
min. Bldg., no later than April 24.
Phi Beta Kappa: Initiation Banquet,
Mon., April 20, 6:30 p.m. in Michi-
gan Union. Dr. Laurence M. Gould,
President of Carleton College and Pres-
ident of the United Chapters of Phi
Beta Kappa, will be the speaker. Reser-
vations should be made with the Sec-
retary, Hazel M. Losh, Observatory, by
Sat., April 18. Members of Phi Beta
Kappa, whether members of this chap-
ter or not, are invited to attend.
The following student-sponsored so-
cial events have been approved for the
coming weekend. Social chairmen are
reminded that requests for approval
for social events are due in the Office
of Student Affairs not later than .12
o'clock noon on Tuesday prior to the
Apr.il 17: Alpha Chi Omega, Alpha Phi
Omega, Angell Hse., Delta Gamma,
Kappa Alpha Theta, Phi Delta Phi, P1
Beta Phi, Pi Lambda Phi, Sigma Kappa,
Trigon, Turkish Student Club.
April 18: Alpha Delta Phi, Alpha
Kappa Kappa, Alpha Phi, Alpha Tau
. .-: ;;