THE MICHIGAN DAILY V, ') 'Campus Queen' Returns From Busy Paris Week CONTROL FINANCES: Managers Keep Speech Shows on Road 4l car from beginning to end. One of her prizes on the television pro- gram was a Simca of her own. She is keeping all of her prizes. Carole, who is studying to teach the handicapped, said that she will need the car to commute be- tween Ypsilanti and Ann Arbor this summer. 'Fabulous' Waiters Commenting on her trip, Carole noted especially the "fabulous" service of French waiters and .de- clared that five seemed to wait upon her at once. "We were really wined and dined," she said. Carole commented that she, was dissatisfied only with the lack of time for doing everything she had wished. She plans to return and spend two months there. Missed Seine Trip She also missed a boat trip on the Seine, having had an ulcer attack the night it was scheduled. Commenting on the "Queen for a Day" show, Carole admitted that she had not thought much of (EDITOR'S NOTE: This is the last in a series on the people concerned with the production of speech depart- nent plays.) By JUDITH DONER There would be no business like show business at the University if a careful check on speech de- partment finances were not kept by its business manager, Bruce Nary, assisted by Thomas Skin- ner, Grad. Discovering that the manageiial job is inherently a two-fold one, the two men have divided it ac- cordingly, with Nary handling all finances and Skinner attending to play publicity. Make Out Budget "First of all, we don't schedule plays so that the major produc- tions come at the season end," Nary earnestly declared. Before the season begins,, we make out a tentative budget based on our income from the previous year. "This usually means that we have to juggle our schedule of plays so that those that reqire heavy costuming ,a large 'budget and a large cast do not follow one another," he reported. Nary emphasized that having "Volpone" and "Electra" right after one another and at the end of the Playbill season, was an ex- ceptional, case. Many Plays Restricted Explaining that a lot more goes into the final selection of a play than a person would realize, the business manager revealed that many plays which the department might consider putting on are in the "restricted" category. "The copyright makes this a le- gal business," Nary said. "If a play will be seen by viewers in this area, whether on television or live, or if it is enjoying a comparatively new run on Broadway, we will be denied permission to do it." Reporting on the financial sta- tus of the speech theatre, Nary revealed that "we seldom make money, usually breaking even or running a little in the red." Need Theatre "What we really need is a theatre which we can use to run our plays on two successive week- ends," he insisted. "We always fill our theatre on Friday and Sat- urday evenings, because students are not busy then." The job of filling the theatre belongs, in part, to the soft- spoken, personable young man who scours the campus trying to find a way to pitch his publicity. 4 -Daily-Richard Bracken PLAN PUBLICITY-Thomas Skinner (right) and Bruce Nara have charge of the finances and publicity for speech department productions. The operating budget for one year is determined by the profit of the previous season. "It's the old fable that a news- paper won't print a story when dog bites man, only when man bites dog," Skinner confided. Publicity Expensive Gives a specific budget, Skinner must fashion publicity for both the season and individual shows. "This year," he reported, "the season publicity drained our fi- nances almost dry." Listing three main methods of promotion - posters, newspapers and stationary signs - he insist- ed that "theatre posters can't be too modern. They 'have to be simple, generally giving notice as to what's going on, when and where. Sometimes they can add why something would be of in- terest. "The important thing to do is to find "that" line, when appeal- ing to the public, Skinner assert- ed. "Sometimes an adaptation of New York publicity works here and sometimes it doesn't." Avoid Excesses He advised "never to advertise anything as 'a classic'. That's sure death. You've got to be very careful, because you just may overdo something, even if 'it's something good." A special feature of "Love's Labor's Lost" was the transparent costumes. "People were wondering 'what the devil are they going to do with transparent costumes?' and were probably hoping that it would be something, illicit," he laughingly, yet sincerely said, "But the point is that this angle brought many people to the show, and' more important, once they got there, they enjoyed it," Skin- ner added. I_ CAROLE JENKINS .. "Queen" returns lucky, and mentioned a comment from her father: "If you dropped a piece of white bread in a mud puddle, it would come up white." the sob stories type of program before, but now thinks that every girl should have an opportunity to be "Queen for a Day." ACROSS CAMPUS I ! ! ! * .! I ! R ! R ! U ! U ! * ! R I R ! R ! R ! R ! U ! R I ! IIat * ! 3 ! I ! Gwwwwwwwwwwrwwwwwwwwwwwwswwwwwwwwww~rwI A "Dance Organization Con- cert," choreographed entirely by students, will be presented at 8 p.m. tonight in the Lydia Mendels- sohn Theatre. Put on by the Modern Dancej Club, the Ballet Club and the Choreographers Workshop, the program will feature modern bal- let and jazz dancing. John Flower, pianist, of the University music school will pre- sent a lecture-recital at 4:15 p.m. today in Auditorium A of Angell Hall. The subject to be discussed and played will be Johann Sebastian Bach's "Well-tempered Clavier." Prof. Roy Pierce of the political science department will lecture at 8 p.m. today in the West Confer- ence Rm. in the Rackham Build- ing. The topic 'of his talk will be "Where France Stands." * * * Prof. Paul MacKendrick of the Dept. of Classics at the University of Wisconsin will lecture at 4:10 p.m. today in Aud. B. Angell Hall, en "A Masterpiece of Roman Architecture: The Sanctuary of Fortune at Praeneste." .) I Prof. MacKendrick's lecture is sponsored by the Ann Arbor So- ciety of the Archaeological Insti- tute of America. The alumni of Wellesley College will sponsor a book sale at 6 p.m. to 9 p.m. today and 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. tomorrow in the Ann Arbor Room of the Michigan League. i ;k '.'. j, r w#' r i A DIAL NO 2-3136 The producer of "War and Peace" presents entertainment so vast it bursts the very boundaries of the huge motion picture screen! 11 THREE NEW BEAUTIES Il I *. Retiring ANNAPOLIS (M)-A 62-year- old retired sailor arrived un- announced after a 600-mile bus trip at the office of Capt. Slade Cutter, Naval Academy athletic director. He gave Capt. Cutter $23,000 in $100 bills, saying he wanted his savings to help deserving Navy athletes. The captain took his to see other work in progress. "Is there anything else I can do?" Capt. Cutter asked. The old sailor hesitated. "Well," he said shyly, "would you mind driving me back to the bus station?" TECHNICOLOR1 TECHNIRAMA EFAN "LMANANO UNAFORS HORNE * SUNDAY The hilarious "Some Like It H0t" starring MARILYN MONROE I EMMOMM' HILLEL presents the Final LECTURE-DISCUSSION SEE OUR COMPLETE SELECTION OF BEAUTIFUL PATTERNS NOWI E ol