THE MICHWIGAN DAIY Dancers Prepare Concert -Daily-Len. Brunette i "PICTURES AT AN EXHIBITION"-Readying their program to be presented at 8 p.m. tonight and tomorrow in Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre, University dance groups practice numbers which will be performed to Mussogorsky's composition. The Modern Dance Club, Ballet Club and Choreog- rapher's Workshop are presenting the ninth annual "Dance Organization Concert," choreographed entirely by students. Center Plans Europe Trip For Students By JOAN KAATZ The International Center re- cently announced plans for a tour of Europe and a trip to Buffalo and Niagara Falls this summer. The International Center and the Lisle Fellowship are planning a tour to Europe for this summer. The trip from July 24 to Aug- ust 22 is planned so that inter- national students returning to their homeland may participate in the tour as well as American students. Stay Three Weeks The cost of the trip includes one-way trans-Atlantic transpor- tation, hotel accommodations, transportation in Europe, two meals a day during the three- week stay and guide service. En- trance fees to museums and his- torical buildings are also included. The itinerary includes Paris, Geneva, Milan, Florence, Rome, Venice, Munich, Innsbruck, Hei- delberg, Luxembourg, Bruges, and London. Transportation is ar- ranged aboard the S. S. Saxonia leaving from Montreal. The group is limited to 40 par- ticipants. Information can be ob- tained from West or Miss Helen Tjotis in Room 18 of the Center. To Visit Buffalo The University Alumni Club of Buffalo has invited international students to Buffalo and Niagara Falls on June 15 to 17. The tour of students will travel by train to the city and will re- side with American families there. Included in the tour will be visits to a television show, a tire fac- tory, a steel factory, churches, a conservatory, and other sights of Buffalo. Various business and service or- ganizations will hold receptions and luncheons for the group. Russel Hanson, International Center counselor will be tour di- rector, and reservations can be made with Mrs. Snoek at the Center. Southern Atmosphere Set For Spring Weekend Dance By MARY STATON A touch of Southern atmosphere will climax this year's Spring Weekend events at a "Rue Des, Cafes" New Orleans dance next Saturday, April 25. Somethin' Smith and the Red- heads and Johnny Harberd's Or- chestra will provide entertainment in keeping with a night club motif. Two shows will be presented dur- ing the evening by the Somethin' Smith group. Thirty housing units - repre- senting 15 groups - will present booths depicting buildings that could be found on Bourbon Street in New Orleans. Feature Entertainment Many of these booths will have their own entertainment, which will vary from old-time movies offering field games, Inaun canoe races, a pow-wow at the Island on Huron River and a bike race. Block ticket sales for the Satur- day night dance have been ex- tended until Friday, and houses buying block tickets will receive Spring Weekend points for per- centages of house participation. Do you really see yourself in your mirror! Why do some women always look smart? Read what a top New York model tells about how to use your mirror, in this week's Star Weekly... now on sale. Look for the BLUE COVER. I Model Trousseaus --Daiy-Rober Dennis S SUNNY HONEYMOON-Judy Steinberg models a sports outfit appropriate for honeymooning in Bermuda, while Rhoda Wexler displays something more dressy. They are models in the League's "Wediquette" fashion show, to be held at 8:30 p.m. tomorrow in the League Ballroom. Fly U. S. Routes First...* *. w Internationally Later Imagine yourself winging your way to Ameica's most fascinating cities . . . or spanning the oceans to European capitols on the silver wings f -of the world's finest airliners! Yes, this could happen to you! Ahead of you lies an exciting, profitable future as a TWA hostess. You earn as you learn with TWA. You Gy free on your TWA p ass. You meet new people, make new friends. meetneIf you can meet these qualifications ... are between 4 z20-27; are 5 '2 to 5r'8n and weigh e ~between 100 and 135 lbs....igh 2 years business experience or the equivalent of college, or nurse's training ... have a clear complexion;-. good vision.. and are unmarried ... then beghi your career as a TWA hostess ยข by contacting: Professor To Give Talk On Athletics Prof. Esther French, chairman of the women's physical education department, will take part in a panel discussion, "Physical Edu- cators Are Visionary," at the Mid- west Association of Health, Physi- cal Education and R e c r e a ti o n Conference. Chairman of the Women's divi- sion of the group, Prof. French will participate in the conference beginning tomorrow and lasting until Friday in Indianapolis. Going to the Spring Conference of the Midwest Association of Physical Education for College Women are Kathryn.Luttgens and Bettye Myers, both of the women's physical education department. Miss Luttgens will speak on the understandings, c o n c e p ts and skills physical education majors should develop andi enumerate means to this end. Miss Myers will lead an'interest group on the teaching of dancing. A keynote address for the con- ference will be given by Dean Ar- thus H. Steinhaus of George Wil- liams College on the topic: "Sig- nificant experiences, a challenge to physical education." The women's physical educa- tion department also announced that Prof. Elizabeth Ludwig has received a research grant to Wellesley College. It is one of the fifteen fellowships and scholar- ships offered by Wellesley to ad- vanced students throughout the world. ISA Sets Today As Deadline Date For Nominations Nominations for president and vice-president of the Internation- al Students Association must be submitted today to Bill West, counselor for the International Center. Nominations must be in the form of a ticket for both offices. They must be placed in the run- ning by ISA members and a small fee will be charged for registration of candidates. Ballots will be distributed on April 22 and will be collected by April 29 for counting. Counting will be done April 30 with the re- sults announced at the Interna- tional Tea on that day. The nominated tickets may in- clude any combination of canidi- dates. No new memberships in ISA will be accepted from tomor- row until April 29. and jazz groups to a Salvation Army band. The type of booth will also vary from a flower shop to a funeral parlor. Houses participating and the booths which they are presenting are: "ArtGallery and Tatoo Shop," Sigma Chi and Delta Gamma; "The Mission," Kappa Delta and Delta Sigma Phi; "The Wake Par- lor," Theta Xi and Collegiate Sorosis; "Safe," Phi Kappa Tau and Alpha Gamma Delta. "The Den," Kappa Kappa Gam- ma and Delta Tau Delta; "Flower Shop," Zeta Tau Alpha and Kappa Sigma; "Old Time Movie House," Alpha Epsilon Phi and Pi Lambda Phi; "Show Boat," Evans Scholars and Martha Cook; "Fish Market,"' Sigma Alpha Epsilon and Delta Phi Epsilon. List Booths "Blacksmith Shop," Alpha Delta Pi and Sigma Phi Epsilon, "Fire Station," Fletcher House and Chi- cago House; "Hotel," Henderson House and Triangle; "Cafe," Phi Mu and Delta Chi; "Saloon," Vic- tor Vaughn and Wenley House; "Garden," Alpha Epsilon Pi and Phi Sigma Sigma. All trophies and awards for the weekend will be presented during the Saturday night dance. Other spring weekend events include Skit Night, a campus round-up i The newest, neatest travel- ing companions to 'head fox the supermarket or South this summer!'The Jamaica s are checked out in tWo-ton combinations. The white sle less shirt is check trimmed match-mate. Both in "Quic Care" cottons with minimu ironing required. Shirt 3.98 Shorts 6.98. "traveler's signed r, Seas korts ied ~eve- to k-k m 111z.. : I' Fun cloche 1.98. k ACROSS CAMPUS Sizes 1 d to 20 included. 1:. Prof. Herbert C. Barrows, Jr., of the English department will- read Hart Crane's "The Bridge," at 7:00 p.m. tonight in the South Quadrangle Library. The reading is open to the public. * * . Alpha Omicron Pi sorority has received the Panhellenic award for greatest improvement in the over-all scholastic average of its members during the past year. Announcement of the award was made at League Installation Night Monday. All male students who have been on the campus and who have paid full tuition for the equivalent of eight semesters may pick up their life membership cards from the Union. Students are requested to go to the business office on the first floor of the.Union to pick up their cards, Martin Newman, '60, Union administrative vice-president said, A second series of golf lessons for interested male faculty mem- "bers is being offered by the physi- cal educationsdepartment for men. The lessons will be given pri- marily at the intermediate level, but a beginning course will be or- ganized if the demand for itis sufficient. An organizational meeting will be held at 5:15 p.m. Monday, Rm. 5, Waterman Staff Lounge. The Washtenaw County chapter of DePauw University Alumni As- sociation will meet at 6:30 p.m. Friday for dinner in the Union. Prof. Jerome Hixson of the De- Pauw English department will ad- dress the group after dinner. Tappan International House is planning a Pan American Even- ing for international students at 8:30 p.m. Friday. The program of dances and en- tertainment is planned to intro- duce international students to the culture of the Latin American countries. I HAROLD S. TRICK 711 NORTH UNIVERSITY I . . .. ( m_ -t 11 "4V ..a.- FngtJ a,,Q r .,. .. : < " ., . . .:;. .=,. : "- ., o :. Fish: CAMPUS TOUGH GUY Thinklish translation: This character belongs to the beat generation; as any black-and-blue freshman can testify. When he cracks a book, it ends up in two pieces. His favorite subject: fistory. Favorite sport: throwing his weight around. Favorite cigarette? Luckies, what else? Puffing on the honest taste of fine tobacco, he's pleased as Punch. If you call this muscle bounder a schooligan, bully for you! MR. JOHN SOLTYS TWA Suite Sheraton Cadillac Hotel, Detroit TUESDAY, APRIL 21 9 A.M. to 3 P.M. TRAINS WORLD AIRLINES U I Y "".r. . - , ... frrsv::y.: : s ^ SCR LICt4tt4G DOG ROBERT WORIEN. WISC0N51N STATE CO"J. English: UNHAPPY MARRIAGE_ { isi Ai.Ats-"ACDOtiALD.. TR1-tIYCO.G English: ILL TYRANT Thinkhish, SICK TATQR 1 1 . . ''+. irk ti'.:, :;}'":": 'tik t i '" v NOW TTO MAKE $25 Take a word-celebration, for example: With it, you can have a football rally (yellebration), a gossipy bridge party (telle- BSCaIial 1Fr Aie x Ct 1, I UNICAMIN 10 :i":::::?X IS. WO0.. -. - - I I