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April 15, 1959 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1959-04-15

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Sigr uja
Sixty-Eight Years of Editorial Freedom

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VOL. LXIX No. 136




wWX-W-w"mm n

Express d
By Niehuss
Hopes State To Meet
Demands This Month

Technical BugsP
Ground Missiles
WASHINGTON (M)-Frustrating mechanical difficulties yesterday
wrecked an attempt to fire. an Atlas ICBM and upset hopes for a
spectacular aerial catch of a capsule from the satellite Discoverer II.
Another trouble, overcast skies, forced postponement of an
attempt to launch a Thor IRBM with an all-British crew from
Vandenberg Air Force Base,. Calif. The 1,500-mile range missile will
be fired when weather permits, possibly today.
Blames Jolt
Meanwhile, failure of Monday's effort to launch a new type.
Vanguard was blamed on a severe jolt that sent the rocket off course,
although the exact cause wasn't known. The two instrumented satel-
,lites it carried popped out prema-

U.S. Charges





A University vice-president ex-
pressed confidence in the state's
meeting its payments to the Uni-
versity yesterday as the Legisla-
ture continued debate on use of
the Veteran's Fund.
Marvin L. Niehuss, vice-presi-
dent and dean of faculties, said
the University will trust the state
to help it meet its payrolls April
30 and May 5 for which no money
Is now available.
The University has cash to payJ
the University payroll due today.I
Outside pressures to lure Uni-
versity taculty members to other
institutions has not increased be-
cause of the delay in making the
Veteran's Fund available for Uni-x
versity use, he said. Last month
Niehuss reported increased pres-
sures this year on the University
faculty because of the financial
troubles of the state.
"Faculty decisions to leave wills
be made in the next month," he
said, adding he hoped that "the
faculty will share our confidencet
that the state will pay us."
Last month President Harlan
Hatcher reported that of 24 lit-#
erary college faculty members re-
ceiving job offers only six had ac-
cepted them. Niehuss said no later
figures are yet available on the
number of faculty leaving thea
Niehuss said Michigan State1
University is sharing the Univer-1
sity's financial plight. MSU has at
payroll due April 27 which it
claims it cannot meet without
state funds.
Porter Asks
Bill Decision
LANSING (r) - The spotlight
swung yesterday on Sen. Elmer R.
Porter (R-Blissfield), Republican
Senate finance chief, in the state's
tightening financial pinch.
After a meeting with Governor
G. Mennen Williams and other top
state administrative officials, Sen.
Porter pledged a new attempt later
in' the week to get a committee
decision on the Veterans Trust
Fund bills.
Sen. Porter refused to speculate
on whether he could get favorable
action on the measures, either in
their present Trust Fund liquida-
tion form or revised to their origi-
nal mortgaging approach.
Committee Holds Bills
The bills, approved by the ouse
on March 24, have been stuck in
Sen. Porter's Senate Appropria-
tions Committee for three weeks.
Following the conference, Gov.
F Williams told newsmen a financial
crackup could be averted if the
Legislature cleared the bills in one
form or another next week and
they reached his desk by April 24.
I ~ "If it's later than that, we have
no guarantee as to what will hap-
pen," the Governor added.
Recall Opposition
Newsmen recalled that last week
seven of the nine committee mem-
bers lined up against reporting the
Trust Fund bills.
"I don't know of any of them
that have changed their mind. I
haven't polled the committee, of
course;" he said.
Asked if he could get the bills
cut of committee under these cir-
cumstances, Sen. Porter replied:
"That's the $64 question."
These bills would provide the
necessary collateral for further
loans to the state.
Thce Governor told legislators
last night that reckoned one way
the state general fund will lack
121 million dollars of meeting its
obligations by May 15.
To Make.


Heart Attack
B rings Death
To Mattern,
Prof. David E. Mattern of the
music school died last night in
University Hospital.
He had .been in the hospital
since March 22, suffering from a;
heart attack. He had been with
the University since 1929 and was
scheduled for retirement in June,
Prof. Mattern brought prestige
to the music school with his work,
Assistant Dean James B. Wallace,
of the music school said, and led
the music education department,
of which he was head, to be one
of the best in the country.
In losing him, Dean Wallace
added, the music school loses one
of the most valuable faculty mem-
bers it has ever had. He said Prof.
Mattern commanded the respect
of colleagues from coast to coast.
Called 'Fine Man'
Prof. Josef Blatt of the music
school called Prof. Mattern "a
very well-loved colleague" and a
"fine man and musician.
Professor of music education in
both the music and education
schools, Prof. Mattern was also
coordinator of music at the Uni-
versity School and director of the
University Extension Orchestra in
Detroit. From 1931 to 1947 he di-
rected the Men's Glee Club.
Prof. Mattern received degrees
from the University, Cornell and
the Bush Conservatory of Music
in Chicago, Ill.
Taught at Cornell-
Before coming here he taught
at Cornell and the Eastman
School of Music, Rochester, N. Y.,
and was supervisor of music in
the Grand Rapids school system.
In addition to his regular du-
ties, Prof. Mattern participated in
Phi Delta Kappa and Phi Mu Al-
pha music fraternities.
Prof. Mattern was born in 1890
in Colfax, Iowa.
He is survived by his wife, Mrs.
Viola Smith Mattern, a sister and

turely at an altitude of 200 miles
and the shattered Vanguard
plunged into the sea off Cape
Canaveral, Fla.
Air Force scientists said a faulty
timing device prevented them from
going ahead with an attempt to
catch the capsule from Discoverer
IT, which was launched late Mon-
day from Vandenberg Air Force
Base. Until the bug was discovered
it had appeared that the first
fully successful polar orbiting
satellite was whizzing along with-
out any hitch.
Achieves Objective
The Air Force Ballistic Missile,
Division in California reported
that preliminary telemetry data
indicate that a majority of the
primary objectives of the Dis-
coverer shot "were well achieved."
These, include launching tech-
nique, propulsion, communications,
orbital characteristics and orbital
The Air Force plans to make
capsule recovery attempts in the
remaining dozen or so shots of the
Discoverer series. Some capsules
will contain mice and monkeys. If
the technique works well enough,
it may be used to ease to earth
the first men to venture into
To Protest,
Editors of the four municipal
colleges in New York City have
formally protested the proposed
dissolution of the Queens College
newspapers in favor of a revised
publication with a paid student
editor and increased faculty super-
Sofar, they have written three
telegrams to Mayor Wagner, Pres.
Harold Stokes of Queens College,
and to Gustav Rosenberg, chair-
man of the Board of Higher Edu-
"We plan to write another tele-
grain later this week to the Fac-
ulty Council of Queens College
stating our opposition to the plan
and asking them to carefully re-
view the situation before passing
the motion," Paul Du Brul, editor
of the Hunter Arrow told The
Daily yesterday.
The motion was proposed by an
adjunct of the Council, the Fac-
ulty Committee of Queens College.
"As another measure, we have
asked our teachers to contact the
Faculty Committee asking them
to defeat the imotion," he com-
"If all these efforts fail to con-
vince the Council to defeat the
motion, there will be nothing more
we can do this semester," Du Brul
said. "But next semester we plan
to picket the publications build-
ing," he added.
See TO SEND, Page 5

...,new outbreak
Claim Dulles
Neck Cancer
WASHINGTON (P) - Doctors
reported yesterday that recent
neck pains developed by Secretary
of State John Foster Dukes may
be due to a new outbreak of can-
Some medical authorities said
this virtually ruled out the chance
that he would ever return to full
time direction of the nation's
foreign policy.
Acting Secretary of State Chris-
tian Herter has already been
named as a substitute forDulles
at diplomatic talks with the Brit-
ish, French and German foreign
ministers opening in Paris April
Hoped to Attend
Dulles has been clinging to hope
that he might fight back from the
cancer which was found in Feb. in
his abdominal region. He hoped
to attend the follow-up Big Four
meeting in Geneva a month
A top team of specialists gave
him another examination at Wal-
ter Reed Army Hospital yesterday
and the State Department report-
ed afterward:
"During the last several days
Secretary Dulles has experienced
increasing discomfort in the low-
er neck.
Suggest Tumor
"X-ray studies suggest the pos-
sibility that his discomfort may be
attributable to the presence of a
malignant tumor in the lower
cervical vertebrae. External radi-
ation treatment to the lower neck
began today."
The carefully guarded language
of the State Department bulletin
did not say flatly that Dulles had
a new malignant tumor.
Dulles underwent surgery when
he first was found to have can-
cer, in Nov., 1956. This time the
doctors have not attempted sur-
Condition Worse
Top cancer specialists said on
the basis of the information in
yesterday's announcement that in
view of his 27-month history of
cancer, this showed his condition
has worsened considerably.
Cancer at the base of the neck
is particularly dangerous, because
it is near the spinal column and
nervous system, surgery is ruled
Press officer Lincoln White said
the radiation treatment of the
condition in Dulles' lower neck
will go on for several days. It is
being administered with a medium
volt X-ray device rather than
Walter Reed's one million-volt
machine which was used earlier.'

LSA Quota
N ears Limi
With 4,400 applicants already'
admitted to next year's freshman
class in all colleges and schools,1
admissions director Clyde Vroman
yesterday called the literary col-
lege "approaching saturation."
At this time last year 15 per
cent fewer had been accepted. 1
The freshman quota for nextf
year is set at approximately 3,100.1
Vroman said 35 to 40 per cent of
students so far accepted here are.
expected to go elsewhere.
'Little Room' Left
Other schools at the University,
including pharmacy, music, nurs-
ing and natural resources, are
still open, he noted. But there is
"little room" for applicants, par-
ticularly from out of state, who
are on the waiting list for the
literary college.
Several factors explain why ad-
missions have "jelled" so early.
Under the early admissions plan
begun last fall, 151 applicants were
definitely approved and have sent
in their enrollment fee.
The $50 fee, required this year
for the first time, must be paid by
May 20 by all students admitted
before May 6. A speedier accept-
ance policy places more students
in a category where they may be
checked by the fee, Vroman ex-
'Tidal Wave' Expected
New measures are part of ex-
periments to manage the "tidal
wave" of students soon expected
from the high schools.
Though the University "would
like to carry its share of the in-
creasing load," the admissions
director said this depends on in-
creased appi'opriations
Hears SGC
Plan Ideas
The Clarification Committee on
the Student Government Council
Plan heard yesterday an expan-
sion of the administration's pro-
posed revisions in the present
Vice-President for Student Af-
fairs James A. Lewis remarked
that the administration will be
faced with the problem of dealing
with the actions of the Council,
and thus wants some kind of
substantive review over these ac-
tionts instead of only jurisdictional
Dean of Men Walter B. Rea
called for alumni representation
in the issue of withdrawal of rec-
ognition of student organizations.
He noted that affiliated alumni
have heavy financial interests in
the present fraternities and sorori-
ties, and therefore their point of
view should be heard.
The committee will hold its next
meeting at 11 a.m. Tuesday.

Stud ents ToOffer Bill

A group of University students
will present a proposal to a legis-
lative committee today which
would force the University to
withdraw recognition from any
fraternity or sorority which prac-
tices religious or racial discrimin-
Brereton Bissell, '61, announced
yesterday that he, his brother
Torre Bissel. '60, Nan Murrell, '59,
former chairman of Student Gov-
ernment Council's Human Rela-
tions Board, and "two or three
others" were going to appear be-
fore a hearing of the House State
Affairs Committee.
To Introduce Amendment
This group will introduce a
"clarification" amendment to a
bill recently introduced by 23
House Democrats. This would
amend Michigan's State Fair Em-
ployment Practices Act to provide
civil rights protection in the fields
of education, housing and public
accommodations, in addition to
fair employment protection.
The bill now before the commit-
tee covers "the owner or agent of
a place of public accommodation,
a public educational institution,
or a publicly assisted or multiple
housing accommodation," Bissell
Is Like Model
He explained that the bill is
"similar to a model bill drawn up
by the Michigan Coordinating
Council for Civil Rights." How-
ever, Bissell continued, the
MCCCR wants the bill before the
committee to be clarified to elini-
inate a "possible loophole."
The bill specifically eliminates
from its provisions "any institu-
tion . . . which is by its nature
distinctly private, including fra-
ternal organizations, t h o u g h
where public use is permitted that
use shall be covered by this act."
The suggested a m e n d m e n t
would specifically provide that all
groups connected with public edu-
cational institutions must not
practice discrimination, Bissell
Would Force 'U'
"This would force the Univer-
sity to withdraw recognition from
any fraternity or sorority which
practiced discfimination," he con-
Bissell explained that his group
was not entirely happy with the
housing section of the bill, be-
cause many of the places where
University students live are not
multiple dwelling units under the
specific definition set up in the
bill, '
Need Three Units
"Under the bill, as it now
stands, a multiple-housing accom-
modation must have three or more
family units, but many of the
student accommodations have less
than that number. However, we
will accept that portion of the bill
if it is not severely amended."
If the bill was passed with the
amendment, Bissell continued, it
would also force the University to
change the provisions of scholar-
ships which now carry such re-
strictions as the applicant must be
a "white, Protestant" student.

a daughter, Mrs. Halden Smith


... testifies at Lansing
- a
Join Backersu
Of Union Bill
cob K. Javits (R-N.Y.) and Johna
S. Cooper (R-Ky.) said yesterday
they are co-sponsoring the Ken-
nedy Labor Bill as "a wholesome
and substantial contribution to
the law at this time."
The two senators, only Repub-1
licans listed as co-sponsors of thef
measure, said "We are convinced
that it is a major advance in the{
law governing labor-management"
relations and the internal admin-
istration of labor unions."
Sens. Javits and Cooper said in
a joint statement they doubt1
whether the bill is perfectly satis-
factory to any member of the La-
bor Committee, but commented
that the field it deals with is ex-
ceedingly complex.
Their statement 'came as the
13-member Senate Labor Com-
mittee majority filed a formal re-1
port on the bill whose chief spon-
sor is Sen. John F. Kennedyt(D-
Mass.). Floor debate is expected
to begin today.]
Thegmajority said the bill rep-
resents 'a major attack on the
abuses and problems identified by
recent investigations" like that'
conducted by the Senate Rackets
World News
By The Associated Press r
HAVANA-Cuba's revolutionary
Premier Fidel Castro leaves today,
on a speaking tour to Washington,
New York, Houston, Tex., and
Canada with hopes of improving
relations to the North.
The bearded leader's trip is pri-
vate and unofficial but is expected
to have a critical bearing on the
traditional friendship of the United
States and Cuba.
* * *
GENEVA - The United States,
Britain and the Soviet Union
agreed yesterday to give them
selves a veto over any revisions to
a treaty for the sspension of
nuclear weapons test .
The three powers approved a
draft article on amendment pro-
cedures in a 55-minute meeting.
TOKYO - Red China's puppet
ruler of Tibet, the Panchen Lama,
joined Chinese Premier Chou En-
lai in Peiping yesterday in a call
for a speedy socialization of Tibet.
MADRAS, India-Prime Minis-
ter Jawaharlal Nehru said yester-
day Tibet's autonomy has to be
maintained for any lasting solu-
tion of the Tibetan problem.
The following events are

Plane,., '
Soviet Ruling
On Corridor
East, West Charge
Dangerous Tactics
In Berlin Incidents
BERLIN (/') - The East-West
dispute over air access to isolated
Berlin sharpened yesterday with
disclosure that Soviet' jet fighters'
have buzzed a second United
States Air Force transport plane.
A United States Embassy spokes-
man in Bonn said that on April 3
two Russian MIGs conducted very
dangerous maneuvers in harrass-
ing a big double-decked propeller-
driven cargo plane in one of the
three air corridors linking Berlin
with West Germany.
Swap Protests
The Soviet fighters flew within
100 feet of the C97 transport and
looped over it and under it because
it was flying at an altitude of
12,000 feet in defiance of Moscow's
warning that Western planes must
stay below 10,000 feet.
:The United States and Soviet
representatives at the four-power
Air Safety Center in Berlin, which
controls flights in the corridors,
swapped oral protests after the
incident, the Embassy disclosed.
Each side accused the other of'
dangerous air tactics.
First Note Sent
The incident was disclosed after
the United States sent a note to
Moscow Monday as a result of the
first buzzing incident of March 27.
On that day Soviet fighters flew
almost within wing tip of a United
States C130 Turboprop transpori
which was flying above 20,000 feet.
The Russians have insisted that
altitudes over 10,000 feet must be
reserved for safety reasons because
of Communist aircraft flying over
the corridor.
Don't Accept Rule
The United States, Britain and
France never have accepted this
unwritten regulation. But their
propeller-driven planes stayed be-
low 10,000 feet because it was
more convenient to operate at the
lower altitudes.
With turboprop and jet transT:1
ports coming into full service, the
United States is insisting on the
right to fly in the corridors at any
altitude. The new planes 'fy more
efficiently at the Higher altitudes,
and these planes probably would
be used in a new airlift to Berlin
if one became necessary because
of a Communist blockade.
On the afternoon of April 3, the
stratocruiser type transport was
returning from Berlin to the
Rhein-Main Air Base near Frank-
furt. The pilot had filed a flight
plan with the Berlin Air Control
Center. This was a standard flight
plan which made no mention of
the altitude.
Koch Pitches
'M' to 4-1 Win
Over Eastern
Al Koch pitched Michigan's
baseball team out of a seven-game

losing' streak yesterday by holding
Eastern Michigan to, three hits In
a 4-1 Wolverine victory at Ferry
It was the home team's first
triumph since a 6-2 decision over
Duke at the beginning of the va-
cation-time Florida State tourna-
ment. Since then Michigan had
been beaten six times in Florida
and once by University of Detroit
here last week.
Koch, the first Michigan hurler
to go the route this season, walked
three and struck out six. The
junior righthander lost a shutout
in the fifth inning when Huron
left fielder John Mathews sent one
of Koch's offerings on a 370-foot
ride over the left - center field
First Hit
The homer was the first hit off
Koch. who then walked the next

Sup erviso rs
Pass ,Budget
The Washtenaw County Board
of Supervisors yesterday approved
a preliminary 1960 budget of
$3,175,224 yesterday. This repre-
sents an increase of $409,929 or
14.8 per cent over last year's
Appropriation increases were
recommended for virtually all
county services. Major increases
were noted in welfare programs,
judicial services and legislative and
administrative services.

Speech Department To Give lonesco s Play

At its meeting at 7:30 p.m. to-
day in the Student Activities Bldg.
Student Government Council will
announce its appointment to fill
its vacant seat.'
Recommendations will also be
made for appointments to several
SGC committees, Jo Hardee, '60,
executive vice-president said. The
organizations concerned are the,

Eugene Ionesco's "Victims of Duty" reaches the conclusion that
Ionesco's kind of theatre is best, the student director of the speech
department's production of the play explained.
Allan Schreiber, '60, will watch the play which he has spent
weeks rehearsing unfold at 4:10 p.m, today in the Arena Theatre,
located in the basement of the Frieze Bldg., as part of the Creative
Arts Festival.
"The play represents Ionesco's personal view of the theatre,"
Schreiber insisted. But it is almost impossible to relate its plot. Point-
ing out that every character depicts different aspects of this-theatre,
he maintained that Choubert is the theatre personified.
Represents Dilettante
"Madeline is representative of the dilettante who makes up the
general theatre audience, while the Detective is the critic of the
theatre," Schreiber said.
"He criticizes it because the theatre doesn't do what he wants
it to oo foAlwI-the direction he wants it to follow."


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