WAGE-SPIRAL INESCAPABLE See Page 4 Pr Sixty-Eight Years of Editorial Freedom 742 tity FAIR, WARMER FIVE CENTS VAT TT WL1 t=~*.~,." o. 135 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, TUESDAY, APRIL 14, 1959 FIVE CENTS EIGHT PJ ' l/L LlYAf 1[4 1uV President Delays Report on Dulles Administration Heads Pessimistic, Expect- Secretary 'To Resign Shortl.y WASHINGTON (P)-President Dwight D. Eisenhower yesterday delayed a decision on John Foster Dulles' future as Secretary of State. Doctors meanwhile will make an effort to check Dulles' cancer by new medical treatment. Most Administration leaders were gloomy about the prospects that Dulles could win his fight. They expected he would resign shortly, perhaps within a comparatively few days. Concern in Congress Dulles' condition aroused immediate concern in Congress about who will represent the United States at the Foreign Ministers meeting Vanguard Firing Attempt Fail Launch Discoverer f 4. 5: "" ROBERT MANCELLI nn~~rca~ k h t .courses boo L e Coarse Book. Ma Be Sold By Student . By PETER DAWSON in Geneva -May 11. Sen. George' Aiken (R-Vt.) said that unless Dulles is able to resume full time work by that date, "I would expect -he should resign." "I don't thinkthe country can go on and on without an active head of the State Department," Sen. Aiken said. He was saying in effect that an acting secretary could not stand on an equal footing at Geneva with the ministers of the Soviet Union and the Western Allies of the United States. , Ike Silent Pres. Eisenhower, who is re- ported very worried about Dulles' illness, gave no clue to the future after a 45-minute visit with Dulles at Walter Reed Army Hospital yesterday. The 71-year-old Secretary, worn ,and haggard, returned to the hos- pital Sunday after cutting short a rest stay in Florida. During his Florida visit, Dulles apparently failed to regain the. strength he had when }he was a full time architect and champion of Administration foreign policy, a post he has filled for six years. The White House announced after tres. Eisenhower's visit to the hospital that Dulles would re- main there -for some days for additional medical observation and new treatment. In yesterday's sudden announce- ment about Dulles' return, nothing was said about his need to under- go new treatment. He underwent four weeks of in- tensive radiation and also received a radioactive gold injection before leaving for Florida. Festival The following events are scheduled for today as part of the Creative Arts Festival; Michigan Final Preliminaries Oratorical Contest, 3:30 p.m., 2528 Frieze Bldg.' Oral Interpretation - Read- ings 7:30 p.m., Trueblood And., Frieze Bldg. University Woodwind - Quin- tet, 8:30 p.m., -Rackham And. Leonardo da Vinci display through Sunday, Clements Li- brary. INCREASES: L arcom' Presents Bdudget. By PHILIP SHERMAN A budget of $4 million for fiscal year 1960 was submitted to the Ann Arbor City Council last night by City Administrator Guy C. Larcom, Jr. The figure is 13 per cent higher than this year's, but local tax rates may be lowered by seveii cents per $1,000 assessed valua, tion without unbalancing the budget, Larcom said. The principal additional source of income making this possible, will be the, rise in assessed valua- tions, due mainly to annexations and new construction, he added. The principal expense increase is in expanded 'road improvement to repair damages from the se- vere winter and- to keep up with an epanding_ demand, Larcom comnented. Cause Increase Other factors causing the rise include the cost of starting pub- lic rubbish collections in the city and . expenditures for capital equipment 'for various city de- °partments. Larcom pointed out the fire de- partment request, most of which was not included in the proposed budget, as a special case for Coun- cil consideration. The department had asked for 26 additional imen and several major pieces of equip- ment, costing $125,000 or $1.25 per thousand dollars assessed valua- tion. May Ask University, Larcom's budget called for four more men. He added that the, Council may want to- ask the Uni- versity to increase its share of fire' department costs to help pay for protection in the North Campus area. For personnel costs, Larcom said no cost-of-living increases' were contemplated as the national index had remained about the same since January, but that re- quested job reclassifications would -increase costs. Personnel accounts for over one-half the city butiget. Not included in the budget, Lar- com pointed out, is $200,000 more for capital improvements. An 18-page booklet of literary- college course evaluations may go on sale soon, Robert Mancell, '59, announced yesterday. It is based on a questionnaire which he wrote, passed out and compiled himself. It contains 100- odd students' evaluations of 242 courses in 30 departments of the literary college. He said it covers most of the basic courses in each department. The Board in Control of Student Publications will consider ap- } proving the booklet at its meeting Wednesday, its chairman, Prof. John W. Reed} of the law school, said yesterday. Taken at Random The students were taken at random, Mancell said, by asking passers-by at the Undergraduate Library, the League and other places to answer the questionnaire. In the first part of the ques- tionnaire, students evaluated courses in their major fields, num- bering them one through five ac- cording to difficulty and again ac- cording to quality. The booklet lists for each course the number' of students who gave it each num- ber. U.S., Britain Propose Ban. On Firings GENEVA (.P)-The United States and Britain yesterday proposed a prompt termination of atmos- pheric and underwater nuclear tests, but the initial Soviet reac- tion to the proposal -was cool. A new plan was designed to tackle test suspension on a step- by-step basis, and thus salvage something from the three-power 'nuclear ban conference here. The Western powers hope agree- ment can be reached on the easiest part of the agreement first, with attempts at later negotiation to widen the ban so as to include the outer space and underground blasts. United States Ambassador James J. Wadsworth and British Minister David Ormsby-Gore made it clear their governments preferred a complete cessation of all types of atomic and hydrogen weapon tests. In view of the deadlocked state of this conference, however, the Western powers proposed reaching a limited agreement first, with the three powers binding themselves to testing weapons from the earth's surface to an altitude of 50 km. i. Newspapers FLUSHING, N.Y. (SEPS) - Both Queens College newspapers here are being dissolved and a re- vised publication with a paid stu- dent editor and increased faculty supervision will replace them. The announcement was released to the daily press last Friday. Members of the papers had no knowledge of the action prior to a query about the college's press release from the Daily News. Editors- expressed dismay and "shock" about the action. Laura Ettinger, managing editor of the Crown, states, "I've given four years of my life to this paper. Now it means nothing." As outlined by the Faculty Com- mittee on Student Activities and Services, the revised publication would have a student editor who would be appointed by the Com- mittee. ,from earth, at its closest 158. William 'H. Godel, director of planning for ARPA, said "We are exulted over the second success in the Discoverer series." 30-Day Life The orbit would allow the satel- lite a life expectancy of about 30 day, he said. Within 12 hours, he said, they will be able to determine if the orbit meets requirements for an attempt to recover the satellite's instrumented nose cone. The recovery plan was the big news in this, the second launching in the Discoverer series. The plan has been rumored for weeks, but until yesterday there was no con- firmation. If all goes well, the nose cone will be ejected, today or later, over the Pacific near Hawaii. There giant C119 flying boxcars, trailing trapeze-like devices, hope to snag the capsule's parachute in the air. Slim Chance Before the launch one expert guessed the chance of recovery at 1 in 1,000. The capsule is the forerunner of other Discoverer shots which will carry small animals aloft to test perils of radiation, heat and grav- ity stress-hazards man will meet when he ventures into space. "What we really hope to achieve is stabilization of the satellite in orbit," Godel said. "This will be necessary before we can kick off the nose cone containing the in- strumented capsule. Stabilization in itself will be a tremendous first. If we get a bonus of recovering the capsule as well, we shall be doubly elated." Godel said the entire second stage probably will orbit for about 30 days. Radio signals will- be received from the second-stage satellite regardless of whether the nose cone is kicked off. From their observation site 10,- 000 feet away newsmen saw the 78-foot projectile balance grace- fully on its tail for fleeting sec- onds as the first-stage Thor mis- sile's 150,000-pound-thrust en- gine ignited in a cloud of white smoke. Clarifie~aion Meeting Called. The committee on clarification of the Student Government Plan will hold an open meeting at 3 p.m. today in the Student Activ- ities Bldg. Discussion will deal with a' de- revisions of the present plan. tailed analysis of the presented KATHERINE JOH . .. League pres ident Johnson Wints Post By PEGGY GREENBERG Appointment of Katherine John- son, '60, as the new League Presi- dent was announced last night at the League Installation Night pro- gram. "Last year's officers, led by Bob- bie Maier, have done a remarkable overhauling job so that there is no reason we shouldn't have a wonderful year," said Miss John- son, citing the new arrangement of vice - presidents within the League Council. "We'd like to do more with ac- tivities, correlating the academic and cultural aspects of the Uni- versity," Sets. Meetings Concerning the internal opera- tions of the League, Miss Johnson plans to have definite meetings between the executive board and the office staff. She will encourage committee members to attend the, League Council meetings.. Projects immediately ahead foil Miss Johnson and her executive board will be the orientation pro- gram for new League officers, first held last year, and pinning the remodeling for the new rooms to be available next year in the League. Board Appoints Others *Miss Johnson was appointed by an elections board composed of the chairman and secretary of the League Interviewing and Nomina- tion Committee, the chairman of Women's Judiciary and the presi- dents of the League, Panhellenic Association and Assembly Associa- tion. Other executive officers of the League who will be working with Miss Johnson, announced in theI anticipation and excitement of the annual installation night are Karin Allen, '60Ed, vice-president in charge of finance; Sharon Glas- er, '62SM, assistant treasurer; Sue Moag, '61, external vice-president; Carlene Miller, '6OEd, vice-presi- dent in charge of class projects; and Karol Buckner, '60, internal vice-.president. I U.S. Launches Discoverer; Stations Report Polar Orbit VANDENBERG AIR FORCE BASE, Calif. UP)-America's second Discoverer satellite roared southward into polar orbit yesterday, setting the stage for a gigantic game of aerial catch in which planesY may try to snatch its parachuting nose cone from the air. Two hours after the launch, Advanced Research Projects Agency spokesman said tracking stations in Alaska, Hawaii and at this West Coast missile base had established that Discoverer II is in orbit. The 1,600-pound satellite is whirling around the earth in a nearly North-South orbit every 94 minutes. At its high point;it is 445 miles Sucessfully Rocket Stops Short Navy Program Suffers Setback . As Seven of Nine Tries Miss CAPE CANAVERAL, Fla. W-The hard luck Vanguar program suffered another setback last night when a seconc stage misfire ended a flight that might have put three sate: lites into orbit around the earth. It was the seventh failure for a Vanguard since the fir ings began in December 1957. Two shots have been rated sue cesses. The 72-foot Vanguard rocket thundered skyward at 9:5 p.m. EST, trailing a long plume of flame. The firing was de INSON layed for a time because of unfavorable weather condi- tions over the Cape. First Stage Success The first stage went off all right. But nearly half an hour after blastoff, the National Aero- nautics and Space Administration announced here and in Washing- ton that the second stage had failed. Cause of -the trouble was not known immediately.Y Robert H. &ray, chief of Van-t guard operations at Cape Canav- eral, said the rocket's first stage looked normal, but the second did1 not achieve proper velocity.. If it had behaved as planned,£ the second stage would have boosted -the satellite payload up to 9,000.miles an hour before sep- aration. NASA, which took over the Van-1 guard program from the Navy,1 said: , "The second stage o4 the Van- guard IIII a satellite-launching vehicle ... failed to operate prop- erly following the first stage1 burnout." Two Satellites The Va guard carried two sci- entific satiellites: 1) A lbllypop-looking device, consisting of a 13-inch sphere1 with a 1712 by 2/2 inch cylinder attached like a handle. It was de-a signed to measure the magnetic field surrounding the earth. It weighed 22.6 pounds. 2) A plastic and alumnium foil bag intended to be infiated into a 30-inch sphere after the rocket got aloft. This weighed less than half a pound and was to be used to measure the amount of drag it would' run into 'U' Offrs Asia Course By JOAN KAATZ A new graduate program in South Asian area studies will be offered at the University next September. The program, directed by the newly - appointed Southern Asia Studies Committee, will fill the gap in the Asian area programs, Prof. Robert I. Crane of the history department and chairman of the committee said. It will add to studies now organized in both Fa' Eastern and Near Eastern Asia, he explained. The receipt of fellowships from the National Defense Education Act of 1958 for the new plan aided the establishment of the program, he added. New Arrangements To effectively create the new graduate course work, faculty members from specialized fields had to be found, new courseshad to be' arranged and the library had to be equipped with research material. A new interdepartmental semi- nar on history of recent South Asia will be taught by Prof. Crane and Prof. Richard Park who will come to the University in Sep- tember 'from the University of California. He will also teach political science classes dealing with the South Asian area. Courses will be taught in fine arts roneranhv hitnrv nlitial' In the second part, students list- ed courses in other subjects which they particularly enjoyed or would rather not have taken. Lists Professors The third part of the booklet lists 48 professors in 17 depart- ments that students put down as ones they had particularly en- joyed. Not all those listed by stu- dents were included in the book- let, Mancell said. For example, if only two history majors listed one often-takeni history professor, he would not be included in the list. Mancell said he had two reasons for making the booklet -- that it would be "something valuable to literary college students who choose electives," and that he is planning a trip to South America' this summer and needs money for it. Students Take SGC Petitions For Vacancy Twenty students have peti- tioned for the vacancy in Student Government Council. They' are: John J. Fried, '62; Harry Burr rCmmins '61. anvid Nathan , Brown. Says S tate Fund Crisis Near* Lecturer Tells of Visits TO Antarctic Continent. By NORMA SUE WOLFE A man who got his first glimpse of the Antarctic in a 1915 movie in Boston, Mass., told an audience of 50 persons last night about the three expeditions in which he has since participated. In the 1954-55 expedition, Rev. Daniel Lineham sailed half-way LANSING W)- Michigan's fl nancial day of reckoning is lei than a month off, State Treasure Sanford A. Brown warned today In a move to spur a slow-movirn Legislature to action, Brown re leased a sobering account of the state's financial status to Governo G. Mennen Williams and his cab net. It showed the state has 25 mi lion dollars in its General Fur but owes 62 million dollars I public schools, the public scho employes retirement system an -the University and Michigan Stat University. Under the constitution, the stat treasury must send out some 1 million dollars in sales tax reve nues to local governments-b April 30 and 35 million dollars primary school interest money b. May 15. Another 14I million do tars must be shifted to variou welfare funds. Money for thes payments has already been cl lected but most has been spent. State employees may not b paid beyond the next payda April 23, Brown said. (University Vice - President : Charge of Business and Finan Wilbur K. Pierpont said last nig] the University will need "a we to 10 days" to negotiate with ban for loans against Veteran's Fun bonds. He also emphasized ta legislative process,once the Ser ate takes action, will take add tional time tonmake the bond available. The bill must be approved I the House with its amendment then given immediate effect 1 both houses, which, requires; two-thirds vote. The state A iministrative Board must thi work out the mechanics of enac ing the proposal.) In a message to the, Legislatu last night, the governor warn that state schools are losing fa ulty members "who never will r turn." He continued, "and all becau no action to insure their appr priations has been taken by tV Legislature these last three mont though the means to do Aso b been at hand all this time." Name Moore. o Advisory Committee Dean Earl V. Moore of the m sic school has been selected President Dwight D. Eisenhowf as a member of the 34-man a visory committee to help plan National Cultural Center Washington., Moore said the committee w probably hold its first meeting b fore the end of the month. A bill passed by Congres Sept, set up the Cultural Center undi the supervision of the Smithso ian Tnstitute. Congress has d around the Antarctic and in the the rest of the journey.. "Because think it's warm. One hundred two degrees below zero evidences other- wise," the chairman of the Bos- ton College Geophysics Depart- ment said. Because of the cold Rev. Line- ham could find only one piece of moss while on an expedition. He was told by one of the scientists accompanying the expedition that he had probably stripped 1,000 square miles of vegetation. In review of the history of ex- ploration of the Antarctic, Rev. Lineham stressed "what man will go through to complete a goal for himself-even if it's only to reach a little pin-point on the Antarc- tic." A chapel, which Naval officials had called "impossible to provide for" was established in the Ant- arctic by Seabees. At the end of the period of con- struction, all buildings were pres- ent and accounted for but each nne was several feet short. One 1955-56 operation, he completed it's the South Pole, some people. YOUNG MAN'S FANCY: Yo-Yo' s Practice for Spring Weekend By CHARLES KOZOLL In the wake of stuffed telephone booths, overcrowded Volkswagens and circulating hula hoops, University students have responded with their own spring fever antidote-the rapidly rotating "yo-yo." Sprung on an unsuspecting campus community by publicity agents of the Spring Weekend Committee yesterday, the small spherical instrument has caught the fancy of several hundred local "yo-yos.", Condition Wrists, Fingers Most of them are getting their index fingers and wrists in condi- tion for the Spring Weekend contest which will, according to a committee official, "draw some of the biggest 'yo-yos' on campus." To stimulate participation among the less proficient spinners, an expert in this vanishing art will provide lessons on either Thursday or Friday. "Expert" here implies that he can motivate the object up and down, in an overhand flip, rock it in a, "baby cradle" or launch it in an "around the world movement." ,: :. :; _