'HE MICHIG~AN ITV A IIN 11 Women's Gym Outlook Bad 1I ing golden pony tail says unhesi- tatingly, "and we'll never catch up until we change them." This is a highly controversial subject and Miss Russell knows her opinions sting many ears. "But someone must start the ball rolling. Since I'm a physical education major and hope to do research on new techniques, I feel I might as well try." "First, we have to start the girls in gymnastics much sooner," she says. "Russian girls usually have competed for 13 years before they ever enter the Olympics. Most of us have only five or six years ex- perience." "Our girls should start from the time they enter kindergarten, fol- lowing through with the rhythmic games that are played then." This brings in the major change Miss Russell advocates, and one she hopes to carry out as a coach two years hence. "The ideal training method is to use modern dance, tumbling and ballet and tie them together," she says. "If I had my way I would concentrate on ballet stu- dies first and then go into the gyn. This is the key to beating the Russians." Miss Russell continues, "Ballet and music are becoming more and more important. Gymnastics is called poetry in motion but we don't know what this means until we see the Russian girls in action. "We have just as much talent as they do but we don't use it. They take a simple step and make it look like a million dollars. The difference between Russian and American female gymnasts is like night an dday. They're the leaders and we must follow." The use of music and ballet techniques are the primary differ- ences between womens' and mens' gymnastics. Since the majority of girls in the United States and Canada are coached by men, there apparently has been little varia- tion in the type of training for each. "When we walked into the sta- dium at Australia in the '56 Olympics," recalls Miss Russell, "it was the first time we had ever heard of using ballet music in time to the routines. We were al- most shocked. But music is being used in the free exercise events over here now. "In fact, music has become such an important aspect in Russia," she says, "that they have com- posers who do nothing but com- pose music for gymnasts." Miss Russell also pointed out the difference in the shape of Russian and Western girls. "It's often thought that Russia's girl gymnasts are pretty chunky but they actually have the most beautiful figures of all," she says. "They achieve them t h r o u g h proper training and massage. Most of our girls are heavy on the tops of the legs, illustrating the faulty training methods." "A lot of us end a practice ses- sion with bumps and bruises be- cause we try to do too many dif- ficult things. The important thing is to do simple routines and do them well." Although Americans and Cana- dians have a lot of ground to make up to catch the Russians, Miss Russell believes we aren't losing any. "Actually the girls here in this AAU meet have made tremendous strides. But there's so much more to be done. "After graduation, I want to start a group of girls with ballet and follow their progress," she says. "This is pretty much the Russian technique, but they're so far ahead of us we can only at- tempt to copy them now." OLYMPIC BEAUTY-Ernestine Russell, a member of the Cana. dian Olympic Gym Team in 1956 and a Michigan. State coed, goes through her paces in yesterday's Michigan AAU Champion- ships at the I-M Building. Miss Russell won three first places. Michigan State Gymnastics Twosome Big Winners in AA U Championships Michigan Staters Goni Browsh and Ernestine Russell dominated the Michigan AAU Gymnastic meet yesterday at the I-M Build- ing by grabbing eight firsts in the senior men's and women's divi- sions. Browsh, a freshman competing unattached, captured five firsts in- cluding the all-around title. Miss Russell, 1956 Canadian Olympic representative, took three cham- pionships and a second. ten-times defending champ Illinois next year. For Osterlind, it was the first time he had ever competed in an official meet of any kind. Just Walked In -Said Loken, "He just walked in last fall, said he wanted to com- pete in gymnastics for Michigan, and here he wins the tumbling. It was a fine performance and in- dicative of the determination he has." Osterlind also finished third on the trampoline. Loken's brilliant coaching was evident even in the junior girls' division as his 12-yr.-old daugh- ter, Chris, was first on the tram- poline. Team cahampionships: Mens' Senior Division -Central Michi- gan; Womens' Senior Division'(A) -Flint; Women's Senior Division (B-Flint; Junior Mens' Division -Ionia; Junior Womens' Divi- sion-Flint Gold. I I' M. -- 0