Sixty-Ninth Year
"There Seems To Be Some Kind of Fallout"
n Opinions Are Free
uth Will Prevai"
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Reader Suggests
P r-ls Sep
Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers
or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints.
DAY, FEBRUARY 12, 1959
The Strings of Federal Aid
Can Strangle as Well as Support
OR SOME years the national government'
has found no need to demand loyalty oaths
d anti-Communist assurances from recipi-
ts of old age, farming or other benefits. But
w that the government has moved into
ucation, funny ithings happen. Suddenly,
izens receiving federal funds. must pledge
itten allegiance and swear they do not "be-
ve" in, any organization, committed to the
erthrow of the government..
Hopefully, federal money will soon come to
e aid of more educational difficulties than
e shortage of student loan funds. However, if
e provisional conditions on federal loans are
indication of the rate of interest demanded
such aid, the terms of payment may al-
Tether be too high.
UPPOSE SCHOOLS do receive more gov-
ernment grants - for setting up classes,
hiring professors, perhaps for establishing
w experimental departments. Will these
nies also be earmarked with a little red,
ite and blue tag marked loyalty oaths? The
vernment could easily stipulate that classes
taught in accordance with what it feels is
e "right" thought trend. Lawmakers, being
lible human beings, could ask for curricula
ich; submerge novel and "dangerous" ideas
at, with a little airing, might actually be
Control has already been attempted at the
te level, with at least one legislature pro-
iting the teaching of evolution. That some-
ng like this imight occur on a national level
makes things not merely ludicrous, but dan-
gerous. ,
ACROSS THE NATION, the academic free-
dom fighters - college professors, univer-
sity presidents, Sen. John Kennedy, and the
National Students Association - have recog-
nized the danger signals of the loan require-
ments. It implies that students ". . . are a
particularly suspect part of the population,"
and it is "an unnecessary, futile gesture to-
ward the memory of an earlier age." Those
interested in academic freedom object most
to the anti-Communist affidavit, some labeling
it as positively destructive.
It may well restrict opportunities for thosej
whose consciences call such statements dis-I
tasteful, humiliating and a clear infringement
° on human rights.
Meanwhile, such a measure aids the student
traitor, if there are any. Any Communist worth
his party card would not hesitate to perjure
himself and swear he holds no "belief" in an
organization on the wrong side of the tracks.
THE "TROUBLEMAKER" who dislikes gov-
ernment imposed restrictions and would be
the one actually hurt by the affidavit, is not
necessarily the troublemaker to be kept out.
As Dr. George Boas, of Johns Hopkins Univer-
sity, noted at a recent meeting of the Associa-
tion of American Colleges, the inquiring stu-
dent is bound to be regarded as a trouble-
maker. "You will not have excellence," he said,
"if a man does not feel free to ask any ques-
tion whatsoever, whether it impinge upon
vested scientific authority or on theology-or
What is perhaps even'worse than these ob-
jections is the extent to which such measures
are calmly accepted. When the provisions
were written into the loans act on the Senate
floor last summer by Sen. Karl E. Mundt, they
went through conference in the adjournment
rush with little debate.
Even in the University's Student Government
Council, where it is to be expected that the
implications of the provisions would be more
sharply criticized, objection has been weak.
Also under pressure to adjourn a long meet-
ing, the council when it voted in December to
denounce the loyalty pledge, neglected to pro-
test the affidavit.
Perhaps we have become too accustomed to
demands for oaths and assurances to -realize
that the gain of a comparatively few dollars
in loans is not worth the loss of academic prin-
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To the Editor:
DURING the five years I have
been at the University of
Michigan, never a winter has
passed without slipping and sliding
my way to classes. The process
runs something like this: a bliz-
zard at night, 22,000 scholars
tramping the drifts into hard ice,
sometimes after coffee break an
oversized shoe-shine machine
chases students around the walks
clearing superfluous snow away
fromhthe edges of the packed ice
which now dominates the side-
Logic would indicate that the
Plant Department shouldrenpove
the snow before classes begin at
8 a.m. Or, if the snow is still fall-
ing, to keep sweeping it up any-
way. This is the practice of every
Big Ten school I have visited ex-
cept this one.
- I see a rationalization crystal-
lizing to the effect that this is the
worst of all possible winters. But a
little memory drudging will show
that it was always like this at the
University of Michigan.
--Paul Mott
Review . . .
To the Editor:
IN YOUR column concerning the
Tebaldi concert, the reviewer
states that this voice has "'opu-
lence and luster," a "hard, bright
edge" and a "generally monoto-
nous vocal color"...factors which,a
in his opinion, limit her "expres-'
sionistic devices." I should like to
point out that these are all contra-,
dictions. This "hard bright edge"
to which he refers is characteristic
of operatic voices like Tebaldi's
and, before her, Ponselle and Mu-
zio. It is called "projection" .
not in the sense of projecting the
characterization of a role, but in
the. serious business of directing
the tone from the hard palate,
much as from the sounding board,
of a piano, in order to carry that
tone to all parts of the house.
Overtones are the natural result
of a free and easy tone production,
and to "thicken with overtones"
could mean only to increase the
tonal beauty in effortless produc-
In a voice so fully equalized in
tone with all factors blending to'
produce this even scale, it is an
enigma to me why he considers
her "dynamic" and "Intonational
shadings" a limitation to her ex-
pression. What other recourse has
she? (Or for that matter, has any
singer?) He noticed, I am sure,
that the "Swarthout break" in the
chest voice was absent in Tebaldi's
singing. I think he must realize
too that her lovely middle register
would not be acceptable if carried
upwards without, as you say,
"thickening with overtones." Fur-
thermore, she does not sing in
her nose like William Warfield, or
in her forehead like Elizabeth
Schwarzkopf or in her neck like
Billy Eckstein but with her whole
body and mind, all elements being
blended to produce a consistency
of tone which is remarkable in
any singer and always the mark of
a distinguished artist.
-George McWhorter
THE BROTHERS Warner bill
their current entry at the
State, "Up Periscope"~ as "a story
as big as the seas that rocks with
all its glory." Certainly they must
be joking for the film that ex-
lplodes on the State's screen is
nothing more than an overlong
cinematic, waterlogged bore tai-
lored especially for the less than
formidable talents of its leading
player, James Garner.
However it should not be f alsely
assumed that Mr. Garner is chiefly
responsible for the disappointing
quality of this film, for he turns in
a thoroughly professional perform-
ance. But although his acting is
capable, the script which screen-
writer Richard Landau has fash-
ioned for him is so cliche ridden
and familiar that it would take an
actor of considerably greater
ability and experience than Mr.
Garner's to make this film emerge
as a worthwhile venture.
LENDING thet leading player
able support in 'this submarine
drama is Edmond O'Brien. Cast in
the role of a skipper whose error
in a sub maneuver cost him the
life of one of his men as well as
the disrespect of a number of his
crew, Mr. O'Brien handles his
difficult task very well giving an
interesting and convincing per-
As is the case of most of Holly-
wood's standard war dramas, a
love story is also worked into the
motif of this current Warner re-
lease. But in "Up Periscope," the
love story is of sucht minor im-
portance and sports so many in-
congruities that thoroughly one
wonders why screenwriter Landau
bothered to include this sequence
at all.
However, t-does conform to the
motion picture's disturbingly maw-
kish. style
The companion featurette to
"Up Periscope" is a disarming and
sometimespdownright hilarious
commentary on the life of a dog.
So delightful is thiscartoon that
.it' is almost worth enduring dull-
ness and boredom of the main
feature "Up Periscope." Almost but
not quite.
-Marc Alan Zagoren
Byrd Machine Detours Integration
Another Rise
LTHOUGH the University of late has been
searching rather unsuccessfully for opera-
nal and building funds, and while the faculty.
ks fearfully forward to delayed payrolls, the
uation on another local front rolled serenely
d steadily along last week.
Student enrollment maintained its steady an-,
al rise, the Office of Registration and Records
I'rue,- the increase of 34 over last figure
ems minute and hardly noteworthy. But then,
s was to be the "hold the line" year, when
rollments were not to be increased.x
What with the war baby crop grimly casting
seventeen-year-old shadow ever Increasing-
over the Ann Arbor campus, one can only
w this semester's rise with awe, and a bit of
pidation about the future.
(EDITOR'S NOTE: This is the last
of three articles on Virginia politics.)
Daily Staff Writer
"I pledge allegiance to the sovereign
State of virginia
And to the prejudice for which it
One State, under Byrd, infallible,
With ignorance and segregation
for all."
THE ABOVE "Commonwealth
Pledge" was written to Rich-
mond Newspapers, Inc., by a local
resident before the peaceful inte-
gration in several Virginia public
schools on Feb, 2, 1959.
However, if Senator Harry F.
Byrd, his machine and his "mas-
sive resistance" "hadn't been at
work, desegregation in these
schools might have occurred ear-
Byrd climbed to the position of
leader of the Senate's and the
South's segregationalists through
an election. in which he, himself,
was not a candidate. But the Byrd
machine elected Governor Thomas
B. Stanley.
A few hours after news of the
Supreme Court decision on inte-
gration, Gov. Stanley issued the.
statement that he planned "no
precipitate action" but would
work for a program "in keeping
with the edict of the court."
Then a few weeks passed. On
June 25, 1954, Stanley issued an-
other statement: "I shall use
every legal means at my command
to continue segregated schools in
* * *
WHY THIS direct contradic-
tion? Harry Byrd, the boss, had
turned thumbs down.
Under Stanley's gubernatorial
administration, a c o m m i s s i o n
headed by State Senator Garland
Gray produced a middle-road de,-
segregation plan. Basically, it pro-
vided state grants for private
'Flexibility' Key to Berlin
EIE NEW WORD in Western diplomacy is
"flexibility." It has become fashionable be-
se just under the surface of the official
mnulae there is going on in Washington, in,
idon, and in Bonn, a reappraisal of the
rman problem. It is a wholly false picture of
at is going on to suppose that the issue in
s reappraisal is between surrendering and
nding firm, between appeasement and prin-
le, between being soft and being strong.
'he real issue, to which the reappraisal is
ressed, is whether to gtand pat on positions
tt have become untenable or to move to new
itions from which the Western Allies can
over the political initiative.
ERLIN is a concrete example, rememberiig,
of course, that it is only, the focal point
he whole larger German problem. At present
re are two streams of traffic between West
lin and West Germany. One, which is much
larger, is civilian traffic. This traffic is
ulated by an agreement 'between the West
nian government and the East German
ernment and it is by this traffic that the
[han population of West Berlin lives and
s its business. The other traffic is military.
s between the British, French, and American,
ces in West Germany and their garrisons in
st Berlin. This traffic 'is regulated by Allied
eement with the Soviet Union.
loscow has now said that if there is no
er negotiation about the status of Berlin, it
on May 27 turn over to the East German
ernment its authority over the military
ffc. If this is done, it will mean that at the
ek points on the highways and railroads
canals Allied military traffic will be met
East German rather than by Soviet officials.
. The immediate and specific questions about
Berlin are (1) what will we do when we meet
these East German officials; and (2) what will
the East German officials do about our military
THIS IS where the difference between' an "in-
flexible" and a "flexible" policy shows itself.
The inflexibles say that we do not recognize the
East German government, and that we cannot,
therefore, allow them to have anything to do
with our traffic to Berlin. The flexibles reply
that as long as no one interferes with our traffic
to Berlin, it does not make any difference
whether the official who stamps the papers*
wears an East German or a Soviet uniform.
They add that if Dr. Adenauer can allow East
German officials to stamp his papers for the
civilian traffic, he is in no position to insist that
President Eisenhower be more inflexible than
he is himself.
In speculating about the use of force to
keep open access to Berlin, the first question
to be decided is whether we ought to be ready
to go to war if we meet an East German
official at the checkpoints on the highway. Do
we fight because the official who wants to see
the papers carried by the truck wears an East
German uniform, or do we fight if he closes the,
highway? The flexibles say that a blockade of
West Berlin Is a fighting matter but that
whether the official is East German or Soviet
is not a fighting matter.
The flexibles say, moreover, that to announce
you. will fight about the official at the check
point is not a strong policy but a foolish one,
and because it is foolish, it is weak. It is weak
because the people of the Western world cannot
conceivably be united to fight a world war on
'such an idiotic issue.
AS WE KNOW, the Mayor of West Berlin, the
highly esteemed Willy Brandt, can be
counted among the fiexibles. He has suggested
that the East German officials might be recog-
nized as "agents" of the Soviet Union. An
easier, and !as good a way, to accomplish the
same result would be to ask a Soviet guarantee
of access to West Berlin until a new status can
be arranged or negotiations covering the two
vrroavs onA the two Berlins What we want
After a huddle of machine lead-
ers in Senator Byrd's Washington
office in September, 1956, a spe-
cial session of the General Assem-
bly was called to adopt new anti-
integration laws. Byrd's thoughts
had progressed beyond such con-
ciliatory measures as the Gray
Plan to "massive resistance."
That same month the Legisla-
ture enacted laws forming a "line
of defense" - laws that would,
one by one, take the place of pre-
ceding laws as each was declared
unconstitutional. The key to the
entire program was withholding
state funds from any' school dis-
trict which might take steps to
The State Board of Education
opposed the plan of "massive re-
sistance" until its two ablest mem-
bers, including its president, were
replaced by reliable extremists.
THEN IT was time for Virginia
to elect another governor and so
the machine chose J. Lindsay Al-
mond, Jr., then Attorney Gener-
al of the state. As a lawyer, Al-
mond realized the limited legal
future of Byrd's plan of "massive
resistance." As a politician, he
realized that no Virginian could
win statewide office without the
blessing of Senator Byrd.
"Faced by this situation, candi-
date Almond took the obvious
course. Accepting massive resist-
ance . . . he swept last week
(Time, July 22, 1957) to an easy
victory in the . . . Virginia guber-
natorial primary ..-1
For the election in November,
the Byrd machine turned on full
steam. The name of Republican.
nominee Ted Dalton, who favored
a token yielding to court orders
with as little integration as pos-
sible, was smeared from one end
of the state to the other as an
avid integrationalist.
Throwing himself into the cam-
paign as never before and making
frequent speeches, Byrd used
events in Little Rock, Ark., to put
a clincher on Almond's election.
After the election, Sen. Byrd
told U. S. News & World Report
(Nov. 15, 1957), "A big step has
been taken and will be recognized
through the South and the nation
as showing Virginia's determina-
tion to resist integration."
IRONICALLY, the action of the
machine against integration hurt
what it was trying hardest to pro-
tect - the education of Virginia's
children. According to Time mag-
azine of Dec. 3, 1956, the construc-
tion of needed school facilities is
lagging badly; school boards are
hard put to find buyers willing
to invest in Virginia's confusion.
In addition to the anachronous
school system, the Reporter (Oct.
3, 1957) accused the machine of
leaving the state sadly deficient in
other public services. Prisons, hos-
pitals and mental institutions in
Virginia are, on the whole, far be-
low national standards. A few
years ago the Old Dominion
ranked 48th in per capita expendi-
tures for general relief, old-age
assistance and aid to dependent
children and the blind.
The taxpayers, the article con-
tinued, get no more than their
rather loxe tva swill bun -
(EDITOR'S NOTE: This 3s the sec-
and in a series of three articles deal-
ing with the composers featured in
this weekend's Societa Corelli con-
. Daily Reviewer
IN DISCUSSING the evolution of
the 'concerto during the Italian
Baroque era, it is important to
realize that Italy itself was not a
unified country, but was instead a
collection of small, independent
states, most of which had closer
contact with Vienna and London
than with each other. Hence, there
was no more a single' school of
music in Italy than there was a
single school of painting, and our
focus of attention must conse-
quently shift from city to city.
Corelli, a pupil of the Bologna
school, had produced his Opus 6
in Rome. Torelli, also associated
with the Bologna school, had suc-
ceeded in emancipating the first
violin from the concertino in the.
last six concerti of his Opus 8,
introducing in this way the solo
concerto. With Torelli's innovation
of the solo concerto came greater
musical differentiation between
solo and tutti, which was decisive
for the single concerto movement,
the ritornello form, so called be-
cause of the periodic returns of
the tutti idea as an interlude be-
tween solo sections.
After Torelli's death, the center
of concerto composition shifted to
Venice where Antonio Vivaldi
(1676-1741) brought the solo con-
certo to great heights.
A GUIDE BOOK to Venice in
1713 lists Vivaldi and his. son as
the best violinists in town. Young
Vivaldi, it seems, was a red headed
priest who is said to have left the,
N ew .Recruits ?
By The Associated Press
PITTSBURGH - Eight monkeys
broke loose from a crate last
month and turned the Greater
Pittsburgh airport into a mad-
cap menagerie.
The monkeys dashed for free-
dom after the door of their crate
altar during high mass to compose
music when he was so inspired.
He was closely associated with the
Ospedale della Pieta, a conserva-
tory of music in Venice. Originally
it had been a foundling home for
girls, but had gradually developed
into a-seat of musical learning. It
was said of the music students
there that "they played the violin,
the hautboy, the violincello, and
the bassoon" and that "the largest
instrument of music had no terror
for them." And this indeed we
know to be true since the widely
skilled Vivaldi was a "product" of
this institution. In his liftime.
Vivaldi published no less than four
hundred concerti of astounding
variety-among them being single
concerti for violin, cello, viola d'-
amore, trumpet, horn, oboe, flute,
bassoon, and even the mandolin, as
well as a number of double, triple,
and quadruple concerti with
equally interesting instrumenta-
Vivaldi, then, seems to have ex-j
ploited the concerto to an un-
precedented degree. Sometimes,
when using the. concerto grosso
form, he not only treated the con-
certino as. a whole, but also as a
group of individual players. In
fact;Vivaldi's concerti grosso can-
not always be distinguished from
his slol concerti; his double, triple,
and quadruple concerti seem to be
halfway between the two types.
* * *
VIVALDI also developed virtu-
osity in his works to a peak un-
reached by his predecessors. This
was accomplished partially by the
use of arpeggios. His contemporary
musicians composing in the more
primitive, "Corellian" vein called
Vivaldi a madamd for his "across
the string" technique. The virtuoso
effect was also increased by ex-
tended scale passages and by the
use of bariolage, an effect pro-
duced on the violin by quickly.
shifting back and forth from open
strings to stopped strings. Nor did
Vivaldi ever tire of experimenting
with the mechanical beat of the
Vivaldi standardized the con-
certo form as a cycle - of three
Virtuosity Variety
and integration has taken .place
in some areas of Virginia, the ma-
chine has received its first telling
* * *
THE MACHINE is slowly begin-
ning to crumble. Senator Byrd will
soon celebrate his 72nd birthday;
most of his top men are aging too.
More significant is the split be-
tween the machine and Gov. Al-
mond, who recently backed the
proposal to junk "massive resist-
ance" and permit integration. Also
the organization is failing to at-
tract its life's blood - younger
men and Virginia's Republican
party is progressively growing
After 66 years the end may soon
be in sight. As "massive resist-
ance" crumbles, so may the ma-
chine that supported it.
(Continued from Page 3)
Political Science Roundtable meet-
ing, Thurs., Feb. 12, 8:00 p.m. in the
Assembly Hall of the Rackham Bldg.
The program will consist of a panel
discussion on "Methodology in the
Natural and Social Sciences." Chairman
will be Prof. Inis L. Claude of Political
Science, and participants will be Prof.
Frederick E. Smith of Zoology and
Prof. Robert I. Crane of History.
Psychology Colloquium: "Effects of
Sensory Deprivation on Time Orienta-
tion and Pain Threshhold." Dr. Jack A.
Vernon, Princeton Univ. Psychology
Dept. 4:15 p.m. Fri., Feb. 13, Aud. B,
Angell Hall.
Student Recital: William Eifrig, who
studies organ with Marilyn Mason
Brown, will preSent a recital in Hill
Auditorium on Thurs., Feb. 12, at 8:30
p.m. Included on his program will be
compositions by Buxtehude, J. S. Bach,
Mozart, Schroeder, and Pepping. The
recital will be open to the general pub-
Academic Notices
The Extension Service announces the
following classes to be held in Ana
Arbor, beginning Thurs., Feb. 12:
Biological Forces in the World of
Man (a series of eight lectures) 7:30
p.m. Aud. B, Angell Hall, $5.00. Each
lecture will be presented by a specialist
in his field.
Introduction. to Philosophy (Philoso-
phy 2, 2 hours of undergraduate credit)
7:30 p.m. 165 School of Business Admin-
istration. $27.00. Dr. Carl, Cohen, in-
Fundamentals of Speaking (Speech
31, 2 hours of undergraduate credit)
7:30 p.m. 1412 Mason Hall. $27.00. Dr.
Jim Bob Stephenson, instructor.
Additional information and bulletins,
describing these courses may be had
by calling NO 3-1511, Ext. 2887.
Registration for these classes may be
madeduring University office hours at
1610 Washtenaw Ave. or in Rm. 164 of
the School of Business Administration
from 6:30 to 9:30 Thurs. evening of
this week.
School of. BusinesseAdministration
faculty meeting, Fri., Feb. 13. at 3 p.m.
in Rm. 164 Bus. Ad.
Alr4igatt WttiXy
Editorial Staff
rial Director
... determination, machine weaken
school tuition to pupils who might
object to integration and also con-
templated a pupil assignment
plan, offering local option on the
whn a nPnn
City Editor
Associate Editor