to Article IV of the constitution of the
Michigan Region USNSA to provide7
that "all executive officers shall be stu-
dents at members schools during the<
major part of their terms."T
Approved the following activities: 3
April 17-18: Council of Student Re-3
ligious Organizations, Second Inter.
collegiate Conference on Religion, 11t
a.m.-30 p.m. on April 17, 9 a.m.-10 p.m.
on April 18. Lane Hall and religious
centers, (Pending Lecture Committee
April 18: Barristers, Crease Ball, 9-12,
p.m., Lawyer's Club.
April 22: Interfraternity Council and
Panhellenic Association, IFC Sing -
Preliminary Tryouts, 7:30 p.m., Angell
Hall, Aud. A.
April 25: African Students Union,
banquet, 6:30 p.m., Lane Hall.
May 21: Women's Leagu,e speech by
President Hatcher on Russian 'Trip, 8-9
p.m.,%Hill Aud. (Lecture Committee ac-
tion pending).'
Approved revised constitution of the
Women's League.
Approved revised form for agenda for
trial period.
Approved resolution encouraging the
present Cuban government to "reopen
Cuban universities and to restore aca-
demic freedom in an atmosphere where
truth and knowledge can be explored
without fear of government action."
Recital by Students in Music Educa-
tion: Aud. A, Angell Hall, Fri., April
10, 8:30 p.m.
Academic Notices
Efficient Reading, Section II: 7:00
p.m. Rm. 524 Univ. Elem. School. En-
rollment limited to 18. Eight weeks.
$13.50. Rosemarie E. Nagel, instructor.
Early registration for this class may be
made during University office hours at.
1610 Washtenaw Ave.
Automatic Programming and Numer-
ical Analysis Seminar: Prof. Harvey L.
Garner. "Residue Number Systems,"
Fri., April 10, 4:00 p.m., Rm. 3209 An-
gell Hall.
Astronomical Colloquium. Fri., April
10, 4:15 p.m., the Observatory. Dr. F. D..
Miller will speak on "The Tektite
Psychology Colloquium: "The Roles
of Reinforcement and Non-Reinforce-
ment in Behavior Theory." Dr. Ken-
neth W. Spence, State University of
Iowa Psychology Dept. 4:15 p.m., Fri.,
April 10, Aud. B, Angell Hall.
Students, College of Engrg. Final day
RECORD Fri., April 10. A course may
be dropped only with the permission of
the classifier after conference with the
The final day for REMOVAL OF IN-
COMPLETES will be Fri., April 10. Peti-
tions for extension of time must be
on file in the Secretary's Office on or
before Friday, April 10.
~Candidates taking the Admission Test
for Graduate Study in Business on
April 11-are requested to report to Rm.
140 Bus. Ad. Bldg., 8:45 a.m. Saturday.
Doctoral Examination for Donald
Warren Crowe, mathematics; thesis:
"Finite Groups Generated by Unitary
Reflections in Two Dimensions," Fri.,
April 10, 3217 Angell Hall, 4:00 p.m. Co-
chairmen, Dr. K. B. Leisenring and Dr.
H. S. M. Copeter.
Placement Notices
The following schools have announced
teaching vacancies but will not be here
to interView.
Modesto, Calif. - Elementary; Special
Niles, Calif. - Elementary; 7/8th
Core/plus one other subject (Science,
Math, Art, Foreign Language, etc.);
Mentally retarded; Phys. Educ./Health
Instr. (man).
Titusville, Fla. -- Elementary; Sec-
For any additional information con-
tact the Bureau of ,Appointments, 3528
Admin. Bldg., NO 3-15,11, Ext. 489.
Summer Placement:
Fri., April 10:
Girls for positions at 'Midland Coun-
ty Girl Scout Camp.
Sat., April 11:
Miss Polcyn will be in the Mich.
Union interviewing girls for Pine afnd
Dunes Girl Scout Camp after 4 p.m.
Camp Milihouse is a camp for Han-
didapped children in S. Bend, Ind. Two
counselors - handicraft and general
outdoor recreation - girls.
Personnel Requests:
The Trane Co. La Crosse, Wis. Man-
ufacturing -Engrs. at different levels,
Production Control Engr., Sr. Fan Engr.,
Metal Usage Planning Engr., Asst.. to
Manager in Service and Heat Transfer
Sales Departments, Home Office Sales
Mgt., Exp. Sales Engrs.,' Student Field
Sales Engrs., Development Engrs.
Meredith Publishing Co., Des Moines,
Ia., additional men for its Testing and
Training section of the Personnel Dept.
Degree- in Indus. Psych. is preferred.
The New York Stae Civil Service
Exam - Nursing, Real Estate, Psych.,
Social Work, etc.
The Kendell Co., Boston, Mass. Men
to 1ll the following openings: Organic
Chem., Chem. Engrg., Management
Trainees, Sales Trainees, Dairy Sales
Spec., Dairy Sales Trainee, Drug Sales
Rep, and Hospital Sales Rep.
The State of Wisconsin Civil Service
exams for. Farm Mgt. Supervisor, Soil
Scientist, Soil Conservationist, Engrg.,
and Soil Conservation Aid.
Executive Manpower Corp., New York
City, Project Supervisor -- Radar Bea-
con 'Lab., Microminiaturization Special-
ist, and Sales Manager, and Group
State of Conn., recruiting for Typists,
Lab. Tech., Physicians, Nurses, Ac-
counting' Clerk, also April 15 is final
closing date for applications for Social
Worker I.
Saga Food Service, Inc., Notre Dame,
Ind. A.D.A. dietition. Must have hospi-
tal experience, lady between 25-35, with
salary open.
Kelly Air Force Base, Texas - Aero,
Elec., Arch., Industrial, Electronics, and
Mech. Engineers.
Kendall School of Design, Grand
Rapids. Mich. The directorship of the
Interior Design Dept., as soon as pos-
The Nat'l. Council, Protestant Epis-
copal Church, New York City, Appren-
ticeship Program for girls graduating
from college who wish to work for the
Church as assistants to our College
Chaplains, as apprentice directors of
Christian Ed.
Kimberly-Clark Corp., Neenah, Wis.,
capable women to f111 the following po-
sitions: Staff Asst. - Budget, and Prod-
uct Scientist. Qualifications and job
descrip. are on file at the Bureau. Also,
they need Consumer Product Salesmen
at various points.
Argonne Nat'l Laboratory, operated
by U. of Chicago, people with B.S. or
B.A. in Che., with Math., Physics, or
Biology minor; 2 or 3 yr. students with
chem. or Physics majors, and interest-
ed in Engrg. students.
City of Detroit's list of continuing
exams on file at the Bureau.
Company in Rockford, Ill. Personnel
Mgr. - Hosp. situation, Organic Chem.
or graduate with several courses In or-
ganic chem. and Engineers interested
in the machine tool industry or those
having interests in hydraulics, for po-
sitions as design and product engrs.
Lock Thread Corp., Detroit, Mich.
Young man who can qualify as an
engrg. asst: in the metal fastening field.
Will employ a student, on a part time
basis, if is genuinely interested in this
field and after graduation will con-
tinue with the company.
s Miniature Precision Bearing, Inc.,
Keene, N. H. Applications Engr. who
must be experienced with a min. of 3
yrs. exp. in the bearing or Instrument
City of Decatur, 111, applicants for the
position . of City Manager as soon as
Foreign Policy Assoc., New York City;
Regional Director position in Ann Ar-
bor, Mich. and several positions as Asst.
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