"One More Won't Do Me Any Harm" NO REUN ;AT iw 1Mie1Jizrn &aL43 Sixty-Ninth Year EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN !n Opinions Are Free UNDER AUTHORITY OF BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT:PUBLICATIONS uth Will Prevail" STUDENT PUBLICATIONS BLDG. ' ANN ARBOR, MICH. * Phone NO 2-3241 litorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints. -2 -.... - -.- - AY, APRIL 9, 1959 NIGHT EDITOR: ROBERT JUNKER There's No Room for Politics On University Governing Boards rERY SO OFTEN, there is a revival of pro- posals to "departisanize" certain offices now d by elected officials. he aftermath of a spring election in which h Republicans and Democrats consider the ilts of contests for the state's education itions as a sign of victory should serve to only revive, but also start active steps ards implementation of the proposals. ,DER THE PRESENT state constitution, judges, the superintendent of public in- Lction and members of the governing bodies he state's universities, are selected by popu- election. udges are nominated at the party conven- Is and run on a non-partisan basis. The Ze approach might be applied to the educa- i posts, including the selection of Regents a are nominated at the same political con- tions but unlike ,the judicial candidates, on a partisan ticket. cducation, like justice, should not be seen in niocratic or Republican terms. To put politi- connotations on how the state's schools i Universities are to be rune dangerously lermines the very concept that education is the benefit of the entire state and its citi- s. The dangers of subverting thl educational tem to the domination of one party or group y not actually be a "real and present" eat in the United States. But this part ns from the very determination to keep ools free from the slightest trace of partisan tude. Just as there is no such thing as a e' pregnancy, there is no such thing as a te partisanship in matters of education. ce It becomes a concern and party affilia- i influences attitudes in something as vital education, the people of the state lose the expense of temporary party victories. NFORTUNATELY, worries expressed pub- licly by one newly elected member of the rd, to the effect that other members might controlled by some other partisan group, ces into the open what observers have been nking privately: that the best thing for the versity of Michigan and the people of the state is not always the thing that is foremost in the considerations and discussions of those elected to guide it. And to claim that the record shows that one political party deserves credit for a great University is, at the least, conveniently over- looking the pages written by legislators of the same party who in past years have "held the line" on appropriations and in providing the University with sufficient financial support. Already the effects of partisanship have been visible in East Lansing. The Democratic ma- jority on the Michigan State University gov- erning board passed a resolution supporting tht income tax measure proposed by Gov. Williams. As they entered the politically charged arena, they were promptly criticized by Republican members of the Legislature. Wayne State University has also had its troubles. The unsuccessful maneuvering to bring Wayne under the auspices of the Uni- versity's Regents has been attributed to a desire to prevent Democrats from dominating the newcomer to the group of state universities. MINIMIZATION of partisanship could come through several ways, including complete removal of board members and judges from the classification of elected officials. Some form of appointment system may be justified in that the . areas of concern, especially for judges, require special. technical competence rather than mere vote-winning appeal. / But at least with the administration of edu- cation, if not the more technical field of law, there is considerable merit in having election by the people. The very experience of cam- paigning itself provides an opportunity for discovering the areas of public concern and' interest, or lack of it, Unfortunately, under the current system of campaigns and with the present danger of more than a little partisan preoccupation, the interests of the state as a whole can be easily overlooked. Election of the state's educational posts on a non-partisan basis is well worth con- sidering among the many needed changes in ,Michigan's constitution. --MICHAEL KRAFT Editorial Director wI - f 40 . -- - - _.o0 Berlin Future Rests with UN By WALTER LIPPMANN PR THE INDEFINITE future the two German states cannot be re- united in one German state with its capital in Berlin. There will be the German Federal Republic of the West with its capital at Bonn. And there will be the German Democratic Republic of the East with its capital at Pankow, a part of East Berlin. These two German states now deal with one another in many economic matters. Thus, for ex- ample, for some considerable time West German traffic to West Berlin has been controlled by the East German government. With the assent of Bonn it exercises the right not only to stamp the identification papers but actually to inspect the cargos. There is every reason to suppose that there will be an increasing intercourse and commu'nication between the two German states. But 4 I And It's Coming Soon ES, VIRGINIA, there is integration. Despite the state's stubborn insistence that it will nmon every "legal, honorable and peaceful ans" in continuing to restrict racial integra- n in public schools there will be integration. story will undoubtedly record it.. if history ts that long. Virginia attorney general Alvertis S. Harri- n said recently that his state "has no idea of untarily surrendering one single right that s not-elegated to the federal government." [t's an unfortunate attitude. Virginia is will- g, apparently, to voluntarily surrender every gle right of its darker citizens. One wonders what these die-hard segregationalists see for the future. Do they really think society, even' Southern society, will continue to class its citizens on the basis of skin color? The administration recently expressed hope that "it will never be necessary again to have to use armed forces" to require the integration of public schools. Certainly that is the hope of the great ma- jority of American people. The world is watch- ing, Virginia, another Little Rock would be another splotch on the now 50-star-spangled banner. -RALPH LANGER CAPITAL COMMENTARY: Dual Jeopac By WILLI WASHINGTON - The power of suits of the Supreme. of the prosecution to take tion: away a man s liberty may now be Federal prosecutors' incalculably broadened - now or and more able to ov in some foreseeable tomorrow. verdicts of state juries This seems to be the human al civil rights cases. L meaning of the Supreme Court's say, acquit an accusedl recent six to three decision that Federal government m the state and Federal courts may and have another go try the same man for the same It might well be tha offense. Deeply sophisticated le- cases this would best gal questions, it is true, are bound mediate and obvious- up in the ruling. And it is not it is at least conce wholly new, though, to inexpert sometimes the verdi'ct eyes the precedents seem to be a bama jury will be aJ bit thin and complicated. " . s Most people had thought that MANY, however, w if the Bill of Rights guaranteed this opportunity for d anything, it guaranteed that, tion particularly man speaking generally, a person could liberals who believe not twice be put in jeopardy for justification that mu one crime. The court has said, South intends to nul much more explicitly than ever civil rights sanctions. before and over a much larger But they may find area of human affairs, that this blade has two edges. is not necessarily so. Federal government ca * * _ * aabove state juries in A EVEN THE top prosecutor of state government can them all, Attorney General Wil- Federal government's ham P. Rogers, obviously thinks a labor case. new situation has been created. It is well known tha With highly decent instinct, he is generally less than has warned the various Federal find that criminal act district attorneys they must not suppose they can now have a field 1 day. He will not permit the Fed- Fy eral government to go into court Fadi1L against a man already acquitted THE DAILY Edit in a state court "unless the rea- like to thank th sons are compelling." What is who have already an "compelling?" This Rogers must letter concerning "T decide, case by case. sity Senior." We w This correspondent is no lawyer. mind those who ha But the constitution is every- swered the letter th body's business; in this field per- still time, althoug haps any layman can look at the rapidly approaching most learned legal king. A lay- line. We hope forn man, therefore, can confidently answers. predict the following practical re- rdy Hazardous [AM S. WHITE Court's ac- will be more verturn the S in crimii- et Alabama, person. The may step in at him. at in certain t serve im- justice. But eivable that of the Ala- just verdict. will applaud ual prosecu- ny pro-labor with some uch of the lify Federal d that this For if the an intervene labama, any go over the head in a at the South anxious to ts have been Note Lors would ose faculty nswered the 'he Univer- ish to re- , ye not an-' at there is h we are our dead- many more committed in civil rights. But it is no less well known that many states, in North and South, are far less sympathetic to labor than is the Federal government. Thus a Federal court may acquit an ac- cused labor racketeer, for example, only to have a state court then move in and convict him. But, most of all, there is this: One of our national stereotypes is expressed in endless complaints about "the law's loopholes." This correspondent repeats that he claims no kind of legal expertness. He does, claim, however, to know a tort from a tortoni sweet. And in earlier life he had long ex- perience in watching criminal jus- tice where it works with and against individuals. * * * THIS WAS in the police courts, the criminal courts, and, in all those quasi-legal machines, like Congressional committees, which can be arrayed in all their ter- rible power against individual man. The totally non-legal but at least long-considered .conclusion from that experience is this: What are called "the w's loopholes" are usually the perfctly proper Con- stitutional protections of a de- fendant. Far from being too nu- merous, these "loopholes" are far too few. This slogan about "loop- holes" is mostly used by good and learned people who often have not been in the sweaty pit of reality where shivering human beings are involved. The Supreme Court must always be obeyed, in all its decisions, if the Constitution itself is to sur- vive. But this is no reason to turn away from the probable conse- quences of this latest of its de- cisions. they do not recognize each other as legal and legitimate sovereign states. We must, therefore, accept the fact that for years to come-it might be for a generation or more -these two German states will have to live side by side with a frontier on the line fixed by the armistice which ended World War II. From the frontier of East Ger- many to the city of Berlin is a distance of 110 miles. The basic problem is how to protect the future of th West Berlin com- munity, which consists of two and a half million people. They must expect to live for an indefinite future, perhaps for the rest of their lives, in the heart of a Com- munist state. The fvture of West Berlin, in my view, cannot be secured ade- quately by a determination to stand firm on a policy of standing pat. West Berlin lies in a strategic trap, and its security cannot be protected adequately by military measures alone. It can be secured against blockade and outright ag- gression. But it cannot be made secure against harassment and a perpetual war of nerves and the feeing that there is no hope. * * * IN NEGOTIATING a new sta-. tute, we should begin by establish- ing the principles under which we have a right to be present in West Berlin and to participate in de- termining its future. For some ex- traordinary reason we have chosen to, argue that our rights in Berlin' rest upon the right of conquest. That is a poor reason for the de- fenders of civilization to invoke. If we choose to stand or the right of conquest, we shll live to regret it. It will boomerang. For where would we be if the Soviet Union, which is also a conqueror of Ger- many, chose to invoke for itself the right of conquest? The whole of Gemany was surrendered to the conquerors, and i there is 'a right of conquest, it is not limited to West Berlin. There is no need for us to re- sort to so primitive and brutal and repellant a principle as the right of conquest. We have good and sufficient civilized reasons for being in Berlin and for remaining there. We are in Berlin because it is the capital of Germany. We are ertitled to stay there until is once again the seat of a united German government. Dur- ing our stay in Berlin we have in the course of time acquired a special moral obligation to the two and a half million inhabitants of West Berlin. This obligation we intend to honor and we could well say to Mr K. that he would de- spise us as we would ourselves if we did not honor it. * * * NEGOTIATION must start from these two fundamentals: the need for a long future of steadfastness and stability, and the need for a change which reflects the new re- alities. This can best be done if a new statute is negotiated in which the future of Berlin is put in trust with the United Nations. The new charter of statute should begin with an explicit declaration that the United Nations trust will last until the two German states agree to restore Berlin as the capital of a reunited Germany. Then, in the new statute the right to access, the conditions of co-existence, the relations between the two Berlins and the two Ger- manys, the presence of Allied and United Nations token military forces, should be spelled out. Though it is a complicated thing to do, it is not an impossible thing to establish a city within a city and within a foreign state. The most striking example, which could well be used as .a suggestive model, is the treaty signed in 1929 between the Holy See and the 'Kingdom of Italy. This was the Lateran Treaty which established Vatican City. If the division of Germany is to last for the indefinite future, we must find ways to provide the West Berlin community with a dependable order of things. We cannot expect the West Berliners to depend for their whole securi- ty upon what, over the course of a generation or more, we may be able and willing to do with our Strategic Air Force. The future of West Berlin must be protected not by standing pat but by our insisting that West, Berlin needs and is entitled to have a new status. When Khrush- chev tells us that the present sta- tus of Berlin is obsolete, it is a mistake for the West to act as if any departure from the status quo would be a defeat and sur- render. It might be an improve- ment. At present the status quo is extremely unsatisfactory. We should propose a new charter or statute in which West Berlin is guaranteed an ordered future by the presence of Western troop. acting under international aus- pices. * * *. BOTH SIDES have much to gain from such a settlement. For us it would mean that the West Berlin community was guaran- teed physical security under a' new and much more authoritative statute than exists today. It would mean also that the future was not foreclosed, and that the prospect of Berlin's becoming again the capital of Germany would be reaffirmed with the sanction of the world society. The West Berliners would have a rea- son for carrying' on. For they would have hope, which, in affairs of this sort, is as important as hy- drogen bombs. .. The Russians for their part would get a good deal too. They would get, as we would get, the relief that comes from straight- ening out a dangerous muddle. They would get a provisional but that there are two Germanys., Since a United Nations statute would have to be agreed to both by the Soviet Union and by the Pankow government, they would get a de facto recognition of the East German state by the UN. This might mean much to them in that it would help to stabilize their situation in Eastern Europe. Neither side would "win." But neither would "lose." Each side would hold within its sphee o influence What it now holds, and neither would surrender to the other any territory or any people. But we would get a new legal, political, and moral foundation and framework which takes ac- count of the hard facts of life- that. there will long be two Ger- manys and that Berlin must be protected in a special way while Germany remains divided. / I f INTERPRETING THE NEWS: Adenauer Still Much Alive Y By J. M. ROBERTS AsSociated Press News Analyst 1HANCELLOR Adenauer has made it plain that while he may be retiring from active olftics, he has no intention of retiring from he alffairs of West Germany. He speaks of the presidency which he expects o assume as a position containing full possi- lites for continue'd" Influence. And he speaks with certainty of the contin- ation of his foreign policies by his successor s chancellor. He speaks of those policies as something in- erent in the West German international posi- on, not as something attributable to the will f one man as the world has been inclined to lew it because he had made them so much his awn. There has been an inclination In Europe and he United States toward a certain sense of bock that the steadfast old man should move ut of the chancellery, even though the pros- ect had become more and more imminent with is advancing age. DENAUER, with his unyielding faith in the possibilities -for a cooperating Europe, has attained leadership in that community of a type which is almost unbelievable for a German so soon after World War II. When the Allies sponsored a constitutional convention in Bonn in 1948 with a view to es- tablishing an autonomous West German gov- ernment, Adenauer was just one of a group of seedy-looking old men. They were expected to act pimarily as caretakers until new and younger democratic forces could be mobilized for the purposes of government. Soviet fighters flew menacingly along the edges of the air corridors to Berlin that sum- mer as the American planes broke the Berlin Blockade. Europe was full of fear of a new war. Max Reimann, his gray plaid suit contrast- ing with the somber black of most of the older men, appeared to be the only truly vigorous delegate at the convention. BUT ADENAUER took over. He fought Rei- mann tooth and nail, and the influence of Communism in West Germany was soon killed. The old man then proceeded, over the years, to make peace between Germany and France. He won the Saar, and in return gave the hand of German cooperation to the rest of Western Europe. He forced reluctant Germans to accept rearmament and a full place in the defense of the whole community which they had so often attacked. He joined with Jean Monnet and Robert Schuman, with Spaak and all the others who dreamed of a united Europe, toj make the first and subsequent steps in eco- nomic cooperation. And he stood like a rock against all the blandishments of appeasement through which Germany might have been reunited, but on terms favorable to Soviet Russia. He hasn't changed. At 83 he's going to take it a little easier. But his statement yesterday PRESS AND RADIO TURN PRO-SOVIET: Iraq's Readers and Listeners lGet Red Slant By WILTON WYNN Associated Press Correspondent CAIRO -- Judged by the radio and press output in Iraq, the regime of Abdel Kerim Kassem"has gone much farther left than any other Arab state ever has. Even in days when he was closest to Mos- cow, Egypt's Gamal Abdel Nasser never allowed his press and radio to adopt such a pro-Soviet line. Neutralist countries such as Egypt, Syria, and Yemen often have followed policies that coin- cided with those of the Soviet Union, but always within ther framework of what is called the Arabs' struggle against Western domination. * * * BAGHDAD newspapers are filled with handouts from Communist news agencies, reprints from So- viet and Red Chinese, magazines, and reports from Communist parties 'around the world. Again, this contrasts with Nasser's Cairo press which throughout has relied on Western news agencies for in- ternational coverage. The Red line shows through even on the sports pages of Baghdad m~~r A t+Uirfal V'3fis naerDe car-' Sports pages in Cairo newspa- pers generally cover the same kind of news as western European news- papers. Baghdad attacks on Tito are probably the best indication of rigid adherence to the Moscow line. The Baghdad daily Al Bilad 4r "Atr4ugttn uailg, recently compared Tito to Hitler and Mussolini. "Hitler and Mussolini emerged under cover of socialism and its name in order to crush it later," Al Bilad said. "Now Tito has come under socialist slogans and is mak- ing feverish efforts to break the unity of the socialist world." Editorial Staff RICHARD TAUB, Editor "ICHAEL KRAFT JO Editorial Director Senmore Says. } $2 t t f n By contrast, Nasser and Tito have maintained a close political and personal relationship regard-, less of their respective attitudes toward the Soviet Union. Nasser's newspapers regularly attack the West, ljut these attacks have been from the viewpoint of the Arab Nationalism that Nasser espouses. * * * A TYPICAL BAGHDAD daily on a typical day was filled with these items: Translation of an article on peaceful coexistence from the So- viet magazine Culture and Life; reprints from the World Market Review, Peking Review, New Times of Moscow, and the Daily Worker; articles on "struggle of the Por- tuguese Communist party at its fifth session;" "Terrorism in Cyp- rus;" and a hefty budget from Tass and the New China News Agency on free meals in Chinese peoples' communes, sputnik suc- cesses, etc. In Cairo newspapers, even non- Western stories come mainly from Western news agencies. Cairo readers first learned of Sputnik DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN The Daiiy Official Bulletin 13 an official publication of The Univer- sity of Michigan for which The Michigan Daily assumes no edi- torial responsibility. Notices should be sent in TYPEWRITTEN form to Room 3519 Administration Build- ing, before 2 p.m. the day preceding publication. Notices for Sunday Daily due at 2:00 p.m. Friday. THURSDAY, APRIL 9, 1959 VOL. LXIX, NO. 31 General Notices Deadline for applications for Fresh- man Rendezvous counseling - Fri., April 10. Return applications to Lane Hall. Any university student may ap- ply. Graduation Announcement orders are being taken in S.A.B. basement from 1 to 5 n.m.All ovtrders are'reTaid JHN WEICHER City Editor L'I 4W DAVID TARR Associate Editor E CANTOR............ . Personnel Director N WILLOUGHBY .... Associate Editorial Director N JONES ...... ... .....Sports Editor TA JORGENSON.....Associate City Editor ZABETH ERSKINE .. Associate Personnel Director OLEMAN........ .Associate Sports Editor rID ARNOLD ................ Chief Photographer . - ar . td ,