WEDNESDAY, APRIL 9, 1959 THE MICHIGAN DAILY rAGE T7 WEDNESDAY, APRIL 8, 1959 THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE r I ,'4 Camnpu4 I UNION-SPONSORED: Creative Arts Festival To Feature Music, Tours mum mum - - I U I - ~ mum Friday marks the deadline for counselor applications for the Of- flee of Religious Affairs' annual fall Freshman Rendezvous. Forms to counsel at the three- day pre-orientation camp are available to all University stu- dents at Lane Hall and in the Of- fice of Religious Affairs, Rm. 3054, Student Activiites Bldg. t To staff the two camping ses- sions, the first from September 10 to 13 and the second from Sep- tember 13 to 15, between 50 and 60 students will be needed. Alpha Chapter of Sigma Alpha Iota, professional women's music fraternity, installed its new offi- cers last night. The new officers are Martha Rearick, '60Mu., president; Ann Kynast, '61Mu., first vice-presi- dent; Su Malone, '61 Mu., second vice-president; Sandra Mount, '61Mu., recording secretary; Rose- mary Spleet, '6Mu., correspond- ing secretary; JudyrMansfield, ' 60Mu., treasurer; Brenda Rob- erts, '61Mu, editor; J o c e l y n Mackey, Grad., chaplain; and Ann S t a n i s k i, '60Mu., sergeant-at- arms. A mass meeting for all sopho- more women interested in peti- tioning for positions on the cen- tral committee of Junior Girls Play will be held at 7:30 p.m. to- morrow in the Henderson Rm. of the League. Petitioning has been re-opened and petitions will be accepted in the Undergraduate Office at the League tomorrow through Mon- day. Interviews are scheduled for Tuesday. * * * . Prof. Marvin Felheim of the English department will review "The Ugly American" by William Lederer and Eugene Burdick at 8 p.m. tomorrow in the Vanden- burg Rm. of the League. The review of the current best- seller is sponsored by the League Special Projects Committee. Re- freshments will be served follow- ing Prof. Felheim's talk. Petitioning for women orienta- tion leaders for the fall semester will continue until Friday, Elise Saranow, '61, chairman of the University Services Committee of the League, said yesterday. Petitions may be obtained at the Undergraduate Office of the League. Interviews of applicants are scheduled for Saturday. Nu chapter of Kappa Kappa Psi, national honorary band fra- ternity, installed new officers at the March 24 meeting. The new officers are: Ronald E. Bell, '60Mu, president; Terence N.' Davidson, '60, vice-president; Wil- liam E. Hettrick, '6Mu., secre- tary; and William J. Scribner, 'lMu, treasurer. An Israeli Folk Dance Institute will be presented by the Univer- sity International Folk Dancers from 2 p.m. to 5 p.m. and from 8 p.m. until midnight Saturday in Barbour Gym. f I. Jof LONG ISLAND UNIVERSITY 0 SPRING WEEKEND-Two years ago Spring Weekend had as a Saturday afternoon feature a Wolverine Derby, with groups taking part in a soap box event. This year's Spring Weekend committee has planned a canoe race which will take place in the Huron River. rng Wyeekend Give Event Point System A music composers' forum and hourly tours through radio sta- tion WUOM will take place during the Union-sponsored Creativej Arts Festival beginning Sunday and continuing through April 19.. Other events will be a film lec- ture, "From Renoir to Picasso," a dance concert, a debate on bias clauses by the University's Debate team, a color slide lecture and Prof. John Flower, of the music school, pianist, giving a lecture- recital on Bach. April 16 has been proclaimed Jazz Day featuring a jazz concert at 2 p.m. in the Union Ballroom. To Show Persian Art Throughout the week, a display of Oriental calligraphy will be shown in the Architecture and Design Building and the Art Mu- seum exhibit of "Persian Art Be- fore and After the Mongol Con- quest" is the largest single exhibit the University will have this year. The Kelsey Museum will display collections from excavations showing Near Eastern Arts. A photography contest and original music for the carillon by Prof. Percival Price, University Caril- lonneur, will also be featured. National newspaper snapshot awards contest winners and a spe- cial collection of photographs by Mathew B. Brady, a well-known Civil War photographer will be on display at the Union. Pictures, Furniture To Be Shown Also on exhibit will be pictures and designs of various types of furniture throughout the years. Student readings in the Hop- wood Room in Angell Hall will take place during the week, archi- tectural models of University buildings on main and North Campus will be exhibited at the Union and Alpha Rho Chi, na- tional architectural fraternity, will show a collection of architec- tural models and drawings from the United States. The Michigan Final Prelimin- aries-Oratorical Contest will be held Tuesday in the Frieze Build- ing and, to begin the festival, members of the University Sym- phonette, conducted by Robert Hause, Grad., assistant conductor of the University Symphony,rwill give a chamber music concert at 4 p.m. Sunday in the Union Ball- room. Perry W. Morton, '61, Union executive councilman in charge of the Special Events Committee is chairman of the festival. To Sponsor Special Film "Francesca," a 28-minute film depicting the aid a foreign child received from the Foster Parents Plan, Inc., will be available for showing to interested groups Monday through April 30, Mrs. William P. Alston, member of the Ann Arbor chapter, announced yesterday. The local chapter of the Foster Parents Plan are sponsoring the film, which will also be shown to club members at 8 p.m. Monday in the Parish Hall of St. Andrew's Church. Foster Parents "adopt" needy children overseas, Mrs. Alston ex- plained, by providing $15 a month for the support of the child. Mortarboard Taps Thirteen Sixteen senior members of Pi Sigma Alpha last night invited thirteen junior women to join the bonds of Mortarboard, senior wo- men's honorary. Initiates who may be seen on campus today wearing the four- cornered black hats, national symbol -of Pi Sigma Alpha, are Lynne Betts, '60, Susan Brace, '60, Joyce Bushong, '60, Ann Doniger, '60, Sylvia Engle, '60, Dorothy Gartner, '60, Jo Hardee, '60, Carol Holland, '60, Katherine Johnson, '60, Nancy Moore, '60, Sarah Row- ley, '60, Elsie Scherer, '60Ed., Mar- cia Ward, '60. April 11th.0 . Trueblood Auditorium Tickets on Sale in Union Lobby Subscribe to The Michigan Daily a m" ISA International Variety Show By MARY STATON NEWS, - this year's Spring Weekend theme, stands for the four points of the compass which Spring Weekend will represent with activities and events on Fri- day, April 24 and Saturday, Ap- ril 25. But the NEWS for .the present time is that there will be a Spring Weekend Point System which will enable all housing units to have a chance to win the weekend by building up points in various events. For the Friday afternoon acti- vity, the Northern theme is "Arc- tic Cycle" and all groups entering the event will gain 10 points. If the group places in the first four places, it will gain additional gain 27 points, second place 30 points and first place 33 points. In the costume division, third place will be given 13 points, second place 15 points and first place 17 points. Along with the canoe event, g r o u p s participating in field games will be awarded 10 points. If the group wins third place, they will receive 40 points, second ,place will be given 45 points and first place will- be awarded 50 points. To Make Night Clubs Saturday evening, when the South will be-represented with a New Orleans theme "Rue Des Cafes," will bring an end to the weekend. Those houses building scenery for night clubs for Sat- urday evening will gain 50 points, third place will gain 80 points, second place 90 and first place 100 points. All groups entering the Yo-Yo Contest will receive 10 points, third place will gain 20 points, second place will receive 25 points and first place will gain 30 points. Units must enter six people, three from each women's unit and three from each men's unit - in order to qualify for entrance in the contest. Points for each event are not cumulative, and for instance, if a housing unit receives 20 points for entering a, contest, it can only get 10 more for making secondary eliminations, equaling 30 points. : i .;,r " <. . ,,, r. ,,: f, ,.. ;;;s; . , .; ,"\ : \ .,", \ , , / - : .: = ':; . .. ,, , r- :: .; :-,,., _1 <= Kr 7,, points third place, points. system place, points for fourth place, 15 points; place, 25 points; second 15 points; second place, 25 For .costumes the point runs as follows: third 15 points, second place, 25 and first place, 35 points. Skits Represent East Representing East is the Friday night skit program entitled "The Great White Way." Seventy points will be awarded for fifth place winner, 80 for fourth place, 90 for third, 100 for second, and 110 for first place winner of Skit Night. On Saturday afternoon, the weekend will go West with a ca- noe race entitled "Tippicanoe and the Island too." In the "Speed Winner"' division, third place will A single girl alone in New York What must she do to win male atten- tion? Read this tale of one of the successful ones, in this week's Star Weekly... on sale all week. Look for the BLUE COVER. --XI AA- f J A Dance to Spring S:br .;;:, .".ri: .. " bi'$.. : e r:i., s P R t' r { UNCL9 _ In between her bouts with Beowulf, Agatha finds it meaningful . .. even significant ... to symbolize Earth's escape from Winter's brittle chrysalis. Agatha's splendid garments are not, as you might suspect, fashionedof classic linen. Indeed no. They were hand spun and loomed from the soft belly fur of Siberian stoats; do a magnificent job of tempering the April breeze. Of course, as you've been remarking to yourself all along, Agatha does have quite a dry cleaning problem. But, like all sensible Michigan girls, Agatha * TURNS TO TROJAN 4 You see, Trojan specializes in renewing fine fabrics. Each garment receives the exact care required to restore the fresh, smart look and feel you first purchased. That we promise. And, after all, it is spring, Dear Lady. The time is now to step our proudly at your fairest and finest in Trojan-clean clothes. Don't forget your winter clothes, either. They need the kind of care that will keep them tip-top for next year. B an amusing coincidence, Trojan happens to have a special box storage service that will solve the whole problem for you. You can fill a huge Trojan ham- per with winter clothes, store it in our moth-proof, temperature-controlled vault for just $4.95. All the clothes will be cleaned and pressed at our regular rates, be ready for wear whenever you wish them in the fall. Every garment is completely guaranteed and insured. From now on, compare the looks of all your clothes with those of your friends who don't have the Trojan habit. There'll be a difference . . . and it'll be in your favor. Trojan picks up and delivers daily at all girls' dorms. Sororities just call, and we'll come running. Or stop by at our handy office on North U. - it's just down the street. WANTS yOV1 UBKUUVILL, LONU ISLAND Accredited by Middle States Association A CAMPUS COLLEGE in the HEART of LONG ISLAND Enjoy all the benefits of a traditional "out-of-town" college close to the comfort of your own home, TWO 5-WEEK SUMMER SESSIONS DAY and EVENING June 22nd to July 24th July 27th to August 28th REGISTER NOW... Admission Open to High School graduates and VIS- ITING STUDENTS from other accredited colleges who work, va- cation or reside on L.I. during the summer months. COURSE OFFERINGS include un- dergraduate studies in Arts and Sciences, Pre-Professional, Pre- 'Engineering, Business and Educa- tion. ACCELERATE YOUR DEGREE' PROGRAM...Earn as many as 14 credits, almost equivalent to a full semester's work. UNIQUE RECREATIONAL FACIL. ITIES . .. Attractive, 126-acre cam- pus- provides outdoor swimming pool, riding stable, 8-hole golf course and other facilities for after-class recreation. Outdoor plays and concerts. ALSO SUMMER EUROPEAN STUDY TOUR JULY 1-AUGUST 26 FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION ...Write to the Office of Admis.. I V N North Bike Races-Arctic Cycle League 3:15 Friday Afternoon Skit Nite--Great White Way H ill Aud. 8:15 Friday N ight E t East jII-%A 1%lI toNPICNIC Tippecanoe p :: fi iii ::: : ':: ;: : f:: .4 ti.1;. f tir ' ;.4 < Y 1 :y': i ! ti : ": Z":! y'.'; p LLp L '..'" /w tti: : J. yJ': M1 :.l !:t' t M1.{!< -wes S outl and the island too -.. Island Park 1:00 P.M Saturday Dance - Rue des Cafe IM Building 9:00 SATURDAY NIGHT SOMETH IN' . SMITH and the REDHEADS Johnny Harbard Orch.E T\ T T E A NERS AND LAUNDERERS : DRY CLEA ANN ARBOR AND YPSILANTII PHONE: NO 2-5200 OR HU 2-8530 U I I