The Great Leap Forward Sixty-Ninth Year EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN "When Opinions Are Free UNDER AUTHORITY OF BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS Truth Will Prevail" STUDENT PUBLICATIONS BLDG. * ANN ARBOR, MICH. * Phone NO 2-3241 Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints. TUESDAY, APRIL 7, 1959 NIGHT EDITOR: THOMAS TURNER University's Phoenix Project: A Memorial That Should Live A TOMIC ENERGY has come a long way since atomic law, and an assistance program designed the devastation of Nagasaki and Hiroshima. to help 20 other nations to set up their own Out of the charred remains of World War II peaceful programs for atomic research. has grown the peaceful application of the atom in such fields as bacteriology, medicine, physics THE $8 MILLION contributed in 1948 by Uni- and atomic law. versity students, alumni and industrial Today, the nation's largest enrollment in groups to establish the Project have nearly been nuclear engineering and science is concen- exhausted. James C. Zeder, fund-raising cam- trated here at the University. But the Univer- paign committee chairman, said recently $2 sity may not be able to claim that distinction million would pay for five more years of re- in the near future. The world's largest inde- search in the all-important field of atomic re- pendent atomic research program and biggest search, attraction for the potential nuclear scientist, the Memorial-Phoenix Project, is in serious The future of the Memorial-Phoenix Project financial straits, rests with the interested citizen of today. There Established in 1948 as a memorial to the is no state government to fall back on for the University's World War II dead, the Project has funds. "It would be a tragedy if the Phoenix boosted atomic research considerably in its Project which has accomplished so much in so brief history. Some examples: cancer research, little time were allowed to die out," Zeder said development of the "bubble chamber," develop- in his appeal. That tragedy may soon come. ment of the law school as the leading center in -BARTON HUTHWAITE License Pedestrians?. IN AN EFFORT to alleviate the overcrowded right. The sidewalks could be divided by white bike situation, a proposal has been made to lines and stop signs could be posted on the diag. bar bikes from the main campus block and Joint Judic should mete out fines to all pedes- construct a special bike lane around it. trians breaking these regulations. As this would be a very expensive solution, It is impractical to try directly regulating. there is another proposal as effective-license bikes as seen by the hordes resting in the no pedestrians. Thentickets could be given pedes- parking zones of the libraries. trians who turned left before making the proper But pedestrians being on foot would be easier hand signal or refused to yield right-of-way to to catch and besides they are the ones most bikes. Student Government Council could pass likely to need these rules. Pedestrians with col- an ordinance requiring pedestrians to have rear lision and health insurance could be exempted view mirrors and wear clothes detectable at 50 from these regulations as they would have no feet. And at night they must be equipped with, need to protect themselves-as would those headlights, maybe similar to those of miners. individuals with enough padding to withstand Rules could be made requiring pedestrians to collisions. yield the way to all oncoming vehicles on their -JOHN FISCHER TODAY AND TOMORROW: Behind the Negotiations By WALTER LIPPMANN AT THE MICHIGAN Blood and Guts In a Texas Town SINCE TELEVISION has been so successful with Westerns, the movie industry, in its continual attempt to present at least equal enter- tainment, has returned to the Western (adult variety), with emphasis on the epic or the satiric. However, "Rio Bravo" fits neither category, as its setting is limited to a dirty little Texas town, and it relies on those serious Western veterans, John Wayne, Ward Bond, and Walter Bren- nan, and that versatile drunk, Dean Martin, as well as someone called Kangaroo or something who's Ricky Nelson with guns. It does fit into some other categories, though. It's long-about two and a half hours-in color, and bloody. Thirteen or fourteen shot before C/I, _~\ i CAPITAL COMMENTARY: China Seek :: Bly WILLI. ,s, Reco gnition [A.M S. WHITE the crucial battle scene, then someone starts exploding dynamite and you lose count. IT'S REALLY pretty funny, be- cause someone is often laughing on screen, or maybe they're just sick like Dean Martin who spends two hours recovering from a two- year drunk. (I couldn't hear much until the kids starting their second time through were located and dragged out by equally vocal par- ents.) John Wayne is a sheriff who's pretty dumb and very lucky and tough. He carries a rifle because he can't beat anyone to the draw, and he prefers smashing bad guys in the face, which he does when one kills another for breaking up his Golden Gloves training. Of course John T. has put the guy in jail, and the guy naturally is the brother of the wealthiest, crooked- est hombre in that section of Texas. * * * AFTER THREE harrowing days and nights (the U.S. marshal won't arrive for six days), John decides he's been rather stupid walking the streets looking for trouble, though he thus manages to spend a night with the girl they call Feathers. Maybe he isn't so dumb, because he still gets her in the end, and Dean only has Stumpy (Walter Brennan). The movie has the inevitable peaks of tension. How will Dean and Ricky get together to sing "Cindy?" When will the chase begin? (Don't look too hard, there is none. Dean mustn't like horses.) The set is more realistic than TV, the right guys get shot, the sexual innuendos might escape a nine-year old, and Ricky Nelson is still single, so few can complain. -Dan Wolter SGC, Please Take INote! LONDON (P)-Membersof Brit- ain's parliament were advised to cut down on the hot air. The recommendation came from a committee set up in October to find ways of streamlining proce-. dure in the world's oldest legisla- tive body. The committee reported "many speeches could be made shorter to the advantage of all members." The committee puts forward numerous suggestions for saving time in the House of Commons. One would set aside one hour in big debates to be used for five- minute "quickie" speeches. Rank and file members, who are often doomed to sit in silence, welcomed this proposal. (EDITOR'S NOTE: Walter Lippmann has just re- turned from Europe, where he has taken a first- hind look at the Berlin crisis. This is the first of a four-part report on the situation.) LAST MONTH I visited London, Paris,Bonn, Berlin, and Rome, in order to learn, more or less at first hand, how our European allies approach the coming negotiations with Mr. Khrushchev. Even in ordinary times interviews of this sort would have to be off-the-record. For at the start of any negotiations no sensible and responsible official will make public state- ments-even if he could do so-about his first and his final terms. In the West where there are free newspapers as well as parliaments and elections, a states- man cannot safely do what Khrushchev does so often, which is to vary his tactics and to ma- neuver about in public. For if a democratic statesman speaks out, he is stuck with what he has said. Once he has opened his mouth, he must expect to be judged by some influential part of his constituents as having advanced or retreated, as having won or lost, as having had a glorious triumph or as having made an abject surrender. For this reason the, leaders of the Western democracies take refuge in those large generalities which, while they satisfy the emo- tions, make no unalterable commitments. In as moment like this, when momentous negotiations are about to begin, the press must try to tell the -truth about disclosing legitimate secrets. How is it to do this and keep faith both with officials who have spoken plainly off the record, and with its readers who have a right to know? What are "legitimate secrets?" For a rough and ready answer to this most important and complicated question, I would start with a remark made to me by a man who had quite recently had a long and free-swinging bout with Khrushchev about the German question. "You Americans do not always understand," he said, "that the game which is being played over Berlin and Germany is not poker but chess. In this game each player sees what pieces the other one has, and there is ho bluffing about them. What is unknown is how each side will play his pieces.". The analogy is a good one and it applies widely to the whole contest in which we are now engaged. Applied to the press, it may be said that our first job is to report what are the pieces on the board and 4;!r,3dj Baal , where they stand, and to be chary to try to- spell out in advance how Eisenhower and Mac- millan, de Gaulle and Adenauer, will play them. BESIDE THE NEED for some secrecy, which is inherent in almost all negotiations, there is another element in the present situation which makes it difficult to report it. This is the fact that Western policy on the German ques- tion, as officially proclaimed during the past ten years, no longer represents the real expectations and practical hopes of the principal Western European governments. They do no say it but they have come to know that the two Ger- manys cannot be "reunited in freedom," that is to say by liquidating the Communist regime in East Germany. There are now two German states, and every responsible European states- man realizes that they cannot be united within any foreseeable future and under any condi- tions which are now conceivable. BUT WHILE everyone in the know accepts this central fact, nobody is prepared to pro- claim it. For there are powerful internal politi- cal reasons in Western Europe, primarily and particularly in Western Germany, why the statesmen must shrink from the explicit public recognition of this central fact. A lot has been said recently about Macmillan and the coming British general elections. Perhaps even more important from the point of view of Western policy are the coming West German elections in 1961. For if it transpires that the reunification of Germany has been postponed indefinitely, and is for all practical purposes no more than a dim and distanct ideal, there is a fair chance that Adenauer might be defeated by a coalition made up of those who put German unity above all other things. This could lead to a profound alteration of the whole West European position. It could lead to German negotiations with Russia, to deals made at the expense of NATO and of the European Common Market. This, in any event, is the nightmare of the West European gov- ernments, and it is a compelling reason why they shrink from any open recognition of the fact that there are now, and will long continue to be, two Germanys. They are -afraid that Adenauer's position in West Germany is not strong enough to withstand the shock of such a recognition. In subsequent articles I shall have something to say about why German reunification has for the foreseeable future ceased to be practical politics and how this fact is at the root of the Berlin affair. (c) 1959 New York Herald Tribune Inc. New Books at the Library Nilin, Pavel - Comrade Venka; NY, Simon and Schuster, 1959. Pfeiffer, Karl G. Somerset Maugham: A Can- did Portrait; NY, W. W. Norton, 1959. Rickover, Hyman G. - Education and Free- Aiim. N ,, meTnti++i iF5 WASHINGTON - The stoutest defender of one of the most truly rational of foreign policies of the Eisenhower Administration is leaving office just as events are proving how right he has been all along. Walter S. Robertson is resign- ing as Assistant Secretary of State for Far Eastern Affairs amid new and overwhelming evidence of tpe brutality of the Chinese Com- munist regime of Peiping. The Chinese Communists have driven the young Dala::Lama,the god- king of Tibet, from his homeland. They are baying at him like fierce hounds in the refuge granted to him in India by Prime Minister Nehru. NEHRU HAS spent years righteously tutt-tutting our abso- lute refusal to make any deal with Peiping. So, unhappily, have most of our allies, though in a less pompous way. Perhaps he is now learning that there has been more to the steadfast American policy of nonrecognition of the bandit regime in Communist China than mere stubborn wrong-headedness. For the implacable Red neighbors toward whom he has been so very "reasonable" are increasingly un- reasonable with him for shelter- ing their chosen victim. It is sadly possible, however, that it will require yet another really big Chinese aggression, similar to their aggression against our own troops and those of all the United Nations in Korea, to convince the well-meaning that you can't do business with Pei- ping. * *M * THE DEPARTURE of Mr. Rob- ertson, therefore, raises special problems, apart from its historic irony. His role, though a sturdy one, could well be overstated; he was not the initiator of nonrecog- nition, Basically, it has been the policy of Secretary of State John Foster Dulles and also of a great majori- ty of both political parties in Con- gress. All the same, Robertson, a Vir- ginia banker in private life, had a degree of political protection which his foreign service career- officer successor, J. Graham Par- sons, cannot hope to have. As the voice of Dulles, Robertson had in Dulles a backer who was the most powerful member of the Eisen- hower Cabinet. Thus, the whole domestic poli- tical understructure for maintain- ing nonrecognition is now twice weakened. First, there was the in- capacitation by illness of Mr. Dulles. Now there is the exit of Mr. Robertson, who also is in poor health. No one here pretends to know exactly what is in the mind of the monolith of terror that is Com- munist China. But many fear that Peiping, which for years has been trying to shove or shoot its way into the United Nations, may try again Certainly, the times will be evil and ripe. A spirit of accommoda- tion toward Soviet communism is spreading, in the understandable and general Western hope that some decent cold war armistice can be struck at the summit con- ference. ANY OUTBREAK of Commu- nist-inspired trouble in Asia. would be a most-damaging distraction, and there would be temptation to buy it off. Indeed, it probably would be unwelcome even to the Russian leaders, because they need a summit setlement. There is, however, increasing d o u b t among highly responsible intelli- gence sources here that Moscow can necessarily control Peiping. The Red Chinese have already put in a slave system so vast and cold- ly wretched, so totally denying the human personality, as to frighten the Russians themselves. It will not be surprising if the eastern branch of international communism seizes the opportu- nity to put on more pressure for recognition, perhaps bloody pres- sure, while all are preoccupied with the summit. (Copyright 1959, by United Feature Syndicate, Inc.) DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN The Daily Official Bulletin Is an official publication of The Univer- sity of Michigan for which The Michigan Daily assumes no edi- torial responsibility. Notices should be sent in TYPEWRITTEN form to Room 3519 Administration Build- ing, before 2 p.m. the day preceding publication. Notices for Sunday Daly due at 2:00 p.m. Friday. TUESDAY, APRIL 7, 1959 VOL. LXIX, NO. 129 General Notices Hopwood Contest: Manuscripts to be entered in the Hopwood Contest must be in Hopwood Rm., 1006 Angell Hall, by 4:30 p.m. Wed., April 5. Fulbright Awards for University Lec- turing and Advanced Research have been announced for 1959-60 for the fol- lowing countries:" Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, Aus. tralia, New Zealand, Burma, India, Pakistan, the Philippines, and Thai- land. Those applying must be U.S. citi- zens; for lecturing, must have at least one year of college or university teach- ing experience; and for research, a doc- toral degree at the time of application or recognized professional standing. Application forms may be obtained from the Conference Board of Asso- ciated Research Councils, Committee of International Exchange of Persons, 2101 Constitution Avenue, Washington 25. D.C. Deadline for filing an applica- tion for these countries is April 25. 1959. Further information may be ob- tained in the Offices of the Graduate School. Students Advised to submit Selective Service College Qualification Test ap- plications now: Applications for the April 30, 1959 administration of the College Qualification Test are now available at Selective Service System local boards throughout the country, The student should fill out his appli- cation and mail it to Selective Service Examining Section, Educational Test- ing Service, P. O. Box 586, Princeton, N. J. Applications for the April 30 test must be postmarked no later than midnight, April 9, 1959. Midsemester grades for students in College of Architecture and Design due no later than Wed., April 8. These must be turned in to Rm. 207 Architecture Bldg. before that date. Fellowships Applications now avail- able for Margaret Kraus Ramsdell Award. Fellowship used to assist stu dents who are graduates of the Uni. versity of Michigan in pursuing gradu- ate studies in this country or abroad In religious education or in preparation for the Christian ministry. Both men anduwomen may apply. Applications should be made to the Dean of the Graduate School of forms obtainable from the Graduate School. Deadline is April 20, 1959. Students who expect to receive edu- cation and training allowance under Public Law 550 (Korea G. I. Bill) or Public Law 634 (Orphans' Bill) must fill in Monthly Certification for the veterans Administration in the Office of Veterans' Affairs, 142 Ad. Bldg., be- tween 8:30-11:15 a.m. and 1:15-3:15 p.m. by Thurs., April 9. The following persons have been se. lected as ushers for the 1959 May Festi- val and will pick up their usher tick- ets at the box office at Hill Auditorium between 5 p.m. and 6 p.m. on Tues., April 7 and Wed., April 8. These tik- ets must be picked up before the first MaygFestival concert as they will not be given out at the door on the night of the concert. Marlene Andrews, George Anderson, Carol Anderson, Anabel Anderson, Helen Anderson, Donna Ashton, Carol Bamberger, Shirley Bell, Dale Bell, Bev- erley Berney, Sheldon Berry, Paul Bly- man, Mary Boerema, Ann Braam, Nan. cy Bray, David Brose, Steve Brown, Morris Brown, Lois Brunner, Dorothy Burnes, Virginia Bush, Lillian Ceso- kas, Gwynne Chow, Chet Clauser, Ed- ward C. Cohen, Beverley Collara, Sus Cooper, Gary L. Cox, Lois Crane, Bill Crooks, Alisande Cutler, Caron Davis, Duane Deal, Judy Dickstein, Daniel Docks, Erma Donner, Gene Du Bott, Harriet Dunham, Lily Espinely, Chris- tine Etzkorn,Roberta Evans. Roberta Ewing, Judy Faskow, Edward Faust, Gerald Faye, Robert Fischl, Dean Flow- er, Nancy Gardner, Kathryne Gemuen- den, Harvey Gendler, Katherine Gent- ner, Robert L. Greene, Rose Greenfield, Margaret R. Greenberg, Richard Grein- er, John B. Griffin, Edythe Haber, Beth Hagadone, Charles Heffernan, Ethel Heffernan, Paul Helber, Robert Hen- shaw, Beverley Henshaw, Rita Heustis, Rosalie Hildebrecht, Robert Hockett, Gerald Humel, Frances Hummel., Har- vey Hummel, Mary Jane Inman, Dona Jensen, Gary Jensen, Ken Johnston, Nancy Johnston, Dick Kaebin,, Jose- phine Kastle. Ann Marie Kitchen, (Continued on Page 5) A 'RESPECTABLE' FRONT: Iron Curtain Lifts for Cultural Exchange By LEWIS GLICK Associated Press Staff Writer THE COLD WAR grows hotter, but Americans and Russians are seeing more of each other. Through tourists, cultural ex- changes, movies and magazines, the acquaintance is growing. The widening chinks in the Iron Curtain are still small. But they are raising hopes among high officials here that this great- er contact with the West will pro- m o t e the understanding and friendliness of the Russian people. And this, they reason, will lesson popular support for campaigns against the free world. United States ambassador to Moscow, Llewellyn Thompson and George V. Allen, head of the United States Information Agen- cy, count visits by Russians here, and vice versa, as most important in promoting contact. Allen, whose agency runs the United States propaganda pro- gram, would like to see a two-way flow of, say 100,000 persons a year. In 1958 the stream of Ameri- cans on the intercontinental trek to Russia swelled to an estimated 5,000. The United States visitors ranged from high school students to such notables as Sen. Hubert Humphrey (D-Minn.), two-time Democratic presidential nominee Adlai Stevenson and pianist Van Cliburn. Some toured at taxpay- ers' expense while others paid their own way. There was a sizeable but small- er flow the other way, too. Rus- who won't be coming to America, there's going to be a chance for second hand sightseeing through the first contemporary United States movies allowed into the So- viet Union since before the war. Under a recently concluded agreement, the Russians are buy- ing 10 American-produced fea- tures for showing at home. Among others they have picked "Marty," "Oklahoma," and "The Old Man and the Sea." U.S. firms in turn will take in seven Russian pictures, such as "The Idiot," "The Captain's Daughter" and "Swan Lake." Both countries. have agreed to swap 15 documentary movies, too. About 45 Soviet films a year are already coming into the United States. Turner B. Shelton, USIA's mo- tion picture chief, thinks the American pictures will have far greater impact on Soviet audi- ences - long deprived of most free world films -- than Soviet movies will have in this country where foreign shows are common- place. He doesn't know how many Rpssians will see the U.S. reels, but says it could be upwards of 100 million. The year 1959 will see a new event, too, with the opening of the first major U.S. government ex- hibit in the Soviet Union this summer. American products and enter- tainment will strut their stuff in Sokolniki Park 15 minutes by sub- way from downtown Moscow. The Russians have leased two floors of the New Vrkroliseun for 52,000 copies of the magazine each month. Russians buy the maga- zine openly for the equivalent of about 30 cents. The sales price of five rubles is one ruble below the Communist Party's price for its official propaganda magazine. But Washington gets flattering reports about how America Illus- trated passes from the hands of one avid Russian reader to an- other until the magazine winds up in-tatters. As many as 100 Rus- sians are said to read a single copy. The Russians in turn send 52,- 000 copies a month to this country of their English-language publi- cation, USSR. They say their magazine is a smash sellout, too. An American can buy a copy for 20 cents, if he can find one at his newsstand. Pushing hard behind the offi- cially okayed exchanges are U.S. radio broadcasts beamed behind the Iron Curtain by powerful Voice of America transmitters here and abroad. Radio intelligence reports cur- rently indicate that U.S. news and commentary aimed into Rus- sia in the Russian language are largely blacked out in Moscow and other major Soviet cities by jammers. The broadcasts can be heard over large areas of the So- viet Union aside from the big cities. The Voice's E n g li s h- language programs are jammed little or not at all. *' * * news media such as radiocasts are needed, too. Why the Russians are liftingj the curtain a little is anybody's guess. Much impetus for the two- way flow comes from a broad ex- change agreement signed a year ago by Soviet Ambassador Georgi Zarubin and U.S. negotiator Wil- liam S. B. Lacy. Allen figures the Communists don't believe they will convert Americans to Communism through the exchanges, but do be- lieve they will gain by "showingI the people of the United States how advanced their technology, production and economy is." Another U.S. official, who deals often with the Russians, thinks the Soviets want to put up a re- spectable front in the cultural field internationally. As Vacation Ends Editorial Staff RICHARD TAUB, Editor MICHAEL KRAFT Editorial Director JOHN WEICHER City Editor> DAVID TARR Associate Editor DALE CANTOR .....................Personnel Director JEAN WILLOUGHBY .... Associate Editorial Director ALAN JONES..................... Sports Editor BEATA JORGENSON.........Associate City Editor ELIZABETH ERSKINE ... Associate Personnel Director SI COLEMAN............... Associate Sports Editor DAVID ARNOLD ................ Chief Photographer ALLEN, whose job includes ' supervising the Voice of America, thinks the Russians are basically'