PHOENIX PROJECT: MORE FUNDS NEEDED See Page 4 ,it i Fan &41IIII WARMER, THUNDERSHOWERS Sixty-Eight Years of Editorial Freedom .... ._ 4 VOL. LXIX, No. 129 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, TUESDAY, APRIL 7, 1959 FIVE CENTS SIX *T S C II LEGISLATURE: - E -Daily-Robert Kaplan EASY VICTOR - Republican Cecil O. Creal (center) is con- gratulated by city Republican chairman Norman Randall and r Mrs. Creal following his election last night as Ann Arbor's mayor. /. CrealGO Wi In City lecti on McKercher, Aquinto, Nielsen Defeat Incumbents; Crane, Keebler Win By PETER DAWSON The Republican Party won .the mayoralty and all five City Coun- cil seats up in yesterday's Ann Arbor election. Cecil 0. Creal defeated Democrat Lloyd M. Ives in the race for mayor, 6,728 to 5,107, winning all of the city's five wards and 16 of 20 precincts. Creal got 57 per cent of the votes cast. Harold J. McKercher won the First Ward Council seat from in- cumbent Alicia Dwyer, 642 to 640. Miss Dwyer said early this morn- Vet's Fund Vote Due In Senate The State Senate will receive a plan this week to mortgage the Veteran's Trust Fund and produce $50 million to fill the empty state treasury. The bill, which is expected to be released by the Appropriations Committee today or tomorrow, would provide for mortgaging the Fund and allowing the University and Michigan State University to borrow against-the bonds held by the Fund. The University would be able to borrow $14.3 million to meet its payrolls until June by this plan. Currently the University has as- surance of cash for payrolls only until May 1.- Has Passed House The House of Representatives has already approved the mort- gaging scheme. Sen. Elmer Porter (R-Bliss- field), chairman of the Appropri- ations Committee, said the vote to release the measure would be close. Members of the committee have proposed the alternate scheme of liquidating the fund and providing cash immediately, with thefund to be rebuilt with cigarette, tax revenue by 1971. Senate majority leader Frank D. Beadle (R-St. Clair) proposed the liquidation plan. He said li- quidation will provide only $43 million in cash but that it will provide funds immediately. Porter Warns "We can't afford to lose $7 mil- lion," Sen. Porter declared. Representatives of the Univer- sity appeared before the commit- tee Thursday to explain the cur- rent financial situation in Ann Arbor. Vice-President in Charge of Business and Finance Wilbur K. Pierpont told the committee the state would be $14.3 million! behind in its payments to the University by the end of the fiscal year June 30. He . said using the veteran's bonds as collateral would be "feasible from the legal and fi- nancial point of view." Tells 'U' Position University President Harlan Hatcher said the University would favor "any plan to provide the necessary funds." The Regents adopted this as their position on the Veteran's Fund at their March meeting. President Hatcher added he was "willing to go along with what- ever plan is sounder," liquidation or mortgaging of the Fund. Michigan State University Pres- ident John A. Hannah told the committee MSU has no money with which to meet its payroll April 27. Several senators have denied; the existence of a cash problem at all. Sen. John P Smeekens (R- Coldwater) termed the current situation a "phony crisis." .-t: 'U' Preside1nt Starts Tr i To Russia University Preside'nt Harlan Hatcher flew to New York last night on the first step of his six- week tour of the Soviet Union. President Hatcher will head a six-man delegation to study higher education in Russia, particularly in non-scientific fields. He will fly to London today where the entire delegation will assemble for the tour. Lyle M. Nel- son, director of University rela- tions and a member of the delega- tion, is currently in London await- ing the rest of the group. The delegation will leave London Fri- day for the first stop in the sched- uled itinerary. They will talk to higher ,education officials and ob- serve schools in session in Moscow Monday, The tour, which will bring them back to Moscow on April 30, will include visits to Tpilisi, Tashkent, Novo Sibirsk and Irkutsk. A second tour will take the mission to Kiev May 2 and Leningrad May 6. The delegation will yisit Warsaw, Vienna and Paris on the return trip, which will bring them back to Ahn Arbor May 19. President Hatcher said he will make a report to the student body on his trip sometime in May.. igi Given Nine Awards In Hol ywood By The Associated Press HOLLYWOOD-"Gigi," the hit pi-oduction by the authors of "My Fair Lady," swept nine Oscars, one short of the all-time record of "Gone With the Wind," at the 31st. presentation of Academy awards last night. Susan Hayward, the condemned Barbara Graham of "I Want To Live," and David Niven, the dis- honest army officer of "Separate Tables," won Oscars as the best movie star performers of 1958. Burl Ives, tough old Western patriarch of "The Big Country," and Wendy Hiller; lovelorn hotel manager' of "Separate Tables," 'New WSU Status Passed; Detroit Given School Aid By the Associated Press BULLETIN Wayne State University, scheduled to become a state university in July, appeared headed toward much-sought constitutional status at 3:30 a.m. today. At the same time, six Democrats, backed by a strong Wayne County vote, led the field for six positions on the newly-created WSU Board of Governors. If the proposal goes through, the Detroit school would join the ing that she is considering asking for a recount but is not sure. In the second ward, incumbent Florence R. Crane defeated Wil- liam K. Marshall, 1,347 to 508. Henry V. Aquinto won the Third Ward seat, beating Robert G. Fa- ber, 1,721 to 1,234. George A. Keebler kept his Fourth Ward Council seat, de- feating Ted J. Heusel, 1,327 to 853. In the Fifth Ward, 'Republican Bent F. Nielsen defeated Demo- drat Weston E. Vivian, 1,543 to 1,42. In perfect voting weather, the turnout was *53 per cent of the city's 22,393 registered voters. In his victory statement, Creal, former City Council president, said "I feel very proud that the people of Ann Arbor have placed their confidence in me. "I certainly will do my very best to carry out my ideas of being a good hnayor for them. It's my philosophy that the government should be* for the people and should express their will. I think my victory is due to the very fine organization and people that worked on my behalf." Ives, who will serve out the re- maining half of his two-year Council term, said, "We're sorry, to lose, naturally, but we're proud of the kind of campaign we car- ried on. We think we campaigned on issues. I wish Cecil Creal well." Outgoing Mayor, Prof. Samuel Eldersveld of the political science, department, expressed "surprise and disappointment" at the Demo- cratic defeat. He praised the "tre- mendous Republican organization." University and Michigan State U May Extend Bus Service Ann Arbor's bus service, sched- uled to end Saturday, may con- tinue at least until June on a non- subsidy basis. Officials of Ann Arbor Transit, Inc whose stockholders voted April 2 to discontinue operations, met with city officials yesterday in the office of Ann Arbor's mayor, Prof. Samuel J. Eldersveld of the political science department. No details of the plan coming out of the meeting were an- nounced, but bus firm coordinator John W. Rae confirmed yester- day that both city and school service would continue on a tem- porary basis if the plan is ap- proved, giving time to work out a possible permanent solution. Ann Arbor Transit last month reported a deficit of $21,540 run up in the 25 months since the local firm replaced Great Lakes Grey- hound Lines as Ann Arbor's bus1 company. The meeting yesterday was con- cerned with the short-term exten- sion until June, rather than dis- cussion of a long-term solution. 'U'BegRiIns F 'und Drive The University has launched a campaign to raise $2 million for Phoenix-Memorial Project. James C. Zeder, Chrysler Corp. vice-president and chairman of the fund campaign committee, re- ported the original funds raised to establish the fund in 1948 are nearly exhausted. Zeder explained that $2 million would finance the Project's operation for five more years. Also on the committee are Earl Cress, president of Ann Arbor Trust Co.; Halsey Davidson, vice- president of Campbell-Ewald Ad- vertising; Andrew Kucher, vice- president of Ford Motor Co.; George Parker, vice-president of the National Bank of Detroit; Raymond Perring, president of the Detroit Bank and Trust Co.; and Dean Ralph Sawyer of the gradu- ate school, Prof. Fred Black of en- gineering and business adminis- tration schools, Alan MacCarthy, director of the Development Coun- cil, and Lyle M. Nelson, director of University relations. niversity as state schools sharing constitutional status, ,iith one limitation: Wayne would be forced to present annual detailed ac- counts to the state legislature, which its sister schools at Ann Arbor and East Lansing do not do. Wayne, created by the legisla- ture, is winding up a three year transition period from city uni- versity to state institution. Two six-year, four-year and two-year terms were open on the school's governing board. Dearborn voters rejected a charter amendment which would 'have provided a 25 per cent in- crease in the salaries of city police- men. The vote was 18,831 to 13,704. The rejection vote followed the lead of Mayor Orville L. Hubbard, who strongly opposed the pay raise. Dearborn voters turned out in record numbers. School Crisis Eased. Detroit voters passed both a school bonding proposal and one calling for increased taxation for schools. The tax raise passed 134,- 547 to 80,448 (975 of 1,317 districts reporting). It will meet rising operating costs' and pay for one- third of needed new schools. The bond issue, open only to taxpayers and their spouses, was passing 89,418 to 67,248 at the same point last night. The $60 million provided will pay the re- maining two-thirds of school con- struction. Supreme Court justices George Edwards and John D. Voelker building up commanding leads in Wayne County and comfortable margins outstate, were virtually assured of reelection last night. With 1,042 of 5,182 precincts re- porting, Edwards was running two- to - one ahead of his nearest challenger, William H. Baldwin. Edwards had polled 86,191 votes, Baldwin 43,814, in the non-par-, tisan balloting. Edwards and Voelker, nominees of the Democratic State Conven- tion, both were shooting for their first, full eight-year terms. Bald- win, an Oakland County attorney,j was a Republican nominee. Voelker Margin High Voelker piled up 73,679 votes to 36,874 for the other GOP nom-' inee, Maurice F. Cole, and 34,7531 for Kenneth W. Cole, a Prohibition Party nominee. Edwards led Baldwin 55,408 to 33,896 with 667 outstate precincts reporting and 30,783 to 9,918 on the basis of returns from 375; Wayne County precincts. It appeared Edwards' final mar- gin might hit or top 200,000 if the early trend held up. Reimer Van Til, Holland Re- publican, breezed to an easy vic- tory yesterday in a special election for a vacancy in the Ottawa Coun- ty Legislative District. WILLIAM MCINALLY .. . leads ticket Melnally Leads, Matth aei Se con( Neither Party Claiming ictory For Two Board Seats at 2:30 A. Democrat William K. (Sam) McInally led the field four Regent candidates in a race undecided at 2:45 a.m. t morning. He led with 334,935 votes, followed by Republican Fr erick C. Matthaei's 330,178 votes, with 2,789 of the stal 5,182 precincts reporting. Republican Ann Timmons Burgess was third with 3114 while Democrat Ellis Wunsch trailed with 303,885. No can date or party claimed election as of 2;30 a.m. Mrs. Burgess praised the large vote and said she belie this was encouraging for the Republicans. She commeni that whoever won the contest? "could dedicate themselves to the University and higher ed- ucation in the state. Matthaei expressed the hope that the newly-elected Regents would forget part alignments and "think first of their jobs as Uni- versitY Regents." No Comment Democratic headquarters wouldtr - not release a statement on the election. The Regents elected yesterday- will take office Jan. 1. The Board currently is divided with four Republicans and four -t Democrats. Washtenaw County results with 60 of the 72 precincts reporting at 2:30 a.m. showed Matthaei leading with 14,512 votes, followed by Mrs. Burgess with 12,689, McInally with 10,109 and Wunsch with 9,497. In answer to The Daily preelec- PROF ST.ThWEtIANI) tion questionnaire, McInally said «. of law school he opposed substantial tuition raises. He called the philosophy , behind making the student pay the full cost of his education at the University "inmicable to the >.*. welfare of all higher education." Favors Current Ratio In a preelection statement to The Daily, 'Matthaei said he was in favor of the current in-state, out-state student ratio. He also favored a "practical rate" of Uni- versity expansion, saying there was no foreseeable limit to the size of the University. Mrs. Burgess said she favored "controlled expansion" of the Uni- versity in a pre-election statement to The Daily. Opposes Tuition Jumps Wunsch opposed substantial tuition increases in a statement to The Daily before the election. "We cannot afford to disregard this most critical resource - PROF. WIILEY brains," he said. .dies pt 77 McInally is a former teacher turned lawyer-banker and has practiced law im Jackson 'snee a hak . 1933. He is a graduate of Eastern Michigan College and the Detroit College of Law. He is married and has two daughters. Matthaei graduated from the University in 1914 and has re- Two professors emeritus of ceived honorary degrees from the University died over the Ea University, Wayne State Univer- hldy city, and Cleary College, Ypsilanti.prfemitsEonRadSp The Detroit industrialist who Prof. emeritus Edson Read S d.... .. 4.t. UT i .....4 FREDERICK MATTHAEI second place CLARIFY: Group Considers SGC Plane1 By PHILIP POWER Last night the Student Govern- ment Council Plan Clarificationj Committee held its first meeting open to the public. The Committee, created for the purpose of re-examining the SGC Plan, heard a student proposal for tentative discussion submitted by Ron Gregg, '60, new Council president. The proposal's maj or 'departure from the old plan suggested that the Board of Review be abolished as a review agency for the deci- sions of SGC, and the veto power of the president of the University substituted for it. Could Delegate Veio The president's veto could be delegated by him to any other member of the administration he wished. Gregg also proposed a tentative committee, to be composed of faculty members, administration and representatives of the Coun- cil which- would discuss topics on SGC's agenda before the Council acted on them. This, he said, would give the administration and faculty, the opportunity to contribute their thinking and suggestions to SGC on issues which affected them be- fore a final decision was reached. Faculty Air Views The faculty members presented their own statement on the SGC Plan for purposes of discussion. The proposal noted that "the essential ambiguity in the present SGC Plan seems to have origin- ated in the use of powers delegat- ed to the Board in Review." Two alternatives were offered for discussion of the plan. Alternatives Seen There could be either a "Broad delegation of powers with a me- chanism for adequate protection of the equities of other segments of the University." Or there could be a narrower area of jurisdiction given the Council, with a lesser need for re- view. Discussion remained in the pre- 1iminR.v c.40 O'D *with c av #...41 R 3:15 A.M., VOTE' The totals with 3,081 pre- cincts reporting were: McInally, 376,429; Matthaei, 354,277; Wunsch, 341,559; Burgess, 331,- 989. lives in Ann Arbor is a member of several civic committees. He is the father of two sons. Active in City Mrs. Burgess, a 1936 University graduate with honors in political. science, has been active in civic affairs. Wunsch obtained his bachelor's and master's degrees from the University. IU.S. Rejects, Berlin Charge WASHINGTON (M)-The United States fired a double-barreled re- !i4eftion f Sonvietc ahres af iI aeriana, or he, niversit j School, died Sunday, March 2 his home. Nationally known for his' on civil procedure reform, Sunderland served on the Uni sity faculty 43 years prior to retirement in 1944. He was president of the Ass tion of American Law Sch chairman of the-National Con ence of Judicial Councils an member of the U:S. Supreme C Advisory Commission for dra- rules of procedure for ed, Courts. Prof. Sunderland wrote abou books and 130 articles. In 1953 American Bar Association lished his "History of the Am can Bar Association and Work." Professor emeritus of Ger Norman L. Willey, 77 years died Tuesday, March 31, at University Medical Centerfoll ing a lengthy illness. Prof. Willey had suffered some time with cancer. nImed -Daily-Mike Rontal BAREFOOT BOY WITH MYOPIA-A new use for The Daily Is found as spring arrives on campus. An increase in the amount of blood in the body may cause a real spring fever. ( _ w .,...... ...r . .,.... r.s .rw . a .rw ors .eta ivr .a s . ,s -ar t'7 - t'a Zi t"1 /'! L'! d! !1 "LM /'1r 'Y1 !' Z L1 I 0