i I MODIFY 1949 RULE See Page 4 Sixty-Eight Years of Editorial Freedom Iait M1e9 , SNOW FLURRIES, CLOUDY VOL. LXIX, No. 128 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, MARCH 27, 1959 FIVE CENTS SIX ] Hint Dalai Lama Hides with Allies BULGARIA: Resumes Rela'tions Big On I Three Not iin Summi Informed Sources Say Tibetan Fled Capital at Start of Fighting NEW DELHI (M) - 'Tibet's temporal and spiritual head, the Dalai Lama, is reported to have fled south from his capital of Lhasa. The report came from Gangtok, capital of the Himalayan state of Sikkim. A staff correspondent of the British-owned newspaper The Statesman in Gangtok said the Dalai Lama fled Lhasa two days be- fore the fighting between Tibetans and Communist Chinese started last week. Dalai Lama Hiding ° Quoting unidentified but reliable sources, the report said the Dalai Lama is remaining among Khampa tribesmen within easy Space Chief Says A-Blasts, Jam Radar S / WASHINGTON (IP) -Roy W Johnson, director of the Military Space Agency, told senators that it would be possible in theory t blast out radar and radio com- munications over much of Soviel Russia by high level atomic ex- plosions: Johnson said Soviet nuclea blasts similarly could cripple com- munications and military defenses of this country. Testifies before Subcommittee Johnson testified before a Senate . space subcommittee. Chairmar Stuart Symington (D-Mo.) thanked Johnson for his frankness as they discussed possible impli- cations of the high level atomic tests, known as Argus, recently * disclosed by the government. Johnson said that atomic blasts over the Indian Ocean could black- out the area from Moscow to Leningrad. He said that the ArguE tests had blacked out some United States military communications. Terms 'Tragic Mistake' Johnson also told the senators "it would be a tragic mistake" to try to combine the separate civil- ian and military space efforts into a centralized agency. The subcom- mittee's inquiry is directed toward the question of waste and dupli- cation in space efforts.' In other testimony, Johnson said some of America's brightest scien- tists are looking forward confi- dently to a manned space platform which could move? about and re- turn to earth at will. This report came almost casually from Johnson, who spoke first of i the platform ideas as, a "screw- ball thing." The idea is to spring a thousand- ton platform into position by means of many small atomic ex- plosions. Report Comes. Casually "It looks a little less' screwball now," Johnson added with pos- sible reference to last fall's nu- clear experiments in space. . He said work will continue beyond the research which already has cost. more than a million dollars. Johnson mentioned the space platform in testimony to a Sen- ate space subcommittee which is trying to cut down on waste and duplication in the nation's fast- growing space work. These are the Advanced Re- search Projects Agency, the mili- tary arm which he heads in the Pentagon, and the National Aero- nautics and Space Administration the new civilian agency, he said. Johnson said the two cooperate well and if there is any real trouble as to overlapping, the dif- ferences can be settled by the President with the advice of ex- perts. Panhel Names Candidates ' For Offices The executive council of Pan- hellenic Association has selected e the following candidates for Pan- hellenic offices, Mary Tower, '59, president, said. Elinor Dodge, '60, Sorosis, and Mary Wellman, '60, Alpha Phi, for president; Barbara Nicula, '60, Kappa Kappa Gamma, and Vicki Wenner, '60, Kappa Kappa Theta for first vice-president; Beverly Ford, '61, Kappa Alpha Theta, for second vice-president. 'reach of the Indian border in case of emergency. The Khampas have been re- ported fighting a guerrilla war against the Red Chinese since 1956. An Indian government spokes- man said fighting around the In- dian consulate in Lhasa "has eased and members and their families are safe." - The Red Chinese ambassador to New Delhi called at the foreign office. There was no hint of what was discussed, But a foreign office" source said: "What little good. we can do can best be done quietly, and trumpeting will ruin even those meager chances." Cut Supply Line Meanwhile rebels in Tibet have cut supply lines of the Red Chi- nese garrison, forcing it to rely on airdrops from China proper, Vice-President Chen Cheng as- serted yesterday. Simultaneous with the vice- president's statement that the re- volt was spreading, President Chiang Kai-Shek offered Tibet independence if the Ch in e se Nationalists regain control of the China mainland. The two statements were an ob- vious Chinese Nationalist effort to sustain, and expand the anti- communist revolution. Fight Communists Claiming close contact with anti-communist forces in the re- mote mountains of far west China, Chen said the Tibetan; rebels are being reinforced by dissidents from China itself. Chen said veteran anti-commu- nist Chinese, Moslem and Tibetan fighters from along Tibet's east- ern border are moving south of Lhasa, the Tibetan' capital, to set up bases. These forces were said to come from Szechwan, Tsinghai and Si- kang provinces, through which run the two supply roads from1 China to Tibet. Rebels Raid Suburbs a Chen said the rebels control the countryside surrounding Lhasa and last Sunday in a raid on the suburbs destroyed Chinese Com- munist ammunition dumps and communications. This forced the garrison to call. for airdrops, which are on a lim- ited basis, he added.l Many tribesmen and Lamas have joined the Khamba warriors, Chen reported. WithU.S. WASHINGTON (A) - The United States and communist Bulgaria have agreed to resume diplomatic relations, which were severed in 1950 when Bulgaria accused the United States ambas- sador of espionage. Withdraws Charges State Department officials said Bulgaria has informed the United States it now considers the 1950 charges against Ambassador Don- ald R. Heath are groundless and have been withdrawn. Bulgaria approached the United States about resuming re- lations in December, 1957, offi- cials said, and the State Depart- ment now considers it in the in- terest of the United States to re-. sume them. - The timing of the announce- ment, to be made formally at 11 a.m. EST today, was regarded as significant, coming as it does at the" beginning of a long series of negotiations with Soviet Russia over Berlin and related cold war problems. Bulgaria .Takes Iinitative State Department officials em- phasized two things - that the agreement to resume relations stemmed from the initiative of Bulgaria, and that the United States' relations with eastern European countries are not de- termined by United States rela- tions with Russia. Bureau Sees 'Fairl Good' Trip Outlook As thousands of University stu- dents head home to rest or south to sunburn, the weather bureau forecasts "operational" traveling conditions. Light rain and possibilities of fog will not prevent planes from taking off "in all directions." Only in northern Michigan - where four to eight inches of snow are predicted north of Flint -- will travel be hampered. To the west, the weather is re- ported as "improving" over yes- terday's storm conditions. Roads toward Chicago will have light rain possibly mixed with some snow. South-bound students may ex- pect light rain in extreme north- ern Ohio, but clear driving be- yond. On the turnpikes toward Pittsburgh there will be showers and possibly snow flurries. For those who will be left be- hind in the "grand exodus," Ann Arbor predictions read, "cloudy, windy, cool," with snow forecast for sometime today. U.S. Bases Cause Crisis In Pacific MANILA (P)-A crisis has devel- oped over American military bases in the Philippines. Top United States and Philip- pine leaders express belief the bases problem will be solved in talks to change the treaty under which American naval and air units are stationed here. But in the background is a pro- posed resolution signed by 15 of the Philippine senators. It could wreck the talks. There is agitation in some nationalistic quarters to throw the American bases out. Affect Defense The whole American defense ring around Red China would be affected. The Philippines is an hour jet flight from the China mainland, less from Formosa and is the northern neighbor of rich, neutralist Indonesia. A breakdown of the talks would damage traditionally friendly re- lations. Since the United States granted independence to the Philippines in 1946, the two na- tions have walked side by side in anti-Communist movements in Asia. Remain Loyal The reservoir of pro-American feeling among the 23 million Fili- pinos remains strong but is under stress largely because of the bases issue, The United States has two Navy bases and a huge air base here. The air base was used during the recent Formosa crisis, to ferry supplies and fly air cover. One of the Navy bases, largest in the Far East, is a nuclear weapons supply dump. The key question in negotiations to revise the bases treaty is that of jurisdiction over crimes committed by American servicemen. This issue has strained relations with American allies from Japan to Iceland. The Philippines in 1956 pre- sented a formula that the United States would not accept. Relations Strained It. provided that United States courts, try servicemen who com- mitted crimes while on duty on base, and Philippine courts try those who broke the law while off duty. The problem of deciding when a serviceman is on duty was left to the top American military commander. After discussion with Filipino officials, U.S. ambassador Charles. E. Bohlen was called to Washing- ton early this year. In talks there the Philippines position was gen- erally accepted. On Bohen's return, talks re- sumed with foreign secretary Felixberto Serrano, and were; nearing agreement., Then the senatorial resolution9 popped into the picture. It called; for the Philippines to make the final decision on whether a sol- dier was on duty when a crime was committed. This is unacceptable to the United States. The Senate will discuss the] resolution next week. It may be1 merely a bargaining weapon. NCAA CHAMPIONSHIPS: msU, Oklahoma State Take Leads Swimming Special to The Daily ITHACA, N.Y.-Michigan State gained a two-point advantage over defending champion Michigan in the NCAA swim championships here last night on the strength of Bill Steuart's victory inthe 1500- meter freestyle. The Wolverines' John Urbans- cok finished a strong second be- hind the Spartan star who re- tained the crown he won last year in this most gruelling of all col- legiate swimming events. Takes Lead The long-distance race was the only final contest to be completed in the first of three days of this great aqua extravaganza. On the point basis of 7-5-4-3-2-1 for the first six places, MSU took a 7-5 lead over the Wolverines. However, Michigan is still con- sidered a definite shoo-in to win its third consecutive national swim title. Ben Mintz, ' athletic publicity director at host school Cornell, said, "The consensus here picks Michigan as a can't-miss winner by 30 or 40 points." The Wolverines led a three- team sweep of the one - meter spring-board competition in the only preliminary event last night by placing three men in today's finals. Michigan's Joe Gerlach, a Hun- garian refugee like Urbanscok, paced the lowboard divers by gain- ing a 5.90 point edge over Ohio State's Sam Hall, 272.90-265.50. Gains Points- Other Wolverines to gain the diving finals were Dick Kimball, 1957 champion and 1958 runnerup, who now rests in fourth and Ernie Meissner, in the sixth spot. Ohio State also advanced three into the finals. In addition to Hall, Ron O'Brien and Nat Smith head- ed the strong Buckeye contingent, placing third and fifth respec- tively. Michigan was expected to forge into an insurmountable lead to- night after completion of eight of the 16 final events. Steuart, unbeaten over 220, 440 yards and 1500 meters this year, put on a strong burst in the final See URBANSCOK, Page 3 Willopolitan Bus Tickets Still Available Willopolitan tickets will be available at the busses today, Stu- dent Government Council admin- istrative vice-president Philip Zook, '60, announced yesterday. Busses will leave the Union for the Willow Run airport at 1:30, 3 and 4:30 p.m., and also depart from Mosher Hall at 1:45, 3:15 and 4:45 p.m. today. Another bus to Detroit Metro- politan airport will leave the+ Union at 4 p.m. and Mosher at1 4:15 p.m., Zook added. * *Wrestllng Special to The Daily IOWA CITY - Oklahoma State's seasoned wrestlers moved to an expected early lead in quest of their 21st NCAA title in 29 years as preliminary and first- round action got underway last night at the Iowa Field House. The opening session, starting at 7:30 p.m. CST was expected to last until after 1 a.m. CST. and at Daily'press-time this morning the great bulk-of 167-1b. and 177- lb. matches were incomplete. Thus, it was not known then how Michigan's two entries, Den- nis Fitzgerald at 167 and Karl Fink at 177, came out in their first-round matches. The five mats at the Iowa Field House were in constant use dur- ing the five-and-a-half hour period last.night, since there were 246 entrants from, 69 schools, both figures, setting new NCAA records. The quarter final matches will be heli this afternoon in the '10 weight divisions, followed' by the semifinals this evening. Tomor-' row night the championship bouts will be held. At that time, it is e s t i m a t e'd that 275 separate matches will have been' held to determine the 10 titlists. O kl a homaState, Michigan See OKLAHOMA, Page 3 I Conditions f or BILL STEUART * .. wins NCAA 1500 BELIEVE FOUR DEAD: Luxury Cruiser, Tanker Crash Netlante City NEW YORK (P')-The battered luxury liner Santa Rosa limped home at half speed yesterday from a gay, carefree Caribbean cruise that ended in near disaster. She rammed an oil tanker in the early morning darkness 22 miles off Atlantic City, N. J. Two crewmen on the tanker, Valchem, were dead, two were missing and 16 were injured. There were no injuries to 247 passengers and 265 crew- Ike Takes Mid-Ground Approach De Gaulle Displays Little Enthusiasm In Note to Moscow WASHINGTON (A') - Brital France and the United States la down differently worded cond .tions yesterday for a summit co, ference with Russia's Premier N kita Khrushchev President Dwight D. Esenho' er took a middle-ground 4Lj proach, saying the United Stat would be prepared to go into big four heads of governmei metling on the understandir that "constructive proposals" hE been prepared bbforehand by foreign ministers meeting. Sends Russians Note President Charles de Gaulle( France displayed less enthusias: in his not to Moscow than eithi President Eisenhower or Briti Prime Minister Harold' Macmi lan. De Gaulle agreed to a summ conference only after "genuir progress" had been made at 'foreign ministers meeting. Macmillan's note to the Kren lin, on the other hand, said .ti 'British would be glad to take pa: in a summit conference "as soc as developments in the foreig ministers meeting warrant." During his United States vi last weekend, Macmillan han mered on the theme that the, is only one man in Russia the a: lies can. do business with, an that there is only one man :I Russia the Allies can do busine with and that is Khrushchev. Cites 'Merit' President. Eisenhower sa Wednesday there is considerab] merit in that argument, but sai he won't be blackmailed , bluffed into a summer session. Khrushchev, who set off t current crisis over Berlin with 1± announced. intention of signing treaty with East Germany an pulling out of the German city b May 27, has already indicated 14 formally that he would be agree able to a foreign ministers meet ing starting May 11 in Geneva. That was the date and plac proposed in all three wester notes yesterday. (However, whereas Presider Eisenhower mentioned a possibl summit conference later thi summer, de Gaulle said only tha a top level meeting might be hel at "an appropriate time." Nixon May G To Summit With Presi de] WASHINGTON (AP) - The6 ques tion whether VcePresdet RclI ard M: Nixon might go with Pres dent Dwight D. Eisenhower IN any summit conference intrigue the capitol yesterday. It went unanswered. Neither the White House no Nixon's office commented ona column in a New York newspape which suggested that possibility. Krock wrote that Presider Eisenhower had told British Prim Minister Harold A. Macmillan tha "if his constitutional duities 'a home required him to leave th summit conference in its course he will be replaced by Vice-Presi dent Nixon, his constitutional al ternate." The column added: "This, unless it were decide( that both President and Vice President should not go abroac might seem to call for Nixon' presence from the beginning ix -order to take over with the requi site background." -A- .- - -4-1,cam- '.tt- KING HUSSEIN: Arab Leader Condemns Communistie Strength WASHINGTON (P) - King Hussein of Jordan said yesterday Communism is gaining strength in the Arab world because of coopera- tion between Soviet Russia and "certain Arab governments." The youthful anti-Communist monarch did not name any other Arab country in a speech to the National Press Club. But he apparently, was referring to Iraq and the United Arab Republic in talking about! "new relations" and "the policy of collaboration" between some Arab? countries and the Soviets. I - ~ i i y He said this collaboration"con -C ity M a stituted "the greatest danger" to, the Arab area and Jordan was' the first country to realize it. This C e stand against Communism, Has- * aeR . . . sein said, "created serious mis- understanding with some Arab By PETER DAWSON sister states." Urban Renewal is "necessary Jabs at Nasser, Howjever, he said that some who for the people in the area and "so violently attacked" Jordan's necessary for all of Ann Arbor," anti-Communist policy now ap- Lloyd M. Ives, Democratic candi- peared "to be preaching" the same date for mayor in the April 6 gen- policy. This was an obvious jab eral election, declares. at United Arab Republic President Ives said in an interview that Gamal Abdel Nasser who recently has shown coolness toward the he has investigated the area him- Soviets, self, talking to 91 families, to sat- Hussein said the Arab League, isfy himself that the program is 1A -, . + ,. necessary and that the peonle in men aboard the new and gra- ciously outfitted Santa Rosa, one of the most modern ships afloat. The 18-foot tall funnel of the tanker was torn free in the crash and left perching like a top hat at the tip of the liner's prow. The two ships never actually were in danger. No distress signals were sent out, although they re-. ported their plight by radio. But only the fact that the Val- chem was empty may have pre- vented a major sea disaster. The Santa Rosa caught fire after the collision. The blaze was!minor and quickly extinguished. But had the tanker carried a volatile fuel cargo, the flames could have touched off a tremendous explosion while the two vessels lay locked in a close embrace of tangled steel after the crash. The collision, 75 miles south of' New York occurred at 3 a.m. It jolted awake the cruise pas- sengers, many of them sleeping off the gala pre-arrival party that traditionally marks the last night of a sea voyage. .Ask Negro- Voiting Tax MONTGOMERY (R) - An Ala- bama legislative study committee proposed yesterday a heavier price tag on the right to vote as one way to keep Negroes away, from the polls. T h e i n t e r i m subcommittee which is drawing up, recommen-, dations for the legislature also suggested a new push-button in- telligence test for prospective voters. It, too, was labeled as a device to prevent mass Negro voting. To raise the cost of voting, the subcommittee proposed a consti- tutional amendment to restore 'the old cumulative features of Alabama's poll tax which was wiped out in 1953. That would require voters to pay up all back poll taxes between the ages of 21 and 45 before they could cast their ballots. The tax is $1.50 a year, and a man or wo- man over 45 who had never voted before would haye to pay $36 in a lump sum. Under existing law, all unpaid poll taxes beyond two years are forgiven and no one has to pay more than $3 at one time. Under the voter intelligence test plan application papers would. be graded by an electronics de- vice, with no way to tell whether the applicant is white or Negro. Discuss LSA - Requirements The Literary College Steering Committee set plans yesterday for a confergice on natural science rii f ..fin - - vlir mfcslt - oral Candidates Express Views Ives... "Ann Arbor is a growing city," Cecil 0. Creal, Republican candi- date for mAyor in the April 6 city election, said recently, "and I in- tend to meet the problems that, will arise with a business-like ap- proach. "It's my belief that to plan for the future you've got to have a background of the past." The need for a new fire station and the need not to raise taxes: above their present level are im- - 4 o n- h i- Pv- n massmemmemma mammannome