* Sixty-Ninth Year EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN *"When Opinions Are Free UNDER AUTHORITY OF BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS Truth will Preval" STUDENT PUBLICATIONS BLDG. * ANN ARBOR, MICH. * Phone NO 2-3241 Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints. URSDAY, MARCH 26. 1959 NIGHT EDITOR: JOAN KAATZ "The Fool! He's Cutting The Wrong End" ~} F OV\MEsTC NEEVS p II ( -4, ea The Fishman Disqualification Case:. Excusable STUDENT Government Council is unjustified in refusing to seat Michael Fishman. The Council had told candidates before the election that the twenty-five dollar limit was grounds for possible disqualification. But if Fishman had thought that exceeding the $25 limit meant that there was a strong possibility that he would be disqualified, then there is a good reason for Fishman falsifying his expense account. IE PRESENT RULE, at least before Fish- man's case, must have been unclear as to penalties for violation in the minds of many candidates. The rule says that candidates should not spend more than $25 on election expenses, and provides for "possible disquali- fication if the rule is violated. If the Council had assured the candidates beforehand that exceeding the campaign limit by a few dollars would not be grounds for dis- qualification, but result only in a fine, then Fishman, or candidates who may find them- selves in similar positions, would be wrong in not admitting their violation to the Council. But when the choice beforehand is so diffi- cult, because of Council vagueness, the Coun- cil must take part of the responsibility for Fishman's falsification of his report. The regu- lations are unclear in two important areas. First, penalties for specific violations should be made much more detailed than they are now. Secondly, if falsification of the expense re- port is so important that it, instead of the spe- cifically listed violation is the reason for dis- missal, then falsification should be listed in the petition and election rules. If it is thought necessary to say that forged or fictitious sig- natures will constitute grounds for the dis- qualification of a candidate, it should be neces- sary to be equally explicit about campaign- ex- penditures. The advantages of explicit rules are obvious. It helps rule out extraneous considerations on the part of a Council member deciding in such cases. And when the rules are written down it places the blame for violation squarely on the candidates. HOWEVER, there is more to the case than deficiency in election rules. The Council should bend over backwards to insure that the candidate knows exactly what rules he must abide by in his campaign. "Knowing exactly" means having them written down. If the Council does not have these regula- tions written down at the time a candidate is elected, then it is the Council's duty to seat the candidate, however unpleasant the Coun- cil feels about the circumstances. If Fishman's violation is more than just a violation of a regulation, but instead is a sign of some underlying deficiency in Fishman as a Council member, then the present members should be ready to vote against him should he run for election again. If, however, this one mistake is not at all typical of Fishman, his falsification should be seen in its proper light, as an excuseable violation, and steps should be taken to make amends. --LANE VANDERSLICE NEW BATTLEGROUND: Isolation, Altitude Characterize Tibet , Trust Violated' A SHORT TIME ago Assistant Dean of Men John Bingley called the Fishman affair "ridiculous." Ridiculous it is, but also unfortunate and harmful to all those concerned. One can easily feel sorry and sympathetic for Fishman, seeing all the trouble he has gotten into. But the all-important point remains that Fishman knowingly lied to the Council about his expenses. He maintained that during the hectic cir- cumstances of Count Night when his mind was on the election rather than the expense ac- count, he was told by a Council member to put down $25. Doubtless true, but the expediency of a situ- ation should be no justification for a lie. That Fishman was told by a member to do some- thing which he knew to be dishonest is no excuse either. Fishman's advisor was probably misunder- stood when he said to put down the $25 maxi- mum "just to be within the limit," but he doubtless was thinking about the fact that in the past the expense limit has not been too closely observed by all candidates running. Again, true enough. But it remains that Fishman got caught and the others did not. If the Council failed to discover other vio- lations in the past, this should be no reason for them to fail to act on Fishman's now. The old saw still applies, that if a rule is not en- forced in all cases, that rule soon becomes meaningless. If the rule and the procedures for applying it are bad, they should be changed. But until then, such rules must be enforced. Further the Council was not violently con- cerned with the obviously trivial sum of $4.87 that Fishman spent over his limit. The Cre- dentials Committee found him only in viola- tion of the expenses limit rule. But it was the Council's authority to enforce this rule, in view of the circumstances surrounding the violation, as they saw fit. At the meeting, it was clear that the Coun- cil felt that had Fishman "come clean" at the time and admitted he had spent more than the limit, he would have been seated without much question. Fishman claimed that his intentions were not to deceive SGC and that the estimate he received from the printing company was too low. However, Fishman had attended the candi- date training meetings, where the ruling had been explained. Further, two weeks had elapsed between the time he received his es- timate and the time he paid the bill. During this time, he could have found the discrepancy between estimate, the bill and the limit, and should have contacted Council authorities had he been strictly honest. He did not. Why not, unless he hoped to get away with it? The adage that "a public office is a public trust," while rather mossy, remains true. The terms of the public trust implicit in election to office were violated by Fishman. And if SGC is to preserve its own integrity, it cannot seat a candidate who lied while be- ing elected. -PHILIP POWER By The Associated Press THE FATE of a rebellious Tibet is being fought out in the lofti- est, most backward and most iso- lated territory in the world. Its gay, good-humored people- whose greatest national occupa- tion is religious contemplation - dwell in valleys behind craggy peaks of the Himalayas on the south and the Kunlun Mountains on the north. Its average elevation is higher than California's 14,495-foot Mt. Whitney, highest in the United States. It truly is the "roof of the world." Visited through the centuries by only a few westerners, the country did not know even the wheel until recent years. Commu- nication was mostly by caravan routes winding through 16,000- foot mountain passes. Arctic-like winds whippedabout the moun- tains and made the lot of the traveler a hard one. BUT SINCE the invasion of the country in October 1950, by a Red Chinese army, a rough 1,000-mile road has been built from China's Western Sinkiang province to Gartok in southwestern Tibet. Other roads now link northern Tibet with Gartok, and Lhasa, the capital, with the southwest. Air service between central Tibet was established in 1957 between Red China and Lhasa. The country is poor in agricul- tural production, but may be rich in minerals.hFor centuries, its chief trade has been in musk, wool, furs, and yak tails, used for Santa Claus beards. But in some Shangri-La-like valleys an almost lush climate permits the growing of pomegranates, wheat and bar- ley. In the 7th century, Tibet was a .powerful kingdom and exacted tribute from China. But since the 17th century, China has main- tained a varying degree of suzer- ainity over the country. The Tibetans finally expelled Chinese officials in 1912 after the Sun Yat-Sen revolution overthrew China's Manchu emperors, and the Chinese attempted to restore their rule only in 1950 after the Communists had established their government at Peiping. * * * THE 1,300,000 Tibetans, who imported their Buddhist religion from India, tend to devote their time to religion rather than in- dustry, politics or war. Thousands of monks live in monasteries scat- tered throughout the country and are the rulers of the country. The Dalai Lama, the temporal and spiritual ruler, is believed to be the 14th reincarnation of Buddha. He was chosen for the role by monks in 1935, when he was five years old, on the basis of mysterious signs and portents which satisfied them that he was the reincarnation. He was installed as the Lama in 1940 in the nine-story Portala, or palace, which towers over the center of Lhasa. Red China for- mally recognized his temporal and spiritual authority in 1951 in a treatyugranting aut o no m o us rights to Tibet but retaining con- trol of its foreign and defense affairs. IN THE background, threaten- ing the Dalai Lama's rule, how- ever, is the Panchen Lama, re- garded by rival monks as the real Lama. He formerly lived in Red China's Sinkiang province and for a time was considered the Communists' favorite. In recent years some innova- tions have takenrplace. Some 10,- 000 Tibetans of both sexes are re- ported to be receiving education in 78 primary schools and a high- er school in Lhasa. An old elec- tric power plant has been re- placed by a new one in Lhasa, and another one built in Shigatse in southern Tibet. A motor repair shop has been built in Lhasa, along with a veter- inary research institute. Lhasa and Shigatase have public tele- phone systems. Until 1950 most of Tibet's trade was through India. In 1955 India turned over its rest houses and postal and telegraph services along the caravan route to the control of Red China. Tibetans are a nation of tea drinkers. Despite their interest in religion they love horse racing and gambling. * CAPITAL COMMENTARY: - Summit Talks No Real A nswer By WILLIAM S. WHITE W ASHINGTON -- The Western world's diplomacy has entered a new era, full of promise and of danger. And in that diplomacy the British have reassumed the West- ern leadership which they lost to the United States after the second World War. Prime Minister Harold Macmil- lan has returned to London, after a fateful tour of great capitals, carrying in his brief case the baton that now leads the Western con- cert. To deny that it is the British who now hold the initiative might make us as Americans feel better -if we wish to look at it all as a competitive enterprise between Washington and London. But to deny it would be to reject the plainest of obvious realities. FOR 'THE Eisenhower-Macmil- lan decision to meet the Russians in the summer at a summit con- ference is now fixed and final in fact. It is true that President Dwight D. Eisenhower has reserved the right to refuse to go along with such a conference, after all, if an intervening Foreign Minis- ters' meeting produces no justifi- cation in our eyes for the big show. But this is a technicality. The British are bound and determined to have the big show regardless of what happens at the Foreign Ministers' talks in between. Mac- millan feels quite confident that no Foreign Minister or anybody else but Nikita Khrushchev can bind the Russians to anything at all, anyhow. Thus he is absolutely resolved to meet the boss man himself. And it is too late now, in a world thrilled with hope for a summit-made peace (and maybe altogether too thrilled, if it comes to that) for us alone to turn back and say no when the time comes. NOBODY is going to read the fine print of our reservations, no matter what we may say and hope from time to time. Thus, whether we should or should not have got into this position is now water over the dam. Realists will now prefer to look not at where we might have been but where we actually are. These, then, are the essential facts: 1) The policy of "rigidity" to- ward the Soviet Union so long at- tributed to the ailing Secretary of State John Foster Dulles is gone forever. For just as in actuality we simply must go to'the summit, we also must be prepared to nego- tiate when we get there. And to negotiate means at least to con- template giving up something of known value in exchange for something of possible value from the Russian side. 2) The whole heart of interna- tional negotiation has now passed to this coming summit meeting - and to others that well may fol- low. The old power center of the United Nations, the S e c u r i t y Council, has now become almost as obsolete as the League of Na- tions. Only the most uncritical of UN lovers will deeply mourn the un- announced demise of the Security Council, which has been paralyzed for years by Soviet vetoes. But there is great peril to another in- stitution which ought to be al- indeed in ever-increasing strengt lgwed to stand in strength, and in-. deed in ever-increasing strength. This is the North A t l a n t i c Treaty Organization, the military alliance of the free West. The 15th anniversary of NATO, this great association of honor- able power, is going to be celebrat- ed here on April 4. Its compara- tively little members, Belgium for one and Italy for another, have been faithful allies. For 15 years Italian governments in particular have sturdily stood with NATO, often under savage pressure from a large and howling Italian Com- munist minority. * * * THE ITALIAN Foreign Minis- ter, Guiseppe Pella - and other representatives of the smaller powers in NATO - is coming here in wistful hope that the needs of these small but loyal allies are not iltogether forgotten when the big fellows foregather on the summit. Those who want NATO to go on xill wish these little fellows well. Summit or no summit, we cannot do without them, and this it would be wise not to forget in all the general fanfare. For the true shield of the West cannot be found on any summit. The shield of the West is found in NATO's military headquarters just outside Paris, Supreme Head- quarters Allied Powers in Europe. Negotiate and negotiate, yes. But history has not been kind to those who have preached that there is any final substitute for collective power in dealing with any dicta- tor, anywhere. I # i I I INTERPRETING THE NEWS: Kassem Walks Thin Rope SHANGRI-LA DISTURBED-Shown above is Potola, palace of the Dalai Lama of Tibet, in the capital city of Lhasa where fighting has been raging between followers of the supreme spiritual and temporal ruler of Buddhists who have rebelled against Red Chinese rule. By L. M. ROBERTS Associated Press News Analyst IRAQ'S DENUNCIATION of the Baghdad Pact merely formalizes a foregone conclusion. But the question of whether the Kassem revolutionary regime thus sides with Soviet Russia, which has always agitated against the Pact, or is trying to establish a position of leadership in the Arab world despite its break with the Nasser nationalists of the United Arab Republic. In the tight-rope walking by which he has so far maintained independence of Nasser while enjoying not-quite-so-much independence of the local Communists who support him and the international Communists who give him material aid, Kassem has faced a serious problem. He is getting arms from Russia, but most of the arms he already has are British, When Kassem staged his revolt, the British supply was cut off. But a country which depends upon an outside source of arms also depends on parts and replacements from the same source. Editorial Staff RICHARD TAUB, Editor MICHAEL KRAFTJOHN WEICHER Editorial Director City Editor DAVID TARR Associate Editor DALE CANTOR.................Personnel Director T HE BRITISH now seem about decided that Kassem has not gone over into the Com- munist camp so far that he can no longer be trusted by the West, and the flow of arms is expected to be resumed. The long experience of the British in Middle Eastern politics makes this a significant contri- bution to any attempt to assess Kassem's real position in the generally confused- situation. There's more behind it than meets the eye. Almost every action in the Middle East has its effect on other situations which may at first glance seem only tenuously related. By supplying arms to Iraq, Britain compli- cates a french problem. Any aid given Kassem increases his ability to aid the anti-French rebels in Algiers, which he is doing. This Iraqi aid is calculated to cut the Nasser- ite influence which has been strong in Algeria. Algerian rebel leaders recently discussed, with- out action, whether the Iraqi aid might enable them to drop UAR support. AT THE SAME TIME there is behind-the- scenes competition between Iraq and the UAR over the future of Jordan. When the UAR was formed, the former Iraqi monarchy negotiated a so-called Arab union with Jordan. The revolution abrogated this arrangement. Now Jordan stands between Iraq, the UAR and a totally hostile Israel which, at the first outbreak of new hostilities in the area, would move toward all Jordan territory west of the Jordan River, and perhaps even farther. Jordan's chief hope for life rests in Anglo- American support. The young King Hussein, LETTERS TO-THE EDITOR: Courses Meet Student Needs Reader Claims To the Editor: I WAS very disappointed to read the editorial concerning the School of Education. I thought the trick of taking things out of con- text and generalizing about them was reserved for demogogues and political tricksters. I can see how wrong I was. In this day and age, when edu- cation is under heavy fire, it would be nice to see a report based on scholarship and research instead of the trash that is being written. There have been far too many books and articles written about education by people who haven't seen the inside of a school since they graduated. Anybody who ever went to school is an ex- pert on education, everybody ex- cept the person who has made this field of study his life's work. If you were really interested in discerning the philosophy of the School of Education you should not have relied upon the catalog. However, since you used the cata- log as your primary source I don't understand why you didn't read a little more of it. Allow me to quote from the same source, School of Education Announcement 1958/59, p. 26. "The demand made upon IF TEACHERS are incompetent in a subject matter field, perhaps the blame lies outside the School of Education. You will notice from the above statement that the School of Education does not lay claim to making prospective teachers proficient in a subject matter field. This is left to the scholars in the literary college. They are the ones who certify that a teacher is proficient in subject matter. This is done by the grades that they give. If a student enrolls in the School of Education and has grades that indicate that he has passed the courses in his sub- ject matter field, it is assumed that he is somewhat competent. If not, then he should never have been given a passing grade. The prospective teacher spends but 1/6th of his college career in the School of Education, and almost half of this in practice teaching. Yet, whenever teachers are criti- cised, it is the School of Education that is blamed for faulty prepara- tion. * * * I WOULD like to have you look at the catalog again and this time notice that the courses you so carefully itemized are graduate courses and not undergraduate one methods course. If a person is going to deal with learners it is important that he be familiar with the way people learn. You imply that if the School of Education requirements were done away with, students would take more work in their major field. I don't think this is true, but before I can commit myself I should like to see a survey made of liberal arts graduates to determine how many of them took more than the prescribed number of hours neces- sary for a major. -Bert I. Greene En Garde .. To the Editor: THE CAMBRIDGE University Tiddlywinks Club, having re- cently become British champions, by virtue of a resounding victory over Oxford, are making prelim- inary plans for a tour of America in September this year. As we wish to play a match against the principal American universities, we feel that Michigan University would be keen to take part in what will be the most in- teresting sporting event for some years. It has been suggested that versities are in the U.S. today. These young men are the leaders of tomorrow. Many of them, in spite of being from Africa, have never had the opportunity of meet- ing together in their own land. The political structure at home, the artificial boundaries separate these peoples from each other. Today, with the merging power of determination, of self-govern- ment and liberty, those boundaries are bound to crash and disappear sooner or later. For good understanding, friendly relations and good will, the U. S. has today a golden opportunity to foster these principles. These aims could be realized if all in a joint effort would study the means and possibilities to have most of these students from Africa meet, study their problems, and establish relations with one an- other, with the help of some American specialist in that area of the world. Thus, a full cooperation between Africans and Americans on the above mentioned principles could build a lasting friendship and unity for peaceful coordina- tion. The conflict between East and West will be settled in Africa, and to win the Africans is to secure the democratic institutions of the Compliments * *. To the Editor: MY COMPLIMENTS to Miss Sarah Drasin for her very fine story in today's Magazine sec- tion ("A Lasting Link with the Past"). In reading her article I experienced an intensification of pride in the greatness that is Michigan. I shall save the story as a reminder of my four years at the University because Miss Drasin has, I think, captured the essence of Michigan's true climate. -Peter L. Wolff DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN The Daily Official Bulletin is an official publication of The Univer- sity of Michigan for which' The Michigan Daily assumes no edi- torial responsibility. Notices should be sent in TYPEWRITTEN formh to Room 3519 Administration Build- ing, before 2 p.m. the day preceding publication. Notices for Sunday Daily due at 2:00 p.m. Friday. THURSDAY, MARCH 26, 1959