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March 25, 1959 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1959-03-25

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Painting As A Hobby

Sixty-Ninth Year
Truth Will Prevail" STUDENT PUBLICATIONS BLDG. * ANN ARBOR, MICH. * Phone NO 2-3241
Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers
or the editors. 'This must be noted in all reprints:

-w f

Last Spring Concert
Exciting, Effulgent

)NESDAY, MARCH 25, 1959


nmmunists No Reason for Avoiding
The Vienna Youth Festival

PROTESTS have been raised ... caution sig-
nals have flashed ... and still no substan-
tial reason for the lack of American represen-
tation at the Vienna Youth Festival has been
The National Students' Association declines
to send a delegation to the festival, but says
well-informed individuals should not be dis-
couraged from attending.
From this concept of individual attendance
has emerged an Independent Service for In-
formation on the Vienna Youth Festival. This
group has published mounds of material on
the Festival for the purpose of informing all
who stop at the convention.
THE ONLY REASON offered for this "inter-
ested, but unwilling attitude is that the Fes-
tival is allegedly Communist dominated. The
NSA is joining the 'ranks of those who fear
meeting communism head-on.
.Yet, all this negative talk has unfortunately
obscured the advantages to be gained from at-
tending the Festival.
Better understanding of Communists and
students from other cultures is one of the
greatest benefits of the Festival. One need not
participate in radical Communist demonstra-

Lions, but through meetings and discussions
a student can begin to comprehend the vari-
ous manifestations of the Marxist doctrine.
The learning experience received from this
contact far surpasses almost any educational
gain from university attendance alone. What
in Ann Arbor may seem completely unaccept-
able, strange and weird, becomes visible as a
real factor in men's actions at a festival in'
THE VIENNA MEETING offers a rare oppor-
tunity to American students. It is not often
one will be able to freely, and inexpensively
meet those from behind the Iron Curtain. This
is an event to take advantage of . . . not to
discourage people from attending.
NSA may be reluctant to attend the Festival
because of reluctance to add prestige to the
convention by officially sending an American
delegation. However, they agree that the indi-
vidual will gain from the experience. Perhaps
what is a gain for the individual could be a
gain for the whole group.
The NSA has acted and cannot recall its
action . . . but the fear of individuals should
be erased ... and American should be at the,

THIS concert opened with the
"Quartet in G, K. 387" of
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart. It is
an enigma that concerts should
so frequently start with sensitive
works like Bach Preludes, Mozart
or early Beethoven Quartets.
When it concerns something as
difficult and important as Mozart's
Quartet K. 387 it is a pity that
both music and audience should
suffer. Fortunately the Stanley
Quartet's progress was rapid.
Whatever uneven playing occurred
in the first two movements was
quickly forgotten: the exquisite
'Andante movement and Allegro
finale were very well performed.
Leslie Bassett's "Five Pieces for
String Quartet" (1957) is certailily
one of the best work in the con-
temporary repertoire of the Stan-
ley Quartet. These compact little
pieces exploit all of the most in-
teresting colors of the string en-
semble and they have a firm musi-
cal "rightness" about them.
takes many pains to commission
works by contemporary composers
for the Stanley Quartet. It is an
irony that they should end up with
such an insignificant and very
irrelevant production like the
Rodolfo Halffter Quartet (heard
earlier this semester) when there
is the really original, exciting, and
mature Bassett "Five Pieces for
String Quartet" written in Ann'
Arbor. Leslie Bassett is Asstant
Professor of Theory and Composi-
tion in the University School of
The Schubert "D minor Quartet

Let the Children Leave

Hungarians Call Tibet a Second Betrayal

Opus Posth." was a real treat. This
is a big and sprawling work. Its
gestures range from the dead
sober to gypsy fiddle. The Stanley
Quartet approached it with a
bright and aggressive sound and
gave us a stunning performance.
Rarely is a Stanley Quartet
concert anything but a very de-
lightful experience. Until they are
heard again during the summer,
session something will be missing
from our cultural enjoyment.
-Gordon Mumma
"NEVER Steal Anything Small"
-a precept flagrantly violated
by the charging of admissions to
this show-is appearing now at
the State Theatre for what may
be, if there is any justice, a record
short run.k
The story concerns a labor union
boss who rigs an election, fixes a
trial, ruins his lawyer's marriage
, and then attempts to wed the
estranged wife. However, lest you
believe him to be a pernicious
fellow, he modestly confesses that
these deeds have been perpetrated
solely for the benefit of the union
members. In a word (his own), he
considers himself a prospective
Samuel Gompers.
This is one of those dazzlingly
incompetent comedies, the in-
tended humor being as inspired as
that of the average television
show, while the [few widely scat.-
tered comic interludes are wholly
FOR A brief sampling of one of
the better attempts at amusement,
one racketeer says, to another dur-
ing a roundtable, "I second the
motion." Retorts his constituent,
"No one made a motion." When,
however, after more than an hour
of totally unscrupulous action, the
boss is sympathetically told py the
object of his affections, "I've never
understood you until now," one
finds it difficult to constrain one.
.James Cagney as the union boss
grimaces away the better part of
two hours as his lawyer looks on
understandingly. Shirley Jones, a
woman extremely appealing until
she opens her mouth, seems to
take the whole thing a bit ser
ously while several other charac-
ters make the best of minor roles.
The song and dance routines are
reasonably, diverting, but unfor.
tunately, are stll'not much et."
ter than the rest of theshow.
-H. M. Lasky..
Oh, Help!
By The Associated Press
LONDON - Parental pressure on
students to make good has
been blamed for an increased sui-
cide rate in British universities.
Sir Alan Rook, Health Officer of
Cambridge, wrote in the British
Medical Journal the rate at Oxford
between 1948 and 958 was five
times the national average. At
Cambridge and London University
College it was three times as great,
he said.

wHO ARE THE students who are affected
by the University's paternalistic social
regulations? Are they not mature enough to
conduct their personal affairs?
Although age alone is no measure of ma-
turity, it is a factor. So the Daily Cardinal yes-
terday called the office of student statistics to
find out just how old Wisconsin students are.
Here is what we found out:
In the 1956-57 academic year (and the fig-
ures generally vary little from year to year),
the average undergraduate was 21.25 years old;
the average graduate student was 27.97. Un-
dergrad men average 21.78, undergrad women
Closing hours apply to all women, regardless
men 28.13.
.Most students are of legal age. They can
while non-students with only high school edu-
state, do anything that they'll ever be able
to (except be elected President or Congress-
men). Yet the University prohibits them from
attending unchaperoned parties or even being

in the living quarters of students of the oppo-
site sex without a chaperone.
Closing hours apply to all women, regardless
of age.
IT IS DIFFICULT to see how such rules for
adult students can be justified. University
students are supposed to be a select group of
intelligent people. _Yet students of legal age
are subjected to rules designed for children,
while non-students with onl yhigh school edu-,
cation or less are given freedom to conduct
their personal lives as they see fit.,
We cannot deny, of course, that there are
many students who are young and still im-
mature. Most freshmen enter the University
at the age of 18 or 19; some are even younger.
Nevertheless, adult students should not be re-
stricted simply because they attend the same
large institution with children who are away
from their parents.
We can see two alternatives to the problem:
Apply the chaperonage rules only to those
students whose parents request them. This way,
parents can have their offspring controlled
somewhat "in the manner to which they are
Let the immature children attend some other
institution where they can be closely watched,
and leave university students with the freedom
they want and deserve. At smaller colleges,
students can be regulated more easily than on
a campus of 16,000 students.
-Wisconsin Daily Cardinal

Bg Deal!

[HE POOR, the trodden, the oppressed again
have a cause celebre! A cold, mean, hard
tudent Government Council refused to seat
like Fishman.
Fishman is a guy who lied when he filled
ut his candidate's expense account.
Quite a cause to get worked up over!
--R=. T.

To the Editor:
THE UPRISING in Tibet against
Communist imperialism in its
Chinese variety is another memen-
to to the free world of the insup-
portable brutality of Communist
oppression. What with the legal-
istic washing of the hands by the
United Nations and Nehru's "non-
committed" neutrality towards the
murderer when the victim is beg-
ging him for moral support (as it
happened also in the case of Hun-
gary in 1956) we are witnessing
Peter's second betrayal of Christ.
Let us hope, the democracies will
remember before it is too late that
there should be no third betrayal.
-Names Withheld by Request
A Group of
Hungarian Students
Hyde Park .. .
To the Editor:
THE SPIRITED charges of rude-
ness, stupidity, boorishness,
and sabotage that have been laid
in your colums against Mr. Bent-
wich and I for expressing an opin-
ion at Hyde Park on March 16,
provoke'me to break silence. If
Miss Margolis, for instance, had
listened more closely to what I
had to say at "Hyde Park," she
would not report that I dislike the
way SGC works but, rather, that
I think it presumptuous for any
body of students to term them-
selves the Student Government
Council when it neither governs
nor warrants much attention from
the remainder of the student body.
Its whole concern is with adminis-
trative problems with which it,
rightly, has little power to deal,
In the universities of my acquain-
tance, the students certainly do
not make the rules. There is, how-
ever, an excellentplace for a "Stu-
dent Council," or such, to repre-
sent the opinions of the campus
in administrative matters.
* * *
THERE are other aspects to the
"Hyde Park" situation which are
of great importance. How amus-
ing it was to read the headline to
Tuesday's article: "Hyde Park
Sabotaged by Opponents." A mo-
ment's thought on the very nature
of this citadel of democracy ex-
poses the ridiculousness of such
an expression and -also of Miss
Margolis' charge of "rudeness." (I

will not defend the charge of
"stupidity.") She speaks, perhaps,
as an "Organization Woman" used
to the sterilized security of the
committeeroom. Far be it from
this grateful and happy visitor to
this university to interfere with
others' private affairs. The day
that London's "Hyde Park" be-
comes a private organization, I
shall emigrate to Russia.
A university should be the place
in which we, especially as under-
graduates, can experiment with
ideas, both new and old, practical
and academic, can begin to evolve
our own philosophy of life, can
develop our specific interests and
knowledge, and develop the char-
acter to face up to the buffettings
of adult life. Candidates for SGC
deserve respect for showing initi-
ative, but their only proven quali-
fication was the patience and
ability to pass through the neces-
sary administrative rigmarole, the
marshalling of friends and ac-
quaintances at the right time and
the proposition of a few new or
rehashed ideas on Campus admin-
istration. It was unfortunate for
these candidates that they did not
face the opposition which would
really permit them to prove them-
selves worthy of association with
such a grand-sounding organiza-
tion as SGC. My "opposition" to
SGC was, in essence, very slight
and yet, only one of the candidates
proved him-or herself, worthy in
character and spirit to receive my
vote the next day.
IT HAS BEEN suggested that
our objective was to get our names
in print. Actually, in discussing
the lack of university activtity on
the campus. I emphasized that
various "Big Brothers" watch over
the students so closely that sincere
and healthy individuality is fet-
tered by self-consciousness. .The
Daily, of these, handicaps indi-
vidual expression since the idea of
a name "in print" may promote
embarrassment or the fear of
charges of immodesty. A little
traveling is enough to make us
appreciate our insignificance, as
individuals, and as communities,
in the whole scheme of things. It
is absolute foolishness to take our-
selves too seriously.
However small we are as indi-
viduals, we will all be wealthier
if, as individuals, we strive to

Block Them Off'

BEFORE THE rolling herd gets loose, there
is still time to make the main campus block
safe for pedestrianism by banning bicycles
from the area.
The' first stage of such a plan would be to
remove all bicycle stands from the center of
campus and place them on the outer edges.
All bicycles found in the central area would
be removed to be picked up later by their own-
The second, and more complicated, phase
of the plan might entail some expense and re-
quire the consent of the city of Ann Arbor.

Close the inside lanes of the four streets
surrounding the campus block and fence it
off from the other lane with an attractive
hedge. The closed lane would become a hard-
surfaced bicycle park and path. The removal
of bicycles would immeasurably improve the
appearance of the campus, and increase the
safety and security of the walkers.
The distance across the entire block is not
so long that everybody could make it in time
for classes, and besides, a little walking never
hurt anybody.

exchange ideas, provoke thought
and make life pleasanter for our-
selves and our fellow-beings. Miss
Margolis showed fine spirit in ex-
pressing her opinions, which many
other "silly" people have good
cause to support. It's gratifying
that 'she did not follow the coward-
ly example of the many anony-
mous correspondents of late.
My interference in "Hyde Park"
having been quite spontaneous,
and my association with Mr. Bent-
wichkbeing comparatively slight, I
speak only for myself in this
-Brian Parker
Solecism . . *
To the Editor
IT WAS indeed a great pleasure
and to some a surprise to attend
Monday night's recital by Andre
Tchaikowsky: a program which
turned out to be remarkable in the
patent artistry of a talent which
is relatively "unknown." Perhaps
the only valid criticism of the
performance is that Tchaikowsky
is an artist's artist.
By the same token it was indeed
a lamentable sight and to some an
ungracious display of solecism to
witness the large exodus during
the intermission and at the con-
clusion of the announced program
Admittedly the concert was ener-
vating in its intensity, but hardly
should it have enfeebled the audi-
ence to the point that they could
not stay to give this young musical
genius his earned round of ap-
Sadly enough, this is not an
isolated phenomenon. In fact, it
would seem to be an ever increas-
ing trend-by a public which is
fatuous enough to -lament the
"inferior" programs available to it.
In view of such boorishness the
wonder is not thatAnn Arbor has
such "meager" musical fare, but
that the artists ever return.
-George J. Valenta, Jr.
Iraqi Affair
To the Editor:
N A LETTER -to the editor of
The Michigan'Daily, by Iz din
Essaid, an Iraqi student, hatred
and jealously were voiced in a
manner which is very distasteful
to every Arab student on campus.
Students, Iraqis as well as others
from Arab States are disgusted at
the falseness of the analogy of Mr.
Essaid's statements.' For this we
choose to mention the fact that
Mr. Essaid'sviews do not even
represent, a handful of twisted
mentalities, because he is neither
patriotic to his country nor does
he care about Arab Nationalism.
Nasser has never claimed that
he is making himself a champion
of anti-communism or as a hero of
democracy. What every educated
Arab knows, is that Nasser was
acclaimed by Arabs .all over, as a
symbol of the honorable goals of
Arab Nationalism. What Nasser
claims, is really well known to all
nations, namely, that the Arabs
will not submit to either Western
or Eastern domination. He rightly
claims that Arabs have their own
way of living, and that imported
rlmnrtnn.frnam +he Wet nr infi-

affairs; which is what every decent
Arab hoped and hopes for. All
Nasser has. claimed is that he
wishes to be friendly with both
East and West; non-alignment or
mingling with East-West conflicts,
and non-interference in domestic
affairs. Indeed Nasser made it
clear to both East and West, that
all he wants is to have clean busi-
ness deals-with no strings 'at-'
tached. When the West attempted
to interfere in Arab affair , Nasser
stood firmly against them, and
now when the East is attempting
to do so, he is similiarly opposing
such interference. Nasser has
shown the whole world his solemn
determination for a positive neu-
tral stand; he refuses to involve
himself in the intrigues between
East and West.
Letus now examine Premier
Kassem of Iraq. When Kassem led
a revolution to rid Iraq- of puppet
rulers protected by Western pow-
ers, the UAR was the only nation
which fully supported sucha move
immediately. The Arabs supported
it, because they saw in it a struggle
for Arab self determinatioi, and
they saw in it a step closer to a
United Arab front. Nasser, on the
day of the Iraqi revolution, was
symbolizing to the Iraqis, their
goals, as a united Arab nation.
Kassem was a good soldier who
has successfully fulfilled his mis-
Sion by disposing of the old corrupt
regime. Later, when the sad events
In Iraq led to the expulsion of all
''Arab Nationalist leaders and their
replacement by known leftist ad-
ministrators, the people of Iraq
became unhappy, and so were the
Arabs' in all of the neighboring
states. Those in Iraq who were
aware of the death blow being
slowly delivered by Communist
collaborators, to Arab Nationalism
and Iraqi interests, attempted to
put to an end such saddening
events. The glow of Shawaf's revo-
lution was quickly and severely
crushed by the well-trained agents
of destruction and by those un-
fortunate and misled elements.
Indeed the. Kassem launched a
reign of terror against the Arab
nationalist leaders in Iraq. This
can never last, because we know
that most Iraqis are honorable
people and do not follow alien
There is no genuine conflict
between the UAR and its brother
state of Iraq, because both are
Arab states, with Arab people full
of hopes for their union, and to
pursue a peaceful and glorious life.
If there is any apparent conflict,
it is only because of the late Nuri
Assaid who was a western puppet,
Kassem who is being directed by
the leftists, and other who lack
self dignity.
-Mohamed Etman, UAR
-Sayed Kheiralla, VAR
-A. Mohsen, UAR
Congratulations .. .
To the Editor:
I'VE LEARNED to trust The Daily
implicitly. If it gives a movie a
poor review, I make it a point to
see it. If it says the Republicans
are to blame, I blame the Demo-
crats. Simply put, I don't trust it.
I think it is staffed with an over-
generous number of crackpots.
Congratulations, though - you
a.n v nn am wri tr nnvmi r staff



Tibet, Nehru and 1776

Associated Press News Analyst
F OR THE SECOND TIME in less than three
years the world is being reminded that men
will fight, even though they be almost bare-
handed, rather than yield meekly to foreign
And for the second time in less than three
years the free world is forced to stand idly
by while Communist guns put down a bid for
Whereas Hungary was well known to the
world, Tibet is a never-never land in the minds
of most westerners. Yet Tibet's culture reaches
deeply back into antiquity, and its people are
willing to fight for it. It's an old story, forever
retold around the world.
Tibetan opposition to the Communists may
have been nurtured through the past several
years by a tribal group described as merely
liking to fight interference. But now it is de-
scribed as a national movement, though one
which is geni no nwhere aominst Chinee Red

prize fought for by its own chieftains, by
Chinese kings and warlords, by groups from
India, and by the British. The British moved
in nearly 200 years ago to establish order -
and its own trade, of course.
At different periods the country was under
Chinese overlordship, from the time of the
Manchus until 1910. Both China and India
have made deep impressions on its culture. A
measure- of independence was established by
the British.
In this latest trouble, the Tibetans have ap-
pealed to India for help. But the British po-
liceman is gone from India and all the East,
for the most part, and the new rulers at New
Delhi are neutrals.
CARRYING his newborn independent nation
almost in his arms, Prime Minister Nehru
walks softly with powerful and belligerent Red
The current disturbance in Tibet, he says, is
a Chinese internal matter. India hopes for
- - - n I a ie ..f ns n r- a ,- r.. a -r- m +

Hey! Wait a Minute !..

The Daily Official Buletin is an
official publication of The Univer-
sity of Michigan for which Th.
Michigan Daily, assumes no edi-
toral responsibility. Notices should
be sent in TYPEWRITTEN form to
Room 3519 Administration Build-
ing, before 2 pm. the day preceding
publicatiord. Notices -for . Sunday
Daily due at 2:00 p.m. Friday.
VOL. LXIX, NO. 126
General Notices
Regents' Meeting. Fri., May 22. Com-
xnunications for consideration at this
meeting must be in the President's
hands not later than May 12. There
will be no April meeting of the Regents.
International Student and Family Ex-
change. Rooms 103 and 528 (basement)
Student Activities Bldg., Wed, night:
7:30-9:00 p.m. Thurs. morning: 10:00-
11:30 a.m. Have men's overcoats and
sweaters, women's warm clothing, ma-
ternity outfits and infants equipment
and clothing and children's clothing.
Any foreign students needing any of
these items should come down at these
times. If persons have clothing or
nursery furniture, please call Mrs.
Trombka, NO 5-6662:
Fourth in a weekly series of films
on Space Technology, sponsored by
Bendix Corp. and the College of En-
gineering, Wed., March 25, In Aud. A,
Angell Hall at 7:30 p.m. -
Linguistics Club: wed., March 25,
8:00 p.m. in Rackham Amphitheater.
"A Problem in Tagmemic Application,"
Miss Velma B. Pickett; "The Origin of
the Labiovelars in the Centum Lan-
guages," Prof. william H. Bennett. .

,. X:; 11

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