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An Informal Guide
To Student Govenment
In the early days of the house a barn as well as a fence for livestock and a stile were necessary.
This faded photograph, probably taken in the 1860's from the present site of the Undergraduate
Library, shows the house on the left, the barns and the yard.
One rdon ThO Remains
(Continued from Preceding Page)
the University College proposal
which would have established a
two year college within the Uni-
versity under its own dean, fac-
ulty and admissions office. The
proposal met much opposition and
was debated for several years fi-
nally motivating President Little's
resignation in 1929.,
DESPITE the atmosphere of
conflict, however, the Univer-
sity continued to grow with the
building of the Michigan Stadium,
the League, the Intra-Mural
Building and the University Ele-
mentary School..
The automotive age also was
recognized in the form of the
first driving regulations and
greater concern for student wel-
fare was evidenced in the estab-
lishment of the Bureau of Ap-
And the house still stood.
President Little often used it as
a gathering place for student ac-
tivities and sometimes non-sec-
tarian religious services were held
there for interested students.
RESIDENT and Mrs. Alexander
Ruthven who occupied the
president's residence from 1929
until his retirement in 1951, also
remember it warmly as a center
of campus life.
The house as it was when President and Mrs. Ruthven occupied
it from 1929 to 1951. The Ruthvens remember it as a center of
campus life.
While the house looks basically the same, the exterior has changed
considerably since this photograph was taken about 1900,
The Ruthvens, who now live.in I great events of the century - the
MRS. RUTHVEN remembers the
war years more vividly-than
the depression. During this time
the campus was flooded with en-
listed men attending classes here
and Mrs. Ruthven recalls watch-
ing companies of soldiers march-
ing, to class every morning. Times
were difficult and an atmosphere
of worry and strain was present.
Despite the strain, the Ruthvens
attempted to maintain a warm
and ;relaxed atmosphere for the
student body. Cookies were pro-
vided for frequent open houses
by faculty women who gave up
their sugar rations to make therm.
In addition, many were the
;uests at the Ruthven household;
it wasn't unusual to have "twen-
ty-two sheets in the wash at
once," according to Mrs. Ruthven.
One of the most treasured pos-
sessions which the Ruthvens own
is a guest book signed not only
by many faculty members and
students but by such guests as the
two sons of Kaiser Wilhelm II of
Germany, Senator Arthur Van-
denberg, Thomas Mann, Artur
Rubenstein and Robert Frost.
a modern home on Fuller Road
overlooking the Huron River also
remember, a bit wistfully, the
room in the old home for =the
many antiques which the family
had collected over the year. Un-
til his appointment, President
Ruthven was Director of Univer-
sity Museums and a well-known
The years during which he
headed the University took in two
Great Depression and World War
II. They also saw great changes
in the UniversityA
Contrary to common thought,
however, President Ruthven says,
enrollment increased rather than
decreased during the depression
of the thirties, and the Univer-
sity's activities were little cur-
tailed except for the missing of
just one payroll.
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T HE GREATEST innovation
during the Ruthven adminis-
tration was the reorganization of
the University to parallel a cor-
poration structure. A system of
administrative vice-presidents was
organized to help President Ruth-
ven; in the various-schools respon-
sibility was assigned both to a.
dean and executive committee.
Rising enrollments and an acute
housing shortage also brought a
new spurt in the University's
physical growth. Fletcher Hall was
purchased and West, and East
Quadrangle, Stockwell, Mosher-
Jordan and Victor Vaughn houses
were all built, with much Federal
AND THE HOUSE on-South Uni-
versity grew too with the addi-
tion of the plant room and the
president's study at the back of the
house on the North side. This was
in addition to a sleeping porch,
sun parlor and kitchen area which
President Burton had added in
1921, on the east side of the house.
With the appointment of Harlan
Hatcher in 1951 to succeed Presi-
dent Ruthven, a question arose
concerning the president's house.
A large and comfortable home
having just been given to the Uni-
versity as a gift, it was supposed
that the president's family would
use it for a residence. The Hatch-
ers, however, realizing the senti-
mental significance which the ori-
ginal home had and feeling that
the other home, "Inglis House,"
was too far from the mainstream
of campus life, declined the offer
and remained on South University,
close enough for President Hatch-
er to walk to work.
Inglis House, on Geddes, is now
used as a guest house and confer-
ence place for the University.
THE HOUSE on South Univer-
sity is differently arranged
now from the time when the Ruth-
ven's lived there.
At that time, the Ruthvens tried
to keep it decorated in the period
in which it was built and were able
to do so through the large collec-
tion of early furniture which they
owned. The house was redecorated
for the Hatchers and is now a
mixture of antique and contem-
porary, charmingly combined and
set in rooms of various warm and
glowing colors.
At first, Mrs. Hatcher admits,
they felt a bit lost-:the Hatcher
family consisting of four people 1
and the house of seventeen rooms,
but have since learned to live most
comfortably in it.
"There are some rooms which
are obviously too formal for fam-
ily living," she notes, "so we just
walk right through them."~
PRESIDENT and Mrs. Hatcher
and their two children are
most fond of -the second floor
rooms in which there is a family
living room and the first floor
semi-circular study built by Presi-
(Concluded on Next Page)
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articles may aid the newly
elected student government
leaders in understanding their
jobs and the rest of the stu-
dent body in understanding
the student government. Ori-
gin- of the definitions is un-
known; "h What Is an' SGC
Member?" turned up at one
Council .meeting as a letter
signed simply "Liz and Dale."
What's an SGC Member?
"ETWEEN the innocence of Ori-
entation Week and the dignity
of Graduation, we find ha quaint
creature called the SGC Member.
SGC Members come in assorted
sizes and weights, but all SGC
Members have the same goal: to
make as .many (changes) in cam-
pus affairs and organizations as
necessary and/or possible, to set
the administration and faculty
straight, and to do the most good
for the-greatest number (including
themselves), and to protest vehe-m
mently when the &%-$* Adminis-
tration packs them off to the SAB
to "think over the last bad move"
while the Board in Review meets.
SGC Members are found every-
where-on top of, underneath of,
inside of, climbing on, swinging
from, running around, or jumping
to. Freshmen admire them, up-
perclassmen know better, graduate
students tolerate them, "intellec-
tuals" ignore them, and Mrs. Cal-
lahan protects them.
An SGC Member is Truth with
a petition in his hand, Beauty with
a quiver in his voice, Wisdom with
a load of course-evaluation ques-
tionnaires in his arms, and the
Hope of the future with a pre-
election smile on his face.
AN SGC MEMBER is a composite
he has the nerve of a lion-
Sherlock 'Holmes
(Continued from Preceding Page)
Though his stories cover decades
and dozens of different situations
the reader almost never can feel
the emotions which must run
through the mind of Holmes.
His most personal moment comes
when, in the course of arresting a
pair of criminals, Watson is struck
unconscious by the arch-villain of
the'story. On that occasion Holmes
tells the villain that he will not
leave the building alive if Watson
is dead. '
Of course, the doctor lives and
Holmes returns to his unfathom-
able self.
Student Leader Handbook
LEADER-one whose task it is to keep ahead of several cliques,
each going in a different direction.
SPEARHEAD THE ISSUE--you be the goat.
POINT UP THE ISSUE-expand one page to fifteen.
THE ISSUE IS CLOSED-I don't know what to do-You think
of something.
POINT OF ORDER-I just came in; what's going on?
GIVING SOMEONE THE PICTURE-long, confused and in-
accurate statement to a newcomer.
LET'S GET TOGETHER ON THIS-I presume you're just as
confused as I am.
MAKING A SURVEY--we need more time to think of an answer.
CLARIFICATION--fill in the background with so many details
that the issue is obscured.
RELIABLE SOURCE-the guy I just talked to.
INFORMED SOURCE-the one who told him.
UNIMPEACHABLE SOURCE-the guy who started the rumor in
the first place,
IMPLEMENT THE PROGRAM-recruit more people and publi-
cize the thing.
ACTIVATE THE PROGRAM - make carbons and add more
UNDER CONSIDERATION-- we never heard of the damned
UNDER ACTIVE CONSIDERATION-we're looking in the files
for it.a
ORM A COMMITTEE-spread out the responsibility for this
stupid thing.
WILL ADVISE IN DUE COURSE-if we figure it out, we'll let
you know.
IT IS MY CONSIDERED OPINION-I've just talked to the dean.
with murder.
MOVE FOR RECESS-let's figure out how to railroad this
MOVE TO ADJOURN-I've got a date.
TABLE THE MOTION-if we-let it alone, they iiay forget it.
you, as long as you don't interfere with what we've already
tamer, the energy of a pocket-size
atomic bomb, the curiosity of a
dean of women, the lungs of a
dictator, the imagination of a win-
ning football coach, the audacity
of a steel trap, the enthusiasm of
a Bauro-Cat; and when he com-
mits himself, the ability to get
himself into the strongest paper
bag in creation.
He likes invitations to tea, cam-
pus leaders, applause, mixers, mic-
rophones, little SGC, Big SGC,
committees, committees for com-
mittees, the P-Bell, red tape, Dean
Rea, members' time, parties and
He is not much for Union food,
short meetings, Jane Otto, open
houses, The Daily, constituents'
time, supervision; and Robert's
Rules of Order.
NOBODY else gets so much fun
out of avoiding a question,
Take Beautiful(
with the new
speaking out of order, shaking
hands and planning women's
Nobody else can shuffle through
as many dittoed sheets, refer to as
many motions on motions, evalu-
ate as many evaluations, or ques-
tion as many questions about ques-
tions about questions about . . .
An SGC Member is a magical
creature - you can put him into
office, but you can't put him in
his place.
Who else oan set up more com-
mittees on committees on commit-
tees, sell more health insurance,
do so little so noisily and so much
so quietly, exhibit such talent at
verbal yoga, or cause you more
grief, more laughter, more wonder,
irritation and furor than this com-
bination of Student, Politician,
Statesman, BMOC, Pollyanna, and
Playboy than your SGC Member?
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