r -71 A -.r 11 . t. . - 1- ti- -- 1, -- .& .. 'T~ A. K III A Humble Letter To. the Pharaoh A Study of Thomas Mann Erich Heller's Book Very Successful BY DAVID LOWE (Continued from Page 8) Splinter Totalitarianism WE HAVE seen now how total power was achieved *by cer- tain forces in America. Now we shall probe for the flaw in this power which led to the country's destruction. As a preliminary, it must be ac- cepted that Man is essentially sel- 'fish and generally falls into clos- est contact with those groups which share his feelings, ideas, and particularly, his needs. This is precisely what occurred in America. In a land vast geo- graphically and culturally, inter- est groups were certain to clus- ter. Instead of a single, unified power, a series of groups devel- oped, each trying to thwart any- thing inimical to its interests and to a lesser degree, trying to ef- fect anything complimentary to those same interests. Man: lost in a vast crowd a Usually the interests were of an economic nature. Principle econ- omic veto groups included or- ganizations under many guises and forms - the Amercan Feder- ation of Labor, the Daughters of the American Revolution, granges, the National Association of Man- ufacturers . . the veto group flourished in America. AS IMPLIED by the name, the veto group was not a leader group; rather it was essentially an instrument used to abort unde- sirable law. Viewing the image of power in America, one saw a vast number of powerful blocs fighting among themselves to control the public's mind. The total power, so well nurtured by these groups, had been sharply divided. A splinter totalitarianism was evolving. Splinter totalitarianism spelled disaster for the Americans. It certainly would have been a suc- cessful form of government - but only for an isolated nation where instant strength in the face of outside aggression was not neces- sary. However, as we have men- tioned, the Americans were far from isolated; they were engulfed in the whole world picture. Since the 1950's the United States had been on the brink of war with the Russians. BUT WAR would not come. A decade passed. Two decades. The Americans slowly became complacent, although the same tense situation existed between the two nations. Their awareness to danger dulled with time. Surely, war would never come; it had lain. dormant for thirty years. Indeed, it was almost like peacetime. And in peacetime, the Americans reasoned, it is not necessary for a people to remain bound as a solid, unified force. They instead remained in their veto groups, pursuing their own interests, bickering with one an- other, stubbornly refusing to agree to proposals for their own good. THERE IS little need of relat- ing how the Americans were completely destroyed in the Ab- solute War. When the time came to fight for survival, they simply could not unify. Selfishness had created their desire for power, and selfishness had destroyed them .. The American tragedy has its significance even today. Traces of those patterns which proved fatal to the United States - a large, persuadable mass and self- ish interest groups splintering unified power - are evident in our own society. I submit this thesis with all humbleness, hoping that your magnificence will not consider it the offspring of Brashness, but rather as a grave matter calling for immediate consideration. Humbly, Citizen 676-1208 (Subject to approval by Coi- mittee on Public Readings Images replaced issues in politics THE IRONIC GERMAN, A STUDY OF THOMAS MANN. By Erich Heller. Little, Brown and Company. Boston. 298 pages. $6. wl!ITING in the University of ""Toronto Quarterly in 1938 A. F.,B. Clark asked of Thomas Mann's work: Were there ever novels so na- turalistic in their methods of description, characterization, and dialogue, yet lit with such an underglow of symbolism and poetic suggestion? Was an author ever so emotionally absorbed in his characters, yet - so ironically detached from them? Was subject - matter ever so morbid and repulsive, yet treatment and atmosphere so instinctively refined and humane? Was intellectual weightiness ever relieved by such all - pervading humour and wit? Did novels ever so combine timeliness and time- lessness? Erich Heller in his study of Mann answers emphatically: No, never. And his book is an attempt, a highly successful one, to dis- cover and to reveal why this is so. Why this complexity in the man? Why this ironical treatment in his art? IN ORDER to do this Heller has written the sort of book which few American critics, I'm afraid, would be capable of. For it is not the routine explica- tion de texte nor mere literary bio- graphy, but a work which uses these methods with the important addition of an examination of Mann's German cultural , ante- cedents - literary, philosophical, and historical. Heller's credentials for such a task have already been amply proven in his two earlier works, "The Disinherited Mind" and "The Hazard of Modern Poetry." But what is, for a study of this kind, quite as important as his knowl- edge and what sets him apart from the great majority of American critics is that he is a committed writer, committed to the problem of Western civilization in the twentieth century, a problem so much Mann's own. As he says: "The background to my writing is the political and cultural catas- trophes of this century, and my attachment to the things over- taken by them." H ELLER sees in Mann two pri- mary reasons for the irony which he feels is the essence of the novelist's work and which is the basis of this study. One is per- sonal. One is artistic. First of all there is Thomas Mann the German from Lubeck, heir of merchant-patricians, who, as a'young man could say: "Liberty -that is the Dionysian dance of Reason," and who could during the First World War in his "Medi- tations of a Non-Political Man" attack almost every aspect of the democratic ideal. It is this part of Mann, this deep burgher strain, conservative and traditional, which led him early in his career to identify the artist with the social iconoclast. And it resulted in one of the pri- mary themes in his work: the con- flict within a character between the active man, healthy, finding satisfactory completion in ordinary life, and the artist type, touched with sickness, needing, because he is unable successfully to participate in the active life, to complete him- self in artificial creation. AGAINST a background of solid burgher values Mann thus " tended to look upon the artist as1 politically and socially irrespon- sible and suspect: to produce such an offspring was a sign of death1 for a family like the Buddenbrooks, to produce a~ generation of such men would be death for the olda German values. Tonio Kroger, the, writer in the early Mann story by the same name, makes this point very clear: ". . . a properly con- IT MAY SEEM to the contem- porary artist as though every- thing has been done, all themes exploited, all methods employed; the mystery of art has departed &n4 with it not a little power. Be- cause . of his almost complete knowledge the artist is on the verge of artistic impossibility. But there is still one possibility, that of irony, parody, in which the artist criticizes his own work in the creation, itself. Heller finds the first statement of this idea in the writings of Friedrich Schlegel: ... Schlegel's romantic artist does know. He is supremely conscious -- so much so that, while he does what he does, he can at the same time do some- thing else: for instance, 'from, the height of the mind smile down upon his masterpiece,' as Schlegel believed Goethe did in "Wilhelm Meister." CERTAINLY this is the century of the ironic, the paradistic work of art: Picasso's Classical Period, Joyce's "Ulysses," Weill's "The Threepenny Opera." And it is the method of the "Research" chapter in "The Magic Mountain," of all of Doctor Faustus, and of the Joseph books. Living in an age without mystery and with scarcely any valid mythology, Heller likens the crea- tive artist to Moses who if "having Money-_ SaverS Men's Ivy FLAP POCKET' COTTON Trousers read Thomas Mann's 'The Tables of the Law,' were still to climb Mount Sinai and wait for the voice of God to speak."' If one were to look for a single important failing in this excellent study it would be that Heller seems to imply that an increasing com- plexity of content and method can be equated with an increasing artistic success, This is undoubtedly the result of writing with a thesis, yet one would be on very dangerous ground in saying that Mann ever sur- passed artistically those early achievements, "B u d d e nb r o o k s" and "Death in Venice." ON THE OTHER HAND if one were to select a single merit above all others for which to praise this book it would be the service Heller has done the Eng- lish-speaking world in attempting to make it again aware of the greatness of German culture by means of this examination of one of its greatest writers. The concentration camps have made that culture more alien, more unknown, to us than we are perhaps aware. A generation of intellectuals has grown up suspi- cious of the very names Hegel, Nietzche, Wagner. Writing on Thomas Mann's seventieth birthday in 1945 Gab- riela Mistral said: r: p This is Joan gri sel du ull th sir ele fre ire ch pet the Of stituted, healthy, decent man never writes, acts, or composes . . ." But of course Mann himself wrote, and by the time of the publication of "The Magic Moun- tain" in 1924, though the problem of health and disease in men and society continued to be one of his central concerns, the old basis for an absolute judgment as to what was health and what was disease was for him.no longer valid. He had looked again at his an- cestral world and found its stand- ards meaningless, for in the Eu- rope left by the war they were no longer possible. What was a neatly banked river had become a shore- less sea. HELLER FEELS that this prob- lem-the sudden confrontation with the modern world-was par- ticularly traumatic in Germany, and his discussion of it in rela- tion to Mann's own difficulty is certainly one of the most valuable chapters of his book. The adjustment of the German people to the new Europe, he says, was never a satisfactory one: ... since the Reformation and the Thirty Years War the his- tory of the German people has been felt, inside and outside Germany, to be disquietingly out of step with the rest of Europe. Intellectually, this may be due to the peculiar absence of any clearly articu- late transition from the Mid- dle Ages to 'modern' Germany. The result has often been a tendency toward extremes; a coun- try with a multitude of problems "waiting for their transcendent solution." In Mann's own political thought, beginning in a conserva- tive nationalism almost reaction- ary and ending in a vague Marx- ian socialism, we may see a type of the pattern. LIKEWISE his image of himself as an artist was never an easy one, as it would have been for a French or an Italian man of let- ters. Even after the dream of the Lu- beck world had ended there was always that about him which, makes one recall what he said in "Meditations," that he was a burgher, "a face from medieval Nuremberg." How else, Heller im- plies, could a man who loved the old ways but knew that they were impossible, who wished to be a merchant and was a novelist, see the world except ironically? The artistic reason for the irony of Mann's work, to Heller, is the result of the modern artist know- ink too miuch, being too aware of~ his tradition, its techniques,rand the ultimate effect of his creation upon his audience. *. bright notes for I wash n wear assorted colors $'395 n High on the diving board but knowing she'll never go overboard, (on her clothes allowance, that is)- when she buys indispensable separates likes these. The natural poplin blazer can be had plain, or striped in green or blue at only'9.95. The skirt the same, to mix or to match at 6.50. Contrasting drip-dry -blouse . . . 3,95. 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