x . - ,. -. -, Far Eastern Aid (Continued from Preceding Page) tive workings of a new, inde- pendent nation is another aspect of the University's efforts in the Far East. Establishment of a Public Ad- ministration Institute for train- ing, education and research in government techniques was done by some faculty members in 1956. The Institute, located at the University of Philippines, attacked the problem of administration im- provement in three ways: creating a public administration library, providing in-service training and course work, and aiding in re- search and publication of reports. The University supplied a ma- jority of the library of about 9,000 books, 1,000 pamphlets, 2,000 Phil- ippine government publications and documents, several microfilms, movie films, and maps and charts. The only difficulty encountered was the disappearing book title labels. It seems that the large tropical cockroaches found rather tasty the glue used to attach the labels. TRAINING of government offi- cials is now carried on under the Bureau of Civil Service in a specially devised six-week course. For higher executives and ad- ministrative officials in the na- tional and local governments, the Institute organizes or assists in the planning and conduct of ex- ecutive development programs. The Institute of Public Administration at the University of Philippines is shown before and after assistance from the University of Michigan. Course work In executive de- velopment leads to both under- graduate and graduate degrees in public administration. The under- graduate curriculum stresses a broad liberal education as basic to sound administration. The graduate program allows degree-holders in any discipline into the study plan. One of the new phases of the ever-changing program is the holding of sessions on public health administration for a class of medical officers, nurse supervisors and health edu- cators. RESEARCH projects and publi- cation of findings are other aspects of the Institute. The complex and varied prob- lems of public affairs often de- mand many specialized insights and analytical skills, which are encouraged and developed by par- ticipation in research, according to Prof. John W. Lederle director of both the University's Institute on Public Administration and its Philippine counterpart. The present Philippine unit is now managed by the native population, he said, ::*. . . .L r V:.... ..,* *.LL: :>.* :........ with several American professors participating in the project. Important for effective public administration is a sound legal framework. Developing an under- standing of such a framework is one aim of the 1954 Japanese- American program in legal studies, in which the University partici- pates with Harvard-and Stanford universities. The program enables the ex- change of ideas on law. Implemen- tation of this exchange is being conducted in three phases, ac- cording to Prof. B. J. George, Jr., of the University law school. INITIALLY, eight Japanese law- yers and judges came to the United States and participated in legal study at one of the three schools. They became acquainted with the foreign legal system in order to facilitate the second phase of the program-the visit of American legal experts to Japan. Prof. George was one of the in- structors at Kyoto University. The third phase of the pro- gram, now being~ completed, in- cludes, exchange of law students between the two nations. Cur- rently, two Japanese students are studying at the University. The program is not designed to enforce change in the Japanese system, but to create an interest in varying legal* problems and theories, Prof. George said. often learned an "uin-Philippine" outlook which involves using per- sonal effort, initiative'and hard work in return for some sort of personal improvement or success, Peter said. BARRIERS to re-- adjustment come 'from the native country itself, and not fromnthe training, Peter explained. There are rem- nants of Spanish forms of social and governmental organization within the culture which conflict with the newly-adopted Western procedures, he said. He described the country asone where extreme poverty and wealth exist side by side; doors and win- dows are barred not against for- eign invaders, but against local thieves; and "pirates" who rob small cafes often dock in Manila Bay. There is a rising Philippine mid- dle class, Peter continued, but little room for it. When the trainee re- turns home eager to try his new ideas, he often finds supervisors unwilling to change. Peter supported the need for training in technological fields in newly independent nations. But, he added, it is uncertain whether or not some areas are ready to rapidly accept change, particularly where it means changing social or cultural habits. IF WESTERN governmental and economic practices and social structure are important to the ad- vancement of underdeveloped na- tions, education in understanding and teaching the English language will facilitate adopting them. Such education is the goal of a program in Thailand, Laos and Vietnam being directed, by the University's English Language Institute. Organized last September, the program trains instructors in Eng- lish and improves -their ability to use the language. Research in pre- paring textbooks and materials adaptable to the linguistic prob- lems of the three countries is also being conducted, according to Bryce Van Syoc, coordinator in the University's English Language Institute. The program, which will con- tinue for three years, attempts to adapt the teaching of English to each of the three countries' lin- guistic problems. The project was organized by Edward M. Anthony of the English Language Institute. ANOTHER project initiated by University faculty members which will continue for 'several years is a study in Japan of the harmful effects of genes from blood-related parents. The study, begun in 1948, is be- ing held in Nagasaki and Hiro- shima, Japan, but is not directly related to a study of radiation, ac- cording to Prof. William J. Schull of the human genetics department and one of the project organizers. Continuing examinations are be- ing given to 8,000 children, all born after World War II, to deter- mine the degree of malformation in the offspring of blood-related parents. One-half of the children studied are from such parents. Supposedly radiation contributes to the harmful combination of genes in a population, Prof. Schull said. If we can measure the "bad" genes in a normal population, then we may be able to evaluate the additional genetic hazard,of radia- tion, he c6ntinued The study was begun by faculty members at the Unjversity and is now being continued by Japanese doctors with American supervisory personnel. 'The Disenchanged': Elevated Mediocrity MoneyBut No 2 When the Box Office New York's Theatre Si By MARC ALAN ZAGOREN A EW YORK, the self-acclaimedr king of American theatre, hasc been experiencing a dismal season.r Perhaps the primary reason for< the vastly disappointing offeringst is the tendency among Broadway's1 foremost entrepreneurs to finance almost exclusively productions which divert the attention rathert than arrest it. Thus to produce a commercially sound venture many productions1 must make a compromise witht art, and it is this compromise whichaprompted distinguished Harper's journalist Robert Bru- stein to charge that the Broadway theatre is currently in a state of "middle seriousness." While "middle seriousness" is excellant to describe the current condition of the theatre, it must not be falsely implied, as in Bru- stein's article; that every produc- tion is in this limpid state. To dismiss such productions as Elia Kazan's interpretation of Archibald MacLeish's "J.B." and the Harold Clurman version of Eugene O'Neill's "A Touch of the Poet" as nothing more than half hearted attempts in achieving ef- fective theatre would truly be an unfair evaluation. The virtues of these ventures make plays of the caliber of "J.B." and "A Touch of The Poet" ap- pear to be brilliantly illuminated diamonds in a field largely covered with sporadically glittering rhine- stones. Thus while middle serious- ness is the keynote to the current season, there are exceptions. HOWEVER, if ventures of the poetic beauty of J.B. are ex- amples of true theatre, why then is there not greater encourage- Marc Alan Zagoren is on The Daily reviewing staff. ment of this type of fare and less of the slick glossy theatre cur- rently being represented by the Charles Boyer - Claudette Colbert tour de force "The Marriage Go Round"? This question can best be an- swered by thumbing through the theatre section of the trade jour- nal Variety and noting that the support afforded the nobler ven- ture is considerably weaker than the support afforded the lighter U I C OPON- this coupon must1 * COUPON C SMonday, March 23 thru on ONE CA r regular price - WITH COU POI' 142 E. Hoover - one blocl< '-m------ mm m---- mm mm- ent a t suc pla crc suc for em) for spe cos . °o F . s 'Flower Drum Song': Hackneyed Book, and well prepared for the fun ahead SFACTS ABOUT THE CONTEX with. 0 Swim Trunks by Catalina A N EVALUATION of exchange programs, such as the Japa- nese - American law cooperative plan, is necessary to judge if they are worth continuing and to deter- mine what difficulties make them ineffective. An evaluation of a technical training program between the Philippines and the United States was conducted by Hollis Peter, associate director of the Founda- tion for Research in Human $e- havior and Larry Schlesinger, re- search associate at the Institute for Social Research. The training program brought Philippine students to the United States for training in social sci- ences, economics, engineering and agriculture. By the evaluation, the two men sought to learn what helps- or hinders trainees in using newly- learned skills in their native land. Their findings indicated that the more "Americanized" the trainee became during his stay here, the harder it was for him to return. In the United States they See ANN ARBOR OFFICE MACHINES 200 E.'HURON ST. -- ANN ARBOR, MICH. NOrmandy 8-8727 it of CAPACITY: 10' digits entered, 11 digits (999,999,- 999.99) total. KEYBOARD: Standard 10-key keyboard for touch- system with either hand. ACTUATING BAR: Complete operation with easy one- inch stroke. 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