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March 22, 1959 - Image 10

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Vol. V, No. 6

Sunday, March 22,


Theatre to Industry,
University Alumnae
Have Achieved
Many Top Postions

Allegory of Love - A Review
By Daniel Wolter


There Are Campus Queens
B& David Kessel Pc
In Search of a Better Way of Life
By Joan Kaatz _ Pa
A Study of Thbmas Mann - A Review
' By David Lowe P
Sherlock Holmes: "World's Finest Detective"
By Philip MunckF

age Two
age Two
ge Three
age Five
Page Six

An Informal Guide to Student Government
Page Seven
A Letter to the Pharaoh
By Thomas Hayden Page Eight

Yes Gentlemen,

A Lasting Link with the Past
By Sarah Drasin

Page Nine

Successful Year fcr Mysteries
By Donald Yates 'Page Eleven

There Are Campus Queens

Money - But No Art
By Marc Alan Zagoren
'U' Alumnae After College
By Rose Perlberg

Page Thirteen
Page Fifteen

PHOTO CREDITS on Page Fourteen

E ARLY this Spring, in campuses
all over the country, commit-
tees will sit down to count the
votes for "All-Campus Queen" or
"Spring Queen" or "Sweetheart of

For Students of Many Disciplines

C. S. Lewis. Galaxy Book: Ox-
ford University Press. New York.
1958. 378 pages. $2.25.
R ECENTLY re-issued in paper-
back form, C. S. Lewis' "The
Allegory of Love" should prove
fascinating to many who might at
first be repelled by the subtitle
"A Study in Medieval Tradition."
Lewis's study of the rise of
"Courtly Love," and the develop-
ment of allegory as the dominant
literary form of the late Middle
Ages and early Rennaissance is
presented in such an appealing
and all-inclusive fashion that it
should interest students of soci-
ology, psychology, and Romance
-languages, as well as history and
English. But most of all it should.
appeal to anyone wishing to widen
their knowledge of an age and
literature about which few know
much, if anything.
The first two chapters trace the
possible origins and development
of courtly love and allegory.
Though Mr. Lewis admits the
origins of courtly love are myster-
ious, the importance of love as an
enobling force linked with the
cult of adultery was the particular
gift of Provence and the Trouba-
dours which influenced Europe for
about six centuries and still re-
mains embedded in our "romantic"
FROM such general topics Lewis
moves to more specific discus-
sions of "The Romance of the
Rose," "Chaucer," "Gower and
Thomas Usk," and finally to a

chapter on "Allegory as The
Dominant Form."
In these chapters the virtues of
his writing are most strikingly ex-
hibited. Fourteenth and Fifteenth
Century allegory could become
Lewis realizes this and justifies
his extensive early chapters with
the statement: "In order to read
it (allegory) justly . . . it was
necessary to 'remount the - stream
of time': to reconstruct imagina-
tively, so far as our knowledge
would allow us, the growth and
quality both of that sentiment and
of that form." He has, and his
nearly unlimited background and
zest for his topic result in a lively
revival of a seemingly dead eras

THE CHAPTER on Spenser,
which concludes the book, is a
most sensible explanation of both
his poetry and his place in English-
literature. Those who can enjoy
Spenser only for the sound of his
beautiful poetry, who are baffled
and annoyed by the allegory of
"The Faerie Queene," will gain a
new perspective through the guid-
ance of Lewis.
In a book of such scope and with
a writer of Lewis's enthusiasm cer-
tain flaws are inevitable. These are
merely a matter of emphasis
noted by various experts which
-annot detract from classifying
the book as that oddity-an in-
teresting book of literary history,
and crticismx.
--Daniel Wolter

Alfalfa Omega." But this campus
will be without a Queen-officially
Although Michigan may be a
school without a Queen, surely
there must be a queen or two lurk-
ing in the campus underworld. Be-
fore pursuing this line of inquiry,
a historical approach might satisfy
the traditionally oriented.
Early Ensians show that the
closest thing we ever got to a cam-
pus Queen was the female leader
of the grand march at J-Hop. She
may have been a queen, but there
seems no particular reason to as-
sume so. However, the campus was
smaller then, and one could, make
an entry into the, queen game
without too much difficulty.
N OW, with 26,000 students afoot,
and a merger with Wayne in
the clouds, can anyone be said to
be Queen of it all?
Is there a real campus queen
somewhere so that, if the Univer-
sity started coining its own money
to meet the financial crisis, the
penny could have her likeness, and
the words "Deu Gratia Regina et
Wayne Imp."? We shall see.
On this campus there is, offi-
cially, no Queen, because, in the

words of the Dean of Women: "At
Michigan, every girl in a Queen."
Upon first hearing this proclama-
tion, one is moved to exclaim "God
save the King," but there may be
more to the picture than meets
the eye.
To this.particular eye, it appears
that there is no one Queen, and
everyone is not a Queen. There are
actually several queens, with con-
current jurisdiction. But really no
all-around Queen. Remember that
in the Valley of the Blind, the
One-Eyed Girl is Queen. So al-
most anyone can be a Queen of
something or other.
SOME Queens are pretty obvious.
The Political Queen for ex-
ample. No one who has ever at.
tended an SGC meeting, or
dropped in at the clubhouse can
fail to observe that royal profile.
Then, of course, Panhel has a
Queen, of the most queenly sort.
The co-ops have at least one
Queen, along with a dozen or so
scullery maids. The League has
an Empress as well as a Queen,
which. is not easy to find these
The Daily has no Queen right.
(Concluded on Page 6)

UNIVERSITY alumnae can be
traced from the University
classroom to top positions in pro-
fessions ranging from industrial
efficiency experts to popular play-
wrights. In the basement of Alum-
ni Memorial Hall are cabinets fill-
ed with records of all University
graduates telling many interesting
life- stories.
One claim to fame in the medi,
cal rosters is that of Me-Iung Ting,
20M, whose work in obstetrics
and gynecology has won her ac-
claim in both her native China and
adopted U.S. homeland.
Dr. Ting, born of an aristocratic
family in Hong Kong had early
roots in medicine. Her father was
a doctor. Educated in an Ameri-
can missionary school, she was al-
ready teaching at. the age of 15,.
during China's revolution.
Medical studies at the Univer-
sity followed undergraduate work
at Mt. Holyoke College. In 1922,
the young doctor returned to
China to work in a Tientsin hos-
pital, but 1930 saw her back in
the States on a fellowship to
the University and Harvard
Medical School forhpost-graduate
work. - She took her new-found
knowledge back again to China
and remained head of maternity
and infant welfare at Tientsin
through the war and until 1950
when the Communist government
confiscated the hospital and ar-
rested her.
Released, she fled to the U.S.,
became resident physician at a
Jacksonville, Fla. hospital for a
year then joined the faculty of
Tongaloo Southern Christian Col-
I N THE FIELD of engineering,
the lift of top women may not
be very extensive, but it doesn't'
take long for the name of Lillian
Molier Gilbreth (hon.) M.E., '28,
to crop up. The name Gilbreth is
synonymous with efficiency in in-
dustrial and management circles.
Mrs. Gilbreth, president of Gil-
breth, Inc. Construction Engi-
neers, has been director of courses
in motion study and utilization of
technological progress. She was
professor of management at Pur-
due University from 1935 to 1948
and served as Chairman of the
Department of Personnel Rela-
tions, Newark College of Engi-
neering from 1941-43. Recipient
of a number of honorary degrees,
this lady efficiency expert has
also written several books on
Another phase of science caught
the eye of Katharine McFarlane
Chamberlain, A.B. '14, A.M., '19,
ScD., '24. Since 1945, Prof. Cham-
berlain has been professor of
physics at Wayne University and

a lecturer on the social implica-
tions of atomic energy
Prof. Chamberlain, who has
been teaching and doing research
in Physics since 1925 was award-
ed the Bronze medal of the Dis-
tinguished Service Foundation of
Optometry in 1937. She is also
author of several books on the
science of photography.
4 COED who became pretty
handy with -a camera is Mar-
garet Bourke-White, '25, F.A.D.,
(Hon.), '51. Her credit line is a
familiar one at the bottom of
Time-Life photos. An industrial
photographer since 1927, Miss
Bourke-White has toted her cam-
era to more than 34 different
countries, captured for immortali-
ty war scenes in both World War
II and the Korean War.
Associate Editor of Fortune
magazine, Miss Bourke-White
moved to Life in 1936 and has
been there ever since. In 1951 she
received the American Woman of
Achievement award. -
Photographer Bourke - White
also has a flair for writing. She's
authoress of several books dealing
with the countries she covered
with her camera and co-author
of more with ex-husband Erskine
Lingering in the writing profes-
sion, we found that Michigan can
claim Betty "A Tree Grows in
Brooklyn" Smith, '31, as an alum-
na. Mrs. Smith, (full name: Eliza-
beth Warner) was a former Hop-
wood winner. She says her first
plays originated in University
playwriting courses around 1929.
Since then playwright Smith has
produced more than 60 one act
plays, won numerous national
playwriting prizes and written
several novels.
Recipient of the Rockefeller
Fellowship in drama, she has been
active in playreading, editorial
and critical work in drama.
To most of us, banking and fi-
nance executives represent a ste
reotype 'of high-hatted, prosperous
men with fat cigars. But down in
the executive offices of New
York's East River Savings Bank a
small, soft-spoken ambitious little
woman breaks the mold. She's
Dorcas Campbell '34.
SINCE SHE LEFT the University,
Miss Campbell has climbed
rapidly to the top of a field that
used to be almost exclusively a
man's prerogative. After teaching
public relations at New York Uni-
versity, she combined her ability
to get along with people with her
interest in banking and finance
and a Michigan journalism back-
ground. -
The result has led to the publi-
cation of several books on bank-
ing and finance and her present
post as vice-president of the bank,
in charge of public relations.

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