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March 22, 1959 - Image 8

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The Michigan Daily, 1959-03-22

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alifornia, St. Johns, Lansing Sexton



hest Coast
quad Takes
irst NCAA
By The Associated Press
DUISVILLE, Ky.-- California
its first National Collegiate
ketball Championship tonight,
,ing West Virginia 71-70. It
the first time for a Pacific
st Conference champion since
iford won in.1942.
ith 17 second to play, Darral
off's tip-in basket clinched the
ory for the Golden Bears of
he fielder made it 71-68 in
s favor and Willie Akers' lay-
'or West Virginia five seconds
re the buzzer was wasted.
estVVirginia's consolation was
8-point performance by Jerry
t, enabling him to tie the five
e tournament record of 160
ts set in 1956 by Hal Lear of
alifornia was trailing near the
e of the first half by fouri
ts, but they began their drive
ards victory at this point, and
the floor at halftime with a
point lead.
alifornia had had ,a, close
pe last nightdbefore whipping
snnati, 64-58. In this contest,.
alsq trailed by four at the end
te half.
ncinnati nailed third place,
Aping Louisville 98-85 in the
3oation opener as All-America
ir Robertson scored 39 points
an all-time major college two-
on record of 1,962.
inding up his second varsity
with the Bearcats, Oscar's
-year total smashed the mark
,947 set in 1953 and 1954 by
nan's Frank Selvy.

Redmen Win
NIT Crown
In Overtime
By The Associated Press
NEW YORK--St. John's won an
unprecedented third National In-
vitation Basketball tournament
yesterday with a dramatic 76-71
uphill overtime victory over Brad-.
The Redmen from New York
put on a great second half rally
after falling behind by seven
points to pull to a 63-63 deadlock
at the end of the regulation time.
A crowd of 14,376 in Madison
Square Garden yelled itself hoarse
when St. John's snapped a 65-65
deadlock in the overtime on two
free throws by Gus Alfieri.
But in the final analysis, it was
Tony Jackson, gangling sopho-
more, who was the big man for
Coach Joe Lapchick's men. He hit
for 21 points, and, just as im-
portant, snatched 27 rebounds off
the boards.
Jackson added a couple of more
free throws after Alfieri and the
Redmen were four points in front
of the top-seeded Peoria Braves.
Bobby Joe Mason cut the deficit
to 2 points with just 1:26 of the
overtime left. A half minute later,
Jackson grabbed a rebound for
the Redmen, and the clock showed
exactly 30 seconds to go.
He slipped the ball to Alfieri,
who cut loose underneath for a
layup. He was fouled on the play
and added a free throw.
New York University captured
third place with a 71-57 decision
over Providence, staving off a
spirited Friar rally in the second
half after Providence had trailed
by 28 points. '



Hamtramck Upset in Bid for State Championship



Special to The Daily
EAST LANSING-It is curious
that you can get Horatio Alger,
Frank Merriwell, and Cinderella
all together at one time - but
Lansing Sexton High School had
them here tonight.
Sexton, a seven-time loser dur-
ing its regular season, put together
one of the greatest comebacks in
Michigan prep basketball history
to defeat powerful Hamtramck
High in an 80-79 overtime upset
to win the Class A title. The new,
darling of state tournament play
had to outscore its rival 27-12 in
the last period in order to get into
an overtime. Then they waited
until the final second to win the
Indianapolis Attucks 92,
Kokomo 54
Cleveland East Tech 71,
Salem 51
North Marshall 64,
Louisville Manual 63

With Lansing one point down,
forward Bob Davis tossed a twist-
ing jump shot into the air. As the
buzzer rang it rolled back and
forth on the rim, then dropped in.
Hamtramck put on a 51.4 per cent
shooting display and an equally-
brilliant rebounding performance
to take a 43-26 halftime lead.
But Sexton, with all starters
totaling 14 to 18 points for the
game, had the overall balance. Art
Reid and John Dobroczynski had
22 each for the losers.
Other scones during the hectic

day were River Rouge 52, Holly champs in a see-saw affair that
47 in class B; Kalamazoo Christian wasn't ended until the final min-
63, Muskegon Christian 59 in class ute of play.sr
C; and Glenn Lake 66, Baldwin 4 Center John Oosterbaan (no
in class B. relation to Bennie), starred on the
Defense and team balan'ce were back boards and in the point (19)
the answer to Rouge's success. The column.
1958 runner-up cooled Holly's of- In the "D" final, guard Jcian
fense with a press and active arm- Laskey pumped in 18 points in
waving defense to win its third the last quarter to spearhead little
"B" crown. The star of the game, Glenn Lake to its first title. Las-
however, was the loser's George key, who averaged only 12 points
McDaniel with 28 points. Kalama- per game during the regular sea-
zoo edged out its league rival, son, was the night's high scorer
1Muskegon, the defending state with 32.

LIKE A BUTTERFLY-Michigan's Ed Pongrancz
the butterfly stroke at the Varsity Pool. Pongra
made the team as a freestyler but was forced toc
depth to the lineup.
Michigan Exhibits
Legacki~ LaetS

z demonstrates
ancz, originally
convert to add

Butterfly Depth;
immer To Excel

.. I


inn Arbor Swim Club
1itorious in State AAU


well-balanced Ann Arbor Swimv
ib retained its Michigan AAU
)men's Championship last night
the Varsity Pool.
Sporting an unexpectedly large
int advantage at the end of the
t seven events of Friday's pro-
m, the Ann Arbor Club held
the strong final point bid of
Detroit Turners in last night's
ciding eight events.
Ann Arbor's winning total was
points. Turner finished second
h 142, followed by Women's
y Club and the Detroit Athletic
Pretty blonde-haired Sue
rasher took the meet's individ-
laurels with her third win in
250-yd. freestyle. The Ann

Arbor teenager was awarded the
Elks' Trophy as the meet's top
scorer. Only last week hO brother,
Steve, received a trophy as the
State's outstanding high school
swimmer. He'll be entering Michi-
gan next fall.
In the featured diving event
which highlighted a duel between
Olympians Jeanne Stunyo and
Barbara Gilders, both of the De-
troit Athletic Club. Miss Stunyo
edged her rival by 'seven points.
Defending champ Kathy Hartwig.
of Michigan finished third.
Other than Thrasher's first the
Ann Arbor swimmers were
thwarted from top honors in every
event but built their point lead
on their depth.

"Why hasn't Frank Legacki
swum the butterfly before?" asked
a bewildered spectator at Friday
night's intra-squad swim meet.
The versatile sophomore had
just smashed the National AAU
100-yd. butterfly mark by more
than a full second with a :53.2
timing, but it was, to be exact,
only the third time he entered the
event since he left high school.
The answer is obvious. Although
Legacki now has the fastest Amer-
ican sprint time in the butterfly,
he nevertheless is a better free-
style performer. Already the Big
Ten champion is the 100-yd. free-
style, Legacki has time and again
flirted with the world record of
48.9 for the distance. Everytime he
steps to the starting block he is
potentially the new world cham-
Two Fastest
Then too, Michigan already has
the two fastest butterfly men in
the country in NCAA and Big Ten
champion Tony Tashnick and
Dave Gillanders. Entering Legacki
in the butterfly would be just
whetting the competition for his
own teammates.
Ironically, it was only last year
that Michigan sorely needed but-
terfly depth. So much so in fact,
that coach Gus Stager converted
freestyler Ed Pongrancz to the
butterfly in order to back Tash-
nick. Pongrancz turned out to be

no slouch in the event either as
he placed fourth in the Big Ten
Add the sixth place of Michi-
gan's Mike Natelson in the cham-
pionships as well, and Michigan's
depth in the event this year is
amply verified. It's almost an all-
Michigan event without Legacki.
One shouldn't forget either that
freestyler Dick Hanley is a highly
regarded butterfly performer, too.
Sudden Change
Why the sudden transition from
poverty to plenty?
"I enjoy coaching the butterfly,"
said Stager, "and have converted
freestylers to the event."
Stager doesn't admit to any in-

novation in the stroke since it
first made its appearance in col-
legiate meets in 1954.
"No," said Tashriick, "Gus
doesn't have us swim the stroke
differently than anyone else. We
work harder." And with that Tash-
nick dove- into the water to com-
plete his afternoon practice.
Also outstanding in Friday
night's meet were the perform-
ances of John Smith, Hanley and
Mike Natelson. Each undercut his
former best time this year by at
least two seconds. For Natelson
it meant winning a plane berth on
the trip to Ithaca, where the
NCAA championships will be held
next weekend.

Take advantage of your opporturni
unday, Mrch 2n rom 2-5 P..
nseCt Co-ops and see the benefits.
Cal up one of he houses anytime this week
nd invie ourse to mea
Undergraduate MICHIGAN
STEVENS -816 S. Forest . ..N03 -5974 315 N. State . . .NO 8-6284
OSTER WElL -338 Jefferson .NO 2-4449 NAKAMUJRA
Graduate 807 S. State . NO 2-3219I
MARK VII-917. Forest... N2-3164 OWENI
LESTER-900 Oakland... NO 3-2929 1017 Oakland. NO 8-7211.





1.65 & 1.10

BOX 2222



eens Brti
The distinctive hand-shaped look that sets Keens / British hats apart from
the ordinary is instantly recognized. Here are three of the more popular
styles in straws.
The Bimini The Jamaican
Here is a cocoanut straw of extraordinary qua- Tastefully styled in conservative lines, The Ja
ity. Endowed with the narrowest of brims. It maican reflects the hearty texture of rough straw
has the distinctive look ... the unique character braid, yet is completely flexible and remarkably
of superlative hat making. light in weight.
. 5.50 6.50
The Boater
Using the sennit as an inspiration, The Boater has
been styled with a narrower brim and a slightly
higher crown. It carries forward the tradition
of creating hats that suit the gentlemanly way
.. _ _ , .of life.

r k
T 1
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