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Sixty-Ninth Year
orials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers
or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints.
'U' Faculty Susceptible
To Outside Job Offers
, MARCH 22, 1959
That Mess in Lansing:
The Peope's Choice?
R.HAPS it's because he believes in the "old
'ashioned" virtues of thrift and common
e that Sen. Lewis Christman (R-Ann Arbor)
justifiably say that the people are to blame
he state's financial crisis.
r one of the old fashioned principles is that
le get what they pay for.
iey are getting very little, for this state is
exactly overflowing with governmental
n. Christman said during Friday night's
ission sponsored by the Society for the Ad-
ement of Management that any legislative
n is unlikely before the April 6th elections.
S A MATTER of politics . .. these things
ake time ... we have to discuss them in
nittees and with various people . . ." he
ie five-term member of the Legislature also
d that there's a tendency to procrastinate,
it off the unpleasant as long as possible.
iese comhents were to explain why. two
s ago, when the lack of money began
iing, legislators did nothing and said no
taxes should be passed without a thorough
Y. Yet now that the Citizen's Advisory Tax
y is ,completed, it has been ignored in the
political disputes about sales tax, bond pro-
posals and who's to blame for the lack of money.
ANOT14ER of Sen. Christman's statements
also provides interesting commentary on
the Legislature. Friday night he said taxes
were one of the last factors, ranking behind
labor, material and transportation considera-
tions, when a firm decides on a new location.
His statement, in effect, repudiates his col-
leagues who chant, every time a new tax is pro-
posed, that "it'll drive business out of the state."
Nobody is screaming that attempts to use the
Veteran's Trust Fund to temporarily help meet
payrolls will drive the veterans out of the state
(although getting rid of some selfish self-styled,
leaders might not be a bad idea) but threats
and fears of political reperisal are still present.
However, Legislators needn't worry. Many of
them have been re-elected term after term,
despite their shoddy performance, indicating
voters have poor memories.
Thus in the last analysis, the "nothing"
coming from Lansing might be exactly what
the people deserve, and Sen. Christman is cor-
rect. The people, not the politicians deserve the
blame. This is, as Sen: Christman likes to point
out, still a representative government.
Editorial Director
Daily Staff Writer
OFFICIALS see two primary
problems in holding faculty
members in Ann Arbor: providing
enough office, laboratory and
teaching space and being able to
offer salaries competitive with
offers from other institutions.
Vice - President and Dean of
Faculties Marvin L. Niehuss ac-
knowledged this week the in-
Kill Action
Associated Press Correspondent
non -.conformist, Vice Adm.
Hyman G. Rickover, told Con-
gress this week he can foresee a
future in which "we wind up with
all committees and no work done."
Rickover was talking about the
defense department and its rela-
tions with his own unconventional
unit of atomic planners. This unit
was largely responsible for the
first atomic submarine and civilian
power plant.
Without hesitation, Rickover
testified that "the greatest' inter-
ference with our work, comes from
panels and committees.
"As long as there is money
around, there will be lots of com-
mittees," Rickover said. He con-
tinued that he never heard of
committee members not collecting
any per diem fees to which they
were entitled and noted some com-
mittees set up to study government
programs seemed to find the at-
mosphere of summer resorts con-
ducive to good thinking.
In a serious vein, Rickover
warned, "You cannot do unusual
things by usual methods, but when
a man steps in with new -methods,
he finds himself opposed by the
organization .. .
"I believe in these days of ever
faster weapons we have to move
fast to keep up with the opponent.
I do not think we are doing that
fast enough."
Rickover said numerous panels
named to oversee his operations
not only hurt morale, but "our
people have no time to do their
work for fighting committees."
He said he was not talking about
special technical advisory groups,
or about committees of Congress.
Congress repeatedly has backed
him in disputes within the Navy
and, as he puts it, "with my pecul-
iar personality and the support of
Congress I make shift."
Rickover said, "We need some
protection (from committees). I
appeal to Congress to end this
ridiculous situation."
He suggested that Congress
might provide, in appropriation
bills, that public money not be
spent for duplication of work
He said the rotation of officers
in assignments means that, so far
Ias blame for failure of programs is
concerned, "there is nobody in the
defense establishment who has any
real responsibility for anything."
Rickover said he has kept his
unit small, although in some gov-
ernment circles prestige-and pay
-depend on the number of peo-
ple bossed.
creased outside offers from other
educational institutions, govern-
ment and industry.
He has said that financial offers
from other schools frequently run
25 to 30 per cent higher than
salaries here, and industrial offers
for scientists or social scientists
often double what the University
NIEHUSS NOTED competition
for faculty from other schools is
especially strong this year. The
Michigan financial crisis has
served as an incentive for other
schools to attempt "raiding" the
faculty here. Also, many state
universities outside Michigan have
received increased, government
support in recent years and thus
have the money to offer to the
outstanding young men which the
University now has.
Until two years ago the Un-
versity was financially able to
offer competitive salaries, but has
been hit by two consecutive aus-
terity budgets and has not been
able to provide the necessary
across-the-board and merit in-
creases to hold faculty men here.
Niehuss said there is a false
impression nationally that salaries
here have been cut. He cited the
example of a Cleveland man who
did not want his son to attend'the
Law School because he heard
salaries had been cut and all the
good professors were leaving for
other schools.
THE MOST vulnerable group of
faculty men are those young men
ready for their next promotion.
These men must frequently wait
for higher positions in their de-
partments to open here, while an-
other school, wanting to strength-
en a particular department with
an outstanding young scholar, can
offer the bigger job and its at-
tendent bigger salary.
Niehuss said it is crucial that
the University receive the $3,151,-
278 it has specifically requested
for next year to provide a 9 per
cent increase in faculty salary.
Equally urgent, however, is the
need for more facilities. Niehuss
said that since the state has not
approved any new building pro-
jects for the University for two
years, laboratory facilities are
badly crowded, especially in the
medical and physical sciences.
He called the teaching load here
"about average," but said the
salary and space needs frequently
combine to make offers from other
schools look more attractive.
Preserving the University's fac-
ulty has caused the Administra-
tion concern, and the logical an-
swer to the problem is, of course,
money. Whether or not the quality
of University faculty slips ever
further than during the last two
years is now up to the economy-
minded state legislature.
Looking Ahead
By The Associated Press
LONDON - The Russians have
published a space travelers
handbook entitled "Astro-Geogra-
phy." It was described by a Radio
Moscow reviewer as "the first work
devoted to this very young science."
The reviewer added it is "a very
necessary work for the practical
study of conditions which future
astronauts may encounter on other
Three C
By Richard Taub
rucial Months
ERTAIN EVENTS in the next few months
will be highly significant for the future of
e University, for students, faculty and ad-
:t is during this period that many faculty
mbers will decide whether tto accept lush,
ers from other universities. Offers are coming
m other schools, many of them holding pro-
ses of considerably higher salaries and better
rking facilities than the University can pas-
17 provide at this point.
However, University relationships with the
ulty are quite good-the record, although
ghtly blemished, has still been outstanding-
h for comprehending and working to solve
ulty problems.
However, the well of good will is of unknown
pth, and events this spring will test it to the
)METIME within the next several months,
the state legislature will decide how much
ney to give the University. The governor has.
ommended that the Legislature provide the
iversity with just enough funds to get by
xt year, and a little more, about seven per-
it, -to cover merit salary increases.
Given the state's financial situation, even
s amount of money is highly unlikely. It's
secret that the legislature is not in a spend-
mood, and appropriations are likely to be
isiderably below the governor's request, and,
m further below the University's request.
REALLY low appropriatiAn would un-
doubtedly result in a tuition increase for
dents at the University. Such an increase is
hly likely, although the administration will
pose the move as far as it possibly can. For-
iately, both the Regents and the administra-
n are committed as strongly as they can be
low cost education; the state constitutionx
l calls for free education, and many people
the University want to approximate this.
TUITION increase will have a truly subtle
effect on the University. Certainly, the Uni-
'sity will be able to admit as many students
before, but the economic distribution of this
dent population will be quite different. If
own information is correct, there are many
dents here who are in a "marginally eco-
nic" position now. They are able to continue
dir education only through extremely hard
rk, and great frugality. For this group, any
tion increase would be devastating.
['his takes on especially significant meaning
en one realizes that the unemployment situa-
n in this state is still high, and many jobs,
luding those held by parents of University
students, are still being held on a rather tenuous
ONE EDUCATIONAL fund proposal which
holds special interest is the "Buy Now Pay
Later Plan," advocated by many legislators,
community leaders and others who will not
have to do it. Basically, the plan provides for
the student to leave the University, to go out
and face the world, free and unfettered except
for a several thousand dollar mortgage on
If he wants to marry a woman at the Uni-
versity, she too may have a mortgage on herself
making the situation that much more difficult.
Such a plan would certainly change romance
patterns at school. We can see it now: "Oh
Marsha, you are so beautiful, sweet, sensitive,
kind and only in hock for $2,000." "Oh John,
and it will only be 15 years until you pay off
your own debt. Then we can live happily ever
These people may not be able to afford to
buy houses, cars, refrigerators and washing
machines even on time.
ON ANOTHER level, Student Government
Council will be evaluated and revised in the
next two months. The committee at work in
this area has been dilligently examining the
Council plan, and considerable changes are in
the offing. According to reliable reports (the
meetings are held in secret, and they had better
well be), the administration is working like
crazy to emasculate student government as
much as possible. This is quite courageous.
First, one gives the dog a good hard kick, knock-
ing the wind out of him, and while he is help-
less, wields the knife.
THE LATEST in a long series of University
calendar committees may be reporting in
the next few months. Wednesday, it will hear
interested students and faculty opinions on
the calendar:. This committee is ,the seventh
within our memory; each starts off with high
hopes, which, evaporate somewhere along the
line. Our suggestion to this group is that it
recommend permanent acceptance of the pres-
ent calendar. It is not a very good calendar,
we have our own favorite, but no calendar is
very good. There are far too many people and
interests to satisfy-everything from a fifteen
week class schedule, a "meaningful commence-
ment," and time to run the IBM machines
which figure out who graduates, who gets
promoted, who stays in school, etc. must be
fitted in.
The present calendar, however; is not half
bad. There is a fourteen and a half week
semester, which is probably just as good as
fifteen. So many teachers pad their lectures
anyway. Three lectures a week for fifteen weeks
are far too many for those courseswhich do not
have some prescribed laboratory requirements.
Vacations are adequate, the athletic schedule
fits in pretty well, the various discipline com-
mittees of the different schools and colleges
have enough time in which to operate satis-
factorily-in short, while it is not an ideal
calendar, it is as good as any any group is like-
ly to come up with, when one considers all the
factors which must be weighed.
New Books at the Library
Household, Geoffrey -- Against the Wind;
Boston, Little, Brown, 1959.
is a
i stu-
Selective Service .policies Cause Confusion,
Daily Staff Writer
T HE PRESENT Selective Service
situation is a problem of sup-
ply and demand in reverse--too
many young men of service age
and not enough military jobs to
go around.
Under the Universal Military
Training and Service Act, which
expires in June, all physically
qualified males between 181 /2.and
26 years of age are required to
serve two year's active duty and
four years in the reserve.
For the draft-age man UMT is
a solemn guessing game. If he
volunteers for service, a young man
has a chance for better status and
better pay than if he were drafted.
If a young man plays the odds and
waits, he may be drafted or, be-
cause of the fast-increasing nur-
ber of draft-age men, he may es-
* * *
FOR THE college student, the
rules of the game are more com-
plicated, for in most caseschis
academic status means deferrment,
and he is faced with the decision
of continuing his education or
finding a job with the chance of
being drafted before gaining a
foothold in his career.
"Is the senior who goes to gradu-
ate school just to get out of mili-
tary service universal? Is the
father universal? Is it universal
to be the one sucker in four who
gets hooked?" Dean John C. Esty,
Jr., of Amherst College writes in
the Nation.
In two recent articles Esty dis-
cusses the inqualities of the young
man's dilemma and offers some
"It would seem logical . . . to
make teaching an extension of
'National Service,' and permit
young men to satisfy their obliga-
tion by becoming teachers at
whatever level they are able to
find a job and for a specified
period of time-say three years,"
Esty proposed as a solution to "too
many young men with too few
places to utilize them effectively
and scandalous disuse of talent,
particularly brainpower."
* * *
"ESTY'S solution is good, but
it's really not new," Robert L.
Pickering, University military
counselor, commented. "What we
need is legislation to make this
idea work."
Pickering referred to a circular
from the Michigan Selective Serv-
ice headquarters, announcing that
local draft boards were "to give
serious consideration toward de-
ferrment . . . of qualified teach-
ers, regardless of the subject
.Q1nh 1-r -- ra -a waan ah
tion and advising rather than
counselling. "Very few Michigan
students go to the extreme to avoid
the draft. They simply want all
possible information relating to
the service, so that they may base
their decisions on the available
"When a student wants to get
married or go to graduate school
to avoid the draft," Pickering add-
ed, "then I think it's necessary to
help the student examine his
Esty wrote, "The advice we must
give adds up to something like
this: don't plan-wait; become a
father sooner than you had
planned; go to graduate school
even though you're not ready;
pick your college major after con-
sulting the draft-exempt list."
Until two or three years ago,
Esty remarked, the advice was
this: "do your planning now, as
though there were no threat of
military service; then see how the
service best fits into your plans
and act accordingly.
"THE IDEA seemed to be useful
during Korea and up to about two
years ago. Then the effects of
three major changes in atmos-
phere went to work on the side
of confusion."
Shift to more emphasis on tech-
nology, a higher respect for edu-
cation and the "breakdown of the
Selective Service system in main-
taining anv semblance of uni-
THE INCREASING size of the
University poses yet another
problem - that of organization.
A unifyingspirit is necessary for
an adequate University function.
There is, however, grave danger
that the University may have at-
tempted to solve the problems of
size by structural organization
rather than pronoting this neces-
sary spirit. Organizational groups
such as th'e Calendaring Commit-
tee and the Curriculum Commit-
tee have sprung up throughout
the University.
This attempt has perhaps led
to an over-organization of the
University's non-personal organi-
zational structure, which has in
some measure choked' its' personal
educational dynamic. The Uni-
versity now boasts some 246 sep-
arate constituent administrative
The proliferation of commit-
tees, sub-committees,; committees
on. committees, organizational
schematics and so on, ad infini-
tum, has mEde it so difficult to
get things done at Michigan that
they often become no longer
worth while.
'I * *
SIZE CREATES other prob-
lems. For adequate functioning at
the University, a corps of admin-
istrators is needed. Such a need
is entirely legitimate. However, as
the University grows, its body of
administrators tends to expand
more rapidly than the rest of it.
Vice-President Wilbur K. Pier-
pont told the Ann Arbor Chamber
of Commerce on March 2 that
"over the years about 400 new
people are added to the payrolls
of the University of Michigan for
every 1,000 new students." Assum-
ing that the University continues
its 13 to one student-teacher ra-
tio, about 76 of the new personnel
will be teachers, and the other
324 will be in the administrative
and service fields.
Thus the intellectual commu-
nity is faced with an influx of
norennnp wlhn a r(nY n.~
Editorial Staff
>rial DirectorC
Associate Editor
City Editor
CANTOR .................... Personnel Director
WILLOUGHBY .... Associate Editorial Director
JONES...................... Sports Editor
A JORGENS;.9 ........Associate City Editor
BETH ERSKINE .:. Associate Personnel Director
'LEMAN ................ Associate Sports Editor
) ARNOLD ................ Chief Photographer
Business Staff
.... ............. .