)AY, MARCH 21, 1959 THE MICHIGAN DAILY P AGE AY, MARCH 21, 1959 THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE I - APPROVE SABBATICALS: Regents Grant Faculty Leaves In the Spring . .*. NORTH CAMPUS: Red Cross Gives Course at New Cent The Regents yesterday granted 42 leaves of absence, including 34 sabbaticals, and one sick leave. Nine literary-college professors in the literary college received sabbaticals for the entire academic year 1959-60: Prof. Alfred S. Suss- man of the botany department; Prof. Robert C. Elderfield of the chemistry department; Prof. Mil- ton Tamres of the chemistry de- partment and Prof. Marvin J. Eisenberg of the fine. arts depart- ment. Others are Prof. Kenneth Stewart of the journalism depart- ment; Prof. Herbert H. Paper of the Near Eastern studies depart- ment; Prof. Paul V. C. Hough of the physics department; Prof. Norman R. F. Maier of the psy- chology department and Prof. James Ferrell of the Slavic lan- guages and literature department. Receive Sabbaticals For the first semester, five lit- erary-college professors received sabbaticals:' Sabbaticals went to Prof. Ross N. Pearson of the geography de- partment; Prof. Nathaniel Coburn 4. of the mathematics department; Prof. George E. Mendenhall of the BoardHFIS committee Vacancies The University Regents yester-I day approved three appointments to committees. Prof. H. Glenn Ludlow was named for a three-year renewal term on the Executive Committee1 of the Institute for Human Adjust-1 ment. His term ends on Feb. 28, 1962. Prof. James N. Morgan was appointed for a similar term on the committee. He succeeds Prof. Kenneth E. Boulding. Prof. Dugad E. S. Brown, who is on leave from therExecutive Committee of the Michigan Me- mori-Phoenix Project, is to be replaced for the second semester of 1958-59 by Prof. A. Goeffrey Norman. The Regents also approved twoj changes of titles within the Re- search Center for Group Dynamics in yesterday's meeting. Dorwin Cartwright, formerly di- rector of the Center, is now its research coordinator. Alvin Zander succeeds Cartwright as director. Zander was previously program di- rector of the Center. Effective of March 1, the change y, was made in order to permit Cart- wright to devote his attention to the guidance and coordination of the research programs by relieving' him of daily administrative tasks. Zander will now assume respon- sibility for the administration of the 'Center's finances, budgeting, personnel, equipment and facili- ties. He will also take charge of maintaining relations with con- tractors and foundations, as well as with other units within the Uni versity and in other institutions. Prof. Bassett Gets Award Prof. Leslie Bassett of composi- tion and theory has been awarded the 1959 Publication Award by the Society for Publicatioi of Ameri- can Music, Inc. Prof. Bassett's winning compo- sition, "Five Pieces for String Quartet" (1957) will be performed by the Kohon Quartet at Town Hall, New York, sometime in April. The Stanley Quartet gave the composition its premiere perform- ance in July, 1958, and will per- form the work again at the fourth1 and last concert in their Detroit series on April 14.] Near Eastern studies department; Prof. Theodore M. Newcomb of the sociology department and Prof. David C. Chandler of the zoology department. For the second semester, twelve sabbaticals went to literary-col- lege professors: Prof. W, Wayne Meinke of the chemistry depart- ment; Prof. Waldo E. Sweet of the classical studies department; and Prof. Herbertf C. Barrows, Prof. Henry V. S. Ogden and Prof. William R. Steinhoff of the Eng- lish department. Rests Given Others are Prof. Lewis B. Kel- lum of the geology department; Prof. George E. Hay of the mathe- matics department; Prof. H. R. Crane of the physics department; Prof. Arthur W. Bromage of the political science department; Prof. Robert C. Angell of the sociology department; Prof. Hugh Z. Nor- ton of the speech department and Prof. Frederick H. Test of the zoology department. Four professors in the architec- ture and design college received sabbaticals. Prof. Emil Weddige of the art department received one for the year. Three others, Prof. Richard Wilt of the art depart- ment, Prof. Edward V. Olencki of the architecture department and Prof. Thomas J. Larkin of the art department were granted leaves for the second semester. In the music school, two pro- fessors received sabbaticals for the first semester: Prof. Hans T. David of the musicology depart- ment and Prof. Glenn McGeoch of the music literature department. Medical School Members In the medical school, Dr. James W. Rae, Jr., chairman of the physical medicine and rehabilita- tion department, received a sabba- tical from April 15, 1959 to April 15, 1960. The last sabbatical which the Regents granted went to Prof. Frederick Wyatt, chief of the Psychological Clinic in the Bureau of Psychological Services. He re- ceived leave for the year. A leave of absence went to Wil- liam K. Frankena, chairman of the philosophy department. He has been invited to be Visiting Senior Fellow of the Council of the Humanities and Visiting Pro- fessor of Philosophy at Princeton University. Receives Leave Prof. William J. Johnson of the landscape - architecture depart- ment of the architecture-and-de- sign school received leave without pay from May 25 to June 13. This enables him to accept the Charles Eliot Traveling Fellowship award- ed to him by Harvard University. Prof. Sidney Fine of the history department received leave from Cornell Group Ends -Student Government The Student Council of Cornell University virtually ended its ex- istence as a governing body Tues- day. A student government will re- place the Council if two-thirds-of the referendum votes approve the constitution this week. The Council president stated that the body does "desire a new student government." If the con- stitution is approved, the Nomi- nating Committee will be "officially constituted" and will begin its in- vestigation of possible qualified candidates for the new govern- ment. It was brought out in the reso- lution that if the constitution should fail to be approved by the student body, the present consti- tution would be in effect and Council would begin to draw up plans for spring elections as usual. March 13 to April 13 so that he can lecture at the Seminar in American Studies in Salzburg, Austria. Prof. Wilford J. Eiteman, of the finance department of the busi- ness - administration~ school, re- ceived leave without pay for the year of 1959-60. He will serve on the Paris staff of the European Productivity Administration from Sept. 1, 1959 to Aug. 1, 1960. He will advise European uni- versities about the organization of business - administration schools, particularly with regard to courses dealing with business finance. Explores Ideas Prof. Jack A. Garbutt in the art departmet of the architecture- and-design college was granted leave without pay for the. year. He will explore new ideas in paint- ing and will experiment in Acrylic resins and mixed techniques. Prof. Paul A. Rondell of the physiology department of the medical school was given leave without salary for the year. He will work at the research labora- tories of Ciba, Ltd., in Basel, Switzerland under the direction of Dr. Franz Gross. Prof. Robert H. Super of the English department was given leave without salary for the year. He has received a grant from the American Council of Learned So- cieties to complete a critical edi- tion of Matthew Arnold's complete prose works. George C. Rassweiler, research assistant in the Willow Run Lab- oratories, was given leave without salary from April 18 to Nov. 1. He will serve a tour of active duty for six months in the Army's ROTC program. The extension of the six leave of Prof. John Weimer of the Eng- lish department was also approved. It now includes the second semes- ter of the 1958-59 year. Board Lists Retirements The Regents approved two fac- ulty retirements at their meeting yesterday. Prof. Laurie E. Campbell of the physical education department for women was granted permission to retire on August 2, 1959. Permission for early retirement was granted Prof. Albert Clark, Jr. of the engineering college. He will retire at the end of the current academic year. Prof. Campbell, who will be 65 years old on. July 18, 1959, re- quested permission to retire as soon as she has completed her duties in the Summer Session. The Regents also granted her the title of professor emeritus of physical education. Prof. Clark will be 63 years old in June and requested retirement permission at the end of this aca- demic year. The Executive Committee of the engineering college recommended that Prof. Clark continue his coun- seling and committee work from July 1 through December 31, 1959. The Regents approved the recom- mendation as well as conferring the title of assistant professor emeritus of engineering upon him, to be effective with his retirement. An American Red Cross first aid course opened Thursday night at the University's new North Campus Civil Defense Center. This was the first official use of the Center, which was dedicated on March 11. New recruits to iary Police force the local Auxil- are taking the --Daily-Juan Rodriguez BASEBALL-Spring sports came into bloom on the campus yester- day as many of the men broke out their balls, bats and gloves. Other activities seen around the residence halls were practice for outdoor track, golf and tennis. Many of the athletes were preparing for the spring intramural sports programs. AT RACKHAM: Michigantia Real Est ate Group To Hold Clinic e 4' 'U' To Hold Conference The Inter-University Committee on the Superior Student, backed by the Carnegie Corporation, will sponsor a conference at the Uni- versity from June 14 to 17. About 65 representatives from about 33 state and municipal col- leges and universities will attend the conference, as well as a few educators from private schools. The educators present will ex- change information on the honors programs, teaching methods and special plans for the superior stu- dent. Through the exchange of this information, the committee spon- soring the conference hopes to en- courage the development and maintenance of special programs for the superior student in publicly supported educational institutions. Beta Alpha Psi Names Eleven New Members Beta Alpha Psi, accounting fra- ternity, announced the initiation of new members at a- dinher meet- ing held at the Union Tuesday night. Included among the new mem- bers are John Bushong, '60BAd., Marvin - S. Chupack, Grad., John C. Grant, Grad., Soehadji, Spec., James R. Hays, '59BAd.,'Daniel MaCaigue, '59BAd., Donald A. Rademaker, '59BAd., David R. Rubin, Grad., and DeLeon E. Stokes, Grad. Also initiated were Franklin M. Rogers and Betty Ellen Shephard of Detroit. course as part of an intensive 20- week training program. The Girl Scout leaders will instruct their troupes in first aid after comple- tion of the five-week course. University students interested in joining an emergency fire or police unit are urged to do so, ac- cording to Ann Arbor Police De- partment Lt. Harold E. Olson, coordinator for the group. How- ever, Lt. Olson emphasized, the platoon is a permanent, year- round group and students who are not in the Ann Arbor area over the summer months are not eligible. He added that the spring and summer training program might possibly conflict with some studies. "This is a volunteer group," Lt. Olson said, "and we will be glad to have any interested and eligible University students join us." According to Capt. Jerry M9 Scofield, ranking officer of th local Auxiliary Police platoon, ap plications for acceptance in thi unit are still being accepted fron men over 21 who are not alread affiliated with such an emergent unit. To n' ake application, cor tact either Scofield or Olson. There are three Civil Defeni police units in the county, the other two being located in Yps lanti and Chelsea. These units are intensive] schooled in various aspects o military defense, and will be en ployed in any emergency situa tion, police action, including mas evacuations and disaster relie They are part of the vast net work of civil defense voluntee groups being prepared in case o na.ional disaster. The University's business admin- istration school and Extension Service will sponsor the eleventh annual Real Estate Clinic March 31 to April 1, in Rackham Lecture Hall. This annual program is pre- sented with the cooperation of the Michigan Real Estate Association, its member board's, and the Office of Vocational Education, Depart- ment of Public Instruction. The Clinic, which will probably be attended by about 750 people, is to .feature W. Gordon Johnstone, president of the National Institute of Real Estate Brokers, and Mor- ganL. Fitch, past-president of the National Association of Real Es- tate Boarods, as guest speakers. Realtors from Chicago, Grand Rapids, Saginaw, Royal Oak, Birm- ingham, Lansing and Battle Creek will participate in panel discus- sions, as well as Lawrence Gubow, commissioner of the Michigan Cor- poration and Securities Commis- sion. Johnstone will give the keynote to the meeting with his talk on "Successful Selling" following a' welcome address from Extension Service director Everett J. Soop and Michigan Real Estate Associa- tion President Donald H. Tread- well. A panel of experts will discuss "The Real Estate Selling Team and How It Operates." Dr. Walton E. Cole of the First Congregational Church of Detroit will also speak. The second day's program will include a panel discussion of "Op- portunities for More Sales." Paul F. Icerman, University lecturer in accounting, and Prof. Elton B. McNeil of the psychology depart- ment will be members of this panel. The conference will be concluded with Fitch's talk entitled "Oppor- tunities Abound for You in the Real Estate Business."~ Madany Leads Chapel Talks The Rev. Basam Mandany will lead a discussion on the Protestant Reformation at 8 p.m. today at the Christian Reformed Campus Chapel, intended for the Arabic- speaking students on campus. A native of Syria, Mr. Madany studied in the United States, re- turning to his native country as a missionary. When political con- flicts forced him to leave, the Back to God Hour radio program where he is presently employed, appointed him to do an Arabic version of the broadcasts originating from Mon- rovia, Liberia. Mr. Mandany will also deliver the sermon at 10 a.m. tomorrow at the Chapel. Starting March 22 STUDENT BIKE SHOP will be open on Sunday from 12 to 6 P.M. SIUDEHT BICYCLE SHO 1319 South, University 0 NOrmondy 6-6927 'p LET'S GO ! .to the LEAGUE SNACK BAR EVERY SATURDAY NIGHT ... 9-12 P.M. Food - Dancing - Floor Show FREE ADMISSION Atmosphere I -1l ya I u'e $ 1 . * w i .c 1 1 Cl ":lAfLN. ww.eee ..wY WW .e nw ............ .':'A :" . . A. :.. .... : .:;r :: Ann Arbor's Largest- And Most Complete Selection of EASTER CARDS are at 'ESTER ROBERTS GIFTS 312 S. State St. "J" .;:,{" ,. }"" :; ' 1 'S i :-: yy 1 SUITS The most vital part of a smart wardrobe. You'll discover new silhouettes more Feminine.and excit- ing than any season. /I 4 it 1.) *1 A"l A J d E 5\P P I We've walking suits -- Fitted hip lengths, new cropped Jackets and costumes in sizes 7-15, 10-20, and 121/-2012. The rayons from 19.95. the new wools and dacrons from 25.00 to 65.00 at Right is-Beautifully at-ease suit of silk. shake, a silky finish rayon and acetate to please any fashion-minded Junior. We show it in navy and sky blue at 19.95. -a C! .,r 7 xN A000.N SN DO YOUR FEET HURT? DOES YOUR BACK ACHE? Are you suffering from Internal Disorder or Mental Fatigue? Buy Your 1959 Michiganensian W