1, 959 THE MICHIGAN ATTM [, 1959 THE MICHIGAN ATT.V si League House Begun in 1909 ;spite Controversy, Long Delay SGC Exchangee Hopes Program Will Endure ISA To SponsorValentine Dance By PEGGY GREENBERG As far as we know, there was o organized housing for women ntil 1909," said Mrs. Leslie 'rench, '02. In 1906 Mrs. French returned to :nn Arbor after an absence of >ur years. She and her husband, he first full time campus pastor t the University, soon noticed he really poor conditions in rhich the women students were orced to live. There was no supervision in esidences where the girls board- d, she said. In most cases the one oom apartments were the only laces in which the girls could en- ertain guests. In 1907 Mrs. French went to ee Dean of Women Myra Jordan bout the conditions. "Now, Edna, know the need, but the Regents ren't interested, and we have to et public opinion behind us," the )ean told Mrs. French. Meanwhile, the French home .ad become a hangout for stu- ents. Mrs. French gave frequent eas for the girls. At this time, he only meeting place for girls ras two rooms in Barbour Gym. In 1909 the Frenches ap- roached Mrs. Benjamin, sister of Mary Barton Henderson. Mrs, enjamin owned a large house on ngles Street. The Frenches guar- nteed her rent for all her rooms she would create a parlor room >r the girls to use. In the spring of 1909 she agreed. he Frenches then got a group of 5 girls, all thrilled with the idea f living in the house for the next emester. Also, Dean Jordan was uite interested in the project. In [ay Mrs. Benjamin backed out f the agreement. Not wanting to disappoint the 5 girls, the Frenches tried to rent a home near the French's church. However the owner only wanted to sell it to them. They did not have the money and so asked their church to buy the house since its land was adjacent to the church's property. U' Debaters Set Schedule University Student Debaters have set up their schedule for the spring semester. Ten demonstration debates will be 'given- from F e b r u a r y 16 through March 19, by the group. On March 13 the Michigan Cross Question Tournament will be held. Detroit Debate Day has been set for April 9 anod 10, while the Debaters will argue -against the University of Illinois at a meeting in Ann Arbor on April 22. May 1 and 2 will find the squad traveling to Columbus to debate against Ohio State. The Big Ten Debate Conference has been scheduled for April 2, 3 and 4. During the fall semester, the Student Debaters represented the University in 46 public debates, before an aggregate audience of 4,962 persons, Thomas Murray, of the speech department, reported. He noted that individual parti- cipation of the 25 member squad varied from one to 12 debates. Meetings are being held this week to reorganize the squad for the new semester. Students who have not been with the group be- fore should meet at 4 p.m. or 7 pm. today in Rm. 2040, Frieze Bldg. WI LKI NSON CLEVER GIFT The church board approved the idea but couldn't give the money. "Then Leslie had one prospect for raising money, a Mrs. Tracy Mc- Gregor in Detroit," said Mrs. French. Mrs. McGregor had pre- viously given a great sum to mis- sions, French left the next morning for Detroit. Mrs. McGregor was very difficult to reach, so he sent her a special delivery letter, tell- ing what he wanted and asking if he could talk to her. Mrs. French joined French in Detroit, hoping to see Mrs. Mc- Gregor at a church meeting for women that, she was to attend that evening. At dinner, Mrs. Mc- Gregor called the Frenches' host- ess to tell her that she would not attend the church meeting that night. "But she added that we could come out and see her that even- ing if we wished," said Mrs. French. At the end of the inter- view Mrs. McGregor told them they would "receive my check in the mail." Then the Frenches had the house, which was to be called Westminster Hall, but no furnish- ings. This time the church board raised the money with which they were able to furnish the house ap- propriately. Mrs. McGregor's only stipula- tion had been that the Frenches move into the house to help it "get onto its feet." The moved in, with Mrs. French washing the linens and helping a single maid with the cleaning to "make ends meet." The house was so successful that the next year Mrs. Benjamin opened her house as the same type of residence. Her house later became Henderson House, in honor of her sister, a leader in the creation of the League. To Discuss Platforms Cecil o. Creal and Dr. Freder- ick B. House, Republican candi- dates for Ann Arbor mayor, will discuss their platforms tonight at the Union. The discussion, open to the public, will begin at 8 p.m. in Rm. 3G. Both candidates will answer questions asked by the audience about their positions on Ann Ar- bor government. Norman Randall, city Republi- can chairman, will moderate the meeting. It is sponsored by the Young Republicans Club. The city primary election will be held Monday. The only con- tested nomination is the Repub- lican one for mayor. Reed To Lecture At Senate Session Prof. John Reed of the Law School will speak on student-fac- ulty relations at the Women's Senate meeting at 4:10 p.m. today in the Women's League. Topics which will be discussed include questions on whether stu- dents are getting full benefits from college because they do not know th eir professors personally and whether there is enough contact between faculty members and stu- dents. The meeting is open to all wom- en on campus, according to Penny Reynolds, '59, president of Wom- en's Senate. Civil Engineers To Hold Meeting The American Society of Civil Engineers Student Chapter will hold a meeting at 7:30 p.m. today in the third floor conference room of the Union. Ralph Speer, head of the Michi- gan Municipal League in Ann Ar- bor will moderate the program "Careers in Municipal Engineer- ing." He will introduce two municipal engineers, one from a large city and the other from a small city in Michigan. They will present prob- lems municipal engineers are bound to face. The meeting is open to the pub- lic without charge. The International Students As- sociation will present a Valentine dance from 9 p.m. to 12 midnight Saturday in the Union Ballroom. Blazer Johnson's orchestra will play at the all-campus affair and admission will be charged. Door prizes and a floor show are also planned. * * * A weekend trip to Battle Creek, Mich. is being planned for in- ternational students this Friday and Saturday. Students will leave by cars eith- er Friday evening or Saturday aft- ernoon and will be guests of the B a t t l e C r e e k Congregational Church. A discussion period on world re- ligions is planned for Friday evening and visits to factories and places of interest in the commu- nity are scheduled for Saturday. Meetings Set For Rushees Counselors for the women's spring rush will meet with their respective rush groups today and tomorrow evenings at the League. Today, groups numbered one through six will meet at 7:00 p.m. Groups seven through 11 will meet at 8:30 p.m. Tomorrow, groups 12 through 17 will meet at 7:00 p.m. and at 8:30 p.m. the remaining counsel- ing groups, 18 through 22, will as- semble. All women rushees must attend their respective meetings. They are asked to bring their rushing guides with them. A social will be held Saturday evening and students may attend church services Sunday morning if they so desire. Up to 60 persons may partici- pate in the program which is open to both students and their fami- lies. Reservations can be made at the office of Miss Amber Van at Lane Hall. * * s students will be held at 8:30 p~ Feb. 18 at the International CE ter recreation room. All students interested in p ducing student plays are invi to attend. A reception for all new int national students will be held 8 p.m. Feb. 21 in the Racklh Assembly hall. The reception is being plan b: the International Center all students are welcome. , e i v Organization theater group --Daily-David Arnold "BRIDGE OF UNDERSTANDING"-- This is the way an East Berlin friend describes the exchange program between the Univer- sity and the Free University of Berlin in a letter written in German, to Doris Esch, '60. Miss Esch recently returned from one and one-half years of study at FUB. 1.00 Petty Cash Organizer No fumbling, no fuss ... bills and change at a glance. A -bright gift idea with a little something to start with tucked inside! By NORMA SUE WOLFE "I surely think Student Govern- ment Council should continue the exchange program between the University and the Free University of Berlin," Doris Esch, '60, said. Miss Esch, who just returned from a year and a half of study in Berlin, called the question "es- pecially acute" in view of the Dec. 17 debate and rejection of the FUB Exchange Program by SGC. "Through an announcement in the paper I first heard about the scholarship program. I petitioned for it and found myself on my way to Germany in September, 1957," she recalled. The scholarship Miss Esch was awarded covered tuition, room and board. While at the Free Univer- sity of Berlin, she lived in a co-ed dorm. "The fellows lived in one corri- dor and the girls another. We cooked out own meals and elected officers together," she explained. The German-speaking exchangee lived in three different dormitories because she wanted to meet as many students as possible. One was run for foreign students, the second was organized by a club composed mainly of refugee stu- dents from the East Zone and the third dormitory was under the auspices of the Evangelical Stu- dent Fellowship. "Two of the dorms had active student governments in which all residents took part in electing of- ficers and making plans and policy decisions. "I had one roommate from Turkey, Denmark and West- ern Germany and three roommates from the East Zone of Germany," Miss Esch said. The sociology and American culture major centered her studies around sociology, philosophy, poli- tical science and theology while at the FUB.' "At the beginning, one doesn't understand everything, particular- ly in lectures," said Miss Esch, who took two years of German in high school and two at the Uni- Organ ization [ NoticesI (Use of this column for an- nouncements is available to offi - cially recognized and registered or- ganizations only. Organizations rent semester must register. Forms planning to be active for the cur- available. 2011 Student Activities Buliding.) Amler. Chem. Soc. - Student Af ii- ate, business meeting, Feb. 11, 7:30 p.m. 1200 Chem. Speaker: Dr. Coon, "Recent Advances in Biochem." * * * Chess Club, regular weekly meeting, Feb. 11, 7:30 p.m., Union, Rm. 3L. * * * Graduate History Club, Feb. 12, 8 p.m. Rackham Bldg., w. Conf. Em. Speaker: Dr. D. H. Pinkney, "The American His- torian of France -- Frustration and Opportunity." * * * ITSIS, announces office hours, 3-5 p.m. Mon. and Thurs., 2518 SAB. Free foreign travel information is available. * * * National and International Affairs of SGC'Sub-Chairmen meetings, Feb. 12, 3:30-5:00 p.m., SAB. * * * Ulr Ski Club, meeting, Feb. 11, 7:30 p.m., Union, Rm. 3-S. Refreshments. Young Republicans, House-Creal dis- ,cussion, Feb. 11, 8 p.m., Union, 3-G. versity. "Before I was through, though, I had given several reports and seminars in that language,'' she said. Since traveling is allowed be- tween East and West Berlin by subway, Miss Esch became ac- quainted with several students from the Eastern Zone through a church youth group. "Our original intention was to discuss politics and examine the' communistic and democratic phil- osophies. The students from East Berlin in the group were theolo- gians and were essentially pro- Western. "However they felt," she con- tinued, "that it is necessary to maintain a solidarity with their East Germap colleagues and with the population in general by helping in the material construc- tion of-the East German state and by preparing themselves to help those who stand in conflict of conscience by informing them- selves on the issues involved." In addition, Miss Esch gave the students a Thanksgiving dinner, turkey with all the trimmings; cooked apple pie .and hot dogs; sang folk songs, and showed pic- tures to teach her new friends more about American customs. During five months of vacation from school, Miss Esch was in- vited to visit at least 15 families in Berlin, Western Germany, Aus- tria, Holland, Belgium, Denmark, Norway, Sweden and Finland. "The insights which I gained there have helped me to under- stand the ways of life and the problems which confront people from many backgrounds. These families showed me their cities and countrysides as they know them," the traveler said. In Finland, Miss Esch was the guest of the family of an exchange student who lived with her family for a year.In Graz, Austria, at the home of another former exchange student, she hiked, went to thea- tres, and toured the country by car. "I also stayed with other fami- lies that my parents corresponded with or families that I met on buses or through my journeys," she said. "The people are very friendly." An American Field Service ex- changee in high school, Miss Esch found her previous experiences helpful in understanding the Ger- man people and their language. VALENTINES traditional and Contemporary OVERBECK BOOKSTORE 1216 S. University NO 3-4436 3 we have the funniest' 'alentines in town!4 also the lost sentimental!U r r ZlQef e UWA TADS lqQqw q < of a play-reading for international Chester RobertS Gifts 312 South State St. HALLMARK CONTEMPORARY CARDS GIFT SUGGESTIONS for your VALENTINE from 0' 0 o. 0 Vi Y COLLINS# State and LibertyW o lingerie umbrellIa s Srobes aprons o Sosiery sweater s sgloves skirts.s . ! slippers blouses/' scarves .b el1ts Ax hankies jewel1ry 0 o cologne billfolds, travel accessories stoe hursMon. thru sat.. . 9:30- 5:30 f t>}it) store }or. , fo or sp)G C)rtshop iC}'~tt t)33 Oj ' Charge, Use Lay-Away Plan, $1.00 weekly Budget Plan Wilinson Luggage Shop 327 S. MAIN STREET PHONE NO 3-4013 Convenient Back Door Entrance From City's 4th Ave. Parking! MONDAY 'TIL 8:30 - TUES.-SAT. 'TIL 5:30 .1 CGalling all oddballs I a - WHO ELSE? Honestly, the guy must be nuts who draws it. You see, there is this artist who all the time sees two blobby looking characters who call each other Seymour and Irving. To get them out of his mind, he put them on -paper. Then some joker says to him: "Why don't you think up a name for them and put them in the funny paper?" So he thinks and thinks and guess what he comes up with? He calls them "The Nebbishes." And the funny paper he put them in is the Comics Feature Magazine with the Chicago Sunday Tribune. If you've been running a streak of bad luck lately, you'll run smack into "The Nebbishes" one of these Sundays. Maybe your luck is DAILY PHOTO STAGe*ra 0 0 0 Med i Avoid the Bookstore Rush ! Get your SUPPLIES here! toFountain Pens v' Notebooks t/. Paper V Desk Supplies - LA ............J ""r:""::n ". ..... Everyone interested in being a photographer for The Michigan Daily NO EXPERIENCE NECESSARY T iire Fl 19 7.10 P M /1 5 ~ 0 on Ir 1iG J:1