Sixty-Eight Years of Editorial Freedom cL
Macmillan AskCs)
Prime Minister Says Russia Wants
Berlin Negotiation To Prevent War
WASHINGTON MP) - Britain's Prime Minister Harold Macmil-
Ian expressed confidence yesterday that Russia's leaders want to
negotiate rather than go to war over Berlin.?
Arriving here for talks with President Dwight D. Eisenhower; he
called on the Western allies to develop "the rightmixture" of firm-
ness and reasonableness to guide them in foreign ministers and sum-
mit conferences with Soviet leaders.
"I am persuaded that the Soviet leaders realize that they and;
we have a common interest in avoiding war," he said.
Department Challenges Khrushchev .
Not long afterward, the State Department challenged Soviet
Premier Nikita Khrushchev to 'back up the apparently softer re-
Board Sets
For Men
Revive Pln
To Mortgage
T rust .Fund
LANSING (AP)-Governor G.
Mennen Williams' plan to mort-
gage the Veterans Trust Fund was
kayoed, then revived, in the House
yesterday as legislators stumbled
toward a solution to the state's
cash emergency.
TenRepublicans joined 44 Dem-
ocrats in voting for the plan on its
second unsuccessful trip through
the House in five weeks. But, it fell
two votes short of the passage
requirement, climaxing one of the
most confused, disorderly sessions
of the year.
Another vote was scheduled next
Tuesday when at least four of
seven absent Democrats were ex-
pected to be on hand. r
Williams Exhiilts Disgust
Gov. Williams received the news
of the rejection in disgust.
"The Republicans are rapidly
making their party the party' of
payless paydays, script for school
teachers, state insolvency and leg-
islative irresponsibility," he said.
"Evidently," he said, "there are
some Republican legislators who
Intend to pose as friends of the
veterans until after the election,
asghen rase ,he trust und.
iW§u End rt
Meanwhile, a Democratic ma-
jority of the State Board of Agri-
cultire, governing body of Michi-
gan State University, yesterday
voted to endorse Gov. Williams'
rproposal for a graduated state in-
ome tax and the Conlin tax com
m itteereport.
One Republican opposed the
motion and the other Republican
on the siX-member board was ab-
It was a rare deviation from the
usual board policy of not taking
stands on partisan'political mat-
'Miffs Republicans'
Republican lawmakers, who hold
the purse strings for MSU appro-
priations,' were miffed at the
"Never in my life have I seen
such a stupid at by a university
governing board," said Elmer R.
Porter (RSlissfteld), chairman of
the Senate Appropriations Com-
mittee. "Members lowered their
"Purely political," Sen. John
Minnema (R-Traverse City) said.
Stevens Submits Resolution
Don Stevens, Democratic board
member from Okemos, submitted
the resolution. Jan B. Vanderploeg,
Democrat from Muskegon, rose to
support it, saying:
"The sales tax is unfair in that
it places the burden of taxation
on people of lower economic means
who make up the largest segment
of the state's population."
Arthur K. Rouse of 'Boyne City,
only Republican member present,
opposed endorsement of a per-
sonal inemoe tax and spoke for an
increase in the sales tax, saying he
thought it would be more equit-
abe ',,
Students Seek
ouncil Posts
Eight students announced their
candidacy for four Inter-House
Council offices at the IHC praesi-
dium meeting last night.
. Running for president are Wil-
liam 'ehlberg, '60E, James Claf-
fey, '60E, and Boren Chertkov, '60.
Boyd Conrad, '61, and Charles
~marks he made at a news con-
ference in Moscow yesterday.
A spokesman said the tone of
Khrushchev's comments "appears
to be encouraging." Press Officer
Lincoln White added pointedly at
a news conference: "Experience
shows, however, that we cannot
always be sure tht words mean
the same thing to the Soviets as
they mean to us.'
Desire Soviet 'Readiness'
"The important thing is that
the Soviet Government display a
readiness to -find common ground
with us and our Western part-
ners in any negotiataions which
may lie before us." -
Khrushchev said he was ready,
to accept a Western. offer to con-
vene a foreign ministers confer-
ence May 11 as a prelude to a
heads of government meeting
where cold war issues would be
White noted that the three big
Western powers have not yet for-
mally proposed such a meeting.
Other authorities reported this
date was included in notes to be
sent to Moscow after Macmillan
ends his talks here Monday..
Nixon, Herter Lead Delegation
Vice-President Richard M. Nix-
on and Acting Secretary of State
Christian A. Herter led. a dele-
gation of United States officials
who greeted Macmillan. and his
foreign secretary, Selwyn Lloyd,
when they arrived here aboard a
British Comet jet airliner.
Soviets Ask -
ForM eeting
MOSCOW () -- Soviet Pre-
mier Nikita Khrushchev said yes-
terday he is willing to open a
foreign ministers conference on
Germany May 11, but insisted only
a summit meeting can brush away
the threatening clouds of war.
"I am convinced there will be
meetings of both the- foreign min-
isters and heads of states," the
Soviet Premier tgld a news con-
ference. He said he is waiting for
the West to make concrete pro-
In a conciliatory mood, Khrush-
chev had some praise for Presi-
dent Dwight D.' Eisenhower's
speech on Germany and for Dem-
ocratic Senators J. W. Fulbrlght
and Mike Mansfield. But he le-
nuonced Adm. Arleigh A. Burke
and Gen. Maxwell D. Taylor,
United States Naval and Army
Fletcher Hall will be converted
to a men's residence during the
summer ofs1960 according to a
motion passed by the Residence
Hall Board of Governors yesterday.
This action concluded discussion
of the issue which was brought
before the Board in a motion pre-
sented* by Dean of Men Walter B.
Rea at the February meeting. His
motion asked for Fletcher Hall to
be returned to the men's residence
hall system for the academic year
Dean Rea said he was "re-
luctant to have this become an
issue of men versus women," and
withdrew his motion.
Laing Presents Motion
Prof. Lionel Laing of the po-
litical science department then
brought a motion before the Board
asking that "Fletcher Hall be re-
turned to the men's residence hall
system in the summer of 1960."
Prof. Laing said he proposed his
motion with the understanding
that the office of the Dean of
Women would seek housing similar
to that in Fletcher for those wom-
en who desired such a residence
Pat Marthenke, '59, president of
Assembly Association objected to
the motion on the grounds that it
made no provision for extension
in the case a similar residence
could not be found.
Mentions Kitchen Facilities
Assistant Dean of Women Elsie
Fuller said her office would not
press for retaining Fletcher for
women. She mentioned inadequate
kitchen facilities and the fac that
Fletcher is in a predominently
male housing area as making it
undesirable for women's housing.
It was asked at the meeting if
apartment permissions might be
granted to those in great financial
need. Dean Fuller replied that the
Dean of Women's office generally
granted permissions to senior
women, and that it would be im-
possible to allow all these women
to live'in apartments.
Hale Notes Need
Jack Hale, Senior Resident Di-
rector of the Men's Residene
Halls, said he felt there was -a
great need among the men for the
type of housing which only Fletch-
er can provide.
Pletcher Hall was originally a
men's housing unit and was con-
verted to women in 1954 when
there - was an acute shortage of
suitable housing for women.
In other action, the Board con-
sidered a report by Robert Ash-
ton, '59, president of the Inter-
House Council suggesting revisions
in the fire equipment now in the
Asks for Better Access
The "report called for better ac-
cess to the keys to the alarm sys-
tem, more fire extinguishers and
a system whereby the fire equip-
ment may be more readily ob-
tained without the necessity of
breaking the glass cases in which
it is kept.
The Board did not act on Ash
ton's proposal on the grounds that
the system had been approved by
the fire marshal and the insurance
Nations Set
On Nuclear
Test Treaty
Agreement Includes
Indefinite Suspension
GENEVA (P) - The United
States,, Britain and the Soviet
Union agreed yesterday on an in-
definite suspension of atomic and
hydrogen weapons tests in a treaty
now under negotiation.
After approving two other ar-
ticles of the draft treaty, the three
delegations recessed until April 13
Wadsworth Notes Difficulties
United States Ambassador James
J. Wadsworth emphasized the dif-
ficulties of such problems as estab-
MOSCOW (M)-Last November
Nikita Khrushchev gave the
West six months to start nego-
tiating on Berlin.,
He said yesterday the six
months' deadline "just came
from looking at the ceiling."
"After all," he told reporters,
"we know that sometimes it
takes a year or more for gov-
ernments to answer a note.
After all, it takes nine months
for a baby. So we thought six
months would be a pretty good
figure for other governments to
reply to our proposal.
"Seven months would be fine,
Khrushchev made his ori-
ginal proposals Nov 27, leading
to a belief abroad that he had
set xa.l-inoath"deadline of
May 27.
to give Washington, London and
Moscow time to frame new ap-
proaches to the difficult problems
still ahead.
lishing an effective International
control system. But he said he felt
the conference has "passed from
the threshold of negotiations to a
stage at which positive decisions
are required."
The three new articles brought
to seven the total number on which
agreement has been reached since
the talks began Oct. 31. None
touches the basic controversy -
Soviet insistence on a veto over a
control system.
List Provisions
None of the new articles was
particularly controversial. They
1) The life of the test suspen-
sion treaty shall continue indef-
initely unless some power violates
the ban or if a control system is
not organized properly. The United
States originally wanted the test
ban reviewed annually, but drop-
ped this position earlier this
Cite Automatic Review
2) The seven - nation control
commission shall automatically re-
view the operation of the test ban
two years after the treaty becomes
operative. Subsequently the opera-
tion can be reviewed annually if
requested by a signer of the treaty.
3) Once a completed treaty is
ratified it shall be registered with
the United Nations.
Altitude TestI
Hielp ICBM Def.
Scientists Bounce Radar off Venus
WESTFORD, Mass. (JP)--Scien-
tists have bounced a radar mes-
sage 100 times farther into space
than ever before by reaching the
planet Venus and back to earth-
56 million miles.
Scientists here hailed the re-
ception of a radar echo from
Venus as a big step forward
toward probing the secrets of out-
er space.
First Direct Measure
It was the first time direct
measurements of interplanetary
distance had ever been obtained
with great accuracy. This, scien-
tists said, would be essential to
future navigation in space. ,
Slightly smaller than the earth,
Venus is man's nearest neighbor
beyond the moon, the previous
most distant radar target
- The moon, slightly less than a
quarter million miles away, was
first "reached" by radar 13 years
'Ten Cents Worth*
Scientists of the Lincoln Lab-
oratory Project here' hit Venus
with ten cents worth of electri-
city in February 1958, it was dis-
closed yesterday.
It took approximately. two and
one-half minutes fbr the signal
to reach Venus and the same time
to return to earth.
It was by far the, longest man-
made radio transmission ever
Probe Surface
Eventually scientists hope to be
able to learn through radar prob-
ing more about the actual surface
of Venus. It is continually hidden
from visual observation by a
dense cloud cover.
The radar transmitter is an 84-
foot dish, antenna mounted atop
a hill. The antenna, whichcan
also be used for receiving, weighs
90 tons, but it an be focused with
precision to pick up moving tar-
gets in space.
Charge Funds
To Next Year
WASHINGTON 03) - The Sen-
ate voted yesterday to charge $1,-
375,000,000 of new United States
subscriptions to the International
Monetary Fund against President
Dwight D. Eisenhower's budget
for the new fiscal year.
This kicked hopelessly awry the
budget structure President Eisen-
hower had erected based on a pos-
sible balance of government in-
come and outgo next year at
around 77 billion dollars.
President Eisenhower's fiscal
planning had called for charging
the $1,375,000,000 against this
year's budget for which a deficit
of around 13 billion dollars is in
Sen. Everett M. Dirksen of Il-
linois, the Republican minority
leader, protested in vain against
delaying availability of the money
until July 1, the start of fiscal
"In three months, this world
could go to the devil in a hand-
basket," Sen. Dirksen said.
There was no major opposition
to the bill itself, which also pro-
vides for an increase of $3,175,-
D00,000 in United States subscrip-
tions to the' world bank.
Field Services Branch
Elects S oop Chaitrman
Everett J. Soop, Director of the University's Extension Services,
has been elected chairman of the newly-formed Michigan Coordinating
Council of State College Field Services.
The group was authorized by the Council of State College Presi-
dents, in order "to eliminate inter-institutional rivalry" in extension
services, Soop said. It is a perman-
ent, semi-administrative body
which will coordinate the pro-
grams of the nine state institutions
to prevent overlapping and gaps in
extension. services.
Little Overlap
"This will give formal recogni-
tion to the need for working to-
gether," Soop said, but noted the
Russell Report found very little
Each of the state colleges will
appoint two delegates and two
alternates to the Council. They will
report directly to the Council of
State College Presidents, which
authorize action,
Executive Committee
Stein Forsees Possible Opposing Forces
The possibility of further oppo-
sition in the European Parlia-
mentary Assembly to the political
integration of Europe was voiced
last night by Prof. Eric Stein of
the law school.
The opposition would come, he
said, from the members of the
new de Gaullist party.
are elected, not by the people, he
noted, but by the parliaments of
the different member countries.
Unlike the United Nations As-
sembly, he said, the European As-
sembly does not sit in its meetings
by countries, but rather by politi-
cal parties.
Many Parties Represented
The parties that are represented
. . .: x. ::,