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March 19, 1959 - Image 6

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The Michigan Daily, 1959-03-19

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Grid Staff Introduced



by Jimn Denagh


One-Night Stand

The crowds, the cheers and all the other glamour that makes
:ollege varsity sports will be transferred to the I-M Department
ght - just as it has been once a year since 1928.
And the man who will be walking up and down the "sidelines"
't be a Crisler, a Yost nor an Oosterbaan - but, rather, an un-
g organizer named Earl Riskey, who will direct a 13-ring circus.
'teen is the number of sporting events on the Open House pro-
n in the I-M Building.
Riskey has built up a program that has attracted as many as
0 to 4,000 spectators in the past. He will tell you that several key
npionship games and some top-flight exhibitions could draw an
it number of students, faculty and townspeople into his spacious
za again this evening. It all started back in 1928 when the ath-
department decided to hold an open house to dedicate its new
unique (at the time) intramural building. The program grew and,
'it takes 25 officials to run the affair.
Riskey's program spans from humorous clown diving by mem-
of Michigan Big Ten swim champions to the serious bids of
:tball teams to win their respective final games and gain valu-
points towards I-M standings. The four-hour show, free of
rge to everyone, begins on a serious tone at 6:30 when residence
s an dsocial fraternities stage 'B' cage finals.
But before the evening is over, the mingling crowd will also have
opportunity to see well-planned competition in badminton,,code-
, fencing, gymnastics, handball, paddleball, squash, swimming,
eyball, water polo and weightlifting. The field of competitors will
ide students, faculty, townspeople, a star Detroit handball group
a few femmes to enliven the program. The latter, several New-
y lasses, will challenge Adams House in basketball - with the
s wearing boxing gloves as an equalizer.
sketball in Limelight . e

Two additions to Michigan's
athletic scene made their debuts
last night.
The American Legion Home was
the scene of that organization's
first annual Athletic Scholarship
banquet, the proceeds of which are
to be perpetuated in grants to
Michigan athletes.
The second premiere was the
introduction of the recently-com-
pleted Wolverine football coaching
staff to an Ann Arbor and Univer-
sity audience of approximately 350
There were also contrasts that
displayed Michigan's stirring ath-
letic tradition at its finest.
Great Future Predicted
A monologue of WPAG sports
announcer Bob Ufer predicted
great things aheaddfor Wolverine
football in such dynamic tones
that an en masse rising and sing-
ing of "The Victors" would not
have been out of place.
Then soft-spoken Bennie Ooster-
baan soothed the diners with the
sincerity of a man whose devotion
to a school is second to none.
Ufer, one of the greatest quar-
ter-milers in Michigan history, put
new head grid Coach Bump Elliott
(Oosterbaan's successor) on the
spot with a prediction that Michi-
gan will be among the nation's top
10 teams by the end of the 1961
"1961 - that's three seasons
away," said Ufer. "There's a lot
of rebuilding to be done by this
newcoaching unit of Elliott and
Pi Lambda Phi stopped Delta
igan won only two games last
year," continued the local sports
figure, "and rebuilding isn't an
easy job. But Michigan will walk
off the field after the Ohio State
game in 1961 ranked among the
country's greatest teams."
Elliott Takes Podium
Taking the podium, Elliott half-
jokingly, half-seriously reprimand-
ed Ufer for being so optimistic but
pledged top efforts from himself
and. his staff, the youngest in the
Big Ten.
However, Elliott would make
only two flat predictions for the
coming year.
"Two things are certain," said
the rookie mentor. "Right now
we're the only undefeated staff in,
the Conference. And you can all
buy your tickets for our games
with the assurance that we'll be
there for each and every one."
Elliott closed with a tribute to
the man who has led Michigan's

football fortunes the past 11 years.
"This is a goal I want to work
for: If, after I've coached here
several years, lose a game, and can
be carried off the field on the
shoulders of my players and amid
the cheers of both sides like Ben
Oosterbaan was against Ohio State
last November, I'll have accom-
plished a lot,"said Elliott.
DSD Takes
Second Spot
Last night's professional fra-
ternity basketball playoffs saw
Delta, Sigma Delta edge Alpha
Chi Sigma by the score of 25-23.
DSD took the second place title
on the strength of big Jim Heid-
enrich's 10 points.
Other action saw Phi Chi take
third place with a forfeit win over
Prescott House, while Phi Rho
Sigma overwhelmed Phi Delta Chi
by 46-19, for fourth.
And in the highest scoring game
of the evening, Law Club took Al-
pha Omega 'and fifth place into
camp, 63-12, with George Norman
hitting for 24.
Social Fraternity 'B' games
played included Sigma Chi's 42-27
triumph over Lambda Chi Alpha
for second place in that league,
and Zeta Beta Tau's 29-24 win
over Delta Sigma Phi for third.
Pi Lambda Phi stpoped Delta
Chi 28-12, and Delta Sigma Phi
nosed out Alpha Sigma Phi 25-21
to round out fraternity action.
Independent Games: Forester's
Club 33, Kitchen Keepers 28;
Speedboys 38, Beantowners 30;
CMS 34, Meatchoppers 22.
the Holidays!!
try us for:
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for Michigan Daily
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Another Note on Extracurricular Coitpetence ...
Parents have an odd habit of asking questions. And they
always zero in on money. You know ...
"What happened to the $25 from Aunt Kate?"
"How could your allowance be gone already?"
The best'way to transformthese iniquisitions into amiable
chats about the high cost of living is to have records.
Cancelled checks are very fine records indeed.They are
proof positive that you did have a big cleaning bill, wipe out
suspicion that you were taken to the cleaners.
Either of Ann Apbor Bank's two near-campus branches
can set you up with a Special Checking Account in a jiffy.
Only $2.00 for a book of 20 checks. No additional fees, and
no minimum balance required.
Ann Arbor Bank is part of the "Michigan Tradition."
Very useful, too.


Riskeyexpects the basketball (social fraternity 'A' and B' re
ence hall 'A' and 'B', professional fraternity, and indefende
eagues) and swimming (residence and social fraternity) finals to
tie biggest drawing cards, as usual.-
Since Sigma Phi Epsilon and Phi Delta Theta, two perenn
ocial fraternity powers, are pitted in both 'A' and 'B' basketb
tere is a good chance that these games could steal the show as t
--Mwinter wrap-up takes place. The Sig Eps won the fraternity a
ports trophy last year - despite Phi Delts' annexation of seven
ividual titles in the 23-sport program.
The Sig Eps, winners of three 'A' crowns in past years, will to
o its sports leader, Larry Lavercombe, who directed the all-spo
rinners in 1957-58. The Phi Delts will -draw help from three spo
.elds to meet the challenge. The Washtenaw contingent has gr
erg Ed Allen, John Walker, Hugh Hoke and Bruce Boardman; va
ty tennis member, John Wiley; and former cager, 6'V" Bob Dunl
Lloyd House, Hof West Quad, equaled the performance of the fr
ernities by qualifying teams for both 'A' and 'B' residence.hall c
nals. Lloyd's '"A'quintet meets Kelsey while the West Quadd
econd five will test Taylor House. All four teams are.seeking thi
rst titles. Lloyd's secret weapon might be speed: it has bolstered:
anks with freshman trackmen Tom Seifert, Dick Rau and Jo
The pro fraternity hopefuls are old standbys, Phi Delta Phi as
'hi Alpha Kappa. The former won last year but P.A.K. has had m
age winners than any previous pro quintet.


AHOY-The Michigan Sailing Club is holding its semi-annual
organizational meeting tonight in the Union at 7:30 p.m. Club
membership is co-ed and all are invited.
Saen Club Holds Meeting
T1,O night for New Members



ith a Gridiron Assist .,.

Gary Prahst, of varsity football fame, heads the Grid 5 when
ckles 1207 Club in 'the other cage final classification -r- the In
ndent league. Prahst was named to the all I-M selections last ye
e will have help from Jerry and Reid Bushong, Darrell Harper, G
cNitt and Dick Ketteman.;
Sig Eps will, join Sigma Alpha Mu and Sigma Alpha Epsilon
st bets to wrest away the Phi Delts' swimming crown. All th
I D.D.T. in qualifiers.
All-campus events will include matches in badminton, codeb
indball, weightlifting, diving and gymnastics-and the entry she
nt that the competition will be at a high level. For instance, R
unn - outstanding frosh gymnast - is in the gym and diving fie]
Riskey suggests that spectators watch some of the minor spo
they have time. He admits himself that he hasn't decided where
11 spend his own time - the program is that good.


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rts The semi-annual call for sailors
rts is out once again.
id- The University Sailing Club will
ar- hold an organizational meeting in
ap. the Union Ballrooni at 7:30 this
ra- evening. Movies and slides will be
age shown and refreshments served.
ers' Open to Co-eds
eir Membership in the club is open
its to any student on campus which
hn makes it unique among Michi-
gan's athletic organizations. It is
nfl one of the few clubs that en-
ore courages co-eds to join. In fact,
thenpast year's membership was
almost half girls.
The club is also unique in that
previous inexperience is no hin-
it drance to enjoying the group's
de- activities.
ar. Dexter Thede, one of the mid-
ary west's racing standouts, points out
that even though the club has
as scheduled at least one meet each
asweekend with other clubs .begin-
ree ning April 4, the group's chief
all, purpose is to provide recreation
within the club for its members.
ets a An integral part of the program
ton ae the weekend moonlight sails
ds. and picnics during 10 weeks in
rts the fall and eight in the spring.
he There is intra-club racing com-
petition every Sunday morning on
Bass Lake (18 miles northwest of
Ann Arbor).
Self-Supporting Group
The group is entirely self-sup-
porting at the present time. How-
ever, Thede says there is a possi-
bility that the Union may take
over some of the sponsorship and
partial financial responsibility.
Gus Miller, another club mem-
ber, cites a four-fold aim of the
1) To teach landlubbers how to
2) To educate those who can
sail in the ways of racing;
3) To give the racing skippers
enough experience to win; and
4) To instill"in all a love for
wind, sail and water.
From a modest beginning in
1938 and a small but enthusiastic
crew, the Sailing Club has picked
up momentum in both the num-
ber of boats owned and national
In remarkably short order the
club built up a fleet of 11 two-man
boats, a crash boat and a dock
(the latter loaned by the Zoology
Department). A club~ house and
plumbing facilities were added
soon after
sight New Boats
However, age took its toll and
the club found it easier to replace
the obsolete dinks with eight new
sailing vessels. The latter, called
"Jet 14's," are in reality Inter-
national 14-foot dinghy hulls that
" have been decked over with in-
stallations of a slightly smaller
But the club's expansion pro-
gram is a never-ending process.
Miller says plans for the future
include the addition of more boats
and a bigger clubhouse.
Finishes Second.
Since 1956 the club's sailing
team has gained acclaim as one
of the finest in the country. It
finished second to MIT in the na-
tional's last year and hope to
qualify again for the finals to be

held at the Rhode Island Yacht
Club June 16-19.
In the past three years the sail-
ing team has been head and
shoulders above the rest of the
midwestern field. Composed of
Thede, Otto Scherer, Bruce and
John Goldsmith and Rolfe' Wor-
den, the team has finished first
in 23 of 41 regattas, second 11
times, third in five meets and
fourth only twice.
Thede, Scherer and Bruce Gold-
smith gained further recognition
the past two years by being named
to the Mid-West all star team that
won the Sir Thomas Lipton Cup
for North American team racing.
Moore Gains
Title with IS0
LOS ANGELES -) - Sharp-
shooting Davey Moore brought
the World Featherweight Ttitle
back to the United States last
night when he stopped Hogan
(Kid) Bassey of Nigeria after 13
cruel rounds of fighting.
Bassey's manager, George
Biddles of England, called up to
referee Tommy Hart between the
thirteenth and fourteenth rounds
and asked him to stop the match,
because Bassey was blinded by his
own blood.
It goes into, the record as a
thirteenth round knockout, al-
t h o u g h the challenger from
Springfield, Ohio, was never able
to floor the gallant little cham-
National JC Tournament
Dearborn (Mich.) 73, Paris (Texas) 66
Minneapolis 129, Detroit 102
Boston 131, Syracuse 109
(Boston leads best of seven series, 1-0
Boston 5, New York 3
(Minneapolis wins best of three
series, 2-1)
Exhibition Baseball
Boston 14, Cleveland 7
San Francisco 11, Chicago (N) S
(Others cancelled because of/rain)



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"Barefoot Boy with Cheek,)


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Now you can enjoy Yardley After Shaving Lotiop,
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YARD LEY After Shaving lotion

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