"Gosh, No-.It's Not Mine" £ ibigwn kzdti Sixty-Ninth Year EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN "When Oplnlons Are Free UNDER AUTHORITY OF BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS Truth WIUll eSTUDENT PUBLICATIONS BLDG. * ANN ARBOR, MICH. * Phone NO 2-3241 Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints. THURSDAY, MARCH 19, 1959 NIGHT EDITOR: JOAN KAATZ THE ESSAYS OF CARL BECKER: 'New Professor' Brings Lifted Horizons Detachment and the Writing of History: Essays and Letters of Carl L. Becker. Edited by Phil L. Snyder. Ithaca, Cornell University Press, 1958. 240 pages. $3.50. 4 WE COMMONLY forget or ignore that the scholar is a dedicated man, that academic devotion to truth is solemnly but seldom seriously conceived, that writing the defiinitive thesis on " 'The Longi- tudinal Vibrations of a Rubbed String,' or, 'The Genesis of the Kansas- Nebraska Act'," is ludicrous because possible. "Very good subjects they are too, since the experienced professor has himself selected them. And very well treated they may be, and often are, since the professor is likely to direct and supervise at every step, the writing of the thesis. If the student does what the professor tells him to do (especially if he writes his thesis as nearly as possible as the professor himself might have written it) he will undoubtedly, in due course, obtain his degree, he will become a scholar." In short, truth is embalmed and buried by specialists engaged in their bad but scholarly writing. When a professor appears possessing all the academic trappings- thesis under an earlier famous scholar; a not-too-rapid progress of posts from adequate to more recognized institutions; a discreet num- ber of lectureships afield; a "sound" bibliography; a suitable number of disciples who publish and send reprints, beseeching approval; and gratifyingly large over-enrollments as he dwindles into a proper mar- riage with succeeding waves of virginal students - when such a pr- 6 Board Misses Chance To Improve Women's Housing I, THE RESIDENCE HALL Board of Governors this week passed a motion expressing ap- proval of "one, or two" upperclass houses for women. The Board then proceeded to do some rather strange things with regard to this mo- tion. Previously, the residents of Barbara Little House in Mary Markley had asked the Board to consider the expansion of women's upper- class housing through conversion of : Betsey Barbour to a residence for juniors and seniors. Also, the women in Barbour voted for the sane proposal. The Board did not choose to grant the re- quests of those most directly involved with their decision. Barbara Little will remain the one and only upperclass women's house in the residence halls system. There is little doubt that a large number of the University's women would like to live in an upperclass housing unit. Barbour housed only junior and senior women until the present academic year and was besieged with applica- tions. ALTHOUGH the Board's action has caused no irreparable damage,, the group could easily have granted the women's requests while keeping within the policy of the Dean of Wo- men's office as presented at the meeting. The Dean's office believes no woman should be forced to leave her residence because of a change in policy. By converting Barbour to an upperclass house next semester, the fresh- men now living there would be forced to move. This is, therefore, against the Dean of Womens' policy. Miss Bacon's policy is a good one, but there is a way to convert Barbour without displacing any women, especially since the Board seems to view any expansion of upperclass housing on a "go slow" basis. Would it not be feasible to allow those who wish to stay in Barbour to remain, and admit only upperclass women as new residents? Dean Fuller told the Board that she expect- ed 50 to 60 vacancies out of Barbour's capacity of 116. It would be possible, then, to convert Barbour to an upperclass house over a two- year period with a strong likelihood that there would be enough applicants to fill the vacan- cies. IF THERE is to be only one upperclass house, the case for Barbour far outweighs that for Little. As the delegation from Little told the Board, women seem to prefer smaller units for upperclass housing. They also said that the physical plant in Markley is detrimental to a feeling of unity among the residents of the house because the house is situated on two long corridors, preventing ready intermingling of the women. In addition, Little house has no private dining room or recreational facili- ties, both of which help in creating unity in any house. The Board missed a rare chance to improve women's housing at no added expense. -THOMAS KABAKER I - k f oP ~ 'tka l P 'l'am '"-. . . J 4 r ;' 1 Y 1c y {y , r " ' , p ., 'r 1 ' " , , ,, +d--,c : , t.. o+C ~ Cs' 19S5t w s t. l+GVo t Fas,-- c.p. The Show Must Go On-Four Nights BECAUSE an extremely high percentage of seats were tied up in season tickets for this year's Playbill Series, the speech department should do more than "consider" running next year's productions an additional night. Although 72 per cent of the total seats avail- able in the Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre ' are held by season ticket holders, this figure de- serves further analysis. Considering that two of the seven productions are currently per- formed on four days, season tickets for the re- maining five productions constitute almost 80 per cent of the total sales. Equally as important, the two productions running for four successive nights are operas, sponsored jointly by the speech department Some Hope WHO SAYS state legislators don't look ahead? One of them, Sen. Haskell Nicholls (R- Jackson) has offered a bill authorizing the universities to pay teachers with scrip. They would use the redeemable certificates of in- debtedness in case payless paydays become a reality. "I brought in a similar resolution 27 years ago and they laughed at me," Sen. Nichols said. But he can relax. This is 1959 and nobody Is laughing, for his bill is perhaps the first sign of the legislative foresight that might've made such a measure laughable. It may not be the prescribed way of dealing with a financial crisis, but concern for the future might grow. After all, Lansing is full of acorns. -M.K. ment and the School of Music. Consequently, the school buys up a number of the individual p6rformance tickets. It is thus not difficult to understand why those students who attempt to attend a single performance find it very difficult to get tickets and all but impossible to purchase them for the desired evening. Advertisements preceding each production usually advise that tickets are available for only the Thursday performance, or in the case of the operas, for the Wednesday and Thurs- day performances. Generally, a few single seats are the only ones available for Friday and Saturday nights. It goes without saying that many students find it very difficult to get away from their studies on week day nights. THE DEPARTMENT should also keep in mind potential audiences of future years. Despite the fine quality of spec~h department productions, few students are apt to purchase season tickets without having seen the group in action. Scarcity of individual tickets reduces potential future sales, especially among fresh- man and transfer students. Yet, the speech department cannot be strictly condemned for its current policy. There was certainly no way of predicting that season ticket sales would rocket from the 127 seats sold last year to the 1,600 total of this year. By the time that sales were completed, the budget and schedules had no doubt already been planned. Both to insure the Playbill's future financial success, and to allow more students to attend the plays, the present situation can be reme- died by expanding next season's productions to a Wednesday through Saturday night basis. -JUDITH DONER ACAPITAL COMMENTARY: ADA Disru" By WILLI THE MOST unsecret of all Re- code processes sometin publican weapons is never politicians whom the found in any Republican arsenal. onlooker might have th This top weapon is a strictly Dem- pretty liberal, on such ocratic knife, the knife of discord tests as their public rei which some of the Democrats are ADA, with the bestl unable to refrain from sticking tentions and the lea into other Democrats before each sense of humor, is nom Presidential election. work to set the Demo True, the Republicans are not straight for 1960. And1 always above family fighting. But it is a case of run for they never even start intraparty boys, the dam has bust war without some rational pur- For an immediate rest pose. And in any case they never earnest efforts is to d inflict among themselves wounds the three ablest-and impossible to poultice over before three most responsible- Election Day. cratic PresidentialX Such self-restraint is not for the Among the amused ar Democrats. Their automatic trou- spectators is the Repu ble-makers used to be the South- tional Committee. ern ultra-conservatives. These old boys went to every convention * * * happily doing their best to shoot ITEM: Three ultra-] down with their squirrel rifles any highly decent Deno Democratic nominee who could Franklin D. Rooseve conceivably carry all of the United Senator Herbert H. L States. This breed has largely gone Air Force Secretary now. Finletter, have solemnl * * * oust Tammany boss C pts Democrats AM S. WHITE mes exclude unexcited Nought to be humdrum cords. possible in- ast possible w primly at cratic party to the pros, r your lives, ;t. ult of ADA's o a job on probably the -1960 Dent possibilities. nd gratified ublican Na- iberals and crats, Mrs. elt, former ehman and Thomas K. y set out to Carmine De is no secret, except possibly to ADA ultra-liberals, that Stevenson is essentially a civilized conservative. ITEM : The ADA is sniping tire- lessly at the Senate Democratic leader, Lyndon B. Johnson. John- . son's principal disability is that he neglected to inform his parents that he must not be born in Texas.. The ultra-liberals, understandably from their viewpoint, would not want to see him President. ' Nevertheless, who would have supposed that they would prefer Johnson in a pinch, at any rate, to Vice-President Richard M. Nix- on, against whom ADA has been quivering with outrage (some of it wholly justified) for years? And it is a secret only to ADA that Johnson might conceivably be nominated by the regular Demo- crats in a hung-up convention. Against such a possibility it really would not seem wise to try totally to destroy in advance his combat potential against the quite pos- sible GOP nominee, Mr. Nixon. ITEM: Senator Hubert Humph- rey of Minnesota, one of the few members of ADA who knows the score, is running for President under manifest difficulties. The greatest of these is his loyal, but not very wise, continued associa- tion with ADA. Therefore, it would appear sensible for ADA not to embrace him too publicly and too often. But, naturally, ADA's affection for Humphrey is not being re-, strained. All the same, you canI kiss a manto death in politics al- most as easily as you can kick him to death. NOW, Democratic difficulties come from the ultra-liberals. These mainly are allies of a small, grimly articulate, high-minded, self-righteous and profoundly in- ept group called Americans for Democratic Action. Most ADA people are knee-jerk liberals; they react automatically to certain slo- gans. To ADA, only ADA is competent to decide who is adequately "lib- eral." The definition, moreover, is reached by incantations which the working Democratic politicians, who are merely professionals, have difficulty in following. Thus, ADA Sapio. He is the only surviving New York Democratic leader of obvious competence. Naturally, he must go; he has been found not to be liberal enough. It is widely known that Mrs. Roosevelt and Finletter, at least, have been strongly attached to Adlai E. Stevenson. Few things could be more harmful to Steven- son's chances for a third Demo- cratic Presidential nomination than to be associated, willy-nilly, with this absurd attempted purge of the regular New York Demo- cratic organization. There is a side jest here, too. It fessor appears, one scarcely ex- pects him to be able to write. * * * ' THE LATE Carl 'Becker (1873- 1945), Professor of History at Cornell, could write and write ex- tremnly well. News though it may be, he wrote many pieces more in- teresting than those foisted on freshmen in anthologies designed to show that all composition is based on propositions clear, single, and unprejudiced. Carl Becker wrote a great deal, including a wonderful book "The Declaration of Independence" and another, equally good, "The Heavenly City of the Eighteenth Century Philo- gophers." "Freedom and Responsibility in the American Way of Life" he de- livered as the Michigan Law School's Cook lectures in 1944, four months before his death. He left behind the fugitive essays that make "Detachment and the Writ- ing of History" his own fest- schrift, thereby sparing his mem- ory one of those dreadful academ- ic tributes. * * * NO DOUBT Becker himself would have collected and pub- lished these essays had he lived. But he would never have so en- titled them. Phil L. Snyder, a pro- fessor at Fullerton Junior College, California, edited the collection. One assumes Snyder chose "De- tachment and the Writing of His- tory" as the title essay because it is safer in these days than "The Dilemma of Liberals in Our Time." In one essay, Becker says: "Nor could I doubt that the New Professor was not only known but justified of his works. He every- where brought with him new life and a sense of lifted horizons, so that the task of disciplining the minds of students, of fitting them at once for social service and a well-paid job, seemed the least part of the professor's duties.... The New Professor taught us that the campus must be co-extensive with the commonwealth. Brought into contact with all the people, conferring upon them those ma- terial benefits which could be ex- actly measured, and once felt could not be forgot, the univer- sity would win their undivided al- legiance, and would at last be- come, what its founders intended it to be, the palladium of all our liberties." One wonders if the pro- fessor-editor did not wince over that passage and take sweet schol- arly revenge on the dead by being perverse In choosing the book's title. For these essays, particularly the four in the section On Edu- cation, crackle with enthusiasm and tingle with a passionate con- cern with the spirit of man. The book will interest students any- where but not teachers: "Learning I think excellent. I have always been (I hope) a learner, and I hope I always shall be. But I have never desired to teach anyone anything, and I dislike extremely to be called a teacher. I have an aversion to teaching and teach- ers." ... "THERE ARE a thousand things that may and should be taught, and the teaching of such things is a useful art . . .Of mathematics, physics, chemistry and the biological sciences there is a great deal that may be baught. Of history, literature, phi- losophy, economics, and the like, there is much less, but still some- thing . . . But the purpose of studying most subjects in univer- sities is not to master a technique, but to liberalize the mind - to become possessed of insight and judgment and understanding, to acquire that wisdom which is the fine. flower of learning. These qualities of the mind cannot be acquired through teaching they can be acquired only by learning." Wisdom, the fine flower of learning: an apt description of this book, throughout concerned with "the three essentials - to have an irrepressible desire to OUTDATED? Cilssics Shelvedt By The Associated Press HILADELPHIA-Is the pace of American life too fast for liter- ary classics of other times? Has "Treasure Island" lost its hold on youth? Do kids of the jet and space age consider "Silas Mar- ner" corny, "Ivanhoe" too lacking in real thrills? These and similar questions stir- red up something of a tempest recently upon reports that the Philadelphia Board of Education was about to give the heave-ho to certain works of Robert Louis Stevenson, George Eliot, Lord Ten. nyson, Stephen Crane and others. It all came about through a mis- understanding, school authorities explained. True, the changing times in which we live call for a constant reassessment of values. Rapid and dramatic developments in science and world affairs have made it necessary to add many new titles to the lists of approved textbooks. But, says Superintendent Allen H. Wetter, "the dropping of a title does not mean discontinuance of a book. Book remain In the school and are used with care until they are worn out. By that time, in the case of a classic, the title will probably reappear on the official list to permit replacement." Parents, fearing their school age children might be denied the pleasures of studying standbys of literature, were reassured. Both Wetter and Helen C. Bailey, his associate in charge of curricula, pointed out that books dropped from the approved textbook list still stay in school libraries and on collateral reading lists. As for pupils' tastes in reading, educators said, therehis no sure way of determining why such anj. such a writer was popular yester- day and out of favor today. Cur- rent events have sonething to do with it, but much more than that lies behind the shifting interests and the inexplicable paradoxes of the literary preferences of young and old alike. DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN The Daily OfficialBulletin is.an official publication of The Univer- sity-of Michigan for which The Michigan Daily assumes no edi- torial responsibility. Notices should be sent in TYPEWRITTEN form to Room 3519 Administration Build- ing, before 2 p.m. the day preceding publication. Notices for Sunday Daily due at 2:00 p.m. Friday. THURSDAY, MARCH 19, 1959 VOL. LXIX, NO. 121 General Notices People having Mon., Wed., and Fri. afternoons available, and who have not lost more than two or three of their, natural teeth, are needed for special gold and amalgam fillings at the School of Dentistry. Inquire at the in- formation window in person during the hours of 1:30 to 3:00 p.m. during March and April. Junior College - U-M Conference, Fri., March 20, 9:15 am., Registration, 3rd floor, Mich. Union; 10:00-12:00, Dis.. cussian sessions; 12:10 p.m., Luncheon. Mich. Union Ballroom. Speaker: Jesse P. Bogue, visiting professor of higher education and junior college consult- ant; 2:00-3:30, Departmental confer- ences. "The Resurrection Today," Rev. Rich- ard Cruius. Office of Religious Affairs Coffee-discussion for all students. 4:15 p.m., Fri., March 20, Lane Hall Library. International Center Tea: 4:30 to 6:00 p.m., Thurs., March 19. International Center. Women students who have not com- pleted the physical education require- ment will register for the spring sea- son Wed., March 18. 6:00 to 9:30 p.m. and Thurs., March 19, 8:00 to 12:00 a.m. main floor, Barbour Gymnasium. Elec- tive students register March 23 through 25, 8:00 a.m. to 11:45 a.m. -i 1: '3' t I , LETTERS TO THE EDITOR: Women's Housing Female Virtue INTERPRETING THE NEWS: Nasser Discovers the Strings , U By J. M. ROBERTS Associated Press News Analyst PRESIDENT NASSER of the United Arab Republic is learning the true value of Kremlin protestations that its economic aid for underdeveloped countries is given without poli- tical strings. Nasser found the strings .invisible until he started disagreeing with something the Soviet Union wants. Now he has joined John Foster Dulles and Marshal Tito on the Communist list of public enemies. For many years, ever since Britain and France replaced Turkish rule of the Middle' East with a group of states lacking the power to stand alone, Egypt, Saudi Arabia and Iraq have been in competition for Arab leadership. Primarily it was a personal competition among the kings. Cairo had the widely powerful Moslem Uni- versity, Arabia had Mecca, the spiritual cen-, ter of Islam, and Iraq had Baghdad, the once great historical capital. Arabia and Iraq had the oil. Nasser, attempting to organize a great pan- Arab movement to put himself and Egypt on top ,has never been able to get at the .oil, only real source of Arab wealth. When a nationalist revolt occurred in Bagh- dad last year, much akin to the one he staged against King Farouk in Egypt, Nasser thought he was in . He had received much help and was prom- Ised more by international communism, be- cause he represented a thorn in the side of the western powers. But any place that is full of trouble and material wealth, especially any nearby place, is of great interest to the Kremlin, also. LET'S NOT get any ideas about expanding the United Arab Republic in this direction, Khrushchev says to Nasser. The Egyptian dictator lacks the power to accomplish his aims, but can't give up pub- licly. Now, if the usual pattern is followed, he is about to be strangled by the strings of econ- omic aid. Having been emboldened to break with the West, he is scuttled by the East. The West, following its usual practice of loving anyone who opposes Communism, will now take Nasser back to its bosom for the sake of expediency. Two reversals of policy can be expected. The To the Editor: EUREKe finally discovered a solution to the problem of apart- ment permission for women. Everyone will agree that the main purpose of keeping women in dormitories is to preserve their virtue. Therefore, once a woman can prove that she is not virtuous or has not been virtuous in the past, safeguards are no longer necessary. I respectfully suggest that if a woman can conclusively prove her lack of virtue, either through medical testimony or through signed references, she should be permitted to live in unsupervised housing. As a matter of fact, they should get her out of the dorm because she's a bad influence. -Name and Phone Number Withheld by Request Censorship? . . . To the Editor: IT WAS recently brought to my -attention that a friend of mine who had been broadcasting a radio show over WCBN has lost his posi- tion due to the fact that he played "Rock-'n-Roll" music over the air after 7 p.m. This letter is not a champion of the cause of "Rock he must listen to throughout the evening hours. Does the campus radio station feel that it is so exclusive on the air that a listener who does not wish to hear what they are playing at a specific time cannot tune to one of the numerous other stations in the area? The very presence of other stations removes all necessity for providing exclusively one type of music. Beyond this point, there may quite possibly be a recogniz- able listening group that would enjoy a variance from the slow to the fast. The basic idea behind this rule has the best intention and student interests at heart; however, its zeal in this matter has seriously damaged both the station's appeal to all various groups, and also its potential as a learning center for students interested in all facets of both music and radio. -John Logie, '61 Weather .. To the Editor: YESTERDAY The Daily had an article on some work by a col- league and myself concerning the reduction of the evaporation of water by thin films of alcohols. This technique, which has been sugggested by others as a method of weather control, was not dis- Tax.. To the Editor: IN RESPONSE to state represen- tatives F. J. Marshall (R-Cal- houn) and R. H. Brigham (R- Coldwater). It would be helpful if you would give the reference when you "refer. specifically to the progressive in- come tax which Karl Marx advo- cated for destroying America." To say "-the thing [economic free enterprise] which has made this the greatest and most envied nation in the world." is not only simultaneously chauvinistic and grammatically incorrect, but also something of an oversimplification. In the tenth grade my hittory teacher mentions that the natural resources and insular position of the United States had contributed to its economic growth, but I sup- pose she has since been investi- gated and fired. It must have occurred to you that the smaller the income the greater the per cent of it spent on necessities and that a sales tax therefore ordinarily takes a greater per cent of a small income than of a large income. This is what is known as a regressive tax. Since you do not take issue with the factual content of Professor Taylor's remark, that "The progressive income tax is ., I . I I i