AMA Publishes Guide
To SetDriver Fitness
A new guide to assist physicians
in determining the fitness of mo-
torists to drive was published re-
cently by the American Medical
The guide was prepared by the
committee on medical aspects of
automobile injuries and oeaths,
following a two-year study.
One of the chief members of
the committee was Prof. Seward
E. Miller of the industrial health
and hygiene department.
The guide's purpose is to call
attention to the areas in, which
the medical profession may bd of
help in combating the serious
health problem caused by the
large number of automobile acci-
dents, the committee said.
Notes "Human Failure"
Pointing out that about 37,000
people were killed and five million
seriously injured in automobile
accidents in 1958, the report noted
"human failure overshadows all
other factors 'in the production of
highway accidents. The human
mechanism must be in good con-
dition to cope with the split sec-
ond timing needed to maneuver
high speed motor vehicles."
It added, "The key to ultimate
success in automobile accident
prevention lies in the driver -
his intelligence, his sense of per-
sonal and social responsibility, his
reactions to various stimuli in
normal conditions and under
stress and his driving ability in
good health and in illness."
Provide Questions
In general, the guide stated, an
individual should be assessed radi-
cally to determine the answers to
the following questions:
1 Has the patient any physical
and mental ability to manipulate
the controls?
2) Is the patient likely to suffer
excessive fatigue that will impair
his driving ability?
3) Does the patient have the
required vision and hearing for
safe driving?
4) Has the patient any physical
or mental disorder likely to cause
confusion or a sudden loss of con-
sciousness while driving?
5) Is the patient likely to suffer
a temporary impairment of men-
tal, physical or functional capa-
city due to alcohlo, drugs, infec-
tions or medical treatment? and
6) Does the patient have good
emotional control or has he signs
of antisocial behavior or an emo-
tional disturbance making it un-
safe for him to drive?
Physician Qualified to Judge
The committee reported that
the physician is qualified by train-
ing to ascertain the physical,
mental, emotional or physiologi-
cal impairments of an individual.
He is in a good position to evalu-
ate these impairments in relation
to safe driving ability.
Often, it may be necessary for
a physician, recognizing his re-
sponsibility for the safety of his
patient and the public, to caution
the patient against driving for a
certain period of time or even
"It is probable that the next
decade will see a greatly increased
emphasis upon more stringent
physical standards for licensing.
It is believed that more and more
patients will turn to their physi-
cians for advice and assistance in
this regard," the committee pre-
Want Action
A sizable minority of scientists
and engineers in large business
firms favor collective action to im-
prove their salary and social
University interviews in 10 major
firms point out that one in five
of these professional employees
regard some form of collective
action as necessary.
However, half those interviewed
(50 per cent) were strongly op-
posed to any form of collective
bargaining for scientists and engi-
neers and another large group (29
per cent) were mildly opposed to
this idea. Three per cent had no
Prof. John W. Riegel, director of
the Bureau of Industrial Rela-
tions, disclosed the preliminary
findings early today. The Bureau
will publish a complete analysis of
interviews with more than 250
scientists and engineers on the
question in June. The title of the
publication will be "Unorganized
Engineers' and Scientists' Opinions
of Collective Bargaining for Pro-
fessionals Like Themselves."
Other findings of the interview-
ing were:
1) There are no significant dif-
ferences between scientists and
engineers in attitudes toward col-
lective bargaining.
2) There is no significant rela-
tionship between ratings of an in-
dividual's performance and his at-
titude toward collective bargain-
3) There is quite a high rela-
tionship between how an indivi-
dual feels about his salary and
how he views collective bargain-
4) There are wide differences in
attitudes toward collective bar-
gaining among scientists and en-
gineers working for different firms,
based largely on satisfaction with
salary and treatment by manage-
Police Arrest
Drunk Student
An injured, intoxicated 29-
year-old University medical stu-
dent was apprehended last night
after a brief tussle with two po-
lice officers near State and Mon-
roe streets.
He was walking home, police
records say, when he fell on the
sidewalk and cut his moth. The
right side of his face was swollen
and his clothes were torn.
Officers said in a report that
they fought with him and finally
got him strapped to a stretcher-
with the aid of two ambulance at-
tendants. The student fought and
swore all the way to University
Hospital, they added.
The hospital said last night he
is still under observation, though
in "apparently good condition.''
When released from the hospi-
tal, the police report said, he will
be charged with drunk and dis-
orderly conduct.
Many Qualified Students
Face Financial Trouble
Creal Affirms Interest in 'U'
(EDITOR'S NOTE: This is the
fourth in a series that will exploret
the extent and character of reten-I
tion, transfer and withdrawal of stu-
dents from colleges and universities.S
It is based on a report released by
the Office of Education of the United
State Department of Health, Educa-
tion and Welfare.)1
"In college, as in the market1
place, the ability of the consumerf
to pay for the product is very im-e
The report stated that, while
not first in importance, the finan-
cial difficulties which many high
quality students face in entering;
college must be reckoned with. 1
"Much attention has been given1
and more must be given to the
problems of superior students who
are at an economic disadvantage
in financing the cost of attending
high-quality colleges," it said. A
"lack of financial resources is a
major cause of transfer or of
dropping out of college altogeth-
Main Funds Sources
In a study of the three main
sources of funds for college study,
-family contribution, self-sup-
port and scholarships-the report'
discovered that publicly controlled
institutions of higher education
enrolled students whose family:
incomes were below the income
level of the families of enrollees in
privately controlled institutions.
The average family income for'
students enrolled in publicly con-
trolled schools in 1953 was $5,243,;
in privately controlled, $6,570. The
difference of $1,327 represents
more than the average total cost
in 1952-53 of attending the aver-
age publicly controlled institu-
. Earn Expense Money
The report also discovered that
students who attended publicly
controlled institutions not only
came from lower income families,
but devoted more time to self-
support and earned a greater per-
centage of their expenses than did
students in privately controlled
Students in public institutions
who worked earned a median of
45 per cent of their expenses,
compared with the median of 27
per cent of expenses for private
school students who worked.
Scholarship aid helped defray
expenses for about 25 per cent of
the students reporting, the Office
said. However, the report said, it
was not possible to examine in de-
Christian Science Org., regular testi-
mony meeting, March 19, 7:30 p.m.,
League: See bulletin board in main
lobby for rm. no.
Deutscher Verein, meeting, film: "Die
Hochzeit des Figaros" (English sub-
titles) with Erna Berger, Tan, Lem-
nitz; Angelika Hauff, Willi Domgraff-
asbender, March 19, 7:30 p.m., Union,
3RS. Refreshments.
* * *
Muslim Students Assoc., March 19,
7:30 p.m., Union, Conf. Rm., Speaker:
Prof.>Magdisi, "Interpreting East to the
Riding Club, organizational meeting,
March 19, 5:10 p.m., WAB.
* IV s
Soc. for the Advancement of Manage-
ment, March 20, 7:30-8:30 p.m., Aud.
C, AH. Panel discussion: "Can Mich.
Financial Difficulties Be Solved?" with
Lewis G. Christman, Senator, Prof.
H. E. Brazer, and Darwin Doicoff.
* * *
women's Golf \ Club, club practice
in golf cages, March 19, 7:15 p.m., WAB.
tail the relation between financial
need and the extent of scholar-
ship aid.
Receive Scholarships
Gross comparisons show that
large numbers of students from
homes with high family incomes
receive scholarship aid nonethe-
less. To determine a true relation-
ship, though, will require a furth-
er study, which the Office has
been carrying on since 1957, in
cooperation with a number of
schools and colleges.
The report of this cooperative
study will include certain com-.
parisons with the findings of the
retention and withdrawal study,
with respect to financial factors
involved in attending college.
Catch Coeds
Two University coeds were
caught shoplifting about 4 p.m.
Saturday, according to police
Tuesday one of them paid fine
and costs of $50 at Municipal
Court for larceny under $100.
A clerk apprehended them in
a local women's clothing store.
Taken to the police station, they
showed they had Bermuda shorts,
athletic socks, dresses, belts, vita-
min pills and other merchandise.
They admitted stealing it from
various stores.
Cecil 0. Creal, Republican can-
didate for mayor of Ann Arbor,
Monday night affirmed his loyal-
ty to the University and his in-
terest in it.
Tuesday night his Democratic
opponent, Lloyd M. Ives, ques-
tioned it.
Creal, said that on Jan. .28, "I
publicly appealed to our present
mayor to work with our state
legislators and seek an early solu-
tion to the financial crisis and
help prevent payless paydays in
Ann Arbor."
On Feb. 3, he declared, he called
for "a unified effort" supporting
a "Chamber of Commerce resolu-
tion for distribution of funds on
a pro-rata basis to all state agen-
cies including the University."
On March 9, he added, he
"pleaded directly with our state
officials and legislators to forget
partisan politics" and solve the
financial crisis.
He declared he would co
his efforts to "see that the
ernor and legislators not
solve the immediate crisis bu
vide an ample budget whic
enable the University to o
in a proper manner."
Creal blamed the fin
crisis on "the Democratic
Administrative Board,
showed their willingness t
criminate against the Uni
and higher education in the
portionment of available f
For further evidence of h7
alty to Ann Arbor, Creal p
to his "thirty years of civ
community leadership."
Ives, speaking at the An
bor Public Library, chal
Creal's interest in the Uni
. .
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only Ives tied his challenge to criti-
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perate Rep. James F. Warner (R-Ypsi-
lanti) for their part in moves that
nancial excluded the proposed Institute
State, from the University's current
which budget.
o dis- If Creal's interest in the Uni-
versity versity and the Institute were
eir ap- sincere, Ives said, he should have
unds." used his influence as Washtenaw
is boy- County Republican chairman "to
ointed ) e r s u a d e his associates, Sen.
ic and Christman and Rep. Warner, to
arovide funds for the Institute
nn Ar- md the budget appropriated for
llenged lhe University.
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