'! 18, 1959 THE 1~ZICHIGAN DAILY 1DAIL OFFICIAL BULLETIN ~ For Direct Classified Ad Service, Phone NO 2-4786 LContinued fromn Page 4) English Journal Club: John Wain, British poet, novelist, and critic. "Con- temporar~ Critci:0 A. British View, Conf. Em., Rackham Bldg. . Department of English, John Wain, reading with commentary. Thurs, March 19, 4:15 p.m. Arch. Aud. American Chemical Society and Uni- versity Lecture: Prof. F. Basolo of Northwestern Univ. "Mechanisms of Substitution Reactions of Me'tal Com- plexes," Thurs., March 19, 8:00 p.m., in Em. 13200 Chem. Bldg. . Concerts Guest Violoncellist: Mae Henrietta 1[uckle, English violoncellist, Wed., March 18, 4:15 p.m., Aud. A, Angell Hall, Guest Organist: James Dalton, or- ganist from Oxford Univ., England. {. Hill Aud., Wed., March 25, at 8:30 p.m. His program will include compositions by Purcell, Bruhns, De Grigny, Dono- van, Hoffman and Bach, and will be Sopen to the general public. Facu'lty Lecture-Recital: John Flower, pianist. Second of a series of six 1cc- ture-recitals on Bach's "Well-Tempered - Aud." Thurs., March 19, 4:15 p.m. in Doctoral Recital: Harry Dunscombe, cellist. In partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Musical Arts. Thurs., March 19, 8:30 p.m., Trueblood Aud. Acconmpanied by Sherman Van Solkema, pianist. Research - Club Meet. We. MVarch 18, 8:00 p.m.. Rackham Amph0itheatre. csion-Making Under Risk,"by C. H. Coombs (Psychology), and "The Hand .of God and the Death of President Har- rison"b H. H. Peckham (History and, Cement Lirary). Political Science Roundtable: Thur, March 19, 8:00 p.m., Rackham Assem- bly Hall. Prof. Eric Stein. "The Emerg- ing European Parliament." Interdepartmental Seminar on Ap- pled Meteorology. Thurs., March 19, s3 p.m., 5500 E. Engrg. Bldg. James B. Hay- rington, "Acoustical Probing of the Upper Atmosphere." Aeronautical and Astronautical Engi- AeeingDeprtment Seminar Thurs., Bldg. fProi. I. J. H. Bollard of Purdue * Univ. will speak on "Thermal Stresses in a Curved Plate." Analysis Seminar: Prof. Douglas Dick- aon, "Hartogs Theorem for Functions of Two Complex Variables." Em. 3201 Angell Hall, Thurs., March 19, 3:00 p.m. Dept. of Chemistry Organic Seminar: Prof. E. E. Van Tamelen, Univ. of Wis- consin. The Total Synthesis of Yohim- bine, Wedi., Mac 8, 4:10 p.m., Em. 130Cemistry Bldg. Applied Mathematics Seminar: Dr. Phillip Clemmow, visiting prof. in the ton ofeak'a onization'Unde thie In- fluence of Electro-static and Magneto- static Fields;'t Thurs., March 19, 4':00 p.m., Rm. 246 W. Engrg. Bldg. Sociology Colloquium: "Friends, Pa- miliars, and. Strangers as They Con- verse at Parties." Mr. Robert J. Potter, Flint College, March 18, 4:15 p.m. EB. Lecture Em., Rackham Bldg.+ Placement Notices Summer Placement: Thurs., March 19: Camp Arbutus, Traverse City, Mich. Girls for Waterfront Head (over 21 and experienged), Riding (Experienced, Eastern), and assorted counselors (over 20 yrs. old). The position of Camp Nurse is open. Camp Nahelu. Men and women for camp positions in coed camp iin Orton.- "tille, Mich. FrI., March 20: Camp Adventure, Ridgefield, Conn. Men and women counselors, talented in athletics, boxing, canoeing, Nature studly and/or dancing. Wed., March 25: Marketing Position, Consumer Power Co. Bus. Ad., Econ. majors for market- ing jobs in Mich. Interviews will be s held at 3528 Admin. Call Ext. 3371 for an appointment. The Summer Placement Service is ope Tues and Thurs. frm 1:0 to50 of the S.A.B. Ward D. Peterson, Director The following companies will inter- view at the College of Engineering Placement Office, 347 W. Engrg. Bldg., Wed., March 18: General Dynamics Coxp., Convair Dlv+, San Diego, Pomona, Fort Worth. B.S.: Aero., Ch.E., Civil, Elec., and Mech. M.S. and Ph.D.: Aero., Ch.E., Civil, Elec., Mech., Chemn., Math., anid Phys- ics. Must be U. S. citizeni. The Martin Co., Baltimore, Md., Den- ver, Ccl., Orlando, Fla. B.S.: Aero, Elec. M.S.: Aero., Elec., E.M., Instr., Mat'ls., Mech. and Nuc. Ph.D.: Aero, Blec., E.M., Instr., Mech. and Nuc. U.S. citi-' zen, Pass Co. Physical Exam. Abbott Lab., N. Chicago, Ill. B.S,: Ch.E, Civil, mnd. and Mech. M.S and Ph.D.: Ch.E. U.S. citizen or permanent Ceitynof Chicago Ill. B.S.: Civil. Male U.S. citizen. Cornell Aeronautical Lab., Ine., Buf- falo, N.Y. B.S.: Aero., Elec. E. Math., E. Plhysics, and Math. M.S. and Ph.D.: Aero., Elec., Instr., Mech., App. Physics, and App. M0ath. Also summer. U.S. citi- zen,. The Floor Corp., Ltd. L.A. and Whit tier, Calif. and Constr. job sites in U:S. B.S.: Ch.E., Civil, Elec. and Mech. M.S.: Ch.E., and .Civil. Ph.D.: Ch.E. Prefer U.S. citizen, and must ~be in top 10 per cent of class. General Tire and Rubber Co., Aerojet- General Corp., Auza, Calif. B.S.: Aero., Elec., Mech., Physics. M.S. and Ph.D.: Aero., Ch.E., Elec., Mech., Physics and Chem. U.S. citizen. North American Aviation, Inc., Atom- ics Internat'l Div., Canoga Park, Calif. B.S., M.S. and Ph.D.: Nuc., Met1 Ceramic, Elec., Mech., ChE., Gen'l. Engrg., Chem., Math and Physics. U.- citizen. Autonetics Div., Downey, Calif. B.S., M.S., Ph.D.: Elec., Mech., Aero., Phys- Columbus Div. B.S.: Aero., Civil1, Elec., tec., E.M., Mech.,Me. MPhys. andl Math. U.S. citizen. Los Angeles Div. B.S., M.S., Ph.D.: All Engrg. fields (except Ind. Engrg.) and Physics. Rocketdyne Div., Canoga Park, Calif. B.S., M.S., Ph.D.: Elec., Mech., Ch.E., Civil, Aeroj, Gen'1. Engrg., Phys. and Math. U.S. citizen. Pittsburgh Plate Glass Co., Pa., Md., Ill., Ind., and Ohio. B.S.: ChE., Elec., E.M., E. Phys., E. Mech., Chem. and Physics. M.S. and Ph.D.: Ch.E., Elec., E.. and ech ., Cem., Phys. Male Ryan Aeronautical Co., San Diego; M.. Aero. Civl Elec. Mech Physic and App. Math. U.S. citizen. Tlmken Roller Bearing Co., Canton, Ohio. B.S.: E.M. and+ Id. Male U.S. citizen.- U.S. Govt. Navy Bureau of Aeronaut- ics, Washington, D.C. B.S.: Aero., Civil, Elec., and Mech. Male U.S. citizen. Thurs., March 19: Corning Glass Works, Albion, Mich. Mech. Ph.f. Ch.E, Elec. Mle~n. a Ford Motor Co., All Co. Components. B.S., M.S., Ph.D.: Elec., Electronics, Ind., Mech., Met., Physics. U.S. citizen. Gener'al Tire and Rubber Co. The Martin Co. Thg Mead Corp.,. Chillicothe, Ohio. B.. anM.S.: Mech. and Ch.E. Male North American Aviation. Pittsburgh Plate Glass Co. Fri., March 20.: Northrop Corp., Norair, Nortronlcs, and Radioplane Diva. B.S., M.S. and Ph.D.: Aero., Civil. Elec., Mech., Physics and Math. U.S. citizen. Owens-Illinois, Toledo, Ohio. B.S. and fields within one yr. of completion. Pittsburgh Coke and Chem. Co. Pitts- burgh. Check with Placement Office. Std. Oil Co. (mnd.), Amoco Chem. Chi- cago, Ill. B.S. and M.S.: Chem. an d Ch.E. M.B.A.: with undergrad degree in Chern. or Ch.E. U.S. citizen. Surface Combustion Corp., Toledo, Ohio. Check with Placement Office. Thompson Ramo Woolbridge, Inc., Cleveland, Ohio. B.S.: Aero., Elec., E.M, B. Phys., Ind., Mech. and Met, Male U.S. citizen. U. S. Govt. Detroit Arsenal, Center Line, Mich. B.S.: Aero., Ch.E., Elec., E.M., E. Phys., Ind., Mat'Is., Mech. and Met. Male U.S. citizen. U.S. Govt. U.S. Army Ordnance Corps. B.S., M.S. and Ph.D.: Aero., Civil, Elec.; E. Math., E.M., E. Phys., Ind., Mech., Meteorology, Met. and E. Science. U.S. citizen. . The White Motor Co., Cleveland, Ohio. B.S.: Ind. and Mech. Male only. I from 1:00 to 3 P.M. Monday through Friday, and Saturday 9:30 'til 11:30 AM. I. p______________________________________ U I I I ALTERATiONS JOHN'S TA lLOR SHOP "The Clothin Stores Tailor" Alteration forn rad Womn Press in While You Wait-61 118 B. Wahngo NO 241 (above Conlin and Wterbee Clothing Store) Wi1 BARGAIN COR NER ARMY-NAVY type Oxfords - $7.25: socks 39c; shorts, 69c; military sup- plies. S 'sStore. 122 E. Washington. BUSINESS SERVICES HEADQUARTERS for Do-It-Your- self supplies. Paints, brushes, roll- ers, wrought iron and wood legs, Reds Aluminum, sheet iron, threded odsspray enamels, etc. MUE H LIG & LANPHEdA R 311 5. Main St. Phione NO 2-3277 J59 LADIES BARBER SHOP 1108% 5. University Only barber in town who is a trained and licensed Ladles' Hair Eddie's Paint Store White paint ,...1.$98 per gal Colors ............... $2.48 per gal. 117 B. Ann NO 8-6966 )J15 ON-DAY SERVICE and COMPLETE SERVICE at SA NFOR D'S Shoe Repairing -Ha Cleaning Shoe Shining 119 East Ann Street (opposite court house) NO 8-6966 J2 PAPERS EDITED and Typed. QuIck Service. Spelling, punctuation need correction? NO 8-6276. J30 FREE PICKUP and"DELIVEEY. Com- plete service on Phonographs and radios. Stereo conversions. Reasonable prIces. Duraco, NO 5-5111. )J32 IFCONVENIENCE isght your on Packard, just of f State Street. And we're open from 7:30 A.M. 'til 12.:00 Midnlte. Stop at Ralph's on your way to and from anywhere'. We have what you're looking for. R A LPH'S MA RKET 709 Packard NO 2-3175 J40 TYPING--NO 5-3511, evenings or ma- teriala accepted 12 noon at U -High office. Gladys Smith. J4 TYPING: Thesis, Term papers, reason- able rates. Prompt service. NO 6-7590. J42 R ITZ BEAUTY SALON Complete line of Beauty work 805 E. Williams Phone NO 8-7068 Shop forJ SEAFOOD SPECIALTIES IMPORTED FOOD ITEMS,. AND 0OIORMET SPECIALTIES WashingonFish Market 208 E. Washington NO 2-2589 18 BUSINESS PERSONAL GUITAR LESSONS: Guitars, qualified instructor, Call Maddy Music for details. NO 3-3395 508 E. Williams FF6 FOUR pretty formals size 12, $5-$20. Also cashmere and wool suit, $10, and other articles. NO 3-0148. FF3 MUSICAL MDSE., RADIOS, R EPA IRS BIG RECORD SCOOP AT '59 All LP's Monaural Stereo Shows, Hits, Plays, Classics, Pops Regularly $5.98 Now $4.98 Regularly $4.98 Now $3.98 Regularly $3.98 Now $2.98 SAVE, SAVE, SAVE Rent a brand new piano with option to buy. $10 per month plus cartage. All payments apply on purchase. G R IN NELL BROS. 323 South Main NO 2-5667 Xli RARE Violins & String Instrument repairs, Pianos (Baldwin, Ivers & Pond, Estey) and Organs (Baldwin, Estey, Thomas) New and Used. Terms- MADDY MUSIC 508 E. William NO 3-3223 PIANOS -ORGANS Best offer Keyboard Service WURLITZER * SOHMER * KIMBALL Dealer ANN ARBOR PIANO CO. 213 E. Washington, NO 3-3109 )X3 Complete line of HiFi components including Kits; complete Service on radio, phonographs and HiFi equip.- ments H I FlI STU DIO 1 o317 South CUniversity Phonea NO 87942Ter MAGNAVOX Big savings on STEREO and HI Fl Recod Play ers MUSIC CENTER 300 South Thayer X7 H EL P WA NTED DISHWASHER for 3 meals. NO 2-0994. Male and Female DANCING INSTRUC- TOES 18-35 years of age. Experience preferred but not necessary. Training classes beginning Sat., March 7th. Applications accepted in person at 1311 5. University. H14 IBUSINESS OPPORTUNITY GUY CAR1' is now accepting applica- Dys, aferns waeenn cles. For student beautician. For more in- formation write or call Ann Arbor Beauty College, 4567 Washtenaw Ypsilanti or NO 5-7500. ) CCi I REAL ESTATE FOR THE THRILL OF A LIFETIME, see the six room ranch home, featur- ing mahogany paneling in living room with floor to ceiling fireplace. Dining room with built in china cabinet. Three large bedrooms, full basement with spacious recreation area, marble window sills, aluminum windows and attached carport on 104 by 209 foot lot, just minutes from downtown Ann Arbor. Call office, NO 2-5883 or eve- nings, NO 5-5136, NO 3-3964, or NO 2-8149. GOR DON L. L INDLAND, REALTOR 14 A PRIVATE DRIVE lined with graceful weeping willows beside a spring-fed swimnming pond leads you to the front door of this new commodious Early American style home. The entry walls accommodate many books and bric-a- brac and. the really big living room has an adjoining conservatory stocked with growing plants and vines. A full size dining room will put back the fun in entertaining as will the big cozy paneled kitchen.- Approx. 2 se- cluded idyllic acres inside city. Best cash offer takes it. NO 3-0148. B11l MISCELLANEOUS PROFESSIONA~L STENOGRAPHER Theses, Essays, Reports, etc. Edited and Ty9ped at SPECIAL, RATE FOR STUDENTS. Joan Coball, NO 3-6942. MS GOOD MEALS: Frat. five minutes from Engineering Building. Reasonable. Any or all meals. Steward NO 3-2600. )Ml Roomn Phones 2805 E. Michigan HU 2-2204 )M3 CAR SERVICE, ACCESSORIES WHITE'S AUTO PAINT SHOP Bumping and Painting 2007 South State NO 2-3350 C-TED STANDARD SERVICE Friendly service is our business. Atla tires, batteries and accessor- ie.Warranted & guaranteed. See us for the best price on new & used tires. Road service-mechanic "You expect more from Standard and you get it!" 1220 5. Uniersity at Forest FOREIGN CAR SERVICE We service all makes and models of Foreign and Sport Cars. Lubrication $1.2S Nye Motor Sales 514 E. Washington Phone NO 3-4858 'S7 TRANSPORTATION RIDE WANTED to New York City. Call 8-6088 after 5 P.M. G15 AIRFLIGHT TO EUROPE-Nowhere can you get such low cost advantages. Make reservations now while there is time. UNION STUDENT OFFICE. GB RIDERS TO OMAHA, NEB. Leaving March 27th. Return Apr. 5th, Phone L aw Club Ext. E 31. 018 MURSKEGON EASTER SEIL JEFF FUNKHOUSER - 412 Green E.Q. 014 WANTED: Ride to Atlanta, Ga,-Spring vacation, Fri., Mar, 27, after 12:00 noon and back again the next wreek- end. Will share expenses. Call Judy Dahiem, '60D.H. 3-7541.Ext. 503 after 5:00. 07 WANTED: Spring recess rides to NYC and Montreal, Share cost. Bill, NO 3- 8318. 09 AIRPLIGHT TO EUROPE Nowhere can you get such, low cost advantages. Make reservations 'now while there is time., UNION STUDENT OFFICE 06 USED CARS ECOnomy From Any One Of These Fine Cars in Top Shape 1956 VW Sedan, in tip-top shape. A real economy beauty.' 1957 TR-3 Triumph Roadster. Wire wheels, luggage rack. Bright red and sharp. 1957 Corvette Big engine, Posltraction, four- seed transmission. An Ameri- 1958 TR-3 An almost new white roadster in sharp condition. A real 1958 Alfa-Romea Gett spitcoupecompany You can save *850 on this lienwcar. AUTO SALES 331 5. Fourth Ave. - NO 2-2541 N32 HILLMAN 1958 Four-door wagon heat- er. Like newi HU 2-7140. NIO ECONOMY CARS 1956 VW $1,195 1957 VW $1,395 1957 Volvo .$1,595 1958 Volvo $1,895 MICH IGAN EUROPEAN CA RS .313 5. Ashley NO 5-5800 NO 5-5861 N31 MICHiGAN DAILY CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES LINES I DAY 3 DAYS 6 DAYS 2 .80 2.00 2.96 3 .96 2.40 3,55 4 1.2 280 4.14 Figure 5 overage words to o tine. Classified deadline, 3 P.M. dail~y Phone NO 2-4786 PERSONA L ADVENTURE: Tired of thpe everyday grind? 2 grad students planning ex- mre. Live outdoors trae by motor- cycle. June thru Sept, Net cost ;bout $300. Call NO 3-7387. P98 ABOLISH S.G.C.! Write in MARVIN ELMOVITZ. F92 ONLY IN MICHIGAN . . . Are students who coffee kiatch in the library ticketed for overtime parking. P93 STUDENTS wishing to solicit for Unit- ed Jewish Appeal please phone NO 3-4129 - leave name and address. -F96 TIHE INDEPENDENT'S CHOICE VOTE --Ted Bomb for S.G.C. F95 ONLY FIVE MORE shopping days till Benner's Birthday. Kay Benner, that is. P94 ON OUR DOOR we had a plaque. Phi Sigma Sigmna wOuld like it back! PLEASE!. P97 Tihbowl or WA.B. Call 144 Mosher Reward. P100 'ARCH FORUM FOR $3.25 for 1 yr. Reg. $6.50 a yr. for one week only. Phone NO 2-3061, Student Periodical Agen- cy, 9- a.m. to 9 p.m. F99 BURR: Let's have a look at the official Michigan ring. Patt. 1209 South Uni- FOR RENT GARAGE for medium size car or boat, Back of Fletcher Hall. NO 2-0521. In- quire at 917 Mary St. C98 FOR% RENT: 2144 Packard. 4 large rooms, new, private entrance. Heat furnished Close .to shopping district Bus serv- ice. NO 3-5941. C95 NEAR CAMPUS. 5-room house fur- nshed t il end of semester. Suitable' Call NO 2-3600 or after six, NO 8-7891, C93 NO 5-6924. Modern furnished, two bed. room apt. near campus and hospital. C94 SINGLE ROOM for male near Union. Phone NO 8-6757. C9l ROOMS for ten graduate women for summer term. $30 monthly each, NO 2-5184, C90 ROOM for nurse or woman graduat. student. Private entrance, East side. Phone NO 3-5483. C88 NEWLY FURNISHED and remodeled apartment for four adults. a 'block from St. Joseph's Hospital. From now until Sept. 1. NO 2-0671. CB9 CAMPUS--Block front League Es Frieze Bldg. Single room for man - $8.50 weekly. Alsd' furnished apt. 3 rooms and bath for couple or 2 rnen-$100 monthly, all utilities. NO 2-4911. C- FOR RENT: Furnished 2 bedroom home on picturesque end of Geddes Avenue Reeeces Phone N O 8-6293 evenings YPSI. NEAR CAMPUS: 2 unfurnished heated apartments, prlvate baths. Two rooms--$55, four rooms-$80. Ga- rage available, stove and refrigerator optional. HU 2-0844 after 6 P.M. C83 STUDENT ROOMS for rent, M1 block from campus. Several rooms and suites t'o select from. Reasonable rates. Phone NO 8-7942. 1218 Wash- tenaw. )C29 CAMPUS AREA - 3 clean convenient rooms, private bath, unfurnished ex- cept-tov, basement privilegesN STUDY UNI(ISTURHED Large quiet rooms for men. Near campus. NO 3-4747.)C ROOM FOR WOMAN. Linens furnished. Use of fully-equipped kitchen and dining room; laundry facilities. Tele- phone NO 2-1394., E17 WANTED TO ,BUY WANTED-used. tape recorder. Must be reasonable and good conditon. NO 3-9697. K2' .versity. F47 PA RT RI DGE PA R T RI DGE - P89 QUINN 1-S.G.C.-1 F90 ' EASONWEIN P91 MEN, elect. BILL RANSOM Union Student Director P86 PORTRAITS SKETCHED-at Cousin's . store, 309 5. State Tuesdays only. ' )F43 Phone NO 2-4786 for Classified Advertising I CAR SERVICE, ACCESSORIESCAR SERVICE, ACCESSORIES American Auto Accessories A NN A RBOR 123 W. Huron St. BR IG HTON 126 W. Grand River Ope Sunda 9-12 CA R NEEDS DELCO CA R BATTER IES MUFFLERS FUEL PUMPS TAIL PIPES CARBUETORSEXHAUST PIPES GENEATORS iGN ITION PA RTS AUTO POLISHERS CLUTCH UNITS AUTO TOUCH-UP PA INT BRAKE SHOES SPORTING GOODS GUNS - A MMUN IT ION H UNTING & F ISH ING L ICENSES S56 FOR SALE BY OWNER 826 Tappan NO 3-2471 Read ~3,iiot1 ard - If Oranization t* I ft Notices Deutacher Verein, meeting, film: "Die Hochzeit des Figaros" (English sub- titles) with Erna Berger, Tiana Lem- nitz; Angelika Hauff, Willi Domgraff- asbender, March 19, 7:30 p.m., Union, 3E5. Refreshments. * * * Riding Club, spring organizational meeting, March 19, 5:10 p.m., WAB. Ulir Ski Club, meeting for Aspen planning, March 18, 7:30 p.m., Union, Emi. 3B. Univ. Christian Federation, all cam- pus mi-ee o shi srieMac and William. HAVE YOUR SWEATERS knitted espe- cially for you, designed to fit you ex- actly. Choose colors, style. NO 3-9260. FF1 Beautiful 'three-story home. Perfect for abnormally Former occupants, upon entering rest home, desire green bookbags included in purchase price. . ICOME TAX SERVICE INCOME TAX SERVICE -Notary Public .1.Thurber - Phone NO 2-3455 FOR SALE FOR SALE: Spencer microscope-Mon- ocular, xO and xlO eye pieces. quad- ruple nose piece with three objectives xlO, 44, and x95 (oil). Mechanical stage. Near perfect condition. Carry- ing case and substage lamp included. Price-reasonable. Contact Dr. Mitch- -eli, Simpson Memorial Inst., Ext. 587. 1 MALE AND 1 FEMALE Siamese cat. Stud Service. Call NO 2-9020. B23 HOUSE TRAILER. 1956 General Coach. dows, screens. Terms 5% interest, $3,000. NO 3-9575. B21 large family. to sell. Pour I SCI ENT ISTS . ... , . ENGIN E ERS Aerojet invites you to pinpoint your own targets, "ock on" your own future.. An the dynamic new fields of infra-red and rockel propulsion. * Mechanical Engineer. * Electronic Engineers * Chemical Engineer. * Electrical Engineers * Aeronautical Engineers + Civil Engineers * Chemists *Physicists * Mathematicians ~P#?4~~~d74D'#ZICORPORATWN' II