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March 18, 1959 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1959-03-18

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O position







(EDITOR'S NOTE: The following story is compiled from information
release4 by the several organizations cited.)
If the unfavorable Western and Austrian opinion toward holding
the seventh biennial World Youth Festival in Vienna continues. to
mount, indications are that the festival will be moved to Prague.
The international convention of students is scheduled for July
26 through Aug. 4 and is sponsored by the Communist-dominated
World Federation of Democratic Youth (WFDY) and the Interna-
tional Union of. Students (IUS).
With the exception of the first festival held in Prague in 1947 be-
fore the Polish coup, this is the first year the ,convention has been
planned outside the Iron Curtain. The festivals have been charged
with being extensions of Soviet foreign policy and propaganda.
Lost Non-Communist Membership
The WFDY and IUS have continually supported Soviet foreign
policy in all their actions, and since 1950 has lost all its previous
non-communist membership.

The holding of the festival in neutral Austria is being boycotted
by the "Junges Leben," an Austrian students group. They claim "the
plan to hold this festival in Austria is, in the opinion of all free
Austrian youth and student orgaszations, a violation of Austrian
neutrality . .. (which they) unanimously oppose."
The United States National Students Association (USNSA) has
declined to send American delegates to the festival because of its
alleged Communist sponsorship. USNSA is, however, encouraging
well-informed students who happen to be in Europe at festival time
to attend the convention if they so desire.
Hungarians Take Stand
Similar encouragement has been forthcoming from the Associa-
tion of Hungarian Students in North America which claims that the
festival is used "to demonstrate to the neutralist nations the superi-
ority of the Soviet system."
Two independent American organizations are distributing infor-
mation on the festival. The Independent Service for Information on,
the Vienna Youth Festival is organized to acquaint those students,

who want to attend the festival individually wih the background
and goals of the convention.
The American Youth Festival organization (AFYO), operating
out of Chicago, is designed to organize an American group of dele-
gates to the festival. Headed by Barbara Perry, who attended the
Moscow Festival in 1957, the political nature otkthe group is unknown.
The American branch of the Festival's Preparatory Committee
is located in New York with branches in Chicago and Detroit. This
group has been frequently accused by American student groups as a
Communist-front organization.
The United States government is not contesting the- holding of
the festival in Vienna; maintaining it a matter of local'concern to the
Austrian government ,according to Maurice S. Rice, a United States
State Department officer.
The Austrian government has taken the stand that both sides
of the political fence should be allowed to operate within the coun-
try if true neutrality is to remain.
Festival organizers planned the convention in Vienna apparently

to: 1) alleviate doubts about its Communist sponsorship by taki
the festival outside the Iron Curtain; 2) avoid the disruptive even
within Communist countries that can occur when the conference
held there and 3) be clpse to the Soviet orbit in case a change
location is necessary.
Although no definite change to Prague has been effected, the
are indications that the Soviets may have over-extended themsely
by attempting to run a successful festival in the West.
Quotas allotted to Western countries have been severely cut, a
only the best trained young Comniunists will attend the conventic
In addition, the length of the festival has been shortened from I
usual two weeks to 10 days, and pre-festival propaganda is n
plentiful as in the past.
General Program Outlined
The general Vienna program will include regional and int
national discussions on political and cultural subjects. sport ever
professional and trade meetings, musical events, scientific meetin
See WEST, Page2



Sixty-Eight Years of Editorial Freedom



See Page 4



Markley To Retain*
Upperclass House
Residence Hall Board of Governors
Also Acts on Frederick House Status
The Residence Hall Board of Governors voted yesterday to renew
upperclass housing in Mary Markley's Barbara Little House.
In other action the Board designated Frederick House as a per-
manently separate unit of South Quadrangle.
In acting on women's upperclass housing, the group accepted the
.fve-point joint housing recommendation of the Assembly Association
Housing Committee and the Office of the Dean of Women.
The recommendation asked for a continuation of Little House
as a housing unit for junior and senior women, but said another year
of evaluation was necessary before a final decision could be reached.
Ask Conversion of Barbour
Myra Freeman, '60, president of Little House and Jo Ann Vance,
'6OEd., the group's secretary, wrote to the Board to ask that Betsy
Barbour be converted to an upperclass house. Barbour voted earlier
^to become a residence for junior

Discuss New
r Lease Plans
Possible changes in the present
lease arrangement in married
students' housing units were con-
sidered at a recent meeting of.
Northwood Terrace Tenant Asso-
ciation members, Business Man-
ager of the Residence Halls Leon-
ard B. Schaadt, and Vice-President
in charge of Business and Finance
Wilbur K. Pierpont.
Explaining the conflict between
the administration and the stu-
dents, who advocate the substitu-
tion of a' shorter lease for the
present year-long contract, Robert
Grace, Grad., chairman of the
Association Steering Committee,
called the problem a "moral versus
financial" one.
"The administration has certain
mortgage obligations on the mar-
ried students' housing which can-
not be met unless the apartments
are occupied 12 months .a year,"
he said, adding that a reduction
of the lease period might cause a
s raise in rent to compensate for the
financial loss.
Senator Asks
Scrip Payment
LANSING (MP) - The Legislature
was asked yesterday to authorize
local school districts and state
universities to pay teachers in
scrip in the event of payless pay-
days in Michigan.'
"This is no kidding. I'm serious
y about it," said Sen. Haskell L.
Nichols (R-Jackson), author of a
concurrent resolution submitted in
the Senate.
Scrip is ,a certificate of indebted-
ness that in this case would be
issued by a governmental unit in
lieu of government currency.
He said he knew of no school
district immediately threatened
with exhaustion of funds to meet
"I brought in a resolution similar
to this 27 years ago and they
laughed at me," he continued. "It
wasn't long before there were bank
closings and property tax collec-
tions went to pot."
To Consider

and senior women.
The letter said the Assembly re-
port did not adequately represent
the girls' views. It stated there
was a great need for upperclass
housing and urged the conversion
of Barbour to accommodate this
need "as soon as possible."
Miss Freeman and Miss Vance
'later appeared before the Board,
with several members of the com-
mittee which drew up Assembly's
report to present their case per-
Report Gives Broader Opinion
Assistant Dean of Women Elsie
Fuller pointed out that the girls
from Little House were represent-
ing only themselves, while the
Assembly deport, having been ap-
proved by the Assembly Dormitory
Council, registered the opinion of
a much larger number of women.
\ With regard to the reopening of
Jordan Hall in the fall, the report
recommended that the Jordan
girls now living in Markley be
given first priority in returning to
Jordan. It was also recommended
that the residents of Mosher oc-
cupy what will later be Seeley
House in Mary Markley while
Mosher is closed for repairs.
The Board later established
Frederick House as a permanent
separate unit of South Quadrangle.
Jack Hale, senior director of men's
residence halls, said he felt Taylor
House would be far too large a
housing unit if it were to be joined
with Frederick House. Frederick
House was originally part of Tay-
The house will be open to re-
turning students and to new trans-
fer students. Hale expressed the
hope that the house would eventu-
ally become an upperclass resi-
dence, assuming there would be a
demand for it as such.
The Board also approved a mo-
tion that Tyler House and Pres-
cott House, both in East Quad-
rangle, should keep their present
composition. Tyler House is a resi-
dence for graduate men, and Pres-
cott is composed both of graduates
and transfers.

.East, West
By The Associated Press
The officialSoviet news agency
Tass charged last night that Pres-
ident Dwight D. Eisenhower's na-
tionwide speech on Berlin Tuesday
reflected United States determina-
tion to keep troops in West Berlin
Western Europe and Britain ap-
proved Pres. Eisenhower's declara-
tion of willingness to attend a
summit conference if adequate
preparation was made by a foreign
ministers meeting.
West Germany and West Berlin
applauded Pres. Eisenhower's as-
surance that the United States
will stand by its commitments.
Tass Comments
But Tass said Pres. Eisenhower's
main intent was "to convince
American public opinion of the
legality of the stay of American
troops in Western Berlin 14 years
after the end of the war."
"The whole spirit of the speech
conveys the United States govern-
ment's wish to prolong the occu-
pation of Berlin for an indefinite
time," Tass added.
In Bonn, West German Chan-
cellor Konrad Adenauer praised
Pres. Eisenhower's speech. He told
a meeting of his Christian Demo-
cratic party Pres. Eisenhower
"made it very clear how important
the United States regards the
situation in Berlin today."
Brandt Sees Reassurance
West Berlin Mayor Willy Brandt
said Pres. Eisenhower's words "re-
affirm our conviction that we can
truly count on our American
Red China's radio said Pres.
Eisenhower's address Monday in-
dicated the United States dared
not unleash an aggressive war.
Issue Larger
Special poetry features will be
included in the coming 10th an-
niversary issue of "Generation,"
campus inter-arts mag a ine,
which will go on sale tomorrow,
according to Ann Doniger, '60,
The magazine will be larger
than usual, Miss Doniger said, and
more copies will be available.
Translations from French and
Spanish poetry and guest contri-
butions by Prof. Donald Hall of
the English department will high-
light the magazine.
Generation will be on sale at
Angell and Mason Halls and the
Union, as well as at local book-
stores, both tomorrow and Friday.








State Senate
Studies Plan
For Loans
A proposal to establish an auth-
ority to provide loans for college
students is currently being studied
by the State Senate.
Th'e measure, proposed by Rep.
Willard I. Bowerman, Jr., (R-
Lansing), passed the House Fri-
day, 78-7, and is currently being
studied by the Senate Education
Bowerman's bill would set up
an authority, financed by gifts
from industry, foundations and
individuals, which would guaran-
tee loans to college students. The
student would obtian a loan from
the bank, and the authority
would guarantee repayment of up
to 80 per cent of the loan.
To Relieve Restriction
This guarantee would relieve
the present restriction. which
banks place on college student
loans of requiring both the stu-
dent and his parent to have life
insurance as a guaranteed repay-
ment. By relieving this insurance
restriction, loans would be made
more economical, Bowerman said.
Bowerman explained this loan
authority would make money
available to students who cannot
now afford a college education.
He said the high school student
without outstanding grades can-
not now win a scholarship and in
many cases is prevented from at-
tending college. This proposal
would make long-term loans
available at low cost.
Omits Details
The bill leaves many specific
details up to the proposed nine-
man authority which will be ap-
pointed by the governor. Bower-
man added, however, that the
authority would be able to exert
pressure on banks to "see the stu-
dents got a fair shake" in interest
Specific interest rates would be
decided by individual banks, but
would be "considerably below" six
per cent, he said. Dean of Men
Walter B. Rea said the common
rate for University loans current-
ly is three per cent.

Martens Elected President of IFC

22 00.
Reports One
Attribute Low Turnout
To Bitter Weather;
Polling Places Moved

-Daily-Allan winder
NEW OFFICERS -Fraternity Presidents' Assembly last night
selected new officers of Interfraternity Council. Standing (left to
right) are Glen Reavfs, administrative vice-president; James
Martens, president; and Paul Becker, executive vice-president.
In front are Reed Jenney, secretary; and Al Dickerson, treasurer.


Yale Groups
Voice Protest
Against Police
The faculty and the student-run
Yale News of Yale University "feel
ashamed of the student part in
Thursday's and Saturday's dis-.
turbances, but see no reason for
the brutality displayed by the New
Haven police," an editor of The
News told The Daily Monday,
For Thursday's incident, in
which a snowball fight turned
into a free-for-all with city po-
lice, the two freshmen dormitories
which faced on the scene of the
riot were put on social probation.
The student body was put on gen-
eral probation, threatening any
student with expulsion who pub-
licly misbehaves in the future.
Gives Reason for Arrests
"One policeman reported to the
New Haven Register that Yale
students were arrested Thursday
because they threw snowballs at
parading girls from neighboring
Albertus Magnus College. Officials
and students denied this claim,"
he said.
Twenty-five students were ar-
rested Thursday and 16 were ar-
rested Saturday, but the incident
on Saturday is held to be the ma-
jor of the two. At that time stu-
dents pelted city policemen who
marched at the end of the St. Pat-
rick's Day parade.
Say Police Hit Students
According to this editor, they
did it because the police pushed
them back into the crowd and hit
them with their billy clubs, injur-
ing several students and faculty
memberswho were trying to re-
store order.

FPA Grants
Colony Status
To TEP Club
Tau Epsilon Phi was unan
mously granted colony status la
night as the campus's eigh
"predominantly Jewish" frate

James Martens, '60BAd., was
elected president of Interfrater-
nity Council last night in a close
contest requiring two ballots by
the Fraternity Presidents' Asso-
After an unprecedented tie vote
on the first ballot, the assembly
chose Martens, of Delta Kappa
Epsilon, over Michael Sklar, '60,
of Zeta Beta Tau.
Also elected were Paul Becker,
'60E, of Lambda Chi Alpha, exec-
utive vice-president; Glen Reavis,
'60, of Delta Upsilon, administra-
tive vice-president; Al Dickerson,
'60E, of Phi Kappa Psi, secretary;
and Reed Jenney, '60E, of Beta
Theta Pi, secretary.
Discusses Structure
Arguing that the internal struc-
ture of IFC is "basically good,"
Martens noted a need for giving
the "lower structure" more re-
sponsibility and a "greater voice
in program planning."
Discussing the role of the IFC
president, he stressed a "need for
a thorough working relationship"
with the system's 42 undergradu-
ate. houses. The president must
assume "a role of leadership and
guidance in all activities," he
It is the "unvarying duty", of
the president to vote the majority
will of the system in Student
Government Council decisions,
Martens told the group.
Notes Problems
Sklar claimed the fraternity
system "must frankly admit it
has problems," noting the devel-
opment of a "general anti-
fraternity feeling."
"I'm not asking a r a d i c a l
change, but a start towards a
more realistic attitude," he said.
He called for a "structural
change" in IFC, particularly at the
executive level, which sometimes is
forced "to carry too much respon-
Sklar asked for more committees
made up of "outstanding men"
selected from the system and re-
sponsible for whole areas of con-
cern, such as scholarship.
"IFC is not merely a service
organization," he said. "Rather, it
exists to see the system puts its
best foot forward."


Th1e motion as passed reads
"that Tau Epsilon Phi be granted
colony status effective Sept., 1959,
final recognition as a fraternity
to be pending satisfactory com-
pletion of requirements as estab-
lished by the Executive Commit-
Among necessary requirements
are scholastic average above the
all-mens' average and membership
of at least thirty with 20 to 30
per cent taking part in extra cur-
ricular activities. Approved hous-
ing, adequate financial status,
arrangements for a national char-
ter, alumni advisor and alumni
corporation are also essentials.
Final recognition as a colony
and, later, as a fraternity is sub-
ject to approval by SGC.

Elections Director RichardErbe
'61, reported that yesterday's bal-
loting in the Student Governmen
Council elections totalled "around
Last semester the count for thi
first day's polling was 3,200.
Last night it was reported by i
member of SGC's Credentials
Committee that one of the candi
dates in the election had violated
the rule that campaign posters
must not be placed closer than 50
feet from the polls.
The committee member de-
clined to name the candidate in
The Credentials Committee i
planning to take the violation to
the Joint Judiciary Council in the
near future.
Aside from this reported viola
tion, Erbe said that "From al
indications the election has pro
ceeded without dishonesty."
Blames Bad Weather
Erbe attributed the poor turnou
yesterday to the "bad weathe,
pure and simple." He said tha
the bitter 16-degree cold and a
high wind which scattered ballot
around the polls cut down the
voting: and made "the Job for our
poll workers very difficult."
With better weather expected
for today's voting, Erbe said tha
the voting "will be pretty clos
to the usual second-day total o
between 2,500 and 3,000."
Erbe said that due to advers
weather conditions, several voting
boothes have been moved Insid
where they have greater protec
tion from the elements.
The station which formerly wa
on the Diag has been moved int
the lobby of Mason Hall.
Move Booth Inside
The polling place which was or
the Slab is now located in th
front lobby of Angell Hall.
Students intending to vote i
front of the business administra
tion school building will find th
voting booth moved inside th
One of the moves took plac
rather suddenly. Al Haber, '60
an SGC member not running i
this election found himself earl
this morning manning a votin
booth on the Diag.
After about 15 minutes in th
bitter cold, he suddenly diseovere
that his beard had frozen solid
and decided to move the boothin.
side rather than risk any furtbw
Focus of Talk
To Be India

Israel Able To Absorb Emigrants
The ability of Israel to absorb the emigration of Jews from
Eastern European countries was stressed last night in a lecture by
Gideon Saguy, a consul to the United States from Israel.
He said that the fears of the Arab states that any further emi-
gration of Jews into Israel would cause expansion desires were com-
pletely4 unfounded. Because of the fertile land that is being claimed
from the desert and the swamps, Saguy noted, there is no need for
rael to have more land on which the emigrants may support them-
.....:.. .= < "-.. «;r:... ...--- = I selves.

W rd News Roundu
By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON-Rep. Wayne L. Hays (D)-Ohio) said yesterday
he is so annoyed and disgusted that he is going to make public "what
some of these dictators get" in foreign aid from the United States.
Hays repeated his threat several times during an out-of-the-
ordinary row in the House Foreign Affairs Committee. The row was
set off by a committee decision to exclude the public and the press
from questioning of Under Secretary of State C. Douglas Dillon.
ATHENS-Thousands of Greeks gave a hero's homecoming yes-
terday to Col. George Grivas, who led the Greek underground on

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