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March 17, 1959 - Image 8

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1959-03-17

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Jational Arts Academy To Open at Interlochen

Undergraduate Library
Music Program Starts

'he "next logical step" after
music camp at Interlochen
1 be taken shortly. '
L National Arts Academy is set
open on Interlochen's 700-acre
thern- Michigan site in Sep-
iber, 1960. It will "combine the'
>ortunities of the camp and a
h school," Joseph E. Maddy,
np director and initiator of the
ject, said.
3eing "more than a sum in ad-
ion," as the school's prospectus
tes, its backers will try some
w concepts. (Even, though edu-
ors think they've tried. every-
ng, Maddy ' commented.)
Early Specialization Asked
Students will be asked to spe-
lize early since there is an age
it for acquiring the physical^
ls and muscular co-ordination
the performing musician.
'hey will also concentrate one
e particular problem for- many
irs a day, such as learning an
a or memorizing a composition.
kt the camp Maddy and his
ff have found that "gifted
ung musicians could'and would
icentrate for many hours a day,
o that the longer the periods,
concentration, the more rapid
progress." This emphasis will
carried over to regular studies.
Cites 'Disservice'
A Aic .rvie, to gifted. chil-

To quote the academy's pros-
pectus: "Recognition of excellence
nourishes ambition and thus en-
courages individual excellence."
Moreover, "enthronement of me-
diocrity" is prevented by estab-
lishing standards of criticism and
More than 50,000 dollars in
scholarships are hoped for in the
first year, and even more are ex-
ter vacation and a longer vaca-
tion during the summer. The cur-
pected later, the m u s i c i a n-
director indicated.
In line with the camp's policy,
scholarship students will be
housed in dormitories similar to;
the "co-ops" at the University.
Winterize Buildings
Most of the new, large buildings)
on the Interlochen site have al-
ready been winterized,. Maddy
added, and a new dormitory hous-
ing about 180, with 11 practice
rooms, is "in the works."
The staff has not yet been se-
lected, although Maddy reports
many applicants for positions.
These will wait, he said, until a)
man suited to head the staff is
What specific courses wilk be

INTERLOCHEN BOWL HOTEL-Standing in the cleared portion
of the wooded 700-acre Interlochen estate in northern Michigan,
this hotel will be completed this summer. Winterized, fire-resistant,
It contains 40 rooms and several practice areas. The hotel will be
one of the main buildings of the National Music Academy planned
to open at Interlochen in September, 1940.

A UIS SC 4U v..v
iren," the educator called the ar- minutes," he said,, "but if a stu-
>itrary periods normally set for dent is really interested in the
earning. work his interest carries over and
"For instance, in the third he's lost to what comes up next."
trade a 'period' ranges about 20 Students will be together seven
-Assembly Group Prepares
Hous ingProposal for Board
(Continued fromn Page 1)
nBetsy Barbour, the women voted
hl lto etrn 'Barbour


days a week, with a six-week win-
riculum will include "a well-
rounded academic program" sup-
plemented by highly specialized
training in music, art, drama and
dance, with emphasis on perform-
Grades nine through eleven
will be taught the first year, and
seventh, eighth and twelfth grades
will be added later.
Competition, "which is after all
the American way of life," Maddy
said, will be stressed, as it is at
the camp.
Sociology Study
Wins $100 Award
The sociology department has,
announced that Karen Russell has
won the Eita Krom Award of $100
for the best paper written in con-
nection with a course in sociology.
The paper was entitled "Scien-
tific Value Orientation and Reli-

year, is was possible to allow
women to change buildings by
petitioning the Housing Committee.
Of the 27 petitions, 20 were'
granted, six were withdrawn when
they were unable ;to get single.
rooms in stockwell Hall, and one
student left the University.
Women's upperclass housing has
been debated for four years. Bar-
bour was a junior-senior house
from 1956 to 1958 and Little has
served that capacity this year.
Due to the increased difficulty
for senior women to obtain apart-'
ment permissions, it is projected
by Assembly's committee that
there will be an increased desire
for upper-class housing in the
future.- However, it is felt that
this trend must be adequately ob-
served before increasing upper-
class housing residence hall facili-.

overwelmingy r u
to an upperclass house in the,
future. It is felt the desirable loca-
tion and facilities there are very
adequate to serve juniors and
The Assembly committee there-
fore will recommend to the Board
of Governors that after an addi-
tional year of study and evaluation
of upperclass housing as it is now
established in Little House, after
studying the administrative feasi-
bility of establishing an additional
upperclass house at Barbour, and
after observing the desired needs
and trends, that a more realistic;
recommendation canrbermade
than at the present time.
The Housing Committee, estab-
lished by Assembly Association
and working in conjunction with
the office of the Dean of Women,
will present their recommenda-
tions to the Board in the spring of

To Receive
Music Prizes,
The Italian Contemporary Mu-
sic Society has awarded a I~niver-
sity faculty member and a gradu-
ate student, both in the School of
Music, two of the 19 awards in its
international composition contest.
Ross Lee Finney, professor of,
composition and composer in resi-
dence, received an award in the
full-orchestra category, for "Vari-
ations for Orchestra," which he
composed in 1957.
In. the category of chamber
music, George Balch Wilson, Grad,
who is at present working in Rome,
Italy, on a Prix 'de Rome, received
an award for "Fantasia for Violin
and Piano," also written in 1957.
Forty-one countries submitted
compositions to the contest. Out
of 19 awards given, four went to
United States composers.
for S.G.C.

... plans school
taught and how they will bej
taught will be determined by this
"academic dean," who will decide
on the "proper combination of
arts and academics."
Director Maddy, whose interest,
in teaching gifted and talented,
students began when he conduct-
ed student orchestras, was recent-
ly given the AmAican Education,
Award for 1959.
He was cited for "devoting his
full time and energy to teaching
and inspiring his 'young friends'
to develop their talents and to
learn to express themselves in mu-
sic and art."
Six Receive
Law.A wards
At the Law School centennial
delebration, six students were pre-
sented the pictorial awards for
"outstandin gservice" to the Law-
yer's Club during the past year.
Receiving the award, a large
picture of the Law School, were
Harry Asch, '59L, Thomas Dieter-
ick, '59L, Harry Gaines, '59L, and
David Harfeld, '59L.
Also honored were Robert Reid,
'61L, and Roger Gambatese, '60L.

The Muse has come to the Un-
degraduate Library.-
In the form of the second floor
listening program, it arrived Sun-
day afternoon when the program
commenced with Handel's "Con-'
certo Grosso, No. 3."
Reaction to the plan, which
calls for soft classical music to
be played on the second floor of
the Library twice a week was gen-
erally favorable, Mrs. Roberta'C.
Keniston, director of the Library,
reported. Of 183 students who
handed in answers to questions on
"opinion slips," 146 favored the
plan and 37 opposed it..
Comment recorded at the be-
ginning of the program Sunday
was entirely favorable. J. W. Lin-
dau, IV, '60, said that he usually
studied on the third floor but had
come to the second especially to'
listen to the music. Classical mu-
sic, he said, would drive out all
of the "rock and roll" fans and
leave the floor quiet for studyin.
Welcomes Music
Gerald Lundy, '59, said he often
studied in the Audio Room and
so welcomed music on the floor
of the Library. Mrs. Keniston has
said that reaching such listeners
was a major aim of the program.
The idea of music on the sec-
ond floor was called "intellectual-
ly satisfying and emotionally
soothing" by David Bortman, '60.
Warren Solon, '60, also thought
the plan a good idea. He said that
he had come to the Library es-
pecially for the program.
Likes 1Irgram
Representing another group,
those who liked music but did not
m~ake special trips' to hear it,
Leonard Wiener, '62, said he liked
the program ,and would come to
the second floor if he was in the
Library when it was going on.
Judy Weinberger, '61, was curi-
ous about the idea, came to hear
it and decided it should be con-
.Edward Klevans, Grad., and
his fiancee, Debbie Rosen, '60,
both liked the idea. Miss Rosen
had been "brought" to the Library
but still was agreeable.
To Be Continued
If the response continues to be
as favorable, Mrs. Keniston com-

mented, the program would sure-
ly be continued. She added, how-
ever, that the Library wanted to '
see the results of a few more pro-
grams before making a definite
She said that opinion received
had probably been from people
with definite opinions. There were
many other people on the second
floor who had no strong feelings,
either way, she added.
Mrs. Keniston said some sug-
gestions had been received as to
the volume of the music, which
would be experimented with and
for mood music similar to that of
the Union. As to the latter, she
said the Undergrad's record col-
lection contents and purpose
weighed against it.
The next programN ill take
place 7-10 p,m.? Wednesday.

"for class, college & university"
- O oot-
r. 8

i IL.


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Less than four years after graduation...
He runs a team of 69 people.
serving 20,000 telephone customers



T ~~

s. vn ts.upn IA "q nnfj. in 1 960


4'A. $* VU~e ia.Ken SLLabi w ea6&ii jLvv._ ,"

H. D. "Doug" Jones graduated fiom Texas A & M. with
a B.B.A. degree in 1955. Today, Doug supervises six
plant foremen and 63 craftsmen for the Southwestern
Bell Telephone Company at Galveston, Texas. He is re-

sponsible for installation and maintenance activitieA- on
some 31,000 telephones serving 20,000 customers. It is
a big job and Doug finds it challenging and rewarding.
Here he is during one day's activities...


English: LIARS' CLUB
Thinklish translation: These !guys
know stories so tall they tell 'em with
skywriting! Their imaginations are so
wild they keep them in cages! The one
thing they don't lie about-as you
might have guessed-is the honest taste
of a Lucky Strike. (Fine tobacco is fine
with them!) In Thinklish, this bunch,
is a braggregation! And that's no lie.
MAKE *25
Start talking our language-we've got hun-
dreds of checks just itching to go! We're
' paying $25 each for the 'hinklish words
OMMMM judged best! Thinklish is easy: it's new words
fron two words-like those on this page. Send
yours to Lucky Strike, Box 67A, Mt. Vernon,
N. Y. Enclose your name, address, college
and class.
Get the genuine article


If I


"8 A.M. Today, before the men start
out on their job, I talk to the foremen
and their crews about the importance
of taking every opportunity to sell tele-
phone services and build good cus-
tomer relations."

"9:10 A.M. One of the best ways for
me to judge the results of our training'
programs is to ride along with the men
on service calls. Here, I chat with a
customer while a color telephone is in-
stalled in her home."

"10:30 A.M. Returning to the office,
I check customer trouble reports with
my Chief Test Deskman. Continuous
study of these reports helps us to pre-
vent serious problems from developing
and keep our customers satisfied."



'J f

I, .

C G A R E 7,

4MgR FR(3$W1SS..SEA7T V !


ti. .:

Get the honest tasteK

"1:15 P.M. After lunch, I meet with
the district department managers to ago
over floor plans for a central office now
under construction. The office is being
planned to serve a particularly fast-
growing area."

"3 P.M. At my desk I prepare produc-
tion reports on our installation and re-
pair activities. A foreman reports a
complex switchboard installation being
jcompletedl today. I decide to go over
and talk to the customer."'

"14:10 P.M. At the, Port of Galveston
offices, I discuss advantages of the new
P.B.X. with,one of the officers of the
Port. The Port requires complex tele-
phone services, which -must be main-
tained around the clock."


English: .I sHO~T~C


... .......

"Well, that is how the job went today ... tomorrow will be very different.
There is just no set routine on this assignment. I have to be ready for any-
,- - - . .. i i


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