THE MICHIGAN DAILY >essor Hopkins Comments on Art, DIFFERS FROM ENGLISH: 'French Deviation' Analyzed Here Find Seleucia . The group began digging there and discovered they were in Se- leucia. A German excavation, dig- ging across the river in Ctesiphon, he. explained, was trying to find Seleucia. cWhat had happened was that the river, in the great lapse of time, had changed its course and, now ran midway through Ctesi- phon, so the American group had the relics on their side. "They wanted to trade with us, but we wouldn't," Prof. Hopkins said. He explanied that the excava- tions,, while historically import- ant, were less successful from the Museum's point of view. "As Se- leucia grew, a new captial-Ctes- Praises Greeks Changing the subject, Prof. Hopkins said he thought the Greeks had a "good balance of the athletic and intellectualglife from which we can learn a great dea.l They were the first to ex- plore, to ask why? and how? They asked the basic questions in philo- sophy, and their thought served as a basis for its later de-velop- ment.". He. cited the 50 years between the end of the Persian War to the beginnng of the Peloponnesian War as the period of great Athen- ian development. "I tell my classes that Athens was the Ann Arbor of the ancient world," he laughed. Prof. Hopkins said Greek cul- ture was concentrated in Athens, in some ways. "It's an interesting question - how much does intel- lectual development depend upon the inheritance of economic pros- perity, democracy and freedom." Prof. Hopkins compared fifth century Athens to England in the Elizabethan age. "The Greeks won the Persian war, England fought the Spanish Armada. Both had colonies and control of the seas. This spirit of exploration, enthusiasm and energy was re- flected in the literature." Discusses Iliad Discussing the controversy over the authorship of the Iliad and the Odyssey, Prof. Hopkins said, "The fliad and the Odyssey tell a fairly well-defined story. They were accepted by the Greeks im- mediately. "Somebody put the main ele-; ments together and this person must have been a genius." Prof. Hopkins said he believes that one person was responsible for the core of the works, but as they travelled by word-of-mouth, add-j ing that they probably weren'tj written down until..about 600 B.C. "Suppose," he continued, "one person put six books together, out- lining the general story. Some- body adds two, someone else adds two more, and so on. But you have to suppose that someone of su- perior ability put the skeleton to- gether - well, I don't think it's Homer but another man of the same name. Looking to Syria Prof. Hopkins said he'd like to explore Syria, and Southern Asia Minor, to make a study of the ori- gins of the early Etruscans, and pin down the location more close- ly. "The question's still unan- swered, but the Near East's not a very good place to excavate now. Iraq's in turmoil. The Arab coun- tries are most difficult, but Tur- key and Greece are still avail- able," he remarked, adding that at present, he has no plans for any such undertaking. By DAVID BLOOMGARDEN "The closest analogue to the English Court ofCommon Pleas was the Parliament of Paris," Prof. John P. Dawson commented yesterday in the Law' School. His third Cooley lecture in a series of five was titled "The French Deviation." "But," he continued, "unlike the English Parliament, which was taking shape at the same time, it shifted away from legislation and general discussion of the state of the realm." The mission of the Parlement was more limited than that of the Common Pleas and King's Bench in England." He added that the Parlement of Paris was primarily an appellate court. Local Custom Source Local custom was the basic source of French private law, said Prof. Dawson. "In general the customs regulated land laws, property rights of married per- sons and inheritance . . . about the same coverage as that of the English common law in the 13th century." Basically, these "laws" mirrored the "thought and needs of the farming communities of the late middle ages." Hospital Group Entertainment Meeting Called Freshman girls interested in participating in a Union-League hospital entertainment project are invited to meet at 7:30 this even- ing in the Henderson Room at the League, Suzanne Moag, '61, announced yesterday. The committee needs 50 girls to serve as hostesses on the project. Campus talent will comprise the show, which will visit University Hospital, Veteran's Hospital, Mer- cywood Hospital and Children's Psychiatric Hospital this weekend, presenting two performances Fri- day evening, one Saturday after- noon, and one Sunday afternoon. Each hostess will be asked to attend one performance, involving one hour of time. Hostesses will serve coffee and cookies to hospi- tal patients following the show, and are guaranteed an interesting and lively response in conversing with the patients. Janet Hogberg, '62, Rosalind Kahn, '62, Sue DePree, '62N, Shar- on Van Daalen, '62N, and Helene Finberg, '62, are the Buro-cat representatives on the committee, Saguy Talks On Near East Gideon Saguy, an Israeli consul, will speak at 8:00 p.m. tonight at the Rackham Amphitheater. The topic of his speech, spon- sored by the International Stu- dents Association, will be "Israel and the Middle East." I I "The most prominent feature of the early Parlement of Paris was the enormousnumber of judges it soon acquired." Central Court Thin In the 14th century when there were 80 judges sitting in the Par- lement of Paris, only eight were in the English central courts, said the visiting professor. The Cooley lecturer said the most important reason for this contrast was 'the French rejec-! tion of the jury." "For the pur- pose of ascertaining disputed facts in litigation it (the jury) was displaced.. . by interrogation of individual witnesses under oath." "From an early stage the Parle- ment of Paris had participated actively, by formal recommenda- tions to crown officials, in choos- ing its own membership." But eventually "the crown con- ceded the right of Parlement to fill its own vacancies." Conse- quently judges who wished to re- sign would often recommend someone who wanted to pay for the position. Prof. Dawson explained that "the courts in France under the Old Regime were the center of op- position to authoritarian govern- ment. Thus in a very direct and immediate sense they brought ;on the French Revolution." 'But in- stead of earning gratitude for this, "the courts earned a lasting dis- trust which in France is not yet overcome." f1 3 r 390 YOUR CHOICE OF COLORFUL STUFFED ANIMALS - FREE WITH EVERY B OX OF MOJUD SEAMLESS SUPREME! The most lavish stocking you've ever worn... Seamless Supreme features elegant lace tops that STOP GARTER RUNS...GREATER SNAG-RESISTANCE .. .MAGIC MOTION for flawless fit at'ankle and calf I Styles for every OCCOSiOn, in costume. colors or beautiful basics. Proportioned lengths. COLLI NS PARKING AT REAR OF SHOP State and Liberty r I ..R~i mm% - -a A- -r:{- sw. '1--~ 1 s -"-tcs.,- - f s ..........__ SA LE! 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