Sixty-Ninth Year - EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN hen Opinions Are Free' UNDER AUTHORITY OF BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS Tth WilPeval " STUDENT PUBLICATIONS BLDG. * ANN ARBOR, MICH. * Phone NO 2-3241 Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints. "-And in the Next Performance, I Will Negotiate While Drinking a Glass of Water" SOLUTIONS DIFFER: American Forests Face Exhaustion 14 TURDAY, MARCH 14, 1959 NIGHT EDITOR: BARTON HUTHWAITE A Step Towards Ending Discrimination in Ann Arbor DISCRIMINATION in housing is an easy thing to shrug one's shoulders at. "Selling to a Negro would cause trouble," a homeowner says. "If I sell to Negroes people won't patron- ize me," a realtor says. Builders say they can't get loans if they sell to Negroes. These people may be right, but more often than not they have not really tried to find out whether they really are. They have taken the easy way out. That is a very human thing to do. But it doesn't do anyone any good. Discrimination is more important in Ann Arbor than in most towns of its size. Fifteen hundred foreign students are enrolled at the University. Each year a number of them re- turn home bearing impressions about Ann Ar- bor which they will take as representative to some extent of the United States. Nobody gains, neither they nor American foreign poli- cy, when they are refused apartments because of race or nationality. Ann Arbor has plenty of discrimination. Of the 44 landlords giving the SGC Human Rela- tions Committee clear answers, 12 would rent to all non-whites, 14 would rent to Indians and Orientals but not to Negroes, and 18 would not rent to any of them. Granted, the survey was conducted by telephone, the sample was not large and was random rather than system- atic, and sometimes the evidence was frag- mentary. Still, the results are significant. THE ANSWER to this problem will not come quickly. It cannot. But at least work is being done on it. The Human Relations Commis- sion helps in individual cases of discrimination. It organizes speeches and discussions, studies the problem and makes recommendations. Monday it recommended City Council action- giving the Commission money, strengthening it, or passing legislation against discrimina- tion. It deserves support. The recommendations deserve careful con- sideration. -PETER DAWSON Africa's Modern Dangers OBSCURED by the Berlin crisis, but per- haps ultimately more significant, are the series of riots in Nyasaland, a small central African country. The direct cause of the riots is native opposition 'to the Central African Federation, a power grouping of the white dominated Rhodesias with the almost entirely Negro Nyasaland. 9 Claiming a plot against the nation's 3,000 whites by its three million Negroes, the British massed troops and planes are ready to move at the slightest indication of trouble. Two hun- dred fifty of the most prominent Africans, in- cluding Dr. Hastings Banda, the African lead- er were arrested. The ensuing rioting has cost 100 casualties. Though on the surface, it's just another col- onial disturbance, the rioting may have effects much more lasting than the immediate vio- lence. It could conceivably cause Britain to throw in the towel in its efforts to prepare Africa for independence. The Federation, claim the British, was formed with the hope of, among other things, improving the lot of the Nyasaland blacks who were in danger of be- coming what an English weekly calls a "rural slum." The substantial labor force of resource- less Nyasaland was to complement the re- source-filled but relatively unpopulated Rho- desia. Banda's violent disagreement with this concept set off the riots. After similar ex- periences in Cyprus, Kenya, Tanganyika, In- dia, Singapore and half of its other colonies, Britain may be ready to cease exerting such substantial efforts to help its colonies mature and merely set them free unprepared. ANOTHER, and perhaps more immediate, consequence would be a change of attitude among the whites in the British colonies north of the Union of South Africa. Already in the Rhodesias there is great support for the "apar- theid" policies of the Union. With the grow- ing dangers of the Negro riots, they might take more repressive measures, alienating what little Negro friendship is left and creating in Rhodesia the same uncrossable gulf now ex- isting in the Union. A FINAL POSSIBLE result could be the power polarization of Southern Africa, along the axis of the Zambesi River. White Southern Rhodesia, fearing the power of the blacks whom Britain promises eventually to free, may draw quite close to the Union of South Africa. Together with the Portuguese colonies of Mo- zambique and Angola, where the least ad- vanced colonial rule in all Africa is practiced, a white bloc might be created. Ranged against this would be a group of black territories in- cluding Kenya, Uganda, Tanganyika; the Con- go, Nyasaland and others. The indignation cre- ated among the Negroes in these northern areas by the treatment of their brothers to the south could lead to serious international dis- pute, even an international race war. Africa today stands on the threshold of en- tering full-fledged into the modern world. If any of these things should happen, Africa could be set back for many generations. A solu- tion is needed for the problems \of Nyasaland, as indeed for those of the rest of Africa; the white man can 'afford to put it off no longer. --PHILIP SHERMAN LETTERS TO THE EDITOR: Readers Comment on SGC Review INTERPRETING THE NEWS: Testimony to Good Intent By J. M. ROBERTS Associated Press News Analyst IXTY YEARS AGO the United States ac- quired two territories in the Pacific, one through war with Spain 'and one through politics. That was 31 years after the purchase of Alaska from Russia. The acquisition of the Philippines, 7,000 miles from the American west coast, and Ha- waii, 2,000 miles, caused nervousness among European colonial powers which were still trying to consolidate their far eastern empires, and a Japan which was just emerging as a power in international affairs. The United States, through its traders, had already begun to expand its importance in the Par East. Her voice was being heard ever more loudly in the constant battle among the Euro- peans for ascendency in China. But the United States denied any intention of becoming an imperial power, and kept her word. Hawaii and Alaska are now states, or at least H.awaii will be after completion of formalities. The Philippines are an Independent repub- lic. Not so long ago, when other Afro-Asian na- tions at the Bandung Conference showed a Communist-promoted tendency to malign the United States, the delegates from the Philip- pines arose. Editorial Staff RICHARD TAUB, Editor MICHAEL KRAFT JOHN WEICHER Editorial Director City Editor DAVID TARR Associate Editor DALE CANTOR ................. Personnel Director JEAN WILLOUGHBY .... Associate Editorial Director ALAN JONES ....................... Sports Editor BEATA JORGENSON ........ Associate City Editor ELIZABETH ERSKINE ... Associate Personnel Director SI COLEMAN..... .... Associate Sports Editor DlAVID ARNOLD------------------Cief Photornher "YOU SHALL NOT malign our friend, mentor and protector," they said in effect. The resolution which would have classified the United Stataes with the former imperialist powers in Asia was toned down. Hawaii was held off for years because of American domestic politics, the fear of Com- munist infiltration from Asia, and the desire of some business interests to escape the re- sponsibilities, expenses and possible restric- tions which might be produced by statehood. Not until the islands gave the Democrats control of their Legislature did the Southern bloc in Congress cease its bitter opposition to what meant the admission, before, of two new Republican senators. But finally Hawaii has come in with obvious happiness on all sides, with perhaps the ex- ception of a few nervous American business men who have had things much their own way in the territory. The Communists will, of course, seek to ex- ploit the event as proof of America's expan- sive and imperialist intent. The obvious happiness of the Hawaiians, themselves, however, seems likely to stand as a testimonial before all of Asia of the good intent of the United States, and a welcome sharing of her strength. New Books at the Library Howe, Irving - The American Communist Party: a critical history 1919-1957; Boston, Beacon, 1958. Land, Emory Scott - Winning the War with Ships; N.Y.,-McBride, 1958. Leuchtenburg, William E. - The Perils of Prosperity, 1914-32; Chicago, Univ. of Chicago Press, 1958. Lippmann, Walter - The Communist World and Ours; Boston, Atlantic-Little-Brown, 1959. Mason, Alpheus Thomas - The Supreme Court from Taft to Warren; Baton Rouge, Lou- isiana State Univ. Press, 1959. Mulder, W., and Mortensen, A. R., ed. -- Amon gthe Mormons; N.Y., Knopf, 1958. Spilt Milk * To the Editor: MILK has been spilt and we all know that it is senseless to cry over it. However, we represent an interest that we do not wish to see splashed with milk again. You see, in light of two recent issues, those of Sigma Kappa and of deferred rushing, affiliated women feel powerless and insig- nificant in the face of student government. In the first instance, the University administration ruled that the Student Govern- ment Council had overstepped its legislative boundries, in the sec- ond, it will probably not act. How- ever, there is a parallel between the two issues in that they both are of vital concern to the Greek system. With these precedents, could S.G.C. possibly be shaking up another milk bottle? Could they be striving for the ultimate dis- solution of all sororities at the University of Michigan? If this is the case, then the heart of the issue transcends bias clauses and what is best for the Freshman girl. The problem now centers on the merits of having any Greek system at all. Naturally, affiliated women feel that what they stand for is defensible. How-' ever, before a predominantly nar- row student government with no check, outside of the administra- tion, for the minority viewpoint on this problem, how can their de- fense amount to anything? These women indeed represent a minority. But if a minority never evidences the fulfillment of its principles; for instance, if it is denied the right to exist, could not this be called a "tyranny of the majority?" And who is to say that S.G.C. represents a majority any- way? On a campus as large and di- verse as this, with its compara- tively small turnout at the polls, it seems that S.G.C. could hardly claim to stand for the "will of the students" on any issue. This being the case, all forms of campus liv- ing with the size and stability of Panhellenic should be adequately represented on the Council, not just with voice, but with power. In fact, it might be worth while in the near future to reconsider the representation on S.G.C. A more accurate cross section of student interests made up of can- didates pledged to their constitu- encies seems sensible for Michi- gan's pluralistic society. However, right here and now, we are con- fronted with the fact that a minor- ity interest has been defeated by a rather arbitrary majority ruling. After all, Adolf Hitler claimed that his decisions were made accoding to the "will of the people." And after all, minorities are often justi- fiable, even right, and are worth defending. Before the present representa- tion on S.G.C. spills another drop of milk, let us hope that it will consider not only a minority's point of view, but also the fact that on principle, minorities ought to be protected. Otherwise, the milk bottle may again be trans- formed into a baby bottle by the hanrk of+thp. aminitration ani bent on being super-critical could find plus a few. This Gilbert and Sullivan show is not a Broadway production to lacks the polish and perfection of such. Yet the performance was punctuated with show - stopping laughter and clapping. How did this indicate to Miss Willoughby that this was an unenthusiastic, ill-played show? Anyone in the theatre Thursday evening must admit that the audi- ence was much-moved to mirth and enthusiasm. Look with an eye for flaws and these are what you see. Go to a performance to be entertained and you are best qualified to judge the show on the basis of its audience - appeal. Which perspective did Miss Wil- loughby have? Small flaws in the show seem to have clouded any sense of per- spective an impartial member of the audience should have. The re- view thus became an enumeration of the small wrongs without men- tion of the greater rights -the color, the gaiety, the lovely voices, the sparling lyrics and beautiful music of this show. I hope I can erase the misconception of the show as an unentertaining 'flop'. It was an entertaining, thoroughly worthwhile production. -Elsa Ruedy, Spec Not Again . . . To the Editor: - AS ELECTION TIME draws near and the campaign comes to a close, we submit that the student body is not fully represented by the present slate. In order to in- sure a truly democratic S.G.C., therefore, we nominate The Right Honorable TED BOMB. Mr. Bomb's qualifications are well known, as they have been much publicized in the past. However, we think the student body would be interested in his platform which is as follows: 1) The overcrowded conditions in the fishbowl indicate the need -for another animal shelter, on the site of the old Romance Language Building. 2) Since many students prefer cultural activities to athletic con- tests, this group should have the option to secure dog race tickets instead of football tickets. 3) University regulations against drinking demand modification in order that the Saint Bernard Al- pine rescue service-be more effec- tive. Mr. Bomb pledges himself to a strenuous effort to implement this platform. Support TED BOMB for S.G.C. president. S.G.C. has gone to the dogs; one of them should run it! -Major -Brandy -Zachary No Rush . To the Editor: AS I PICKED up The Daily today I was shocked to read the headlines, "Council Affirms Spring Rush." This is a gross misstate- ment. The Student Government Council did not affirm spring rush -It defeated a motion advocating fall rush! Nothing about spring rush was mentioned in the motion! The previous motion stated a trial period of two years (1957-58 and 1958-59) forsspring rush after which time it would be decided which of the two rushing periods was most effective. As the situation stands now we have no rush at all. No motion has been brought before the Student Government Council concerning further spring rushing. As the fall rush motion which was defeated stated only the year 1959-60, the situation is now open. I wish to repeat that spring rush was not affirmed at the meeting of the Student Government Council last night, and for everyone who was not present at the meeting, The Daily has presented a misinter- preted concept. -Dawn BeMent, '61Ph. (EDITOR'S NOTE: SGC President Maynard -Goldman said that although spring rushing was not mentioned in the motion, it was the nature of the motion that if it were defeated, rush- ing for women would remain in the spring.) By BEM PRICE Associated Press Newsfeatures Writer WASHINGTON - For many people the prospect of Ameri- ca exhausting its wild forests where a civilization-battered man can find peace for his soul is al- most inconceivable. With our exploding population, however, the loss is possible, and therein lie' the seeds of a dispute which will affect countless future citizens. There are those who would set aside, as this generation's gift to the future, between 50 and 55 million acres of wilderness in 11 western states and Alaska which remain as the Indians found them thousands of years ago. Opponents hold that setting aside these lands would, mean locking up potentially valuable as- sets, with a subsequent loss in taxes and wages from private ex- ploitation. *r * THIS IS NOT a new dispute. It ilas been going on since the late 1860s when a national park was first proposed. Such a park did come into being in 1872. Argu- ments over such use of public land haven't changed much since. In each of the last two sessions of Congress, efforts were made to pass a National Wilderness Preser- vation Bill. Another effort prob- ably will be made early in the 86th Congress. Fifty to 55 million acres appear to be a lot of land until you con- sider that the United States and Alaska contain 2,309,683680 acres. Of this total, the federal gov- ernment owns or controls 477 mil- lion acres, including 181 million acres of forest land. About 58 mil- lion acres of true, roadless wilder- ness lands remain in the nation. + * * AT PRESENT nearly all of the 50 to 55 million acres in the pro- posed law is restricted by federal administrative decree to recrea- tional use only. The chief fear of opponents seems to be that once the wilder- ness preservation principle is es- tablished by law, more and more land will be brought under its protection. While the opponents generally agree that wilderness preservation is desirable, they object to preser- vation by an Act of Congress, - which is much tougher to change than administrative fiat. These forests are administered by the Bureau of Indian Affairs, the Bureau. of Land Management, the United States Forestry Serv- ice and the National Park Service. + * r FORESTS which would be pro- tected lie for the most part in the high and remote areas of the west where timber cutting, oil ex- ploration, ming and cattle grazing probably would be arduous and expensive. At least that is what the advocates of the proposal claim. An opposition point of view was given by Warwick M. Downing of Denver, Chairman of the Oil In- dustry Public Lands/Committee. Downing said in an interview: "THERE IS ample land in the national parks and in a few iso- DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN The Daily Official Bulletin is an official publication of The Univer. sity of. Michigan for which The Michigan Daily assumes no edi- torial responsibility. Notices should be sent in TYPEWRITTEN form to Room 3519 Administration Build- ing, before 2 p.m. the day preceding publication. Notices forrSunday' Daily due at 2:00 p.m. Friday. SATURDAY, MARCH14, 1959 VOL. LXIX, NO. 117 General Notices President and Mrs. Hatcher will hold open house for students at their home Wed., March 18, from 4:00 to 6:00 p.m. Applications for the Detroit Armen- (Continued on Page 5) lated areas fo' all wilderness pur- poses without directly setting aside tremendous areas for lim- ited use." Why the urge to place these forest lands in escrow by law? Howard Zahniser Executive Secretary of the Wilderness So- ciety, a nationwide group of con- servationists, said in a report to his members: "THOSE who ave been study- ing wilderness preservation needs have come to the conclusion .. . that all our land is destined to be put to some human use. The pres- sures of civilization are such that none of the land . . . can be ex- pected to escape. "That recognition has led to the further understanding that none of our land can be expected to endure as wilderness accidental- ly . . AT THE MICHIGAN; "Joutrney' Unreal T HE HUNGARIAN Freedom fighters killed Yul Brynner last night. Set in the time and place of the Hungarian Revolution, "The Jour- ney" is a highly dramatized and. unlikely story about a group of foreigners who had the misf or- tune to be in Budapest when the Bad Guys came. The Bad Guys are largely em- bodied, at first, in the person of one Yul Brynner. Brynner, com- plete in black boots, leather jacket and motorcycle cap, swaggers through the picture alternately shooting, drinking (mostly), phi- losophizing, and making passes at Deborah Kerr. He is a Russian major carrying out orders, but in search of truth. Miss Kerr is a British lady who is in love with a Hungarian biolo- gist attempting to escape to Aus- tria because the Bad Guys pulled his fingernails, among other things. His plight could be real but is unclear for much of the first half of the movie. Miss Ker is, as always, effective and real. Her characterization of Lady Ashmore leaves little to be desired. She can say much with- out moving her lips and she emotes her feelings well. Brynner, on the other hand, is Brynnerish. A barbarian (some- times), he swaggers about, gulps vodka, shouts, breaks glasses in his teeth, and in one scene even beats about with a big leather belt. Shades of "The King and I." But, throughout his rantings and lovings and drinkings one never seems to be able to forget that he is Yul Brynner, boy pool ball. Two of the minor characters deserve note, the innkeeper in particular. He flusters here and there but also arranges the escape, such as it is. His light relief is an aid to a somewhat unbelievable plot. The other minr character is the typical - to propagandists - American. This typical American is a married woman, pregnant and loudmouthed. She "'demands her rights and gets little. In all fairness' Yul should be complimented on putting over his part as well as he did. A lesser man would have left the plot com- pletely sterile. The Major wasn't a real type character. He vacilated from barbarian to philosopher too quickly and too easily. The freedom fighters who even- tually kill him are portrayed as hard-faced young people with tommy-guns who ironically refuse chocolate and demand guns. Per- haps this is the way it was but their cause is lightly felt in the movie. Their eventual extinction of Brynner is not satisfying. The whole thing just doesn't come off as it could. -Ralph Langer '''r , q I j MORE TROUBLES FOR NATO: rI Ike's Statements Hinder European Defense By WARREN ROGERS, JR. Associated Press Staff Writer WASHINGTON - Twelve words from President Dwight D. Eisenhower may add difficulty to the Atlantic Pact's long-sought goal of establishing 30 NATO divi- sions in Europe. But those responsible for assem- bling the forces have a ready an- swer for the question raised by President Eisenhower's remarks. It has been asked before. The President told his news'con- ference Wednesday: "We are cer- tainly not going to fight a ground war in Europe." Gen. Lauris Norstad, the persua- sive and personable Air Force man who is President Eisenhower's lat- st suensor as NATO supreme nical development outran the or- iginal NATO idea. His argument is that the NATO ground forces-now totaling 21%1 divisions, he has said-are a shield. The retaliatory nuclear powers of the United States, particularly its long range bombers and its de- veloping missile capability, are the sword. * * NORSTAD'S chief problem long has been a psychological one. The general attitude of America's NATO Allies is that they are, to begin with, sick of war after two frightful experiences with it this century, and if there is to be a third world war, they feel it would be fought primarily between the United States and Russia. Under, such circumstances the i .- own