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Sixty-Eight Years of Editorial Freedom

VOL. LXIX, No. 117




Presidential Foreign A idill Requests $41

3i llio

Wanted In Place
Oi High Defense
Visenhower Says Plan Would Buy
U.S. More Security Than Military
WASHINGTON () - President Dwight D. Eisenhower told Con-
gress yesterday the almost four billion dollars he wants for foreign,
aid would be money well spent.
The President said in a special message that this would buy far
more security than could come from stepped-up spending for this
country's own armed forces. Some aCapitol Hill Democrats, who
favor a higher defense budget than the President asked, quickly
voiced doubt.
Would Meet Red Threat
President Eisenhower asked $3,929,995,000 for the mutual se-
curity program in the year beginning July 1 and said it all is needed

Berin Talk,
WASHINGTON (P) -- Presi-
dent Dwight D. Eisenhower
will report to the American
people Monday night on the
war dangers involved in Rus-
sia's campaign to force the
Western Allies out of Berlin.
In a special television and.
radio broadcast, President Ei-
senhower is expected -to stress
the nation's determination to
stand firm alongside its allies
in the face of Soviet pressure.
But he also is reported ready
to make clear his readiness to
ease 'tension"/bynegotiations
toward settling the entire Ger-
man issue.
The White House announced
that the President would speak
for 30 minutes over all major
networks, starting at 9:30 p.m.

to meet "the enormous and grow-
ing Communist potential to
launch a war of nuclear destruc-
tion" -- in the Berlin crisis, for
"Dollar for dollar," the Presi-
dent said, "our expenditures for
the mutual security program, aft-
er we have once achieved a
reasonable military posture for
ourselves, will buy more security
than far greater expenditures for
our own forces."
Sen. Mike Mansfield (D-Mont.),
one of the first lawmakers to
comment on President Eisen-
hower's proposals, said Congress
may'cut the recommended sum to
around three billion dollar.
Mansfield, assistant Deocrat-
ic leader of the Senate and a for-
eign relations committee member,
also told a reporter:
Continue Overemphasis
"The fact that the President
proposed 62 per cent of the new
program be devoted to military
assistance and defense supports
indicates that the whole pattern
of overemphasis in this field is
being continued."
Sen. John Sparkman (D-Ala.),
another foreign relations commit-
tee member said he wanted to go
over the whole program to see if
cuts can be made "here and
"I don't favor meat ax cuts,"
Sparkman added.
A Republican member of the
foreign relations committee, Sen.
Homer E. Capehart (R-Ind.), took
a somewhat similar view.
Cautions Against Spending
President Eisenhower, who re-
peatedly has cautioned against
too much defense spending, used
vivid language in hammering his
point that prudent foreign aid
is a highly profitable United
States investment.
"We could," he said, "be the
wealthiest and the most mighty
nation and still lose the battle of
the world if we do not help our
world neighbors protect their free-
dom and advance their social and
economic progress.

In Accord
LONDON ()-Prime Minister
Harold Macmillan flew back from
Bonn last night with broad West
German - and French - support
for a program leading to summit
talks with Russia by July, British
sources reported.
Macmillan hopes on a flying trip
to Washington next week to win
President Dwight D. Eisenhower's
endorsement of the plan for East-
West negotiations on German and
other European problems.
Essential features of the pro-
gram, designed to achieve a set-
tlement of the Berlin crisis and a
relaxation of the cold war, al-
ready have been cleared by key
allied governments during normal
diplomatic exchanges.
In Bonn, Chancellor Konrad
Adenauer said he and Macmillan
"achieved complete unity" in their
two days of talks.
Speaking to reporters after see-
ing off Macmillan on the plane to
London, Adenauer said the talks
were "excellent for us and for
German Foreign Minister Hem-
rich Von Bretano said the talks
"produced a complete confirma-
tion of our mutual policies" and
demonstrated "that the solidarity
of the West is unbreakable."
The Macmillan-Adenauer talks
had begun under a cloud of un-
Adenauer was known to have
misgivings over Macmillan's visit
to Moscow last week.
Taylor Asks
War Attitude
WASHINGTON (A') -- General
Maxwell D. Taylor told senators
this country should determine "to
go to war if necessary for Berlin,"
it was disclosed yesterday.
"The effect of such an attitude
would deter the Soviets from hav-
ing a final showdown at this time,"'
Taylor, Army Chief of Staff, said
in a heavily censored transcript of
top secret testimony.
Taylor testified behind closed
doors at a session of the Senate
watchdog preparedness subcom-
mittee Wednesday. The first part
of his testimony was made avail-
able to newsmen by Senator Lyn-
don B. Johnson (D-Tex.), chair-
man of the group.
In it, Taylor said that many top
military leaders now regard- the
1948-49 Berlin airlift as a mistake.
The general said force should
have been tried when the Russians
blocked highways and other ground
routes into Berlin.







Senate R




Pr oposa


Fresh Riots
Greet Envoy
ZOMBA, Nyasaland (R - New
disorders broke out in the troubled
Central African Federation yes-
terday as Lord Perth, British Min-
ister for Colonial Affairs, opened
important consultations here.
Security forces raided the vil-
lages of Salima and Chipoka in
} central Nyasaland and had to use
tear gas to break up -threatening
Eight persons were arrested.
Complete Landing
Military authorities also an-
nounced security forces success-
fully completed an amphibious
operation on Lake Nyasa in the
deep 'bay area of Nyasaland's
r northern province. The announce-
ment said troops swarmed ashore
from barges and arrested two
leaders of the outlawed African
National Congress.
4 In Nyasaland's central province,
security forces crossed the rain-
swollen Bua river on rafts made
from auto tires and arrested 25
Africans without firing a shot, a
communique said.
Small bands of Africans swept
through Lusaka in northern Rho-
desia smashing windows; and
throwing gasoline bombs. North-
ern and Southern Rhodesia and
Nyasaland make up the Central
African Federation.
British Crack Down
All three have been the scene
of violence arising from a British
crackdown on Africans demand-
ing independence from white
Lord Perth met with Sir Robert
Armitage, governor of Nyasaland,,
to get at the causes of the dis-
orders in Nyasaland which
broughi death to 44 Africans at
the hands of security forces in
the past two weeks.
It appeared unlikely Lord Perth
would be able to report back to
London with any first-hand in-
formation on the thinking among
African leaders.
Festival Ticket

Give Talks
At Houses
(EDITOR'S NOTE: This is the sec-
ond in a series of four articles dis-
cussing the views of the Student
Government Council candidates.)
Student Government Council's
relation to the University's aca-
demic policy, always an important
issue, has gotten a lot of discus-
sion from Council candidates at
various open houses.
Speaking at Alpha Xi Delta so-
rority, John Feldkamp, '61, ex-
pressed his approval of a course
evaluation booklet, improved coun-
seling service and Council-spon-
sored book exchanges.
Mike Fishman, '60, told the
women of Mary Markley Dormi-
tory that he wants "students to
become' a pressure group under the
auspices of the United States Na-
tional Students Association."
Through such action he hopes to
get better professors and more
funds for improvement of Uni-
versity facilities.
Blames Research
He also said that the extensive
scientific research now being car-
ried on at the University is result-
ing in a lack of sufficient funds
to provide adequate educational
facilities for students.
At the same open house, Morton
Meltzer, '61, advocated a call by
SGC for the repeal of the National
Defense Education Act. He said
that "leftists and communists"
should not be prohibited from
speaking in public.
Roger Seasonwein, '61, also ex-
pressed his opinion against loyalty
oaths "for obvious reasons." Con-
sidering education as his main
concern with SGC, he said that
the Council's most important func-
tion is "to improve intellectual
Advocates Exchange Plan
To facilitate such stimulation,
he advocated the continuation of
foreign student exchange pro-
grams and summer reading
courses. He especially favored a
Junior Year Abroad program.
Jo Hardee, '60, Council ad-
ministrative vice-president, noted
the impersonal attitude of the Uni-
versity towards students. SGC has
''an educational function and duty
as representative of the students
to make them feel an important
part of the University," she said.
Wants Committee Members
Stressing the educative functions
of the Council, Babs Miller, '60,
See SGC, Page 2

-Daily- an winder
DISCUSS P$LOBLEMS - William J. Quinn and Gov. G. Mennen,
Williams discuss the rail industry at the Lawyers Club 100th
anniversary celebration.
Quinn Says Rail Industrv
Most Regulated in Country'
The president of the "Milwaukee Road," the nation's second largest
railroad, asserted last night that "railroads are the most regulated'
industry in this country."
William J. Quinn, the guest speaker at the Lawyers Club 100th
Anniversary Celebration, said "the rail industry and the law are in-
separably ,connected. Thus the future of the railroads rests to a con-
siderable extent on what attitude .

UAR Head
Says Reds
Using Iraq
DAMASCUS, Syria OP ) - Presi-
dent Gamal Nasser told a mas-
sive anti-Communist rally yester-
day the Reds were converting Iraq
into a base for operations in the
Arab world.
To the cheers of thousands
gathered in front of the Presiden-
tial Palace, Nasser accused Iraqi
Premier Abdel Karim Kassem of
being a willing accomplice of
Arab communists.
It was the United Arab Repub-
lic President's third attack in
three days on Arab communists
and Karem, now Nasser's arch foe
in the struggle for the allegiance
of all Arabs.-
About 250,000 persons turned
out in Damascus for the rally,
that wound up a funeral parade
for an Iraqi colonel killed last
week in the pro-Nasser revolt at,
Mosul in northern Iraq.
Those who had marched with
the body of Colonel Mohammed
Said Shehab chanted "Death to
Kassem." Shehab was wounded in
the Mosul fighting, fled into Syria
and died of his wounds in Damas-
cus Wednesday.
When the marchers assembled.
in front of the palace after the
burial in a cemetery outside Da-
mascus they held up banners with
such slogans as "Death to Kas-
sem" and "Death to the traitor-
ous Communist Party."
They broke into cheers as Nas-
ser launched into his attack ton
Arab communism. Nasser said the
Iraqi communists had tried to cre-
ate a Syrian-Iraqi union domin-
ated by "an Iraqi brand of com-
Nasser said the communists first
sought to use Syria as a base for
operations in the Arab world.
When this failed they turned to
Iraq, he said, and there they
found Kassem a willing accom-




the lawmakers and the legislators
take toward them."
It is significant to note the im-
portance Red China and Soviet
Russia have placed on rail trans-
portation, he said. "Both of these
countries are concentrating on
their rail systems. Russia continues
to use railroads for 83 to 85 per
cent of the total inter-city freight
transportation requirements." The
comparative figure for the United
States is 47 per cent, he added.
Quinn said the rail industry is
"far and away the most economical
user of labor and fuel in the pro-
duction of inter-city transporta-
tion services."
Governor G. Mennen Williams
said in his welcoming address that
"today's lawyers are going to be
challenged once again due to the
advances in technology; thus the
law is going to have trouble in
trying to keep up with the changes.
The impact of automation and thej
atom is going to make the lawyer
stretch his mind to make old con-
cepts meet ,new needs."
After Quinn's speech, ScottI
Hodes, '59L, presented him with
the Billet, an award of recognition
for progress in legal education.
The award, which previously had
been given to Lawyers Club mem-
bers only, was authorized by the
Board of Governors of the Law
School in appreciation for his
making the speech.


Ieke Creates
New Board
WASHINGTON (41) -- President
Dwight D. Eisenhower today cre-
.ated a Federal Council for Science
and Technology.
Its responsibility is to strengthen
and coordinate the nation's scien-
tific activities.
President Eisenhower's special
science adviser, Dr. James R. Kil-
lian, Jr., who is on leave as presi-
dent of the Massachusetts Insti-
tute of Technology, was named

Six Weeks'
Funds Left,
Brown Says
Shortage Would Spell
End to University
Faculty Paychecks
LANSING () -- Majority Se*..
ate Republicans yesterday killed
the $50 million bond issue pro-
posal of Democratic Gov. G. Men-
nen Williams, stepping up the
threat of payless paydays In
Only two of them broke ranks
to join with 12 Democrats in fa-.
voring the plan, Which was called
for a statewide referendum April
6. Nineteen Republicans opposed
Cash Dwindles
With its general fund deficit
fast approaching, State Treasurer
Sanford A. Brown has estimated
that cash on hand and in sight
will support expenditures of the
most vital purposes for another
six weeks or so.
If' and when cash runs out, It
will mean an end to paycheck5
for 30,000 state employes, includ-
ing University professors, mental
hospital attendants and other
state public servants.
The credit of the state and its
school districts and other sub..
divisions will be crippled over-
night. There will be no funds to
continue grants for old-age pen
sioners and relief clients.
View Trust Fund
Republicans and Democrats
agreed there was only one place
left to turn - to the $50 millio
Veterans Trust F'und created Iee
It can be dissolved by Legisla-
tive action.
It was unlikely that either side
would make a move until after the
forthcoming election.
Governor Williams was bitter
about the Senate action, blaming
it on a "little group of willful
"In my 10 years as Governor, K
have never seen a more irrespon-
sible performance by men elected
supposedly as the servants and
protectors of the public Interest."
Criticize GOP
John B. MIartin Jr., Republican
n a t io n a 1 committeeman, and
Lawrence B. Lindemer, Republi-
can state chairman, likewise criti-
cized the Senate GOP maority
but in milder terms.
"I am not in accord with the
action," said Martin. He said the
people should have been per-
mitted to vote on the proposition
in a slightly revised form.
Martin said the Republican
Party stood against "payless pay-
days and closed schools."
He called for mortgaging or
liquidation of Veterans Trust
Fund securities.
State Income
Tax Inevitable,
Williams Says
"There's no question about the
fiat rate income tax finally being
approved by the Legislature," Gov.
G. Mennen Williams said in Ann
Arbor last night.
Interviewed in the League after
his talk at the Law School's 100th
Anniversary celebration, the Gov-
ernor agreed with Thursday night'a
predictions by Prof. Harvey Brazer
of the economics department that

some sort of income tax bill will
eventually be passed by the Legis-

GOP Committee To Give
Party 'Space Age Look'
WASHINGTON (M-Republicans set up a 43-member program
committee yesterday to give their party a forward look.
National GOP Chairman Meade Alcorn and Chairman Charles H.
Percy of the program group told a news conference they want to set
up guideposts pointing toward Republican objectives in a space-
dominated world that may lie 10 to 15 years ahead. "We want to get
the elephant out of his stall, help -
point him in the direction of pro-,
gress and let the people knowA
where he is going," Alcorn said. 1 1
Cites Party Aims Cousins 5 ,'L
Percy said that while the aim of
the new committee will be to give
the Party "a forward look," that
does not mean the Republicans
will go back on basic principles
such as advocacy of a balanced
President Dwight D. Eisenhower,
who entertained the group at a
White House luncheon, has called
budget balancing the prime domes-
tic issue before the Democratic-{
controlled Congress. a4o:
Alcorn advised the program s.
committee to walk carefully.
He said this would be developed .
by Republican members of Con-
gress in cooperation with the
Names Responsibilities
"You are not charged with the
resnonsibility of drafting a Renub-

School Morale Causes
Organizational Shakeup
The Wolverine Club has revamped its internal structure in an
effort to boost University school spirit.
Robert Baer, '60BAd., club president, said "school spirit has been
decreasing over the past years.." In an attempt to make the Wolverine
Club stronger and to improve spirit, we are changing from junior to
senior officers, and revamping the,

Calls Society Pr

Norman Cousins told a well-fed,
well-dressed, educated audience
last night that they might be
living in one of the most primitive
societies in human history.
At a time when we should be
building up institutions of re-
straint, "we have been building
weapons much too powerful for
imperfect man to operate," the
editor of The Saturday Review in-
Urges Nuclear Test Ban
He pointed to the United Na-
tions as the institution of restraint,
maintaining that the world organ-
ization should go up in order of
power and the national states
should go down.

though Russia may agree to a
ban, Cousins continued. "Russia
will give in on nuclear testing; she
will give in on the Near East and
even some in the Far East; in fact,
she is willing to give in on every
issue except Germany," he pro-
Calls Germany Threat to Soviet
Germany is a threat to the life
of Russia both historically and,
presently, he added. She is deter-
mined to keep Germany from re-
arming and reuniting.
At the same time, she is de-
termined to stop the mass exodus
from East to West Germany, which
has resulted in a two million popu-
lation decrease since the end of
World War II.

committee structure to bring more
people into the organization, he
Improve Interest
"By doing this," he maintained,
"we hope to get people to work up
through the organization to get a
greater interest while at the-same
time attempting to fulfill the pur-
poses of the club.
"We hope now that two years
will precede an executive office and
in this time one can learn the
individual committee's work and
will have time to spend on the
problems that the club faces as a
As an example of the problems,
Baer mentioned that "Cheerlead-
ers were a problem as tumbling
intefered with their leading of
cheers and attending the different
athletic events."
Increased Role
The Wolverine Club hoped that

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