DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN Now Pan Am is offering a fabulous series of special student tours that feature the new Boeing 707 Jet Clippers*-- world's fastest airliners-between New York and Europe. No extra fare for the extra speed and conifort. Of all the areas of the world, Europe is most suited to the type of unusual, adventurous travel you want. There are literally dozens of tours for you to choose from, many offering academic credits. And what's more, there's plenty of free time left for you to roam about on your own. From Midwest and West Coast Cities, other direct Pan Am services are available on radar-equipped, Douglas- built "Super-7" Clippers. Call your Travel Agent, Pan American, or send in the coupon below for full information. eT..Mar Res. U.S. Pat. OB. Send to: George Gardner, Educational Director Pan American, Box 1908, N. Y.17, N. Y. Please send free Pan Am Holiday #405 book- let on Special Student Tours to Europe. -.MC .. 6rarrrirr---WOLD' MOT XPERIE NCED "AIRLINE--0------- i -2 L E i. _ k 4 IN FOOD r . .. . I. s family celebration! " extra guests! 0 special girl! Entertain them in the modern, spacious Dining Room of THE MICHIGAN UNION featuring steaks, lobster, rib roast, special dinners and inexpensive luncheons SERvrNG HoUts: Monday thru Saturday 7:30 to 9:00; 11:45 to 1:30; 5:45 to 7:45. Sunday 8:00 to 10:00; 12:30 to 2:30; no evening service. $1 4 °* I! M F HENRY'S CHUCK WAGON LUNCH and DINNERS Fine Salads & Sandwiches FAMOUS FOR ROAST BEEF Serving your favorite BEER, WINES and CHAMPAGNE -- Pizza Pie Served After 8 P.M. -- Open From 11 A.M. to 11 P.M. BANQUET FACILITIES AVAILABLE 2045 PACKARD NO 2-1661 Catering at Your Home or Hal Henry Turner, Prop. lk I liiI The GOLDEN APPLES Restaurant . .. 11 1111 I'l 1111 i