THE MICHIGAN DAILY ) son .joins Grid Coach ing Staff . i higan Staff Complete th Newest Appointment Eliot Resigns as Head Coach Of Illinois Football Squad SABBATH SERVICE sponsored by Delta Phi Epsilon Sorority Tonight:...7:30 P.M. B'NAI B'RITH HILLEL FOUNDATION 1429 Hill Street ~ By FRED KATZ Michigan head football coach ump Elliott last night announced he completion of his staff with he hiring of 31-year-old Jack A. [-M Tourney Nears Wire By DAN FRIEDMAN Phi Alpha Kappa and Phi Delta hi entered the finals of profes- onal fraternity competition, and he Grid "5" and Cooley Elders atched them in independent ager action last night, as I-M asketball activity neared the wire. Easy Win The Grid "5" team won easily ver the Graduate Outing Club, 3-18. High scorers for the "5" ere Reid Bushong with 22 talleys nd Gary McNitt following him ith 18. Cooley Elders saw no action as 207 forfeited. Phi Alpha Kappa ran up a large rst half lead against powerful igma Nu and then coasted to a -42 win. Ed Start, of PAK, scored I points in the first half, and nished with 16. See-Saw Battle The Phi Delta Phi-Medics score ?e-sawed through the second half Eter a 19-19 tie at the half. In a Hugh game featuring many fouls, hi Delta Phi came out on top, 5-33. Tension mounted as Medics1 ed the score late in the secondh alf on three straight foul shots, it they could not capitalize on is break. In other independent games, 'restry beat Fredrick, 29-21, and itchen Keepers took Gamma lpha, 41-29, to enter the second ace finals. Beantowners and peedboys will play each other for gird place, having defeated Cres- its and Rabble Rousers, respec- vely. CMS beat Hawaiians and Meat- hoppers downed Actuaries to aalify for fourth place finals. The w Club won over Alpha Kappa appa' and Alpha Omegas beat pp Alph Psi to make the fifth ace finals game. Professional Fraternities Professional fraternity contests w Alpha Chi Sigma beat Delta heta Phi, 41-32. The third place game will be tween Prescott, who beat Psi mega, 29-27, and Phi Chi, victors i the' Phi Epsilon Kappa game r a score of 40-36. In deciding the fourth-place intestants, Phi Delta Chi beat au Epsilon Rho, 21-19, in an rertime thriller, while Phi Rho igma took Phi Alpha Delta, 29-19. All games will be played next tursday night. Nelson as assistantncoach pri- marily in charge of ends. It was the second appointment in less than a week, with both men having no previous connec- tion with Michigan. Last Satur- day Jack Pouts was named by El- liott to assist with the line., Younger Grid Staff The Wolverines now have the Big Ten's youngest grid staff with holdovers Bob Holloway (30) head line coach and freshman coach Don Dufek (31). Elliott is 33 as is Fouts while recently-appointed backfield coach Hank Fonde is 35. Although all of Elliott's aides have specific major duties, he ex- plained that the staff will be a flexible one, with the various members doubling in other capa- cities. Nelson comes to Michigan from Colorado where' he was end coach last year. It was"a brief stay, however, be- Cause he was ousted along with the entire Colorado staff last month by orders of that univer- sity's administration. , NelsonDismissed Deposed head coach Dallas Ward and his successor Everett (Sonny) Grandelius (former- Michigan State assistant) both recommended Nelson to Elliott. Grandelius was forced to dismiss Nelson when told not to keep any of Ward's men. Nelson is no stranger to Elliott, however, The Wolverine head mentor knew Nelson t h r o u g h coaching association. Five Sport Star Nelson is a native of Hibbing, Minn. and graduated from high school there in 1945. He attend- ed Gustavus Adolphus College at St. Peter, Minn. where he starred in five sports. In addition to being a first string center for three years, Nel- son also lettered in track, base- ball, basketball and hockey. After graduation in 1950, Nel-, son took coaching jobs at Grand Marais and Mora. From the latter school he then became freshman line coach at Colorado while working for and receiving his master's degree. Baseball Coach After his first stay at Colorado, Nelson moved further west and was appointed end coach and head baseball coach at Utah State in 1955. His diamond teams won the western division of the Rocky Mountain Conference during his two years there. He came back to Colorado last year where he had remained un- til hired by Elliott. Nelson is married and the fath- er of three children, Margaret Ann, 8; Jacqueline Lee, 5; and Dan, four months. Ray Eliot, whose specialty through the years has been upset- ting Michigan, resigned as head football coach at Illinois yesterday. Eliot's resignation became effec- tive after his 18th season at .Il- linois next fall. He will then be- come Assistant Athletic Director to head man Doug Mills. No successor will be named until after the 1959 season. However, present speculation has Chuck Studley, Illinois line coach since 1955 and captain of Eliot's 1951 Conference and Rose Bowl cham- pions, as the most likely candidate. Dean of Big Ten Coaches Eliot, whose last name was origi- nally Misspickel, relinquished his status as dean of Big Ten grid coaches to Ohio State's Woody Hayes. The latter has been at Columbus since 1951. Eliot said there was no pressure JACK NELSON .. joins Wolverine staff RAY ELIOT ... leaves Illinois BIG TEN RUNNER-UP: Hoyles Elected Mat Squad eaptain By DAVE LYON Mike Hoyles, '60E, was elected captain of Michigan's 1959-60 wrestling team yesterday. One of only two juniors on this year's squad, Hoyles succeeds the team's only senior, Larry Murray, as captain. Finishes Second Hoyles capped a solid season's" performance by finishing runnerup at 123 lbs. in last weekend's Big Ten meet. On his way to the finals, he defeated Michigan State's Joe4 Marchal and upset Minnesota's highly-rated Ron An- drews.' In the championship match, Vince Garcia of Iowa beat Hoyles, 4-1. The Wolverine posted a 7-4 record in dual meets this season for one bf Michigan's best records at 123 lbs. in recent years. Coach Cliff Keen yesterday an- nounced the names of 10 varsity letter winners and five winners of freshman awards. James Agnew, James Blaker, Don Corriere, Karl Fink, Dennis Fitzgerald, Dick Fronczak, Wilf Hildebrandt, Fred Olm, Hoyles, and Murray were given varsity awards. Freshman monograms went to Fritz Kellerman, James Ludwig, James Marsh, Lester McMurray, and Melvin Nosanchuck. Small Frosh Squad The five freshmen represent one of Keen's thinnest freshman con- tingents in recent years. In con- trast, Keen last year was blessed with one of his best and most numerous freshman crops ever, and that group has lived up to ex- pectations while competing as sophomores this year. The freshmen are scheduled to enter the Michigan AAU meet, which will be held March 20-21 at Pontiac. This meet offers the freshmen their only opportunity this year to wrestle competitively for Michigan. The only other meet remaining on the varsity schedule is the NCAA tournament March 26-28 in Iowa City. Making their third trip to that city within six weeks will be 130-lb. Murray, 157-lb. Corriere, 167-lb. Fitzgerald, and 177-lb. Fink, Coach Keen said. The first three finished high iii their weight divisions in the Big Ten meet, but Fink was eliminated in his first preliminary bout by Illinois' Tom Trousil. "I know he can do better than that," Keen said. In a dual meet at Iowa .Feb. 14, Fink defeated Hawkeye Jim Craig, 3-2. Craig went on to take runnerup position in the Big Ten meet. concerning his decision, although his teams haven't finished in the Big Ten's first division since 1953 when the Illini .tied for the title with Michigan State. "It is always difficult to decide that one will leave the firing line of the fierce competition which is Big Ten football," he said. "But, the choice was made in the off-season when unhurried reflec- tion on the future is possible with- out the heat of battle or influence of a winning or losing season." Bumi Elliott, Michigan's new head football coach, termed Eliot's resignation as "quite a surprise." "All of the Big Ten coaches in- cluding myself has the greatest respect for Ray," said Elliott. "He has made a tremendous contribu- tion to the game and the Confer- ence." Eliot, incidentally, might have had the Wolverines'- present coach' as a player in the mid-forties had it not been for World War II. Elliott, a native of Bloomington, Ill., (40 miles from Champaign), had no intention of coming to Michigan. Butthejoined the Marines after high school graduation and was subsequently sent to Ann Arbor by them. Not So Surprised Bennie Oosterbaan, Michigan head coach until his o*n resigna- tion last fall, wasn't quite as sur- prised as his successor at Eliot's announcement. Eliot intimated in a letter to Oosterbaan after the latter re- signed that "I might do the same thing in the near future," Oosterbaan, a close friend of Eliot's for many years, served briefly as a colleague of the out- going Illini coach. "Ray was head coach of the East team in the East-West Shrine game in 1955 and I assisted him," recalls Oosterbaan. Although a frequent victim of Eliot's keyed up teams whenever Illinois and Michigan met, Ooster- baan said he "enjoyed the compe- tition with Eliot. Great Competitor "He's a great competitor and I wish him well," said Oosterbaan, who holds the same position (As- sistant Athletic Director) that Eliot will assume next year. No team has consistently given Michigan more trouble than Eliot's Illini whenever the two met at Champaign. Illinois has beaten the Wolverines four consecutive times at their home stadium. Michigan was favored each time. TONIGHT!! "Friday the '13th" Grad Pc 75c per person I D's requiredx *r mmmwmmmmwm You have tried the Rest- Now try the V.F.W. Hall 314 E. Lib Bring your fovorite superstition (other than cats) Sponsored by your Qrad Student Council ONE-HALF FRIED CHICKEN . .. . SI R LOI N'STEAK.. . ..... . . . . .1.50 . . . . 1.25 BREADED VEAL STEAK'. ... .... .1.00 CUBE STEAK...... MUSHROOM STEAK ..... HAMBURGER STEAK . . . . .: . . . . . . . .. .90 .90 . . . . .. ... .90 FR IED HAM.........".. ."..w * f fs. ...1.00 PORK CHOPS....:.. .'. . PORK CHOPETTES . ROAST BEEF ......... ROAST PORK ... . . . . a . 4 . ~* 1.00 .90 >.4 .. . . . SPAGHETTI with MEAT SAUCE . ..... HAMBURGER SPECIAL ............. The Prices Do Not Include Sales Tax .50 Phone NO 2-9442. Fast Carry-Out --.".rb~ ------------------------------- ----------------..-- - - 3~~~~P I ZZ A I*lt ITALIAN PIZZA ,"It's a meal in itself".. W. Liberty and Stadium Blvd. Ann Arbor, N The I ichigan State Heavily Favored To Win 'eekend NCAA Hockey Championship Continental, Look by U of M Barbers BE DIFFERENT! 715 N. University Daily Classifieds Bring Quick Results '. 1 By TOM WITECKI Michigan State's powerful hockey squad is a heavy favorite to top, the field in the 12th annual NCAA hockey tournament which began in Troy, N.Y. last night. The Spartans, who are repre- senting the Western half of the country along with North Dakota,, will meet Boston College tonight. The other Eastern representative, St. Lawrence, met the Nodaks last night to open the three-day tournament. Face-Off Saturday, The winners in these two contests will face-off Saturday night with collegiate hockey's biggest title at stake. All games will be played at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute's 6,000,seat arena. Michigan state beat both the Eastern teams on its Christmas tour and split four games with its most likely opponent, North Da- kota, last Saturday. This is the first trip the Spartans have ever LATE SCORE North Dakota defeated St. Law- rence, 4-3, last night in the open- ing game of the NCAA hockey tournament on a 30-foot goal by Guy LaFrance at 4:22 of a sudden- death overtime period. Gef WILDROCT a CREAM-OIL Charlie, made 'to the tournament and Coach Amos Bessone is hoping it will be a successful one.. Michigan Hockey Coach Al Ren- frew, whose squad managed to win only one of four contests from the Spartans, joined the consensus picking them to win at Troy. Renfrew said, "In a short series such as this one, the goalie is the key player and Michigan State has one of the best in Joe Selinger." Michigan split a two-game series with North Dakota and lost and tied a contest to St. Lawrence dur- ing the past season. NEW MAT CAPTAIN--Mike Hoyles succeeds Larry Murray as captain of the Wolverines wrestling squad. The 123-lb. junior finished runner-up in this past weekend's Big Ten championship matches. jP1 EARLY EASTER -brings early SAVINGS to y Dress up for Easter at Rabideau -Harris in fashions s up Choose your Easter clothes from America's foremost makes.-- Don Richard, Worsted-Tex, Rock-Knit, Fashionmde.. . And when you do, you can bet your choice is right and at a special savings. 25c Discount with this ad on a 12" PIZZA 8:30 P M -12:00 Midnight Good Friday, Saturday and Sunday FREE DELIVERY QUICKIE.CHICKIE OFFERS CAREER OPPORTtUN ITIES in research and * development of missile systems 812 Monroe NO 2-9944 -7-o Suits SPECIAL . . . - $31-X41;51 Others $36-$46-$56 I Topcoats, .. SPECIAL r36,$ -446--$56 Others $3 1-$41-$51 Engineers--Scientists Mathematicians, If you have, or are working on, an advanced degree THE DOUGLAS AIRCRAFT COMPANY offers you. 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