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March 13, 1959 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1959-03-13

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"Really, You're A Mess"



Sixty-Ninth Year
Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staf writers
or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints.

'Pirates' Per forman
Lacks Enthusiasm



Y, MARCH 13, 1959


Hectorians Apply Pressure
For Election of Affiliates

'HERE ONCE was a time when student gov-r
' ernment was thought of as a reflector of
udent opinion - the student's joint mega-
lone. Unfortunately, this description no
nger holds.
The Council has slowly evolved into a battle-
'ound for campus pressure groups with vested
terests. Few students meet candidates indi-
dually, even fewer discuss campus issues com-.
tently with them, and, as a consequence, the
rm "intelligent vote" has become meaning-
ss. The big student organizations strongly in-
ience the campus vote. Most students seem
ntent to let their decisions be made by the
aders of the group to which they are at-
IXAMPLES are not difficult to find. To take
a blatant one, consider the recent doings
the Hectorians, the honorary society for
aternity men. The group is currently making
e rounds of fraternity yhouses, urging, in
* Aloha.!
[URRAH! A brand new state.
Hawaii ended its long fight for statehood
,sterday as the House of Representatives
assed the Senate bill in favor of statehood
r the island state.
For 50 odd years Hawaii has fought, with
me 15 petitions and resolutions, for this
)al. As the 218th vote for statehood was cast
the House, residents of tle islands were
lled to set off signal bonfires to announce the
ent. The acceptance of Hawaii into the
roup" came without much oppositidn -
eming a logical follow-up of Alaska's suc-
ssful bid last year.
However, the addition of the "Sandwich Is-
nds" to the United States of America again
%ises what seems to be a difficult problem -
new flag design. So all those who aspire to
e Betsy Ross have another chance.
Associate Personnel Director.

"good faith," that fraternities unite to electj
the kind of men "who will willingly serve the
general student interest."
Who are these men who carry the "general'
student interest" in their hearts? One junior,
three sophomores, and a freshman, none with
previous Council experience. The Hectorians
apparently do not feel any of the incumbent
Council members are qualified for another
STRANGELY ENOUGH, none of the three
running for re-election voted in favor of
the Greek position in the year's two contro-
versial issues: Sigma Kappa and Spring Rush.
It should also be noted that the five named
by Hectorians have one thing in common,
aside from a common desire to win the elec-
tion: all five belong to fraternities.
To conclude, they are not intelligent would
be fallacious. However, it seems evident that
the factor of affiliation, and not ability to serve
"the general student interest," was the primary
The "general student interest" is apparently
equated with the "general fraternity interest,"
or, roughly speaking, "what's good for fraterni-
ties is good for the whole campus."
EXCEPT FOR the unusual campaign zeal
displayed by the Hectorians, this sort of
thing is not uncommon on campus. The same
practice is carried on in all housing units and
influential organizations, although usually to
a lesser extent.
Seemingly, nothing can be done about it.
The students show less and less interest in
going out to meet and talk with candidates
for the "Student Government Club," making it
easier and easier for the pressure groups to
And from lazy, malleable University student,
it is a simple slide to lazy, malleable voting
citizen dominated by the national, state, and
local power groups who threaten the, concept
of democracy with the influence they wield.

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A ROUND of roguish sherry be-
gan the production of "The
Pirates of Penzance" at Lydia
Mendelssohn last night, but ap-
parently that illicit beverage
lacked its usual intoxicating quali-
ties. Whatever the reason, "spirit"
in most forms was noticeably ab-
sent from the production, and for
the first time in several years, the'
Gilbert and Sullivan Society gave
an -neven and generallyunin-
spired performance.
As. delectably involved as most
of W. S. Gilbert's plots, "Pirates"
is a satire on the English sense of
duty. Young Frederic, apprenticed
by mistake to a band of pirates,
finds himself torn between a feel-
ing of loyalty to them and an un-
comfortable realization that he
must abolish such an anti-social
group as soon as he is released
from their service at the age of
twenty-one. The action becomes
rather complicated, and in the
process of discovering that duty is
more than skin deep, poor, wander-
ing Fred becomes involved with
twenty-one lovely maidens, a very
model of a modern Major-Gen-
eral, and an incredible delegation
from the local constabulary.
*a a
LACK of dramatic material was
not the problem last night, and
neither, really was lack of talent.
The outstanding performers of
former years can, of course, be re-
called with nostalgia, but nobody
in, the current cast is actually bad
enough in their individual char-
acterizations to evoke personal
condemnation or even to affect
very substantially the final unity
of the production. While on the
one hand, Charles Walton (Frede-
ric), despite his fine resonant
voice, seemed to lack any concep-
tion of the proper function of an
actor, Lynn Tannel, a G&S old-
timer, and Tom Jennings, a rela-
tive newcomer, acted and sang
with the buoyancy and sparkle one
expects at these semi - annual
The flatness of the production
seemed simply to lie in an absence
of real precision and care. The
orchestra sounded as if it had sel-
dom rehearsed before, and the
staging was as sloppy, for the most
part, as it had been last fall. Some-
how a conscious effort for clarity
seemed to be missing, and without
the traditional enthusiasm to make
it cohere, all individual successes
in the work lacked ultimate effec-
"Richly Rewarded," an original
curtain-raiser written by a former
pair of University Savoyards be-

gan the evening. It contained some
clever lines, but lacked much musi-
cal or dramatic originality. Dave
Schwartz - a real mugger - stole
what he could of the show, but one
feels the whole thing might have
been more enjoyable if fifteen min-
utes of the dialogue had been cut
-Jean Willoughby
The Daily Official Bulletin is an
official publication of The Univer-
sity of Michigan for which The
Michigan Daily assumes no edi-
torial responsibility. Notices should
be sent in TYPEWRITTEN form to
Room 3519 ,Administration Build-
ing, before 2 p.m. the day preceding
publication. Notices for Sunday
Daily due at 2:00 p.m. Friday.
FRIDAY, 1ARCH 13, 1959
VOL. LXIV, No. 116
General Notices
Residence Hall Scholarship: Women
students wishing to apply for a Resi-
dence Hall Scholarship for the academic
year 1959-60 for Betsy Barbour Resi-
dence may do so through. the Office of
the Dean of Women. Applications close
Thursday, March 19. Students already
living in this residence hall and those
wishing to live there next fall may ap-
ply. Qualifications will be considered on
the basis of academic standing (mini-
mum 2.5 cumulative average), need,
and contribution to group living.
Disciplinary Action in cases of stu-
dent misconduct: At the meetings of
January 8, 15, February 12, 19, 26 and
March 3, cases involving8 a8$tudents and
1 fraternity were heard by the Joint
Judiciary Council. In all eases the ac-
tion was approved by the Sub-Commit-
tee on Discipline.
1) Conduct unbecoming students in
that Student Automobile regulations
were violated:
a) Failure to register: One student
fined $75.00 with $35.00 suspended (sec-
ond offense); one student fined $25.00
and permit revoked for the remainder
of his enrollment at The University of
Michigan; two students fined $25.00;
one student fined, *25.00 with $15.00
suspended; two students fined $15.00;
two students fined $15.00, all of which
was suspended; one student fined $20.00.
all of which was suspended; two stu-
dents fined $10.00, all of which was
suspended; two students fined $5.00
and one student issued a written letter
of warning.
b) Driving without autho6rization:
One student fined $50.00 with $20.00
suspended; one student fined $30.00
with $10.00 suspended: two students
fined $25.00; one student fined $25.00
with $20.00 suspended; one student
fined $20.00; one student fined $20.00
with $10.00 suspended;three students
fined $15.00; one student fined $15.00
with $5.00 suspended; one student fined
$10.00 and two students issued written
letters of warning.
(Continued on Page 8)


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R gion, Pep Rallies and UCLA

OFFICIAI cancellation of classes at UCLA to
permit, students to hear the Episcopal
Bishop of California during the recent "Reli-
gious Emphasis Week" at the College aroused
some instructors to hold classes in defiance of
the shutdown order.
"I'm all for upholding moral standards, and
giving students religious values," a history pro-
fessor who protested against the suspending of
classes for the Bishop's talk declared. "But it
is not the role of a state university to do it on
official school time."
This protest would have been valid here if it
had been voiced last semester when the Uni-
versity also dismissed a class in order that stu-
dents, so moved, might attend a discussion con-
cerning "Religion in Today's University."
It was forecast then that the majority of
students would not attend the speech and that
if the majority did, the University would be
in sorry shape in view of the limited seating
capacity of Hill Auditorium. However, there
was not need to worry about "standing room
only," for the Auditorium hosted a large num-
ber of empty seats.
In past years, the only class suspension has
been for the annual Honors Convocation, which
make the additional suspension appear glar-
ingly wrong.

NOT SO AT UCLA "As long as the school
calls off classes for football rallies it is
only academic t'6 discuss the propriety of dis-
missing classes for speakers such as Bishop
Pike," another history professor retorted.
This would seem the case. Although it can
be argued that the traditional separation of
church and state extends to the separation of
church and state university, religion is now
regarded as an academic concern as well as an
emotional one..As long as UCLA also dismisses
classes for such things as pep rallies and for
"other prominent scientists, poets and educators
who come to campus," then it does not seem
in the least wrong to dismiss classes for one
more "prominent" speaker, regardless of his
area of interest.
"We think it is in the liberal tradition of
great universities for students to hear as many
points of view as possible, acting Chancellor
Vern O. Knudson, responsible for the class
dismissal, said.
However, it is a shame that this "liberal tra-
dition" can not be extended to classless hours
so that students may pick up an education as
well as points of view.

WASHINGTON - A long time
ago in Texas a boy usually
knew that the family or some part
of it somewhere was in trouble
when a laconic uncle or cousin
suddenly rode into the yard about
dusk and walked into the house as
though he had been expected.,
Such a Southwestern rendezvous
against outside dangers were in-
frequent and never lightly held.
Every member of the family had
an equal right to a welcome and
to put such a powwow into motion.
But some had, so to speak, more
equal rights than others. Such and
such an uncle or cousin, though
always backed up in the outer
world, was not felt within the
lodge to be really quite sound.
SO, WHEN HE came, all would
listen politely, but with some in-
ner skepticism. Technically, he
was given a full hearing. But it
was not nearly so thorough a hear-
ing as that given to another uncle
or cousin whose personal solidity
and stability were considered to be
of a higher order.
But the very fact that the sound-
er relative was privileged to have a
more attentive audience put a spe-
cial responsibility upon him. He
was granted a leadership that au-
tomatically would have been with-
held from the less sound relative.
He was, accordingly, put under a
special burden to offer only wisely
considered proposals and, above
all, proposals with which all could
go along in the end.
For all were well aware that the
actions he was recommending
would commit not merely the main
family but all its second-cousin

connections. These, too, had to be
* * *
Harold Macmillan is now prepar-.
ing to open a rendezvous of the
Anglo-American alliance, in Ber-
lin crisis talks with President
Dwight D. Eisenhower here later
this month. Prime Minister Mac-
millan will not, of course, saddle
a horse and ride across two or
three counties. He will take an
airplane across an ocean that al-
ways shrinks, as those counties
used to shrink, when grave mat-
ters had to be talked over with
special intimacy.
But, apart from methods of
transportation, the Prime Minister
will be in about the position of the
sound uncle who rode up and dis-
mounted at twilight. This side of
the Anglo-American community
regards him as a solid man, not
given to undue alarms or impru-
dent solutions. The fact that he is
a British Conservative and not a
Laborite will be immensely help-
ful. Whatever he has to say to the
President-and no doubt also to
the Democratic Congressional lead-
ers-will be heard with particular
respect on this account.
The bulk of the American gov-
ernment, in both parties and in
both executive and legislative
branches, is of distinctly conserva-
tive tone by British standards. In-
deed, Macmillan's opposition, the
British Labor party, has no coun-
terpart at all here. In the Ameri-
can leaders, therefore, he will meet
men who in general political terms
talk pretty much his own lan-
But precisely because he is so

ynillan Faces Tough Task

acceptable to the dominant Amer-
ican political viewpoint, the Prime
Minister will be under heavy ne-
cessity to have a plan for dealing
with the Russians that will be tol-
erable to all the rest of the West-
ern family.
The \second-cousins who fill out
the Anglo-American core of the
alliance -- the French, the West
Germans, the Belgians, among
others - are in this thing, too.
And as it happens they stand near-
est to the bright eye of danger
around Berlin. For one example,
the second-cousins are already
understandably alarmed at Mr.
Macmillan's references to the pos-
sibility of a "thinning-out" of
Western and Soviet forces some-
how in Central Europe.
THE WEST'S troops are all too
thin already. And any foreseeable
thinning out of Soviet forces would
still leave great masses of then
only a longish leapfrog jump from
the heart of Germany.
Macmillan, in a word, comes
here under the best possible omens
and in the best possible human at-
mosphere, given the fact that this
is a difficult world. His task, how-
ever, is hardly less delicate and
fateful than were the missions
here of Winston Churchill before
we had yet made a national deci-
sion about World War II. For
there are no more severe critics
than critics within a family, espe-
cially in so large and mixed a
family as the eWstern alliance.
The only thing more vital than
preparing an effective plan against
the Russians is not to prepare one
that could rupture that alliance.


TO The Edito

Constituents ..
To the Editor:
AFTER attending the Student
Government Council meeting
until midnight 'last night as a
constituent, I was anxious to know
the decision of the council con-
cerning spring rush. Due to the
lateness of the hour and the hour
regulation, for the most part, en-
forced, the women's constituent
speaking time was at a premium
and to the dismay of many, a
waste of time. Nothing new was
said; the facts are in the reams
of reports, if anyone took the time
and trouble to read them. The
myriad views on spring and fall
rush were torn up and down and
inside out with no conclusion
drawn, apparently, that the same
arguments can be logically argued
for both sides. If there are excep-

tions, these certainly were not
There was one valid comment
from a constituent which the
Council slammed but good. Pat
Marthenke and Mary Tower, as
representatives of the two factions
of women undergraduates, are to
be congratulated on having come
up with the constructive, well
thought out recommendation for
a deferred fall rush. It was inter-
esting and disappointing to note
that no one had a thing or next
to nothing to say about deferred
fall rush in the affirmative (in
comparison to the stagnant com-
ments on fall and spring rush).
This matter could have been
resolved satisfactorily by consider-
ing the merits of the recommenda-
tion instead of arguing pro and
con about invalid factors which
cancel one another out. So we have
another epoch in dispelling some
agreement between affiliates and
What's done is done and it is
sad to let it rest here. There is
one thing that bothered me,
though, and I know I do not stand
alone in this. The real crux of the
matter was discussed in the early
morning hours, a "record" length
for a council meeting competing
with the late, late, TV shows. As
one constituent put it, she thought
we would be interested in what
she had to say. Sure we were, but
we would have been much more
interested, as constituents, to have
heard what the council had to say
at a decent hour!
-Marcia Murphy, '59



Politics and Morals

Rushing Debate Raises Problems on Procedure

Associated Press News Analyst
ONE OF THE newly published letters from
President Dwight D. Eisenhower's personal
correspondence touches upon a matter which
has been uppermost in the minds of a major
portion of the people who have written to this
column over the years.
It is the belief that the only long-term solu-
tion of the world's problems lies in the spread
and application of Christian principles.
This was particularly true in the early years
after World War II, before the lines of conflict
between East and West had hardened to the
current point, when there were fewer hard
facts of daily life to be met.
Any diminishment in later years, has, how-
ever, not been great.
In a letter written last fall, as published in
Life magazine, the President said he had been
pondering the value of trying to center greater,
attention by the American people and the free
world on the predominant influence of spiri-
tual values in our lives, and to do this in some
rather well-organized way. He thought of try-
ing to get the government heads of free nations
THIS IS A projection of two ideas of the

zation to send word of the American way to
people behind the iron curtain.
Since his presidency he has spoken regularly
of the spiritual motives behind the American
world attitude.
The idea, of course, is not new with him.
Worldwide campaigns of this sort are being
conducted by numerous organizations - spir-
itual mobilization, moral rearmament, both
denominational and inter - denominational
church movements, and others.
Attracting the interest of heads of govern-
ment might be less difficult than the President
may suppose.
Moral rearmament, for instance, has for
one of its slogans "not who is right, but what
is right." Numerous high ranking members of
governments have accepted it. These include
many members of Congress, members of the
West German federal government and the
heads of German states.
PREMIERS and foreign ministers of Japan
have advocated it and promised publicly in
the diet to apply it to relations with Korea and
other countries where there have been postwar
There is a considerable movement of this
type in India and the Philippines, and indeed
in almost all free countries.

Daily Staff Writer
ONE OF the most intriguing
facets of last night's decision
on spring rushing was the ab-
stention of Roger Seasonwein,
which led to an eight to eight tie
vote, broken by the vote of Stu-
dent Government Council presi-
dent Maynard Goldman.
Seasonwein's action is import-
ant both because of its implica-
tions regarding his own thinking
about the matter at issue, and be-
cause SGC elections are only a
week away.
The election, like its predeces-
sors, seems to be turning into a
contest largely dominated by the
blocks of votes the various asso-
ciations, prestige a n d p o w e r
groups are able to deliver. Again,
as in the past, the two main be-
hemoths confronting each other
seem to be the affiliates, always
united, and the independents. .It
is supposed that each of these
groups, if they so desire, can de-
liver enough votes to insure the
election of someone who "plays
along" with them.

vote was motivated by dissatisfac-
tion with both points of view ex-
pressed in the debate. Seasonwein
said that on one hand, he favored
spring rushing in principle. On
the other, he felt that the pro-
posed solutions for the problems
so far encountered in spring rush-
ing were not all they should have
been. His abstention thus reflected
his belief that other solutions
more creative and constructive
should be explored before a final
decision was reached on the prob-
C * *
emerged from last night's debate.
Firstly, for only the second time
in its history, the Council allotted
a specified time for constituents
to speak their minds from the
floor. The quality of this debate,
as was to be expected, was vari-
able, but in general it was sur-
prisingly high, well informed and
It is through such procedures,
wherein the student body is given
a direct opportunity to speak its
mind to SGC, that the Council
may avoid accusations that it is

speech had to say, said "Good
God! I have no idea."
** *
IT WAS pretty clear that as
the members grew more fatigued,
their capacity for clear thought
was reduced to near nothingness.
In cases such as last night's, there
should be provision made for de-
bate to cover the preliminary busi-
ness before the long and exhaust-
ing sessions on the main motion
begin. Such discussion might be
accomplished if SGC scheduled a
dual meeting, with one part tak-
ing place in the afternoon and the
mainportion at the regular time
in the evening.
In any case, SGC's five hour
debate has silenced those critics
who accuse it of incomplete and
hasty discussion on issues of im-
* *
THE CHAIN of events leading to
last night's action was begun at
the Oct. 14, 1955, meeting of SGC,
when David Baad, '56, former
Daily editor, moved that there
be set up a committee to study the
University's rushing system to re-
port back to SGC in Marchf.
In this motion. Baad asked that

Board in Review, and it went into
force in the spring of 1958.
On March 15, 1956, the Council
voted, 10 to eight, for deferred
rushing, when the committee re-
turned its report.
It was in the nature of a trial
motion, in that it directed that
spring rush be reconsidered by
SGC after a two year trial period.
It was this reconsideration which
the Council held Wednesday night.

Three O'Clock in, they Morning-


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