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March 13, 1959 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1959-03-13

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Sixty-Eight Years of Editorial Freedom





Long-Sought Bill
Passes Congress
One Day Behind Senate, House Vote
Admits Island Territory to U.S.
WASHINGTON LT) -Hawaii, enchanting paradise of the
Pacific, won statehood yesterday.
Only a day behind the Senate, the House voted over-
whelmingly to make Hawaii the 50th state. The vote was
This "aloha" of the ballots was it, so far as Congress was
concerned - a ringing answer to Hawaii's half-century of
pleas and dreams for a place in the union.
Eisenhower Expected to Sign
Joy and jubilation spread instantly from Washington to
Honolulu, by way of an open telephone line. The statehood

LANSING WP)-Divided and increasingly bitter, Michigan senators
wrangled to a standstill yesterday over a proposed borrowing solution
to the state's cash miseries.
Five caucuses of majority Republicans failed to rally the votes
required for the most likely compromise-a 100 million dollar bond,
issue backed by the state's faith and credit.
The Legislature finally recessed until this morning-Friday the

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Time was near exhaustion for getting any proposition on the April
6 ballot for the necessary statewide vote. The state has a constitutional
debt ceiling of $250,000. With Gov. G. Mennen Williams and minority
=Democrats adopting a passive role,
the fighting was confined to Re-
BS publicns Z publicans who were united yester-
zr Sday but overnight split into war-
ring camps.
For two weeks before today GOP
Le ature senators stood solidly behind a
demand for a one cent sales tax
S" increase, limited to two years, i
P B iSl nnsupport of any borrowing.
Democrats adamantly opposed
any addition to the three cent
By KENNETH McELDOWNEY sales levy, holding that it
Prof. Harvey E. Brazer of the amounted to a Republican ruse to
economics department and Insti- escape facing up to the state's long
tute of Public Administration said run revenue needs after the cash
last night that the Michigan legis- emergency is past.
1wt aThe issue was presented to the
lat rof ico entuabll.pass some Senate yesterday in the form of
a House-approved, Democratic-
He continued, saying when a sponsored resolution proposing a
bill is passed, it will be similar to referendum on a 50 million dollar
what Gov. G. Mennen Williams bond issue supported only by the
wants at the present time. One state's credit.
favorable sign, Prof. Brazer said, House Republicans had twice
was the passing of a proposal for rejected the plan before giving
a state-wide vote of a 50 million their reluctant approval, 84 to 19,
dollar bond issue by the House. following bi-partisan huddles.
The present tax problem is one Any Senate action also required
partly caused 1fy p o p u l a t i o n bi-partisan support.
growth, inflation and increases in
public services, he added.
Many feel, he noted, that be-
cause the population is rising the a
revenue will go up accordingly.
But it doesn't he continued. Il-f
lustrating this point, he said that rned Free
the increases in population have
come in large part in the school- U
age or over 65 age groups. These UNITED NATIONS, N.Y. (J).-
are the groups where the cost to The General Assembly's, trustee-
the state is'the greatest due to ship committee voted last night to
old age; benefits and education turn the French Cameroons loose
costs, he declared. next Jan. 1 and to hold two plebis-
costs, he declared, cites on the future of British Cam-
Government Costs Uc eroons in the next 14 months.
Prof. Brazer said a second corn- It decided against UN-supervised
mon assupiption, also untrue, was elections in the French Cam-
that when prices go up govern- eroons.
mental revenues will also increase. The committee, after a three-
Using the figures of 1947 as a
basen he sir that whle4te cst week debate, adopted a resolution
base, he said that while the cost on each of those two neighboring
of all general purchases have in- trust territories in West Africa.
creased 25 per cent the cost of The action is aimed at pushing
the government purchases has them toward some form of inde-
risen 50 per cent. pendence.
Recessions, such as the one that The first resolution would end
Michigan is still in, cut down on international trusteeship over the
the revenues and increase expen- French Cameroons next ' New
ditures, he added, due to the Year's Day, when that territory
increased number of people on becomes independent.
relief. The second resolution recom-
Many tax bills passed in the mends that separate plebiscites be
past to stave off financial crises, held in the Northern and Southern
Prof. Brazer commented, have British Cameroons. The two Cam-
been too few and too late. In this eroonis were one under Germany
way they only relieve the imme- before World War I.
diate problem without consider- The General Assembly is ex-
ing the future, he said. pected to approve the resolutions.

ISLAND STATE-Second to become a new state in the past year, Hawaii Joins Alaska, and the Union. Its eight volcanic islands are
- strung out 400 miles, and lie 2,400 miles west of San Francisco and 3,850 miles east of Tokyo.

SGC Candidates Speak on Issues

1: 1


world News

(EDITOR'S NOTE: This Is the first
in a series of four articles discussing
the views of the student Govern-
ment, Council candidates.)
Concern with Student Govern-
ment Council, its relation to the
student body, its defects and its
future character have raised con-
siderable debate on the part of
the candidates for the Council.
At a series of open houses held
at the, various housing units at
the University, the candidates
were given a chance to express
their ideas on these issues.
At Mary Markley, Michael Fish-
man, '59, remarked that he fa-
vored the extension of student
pools, such as the Student Book
Exchange, now under the aus-
Editor Cousins
To Speak at 1U'
Saturday Review Editor Norman
Cousins will discuss "The War
Against Man" at 8:30 p.m. today
in Hill Auditorium.,
Cousins, who will appear here
under the auspices of University
Platform Attractions, has been
sent as United States representa-
tive to India, Pakistan, Ceylon
and Japan on goodwill missions.
A discussion with Cousins will
follow the lecture. Interested par-
ticipants should contact Lane Hall.
Having lectured widely through-
out Asia on American institutions
and relations with the rest of the
world, Cousins' travels have taken
him around the world four times,
-including six visits to the Far East.

pices of SGC. These would com-
bat the "unfair" attitude of Ann
Arbor merchants, especially in the
realms of bikes and laundry.
"SGC was organized to give the
_studentbody more representation
in the laws and statutes passed
by the University that concern
us," said Morton Meltzer, '61, at
Helen Newberry. He remarked
that improvement was needed in
the areas of student representa-
tion on the Board of Intercolle-
giate Athletics,dand a revision of
the driving code.
Criticize SGC Plan
Robert Garb, '62, remarked that
SGC has in the past tried to in .
form the students through a for-
um program at Tyler House, East
Quadrangle. However, the old Stu-
dent Legislature was better suited
for this important purpose in that
it had a better system of represen-
tation of the student body, he
At Alpha Epsilon Pi, Konrad
"Casey" King, '62E, criticized the
SGC Plan saying that it failed to
define strictly the limitations of
the Council. He remarked that if
the areas of power of SGC were
better known, it would have less
conflict with the administration.
Harry Cummins, '61, called on
the Council to try to promote
a better sense of a group feeling
on the campus than it is now
doing. He spoke at Delta Tau
Kenneth Hudson, Sp. SM., pro-
posed at Stockwell that the cam-
pus be divided into geographical
districts, with each district elect-
ing a representative. This sugges-
tiori was made toward the end of
greater representation of the stu-
dents by SGC.

At Mary Markley, Roger Sea-
sonwein, '61, commented that he
felt that SGC's greatest job is to
improve the intellectual climate
of the University. To this end, he
favored continuation. of foragn
exchange programs, summer read-
ing studies and a revision of the
counseling program.-w
James Damm, '61E, told an
audience at Mary Markley that
the Council ought to gain more
respect from the student body, as
See SPEAK, Page 2
Greek Society
.Gets Out Vote'
For Elections
Hectorians, fraternity honorary
society, has urged every fraternity
man to vote for its five-man slate
of Student Government Council
In a statement, the society
cited a "sense of urgency" and
noted a "long-time dissatisfaction
with the degree to which the en-
tire student body is represented
on SOC."
In the absence of "general work
done by the Council, SGC has be-
come the instrument of an ac-
tively interested, but perhaps too
powerful, few."
Harry Cummins, '61, James
Damm, '61, John Feldkamp, '61,
Michael Fishman, '60, and John
Quinn, '62, all fraternity men,
were described in the statement
as the "kind of men who will will-
ingly serve the general student in-

By The Associated Press
BONN, Germany - B r i t i s h
Prime Minister Harold Macmillan
and West German Chancellor
Konrad Adenauer conferred for
three hours yesterday on Western
measures to counter the Soviet
threat to Berlin.
Macmillan flew into the West
German capital barely half an
hour after Soviet Premier Nikita
Khrushchev left East Germany
for Moscow.
Khrushchev wound up an eight-
day visit with a bid to the West-
ern powers to meet at the summit
"as soon as possible."
- - -*
ministration notified Congress
yesterday it opposes any increase
in the dollar-an-hour federal
minimum wage but recommends
applying the law to several million
workers not now covered._
The recommendations were
made by Secretary of Labor James
P. Mitchell. He did not spell out
the proposed additional coverage,
but employes of chain-type retail
stores are expected to' be a major
* * *
WASHINGTON - President
Dwight D. Eisenhower will send
Congress a special message today
on the Administration's $3,900,-
000,000 foreign aid program.
Announcing this yesterday,
White House Press Secretary
James C. Hagerty described the
message as a rather long one.
Presumably it will present a
detailed argument as to why
the Administration believes that
amount is necessary.

bill sailed through the Senate
Wednesday night, 76-15. Now
it goes to President Dwight D.
There is no question of Presi-
dent Eisenhower's signing it, or of
Hawaii's accepting its terms. But,
as in the case of Alaska last year,
technicalities will take time. So
it may be late July, possibly Octo-
ber, before Hawaii becomes a
state. Territorial Gov. William F.
Quinn said he is inclined toward
the slower schedule but others
will press for fast action.
In the sisterhood of states, Ha-
waii will rank 47th in size, 44th in
population. Rhode Island, Dela-
ware and Connecticut have less
area than Hawaii's 6,434 square
miles. .
Both Parties Support Bill
In population, the nearly 600,-
000 total in the island cluster sur-
passes Alaska. Nevada, Wyoming,
Vermont, Delaware or New
Seldom has a major bill gone
through Congress with the speed
of the statehood measure. Appar-
ently there was no particular ur-
gency at the moment. It was just
that the legislative channels were
comparatively clear and both par-
ties had promised admission to
In the Senate, opposition was
concentrated primarily among
southern Democrats.
Hawaii was Republican for
many years but the Democrats
won a majority in the territorial
legislature in 1954 for the first
time in 54 years.
lU' Students
Express Joy
At Statehood
A feeling of jubilation and suc-
cess was reflected yesterday in the
comments of those interested in
Hawaii as the news of House ap-
proval of the bill to admit the ter-
ritory to the Union was announced.
"I think it's just fabulous," said
Alice Fincke, '62E, who is a Ha-
waiian - American student from
Honolulu. "We finally made it."
Sentiment has always been for
statehood in Hawaii, she con-
tinued, and "the fight has been a
long one."
Prof. John P. White, of the
political science department, said
that he felt that Hawaiian state-
hood became a certainty when
Alaska was admitted to the Union
at the beginning of the year.
The men who have opposed ad-
mission, he said, have argued
"either that Hawaii is tinged with
Communism, or else that the
entry of a state of mixed racial
groups would somehow harm the
United States."
The opposition's arguments were
weak, he continued, as the "Com-
munist threat" idea "didn't seem
to impress Congress lately," and
the racial factor carried weight
only in the South.
It was formerly felt, said Prof.
White, that Hawaii would be de-
pendably Republican and Alaska
dependably Democratic if they
were admitted, causing a party
split on admission. Recently the
Democrats have gained great

IFC Backs,
TP Clubs
Colony Bid
A half-century old "predomi-
nantly Jewish" fraternity, strong-
ly rebuffed last year in an attempt
to gain colony status, received a
big boost towards eventual Uni-
versity recognition last night.
Acting on a consensus of opinion
from the campus' seven "predom-
inantly Jewish" houses, Interfrma-
ternity Council's Executive Com-
mittee recommended that Tau Ep-
silon Phi receive colony status
effective September, 1959.
The recommendation goes to the
Fraternity Presidents' Assemebly
for final consideration Tuesday.
Defeated Last Year
A similar motion was killed In
the Assembly a year ago by a 33-8
vote, with one president bstan-
At that time, several "predomi-
nantly Jewish" houses, wanting to
solidify their own positions, were
not in favor of. TElP colonization,
However, according to the Exec-
utive Committee's evaluation of
current feeling, presented lat
night by Interfraternity Cuncl
President John Gerber, '59, six of
the seven houses now express no
objections to TEP's admittance.
Favor Colonization
Houses favoring TEP colona-
tion were.Pi Lambda Phi, Phi Sig-
ma Delta, Sigma Alpha Mu, Tati
Delta Phi, and Zeta Bta Tau.
Alpha Epsilon Pi could not be
"There is no real reason not to
go along with the houses' desires,"
William Cross, assistant dean of
men for fraternities, said.
TEP is a strong fraternity in the
East and,has "several good chap-
ters in the near vicinity," he noted.
The local TEP club, consisting
of 25 students and three alumni
at present, originated here about
three years ago, according to its
chancellor, Michael Risman, '80.
The group meets once a week,
participates in.independent league
athletics, and carries an overall
B-minus grade average.
Law Students
To Celebrate
Today ends the first 100 years.
Students of the law school will
hold their 100th Anniversary cele-
bration tonight in honor of their
school. Scott Hodes, '59L, one of
the co-chairmen of the event, com-
mented that "all the students want
people to know that we hold our
school in such high esteem that
we de'sired to have a celebration."
Hodes added that "they also
wish to pay homage to the re-
markable growth of the school . .
regarded by many as one of the
top in the United States." This
will be their only chance to cele-
brate during the centennial year,

Abolish Nuisance Taxes'
When considering, any tax
change, he added, the legislature
should recgonize the existing tax
structure as well as the present
corporate status. Prof. Brazer
suggested that the personal prop-
erty tax _should be dropped and
the franchise tax replaced by a
corporate income tax which would
be less repressive.'
He recommends the' legislature
consider those taxes which Gov.
Williams has called "nuisance
taxes." These include revisions of
the beer tax, taxes on telephone
usage, and taxes on forms of to-'
bacco other than cigarettes.
Prof. Brazer said in supporting
these changes that our taxes
should be rational and logical.
There is no reason for. taxes on
such' utilities as gas and elec-
tricity without similar taxes on
telephone service, he declared.


Considers Custom Core of Early English Law

Prof. John P. Dawson of the
Harvard Law School stated yester-
day that legislation played "a
minor part" in the early develop-
ment of English law.
"Rather," Prof. Dawson said in
the opening address of the 11th
Annual Cooley Lectures, "the solid
core was English custom. The ex-
perience of royal judges in decid-
ing cases and their frequent, in-
formal consultation brought con-
sistency and structure and made
the rules into a system.
"It is no exaggeration to say
that the English common law ...
from the very beginning was cre-

fying in open court in early Eng-
lish law. Thus the juries had to
"find answers to the questions
asked them, using their own pri-
vate knowledge, and gossip in the
In the 13th century, there ap-
peared men known as narrators,
or pleaders, who presented cases
before the courts. These men dom-
inated the early bar and eventually
were called barristers, commented
Prof. Dawson. Because of the'
shortage of judges in the Court,
expert pleaders were used as part-
time trial judges, he added.
There was not only a shortage
of judges, but also one of lawyers.

they achieved this monopoly "as
a reward for assuming public
duties and for the sacrifice of time
and money that these duties en-
Ignore Canon Law
The former University Law
School professor said that the
common lawyers were learned men
-learned in their specialty. "But
as early as 1300, they had turned
their backs on Roman and canon
law, the sources of inspiration that
were to work a transformation of
the legal systems on the continent.
"The law reports of the 17th and
18th centuries, many of them un-
reliable, provide evidence that a

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