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March 12, 1959 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1959-03-12

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71g a jt aI
Sixty-Ninth Year
Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers
or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints.

)AY, MARCH 12, 1959


"Look Out for That Ditch!"

A Mixed Blessing
THE PROGRAMS for May Festival 1959 have been announced to a
campus filled with anticipation. For reasons best known to those
who came before us, the Ann Arbor region once greeted these announce-
ments with a burst of enthusiasm. Now, a somewhat cooler reception is
A few curious parallels between the 1959 Festival program and the
recent list of'"music for precocious children" from the New York Times
might be drawn. But it may be more illuminating to make some less
controversial observations, first.
At first glance, it seems that much, if not most of the major musical
work appearing on the program have been played in Ann Arbor at some
time during the past three or four years. Brahms' "Academic Festival
Overture" and "Variations of a Theme by Hadyn," Mozart's 39th Sym-
phony, Ravels "Daphnis and Chloe" Suite, Roussel's "Bacchus et

West Quad Fire
Shows Dangerous System

RECENT SERIES of fires, five in all,
l should serve .to point up the inadequacies
West Quadrangle's alarm system.
The alarm, although admittedly was sounded
r only a short time, sounded pitifully weak,
nilar to a tired alarm clock of about 30 years
atage. The anemic ding, pause, ding, pause,
c., failed to arouse many residents and most
ported being rousted from their beds 4 a.m.
onday morning by someone who was either
lighter sleeper or already awake.
A definite need is evident for an alarm sys-
r that is certain to arouse every resident'
id facilitate -speedy evacuation of the build-
g. If the fire reached the stairwell or the
,throom door and spread to the hallway, 13
sidents could be trapped in the "T" section
each of five floors in each house. There were
ur bathroom fires in 60 hours last week.
'HE FIRE DEPARTMENT, due to a compli-
cated system of notification, arrived well
Barren Ban
'HE ALMOST simultaneous cancellation of
one banquet and approval of another at
ichigan State this week could not have been
ore delicately timed.
MSU alumni announced Tuesday they won't
age their annual steak banquet for the State
gislature and capitol press corps. The can-
Ilation was an ironic rebuff for the law-
akers who last year slashed the school's
.dget requests and who this year face the
liest deficit in state history. Not enough
oney for the feed, said the Michigan State
The other banquet had a slightly dissimilar
.ect. Held in an East Lansing restaurant-
vern hangout, authorized by Dean of Stu-
nts Tom King, and presided over by Athletic
rector Biggie Munn, the affair feted some
500 students having C-averages, and satirized
UN Weak (
CAMPUS United Nations can be a wonder-
ful thing, but this year it fell short.
t can provide University students from
ny countries an opportunity to assemble in
e group to discuss the affairs of the world. It
n give these student delegates the chance to
ar the viewpoints of other nationalities and
rough this exchange of ideas, perhaps to
idify and clarify their own concepts.
Another important asset of a Campus United
tions is the opportunity it provides the Uni-
'sity student who is neither a delegate nor
inected with the event, a chance to learn
at others are thinking. And it is in this
a that the Campus United Nations was a
ge failure.
At any one time, not more than 150 specta-
s were in Rackham. Whatever the reason-
d weather or simply lack of interest - it
s unfortunate,
(his is probably another example of indiffer-
ce on the part of University students. Al-
>ugh this indifference is bad enough on the
al level, what will happen when the student

after there was- any need for their services.
As is the case in most of these instances, how-
ever, their help probably would not have been
needed anyway, but the fact remains that they
might have been needed. Although some staffI
people say that no conceivable situation could
arise which could not be handled by available
personnel and equipment, this is both an
optimistic and dangerous assumption.
But despite the competence and fearlessness
of most of the staff in the residence halls,
it should be realized that a situation could
arise which would be far beyond the capabili-
ties of their limited equipment and knowledge.
Let's hope a lesson will be learned from
the past and not wait until someone is actually
injured before installing a modern, up-to-date
alarm system. An antiquated alarm system in
a 22-year-old structure merely invites trouble.
quet Tables
the annual banquet for all-A students. "Plac-
ing mediocrity on a pedestal' was the bitter
comment of one faculty member.
FOR THE LEGISLATORS, their stomachs
aching, news of this sort of thing was prob-
ably more welcome than any steak. Coupled
with panty raids at Michigan and a national
magazine article charging that colleges are
becoming playgrounds, it only underscored the
lawmakers' not wholly unjustifiable opinion
that many college students don't pursue serious
One of the biggest tasks remaining on the
legislative agenda -that of appropriating
funds for higher education - lies but a few
weeks away.
It's not hard to surmise who'll be turned
away from the table then.
)n Campus
of today becomes active in national and inter-
national affairs.
scheduled delegations, only 43 were there.
Although the majority of these absent dele-
gations were Latin American countries who
had no vital interest in the Algerian issue, the
idea that this was a United Nations should
have provided the incentive for their at-
The committees that worked on the Campus
United Nations did a fine job and are to be
commended, but it is unfortunate the campus
did not support the event. Debate was lively,
interesting, informative, and the entire session
ran very smoothly.
It is to be hoped that the idea of a Campus
United Nations will continue with another
session next year. However, it is also to be
hoped that not only the delegates but the
University at large may take a greater interest
in the affair than was taken this year.

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Should Uncle Sam Run in the Red?

Daily Staff Writer
DRAWING UP a family budget
is traditionally a practical ex-
ercise of adding and subtracting
columns of figures and limiting
expenses to income.
But when the family man is
Uncle Sam, who plans to spend 77
billion dollars in 1960, then eco-
nomic and political theories re-
place eighth-grade arithmetic.
Acting as a catalyst for the cur-
rent discussion of theories on in-
flation and" unemployment, na-
tional defense and national debt,
the 1960 Eisenhower budget has

Harvard University recently
warned. Prof. Galbraith is chair-
man of the Economic Policy Com-
mittee of the Democratic Advisory
* * *
RAYMOND J. Saulnier, chair-
man of the President's Council on
Economic Advisers, countered that
a balanced budget will 'not only
have a favorable psychological ef-
fect on the economy, but will make
some tax reduction possible. Con-
trary to the argument that a bal-
anced budget will hinder economic
growth, Saulnier said, the result-
ing reduction in taxes will make
future spending more likely.
Criticizing the budget's low de-
fense outlay, Speaker of the House
Sam Rayburn (D-Texas) cautions
against balancing the budget at
the cost of adequate national de-
"We just cannot afford to take
any risks," he said. "The times in
whcih we are living are just too
perilous to permit even the slight-
est let-up in our preparedness pro-
Sen. Everett Dirksen (R-Ill.)
claims that the American people
favor a balanced budget and the
resulting meeting of outgo with
income. A recent survey shows that
Americans favored the Eisenhower
budget by a margin of 7 to 1, Sen.
Dirksen said.
* * *
PROF. PAUL W. McCracken, of
the School of Business Adminis-
tration and a member of the
President's Council of Economic
Adviser for two and one-half years,
commented on some of the issues
in the budget discussion.
"No responsible person, obvi-
ously. is ever going to take lightly
the fact that someone is out of
work." But, he continued, it's im-
portant not to make unemploy-
ment the image of the present
status of the economy.
Explaining recent developments
in unemployment, Prof. McCrack-
en said that during 1956-57 busi-
nesses were making enormous out-
lays for new production facilities

and substantial increases of their
work forces, but commensurate in-
creases in output did not then
"During 1956-57 businesses
therefore never realized the full,
productivity of their expanded ca-
pacity," he said. "During the past
year the sharper increase in pro-
duction than in employment re-
flects the delayed realization of the
goal of higher productivity."
However, employment should be
at a record level this year, Prof.
McCracken commented. ."By the
first quarter of 1959, all of the

Arlane" and krokofleff's 7th Sym-
phony fall in this category.
IT CAN, of course, always be said
that this music is "good" and de-
serves repeated hearing, but then
again, there must be some other
"good" music which is not often
heard hereabouts.
Aside from a particularly obscure
set of vocal pieces, most of them
unknown to all but fanatic musi-
cologists, the "new" music is repre-
sented by Prokofieff's second piano
concerto, Brahm's third and Dvor-
ak's first (not really "new," strictly
speaking, but never performed here
Surely, by now, -analytic minds
reading this far will exclaim in
dismay: "Since music is either
over-performed or over-obscure,
there is no way out."
s s
THIS MAY BE true, but the
middle ground between Giocomo
Quasimodo's aria from "I Lacerto
Deani del Womeno" and Ravel's
Bolero must exist, somewhere.
The problem of picking a May
Festival progrom must be a diffi-
cult one. One sometimes wishes it
were impossible.
It is impossible to please every-
one, but the solution to the dilem-
ma cannot be found in pleasing
no-one. I have often wondered
how, short of an impartial survey,
it is possible to arrive at any
program which can claim to be
"suitable" The recent MayFesti-
val programs manage to be con-
sistently unsuitable, without any
apparent effort. The music per-
formed seems to be a combination
1) Music Ormandy wouldn't dare
play in Philadelphia,
2) Music the soloists bring with
them, like persistent demons, and
3) Music that some unknown
but highly influential half-wit
finds exhilarating.
* .* *
JUST WITHIN recent memory,
one might note that an excellent
1956 May Festival was closely fol-
lowed by two (now three) years of
mixed horror. The concert version
on "Aida" in 1957 was frightful,
but this only paved the way for the
ninth or tenth performance of
"Samson and Delilah" in 1958.
This may represent an extreme
view, and it is conceivable that the
city Is filled with people who have
been waiting endlessly to hear a
performance of an orchestrated
Bach "Chaconne," or Brahms'
Third Symphony, or what have
you. As a matter of pure fact, this
may not be as deadly as I fear. But
the program this year does seem
singularly uninteresting, to the
unaided eye.
In retrospect, it is probably futile
to get overly upset about May Fes-
tival programs, when even now the
Russians may be sending a hippo
into orbit. Especially when the
apparently Irrevocable mistake of
signing up the Philadelphia, in-
stead of the Boston Sympony Or-
chestra has already been made.
-David Kessel
Ah, Thrill
By The Associated Press
HONG KONG-Red China's new
movie hit is "Song Over The
Reservoir." It's another classic
Communist tale of girl meets boy,
boy meets quota and they work
happily ever after.

Associated Press Newsfeatures Writer
WASHINGTON-Probably no
other city takes such a kick-
ing around as the nation's capital.
Its climate is denounced by al-
most everyone.
Sen. Wayne Morse (D-Ore.)
points to slums; within six blocks
of the magnificent capitol, which
he says he would not permit his
cattle to enter.
Its majestic circles have turned
into frustrating traffic bottlenecks.
Mostly these criticisms are taken
in stride, as either true or too
nearly true for effective rebuttal.
But today, it's different.
Patrick Hayes, a concert man-
ager, wants the world to know,
that no matter what national
magazines may say, this is not a
city of cultural boobs, that we're
as impressed with an impressionist
painting, as hep to a hemidemi-
semiquaver, as anyone.
. . .
MAYBE YOU'VE noticed stories
about proposals to build a 25-mil-
lion-dollar National Cultural Cen-
ter here. The money would be
raised by public subscription, and
would provide a spot where the
best in music, ballet and plays
could be presented.
In speaking of the center, one-
magazine said:
"Lord knows that Washington
badly needs it. Not only does it
have a thinner cultural life than
many other American cities of
comparable size; its culture is
practicaly invisible by the stan-
dards of European cities."
Another magazine was even
more blunt. It called Washington
"a cultural backwater."
Most of us local culture lovers
manage toremain calm in the face
of these attacks, but not Hayes.
"Well, they're coming in the
windows," he said today. "The
Indians of prejudice are after us."
* * *
"I CHALLENGE anyone," Hayes
said, "to name one city of com-
parable size in the United States
which in a reasonably careful com-
parative analysis would find
Washington with a thinner cul-
tural life."
For some reason Washington
from- the start has been a target
for all sorts of jibes.
Even such a fair observer as
Alexis de Tocqueville, looking over
the place more than 100 years ago,
was saying sardonically:
"The Americans have traced out
the circuit of an immense city on
the site where they intend to make
their capital... according to them,
it will one day contain a million
inhabitants. They have already
rooted up trees for 10 miles around
lest they should interfere with the
future citizens of this imaginary
And in 1805 a French diplomat
was far more direct than any
magazine of today.
"Mon dieu!" he cried. "What
have I done to reside in such a



Ikse Attempts To Centralize

on Council of Economic Advisers
aroused criticism on general Ad-
ministration policies.
Attacking the President's stand
on inflation and unemployment,
Prof. Keineth Galbraith of Har-
vard University recently said that
the unemployment situation is not
likely to improve "as long as the
Administration talks about infla-
tion and balancing the budget in-
stead of doing something to help
areas of acute unemployment,"
Prof. John Kenneth Galbraith of

Associated Press News Analyst

RESIDENT Dwight D. Eisenhower's idea for
a superdepartment of international affairs,
revealed in his private correspondence, ap-
ently would amount to a centralization and
formalization of the work now done pri-
rily by the National Security Council,.
ne of the metamorphoses through which
United States has lived in the last half
tury has been the gradual infiltration of
rnational affairs into its everyday life.;
his has gone on until today it affects even
most personal enterprises. A tail fin on an
omobile uses up part of the national re-
e of military material. Politics in the most
ote hamlet Is touched, even as politics at
water's edge.
resumably, since nothing has been done
ut it in the 13 months since he voiced the
Editorial Staff
orial Director City Editor
Associate Editor
E CANTOR.............. .Personnel Director
,1 WILLOUGAHBY :... Associate Editorial Director
N JONES. ........ .......Sports Editor
TA JORGENSON .........Associate City Editor
ABETHERSKINE ... Associate Personnel Director

idea, the President has discarded it or found
it, too, .would merely provide another complex
in the Washington world of complexities.
He said he would like to have another de-
partment, headed by a first secretary of the
government, to coordinate all the work done in
international affairs by the existing depart-
ments and agencies, except the military. And
the objectives of the military already are set
by the Department of State which would have
been included.
The National Security Council is a rather
loose organization which works soccasionally on
an agenda arranged by the White House. It
consists of the department and agency heads
involved in its name.
It is more of a place to thresh things out
than a directing agency.
Specifically, the President, if he had car-
ried out his idea, would have taken away some
of. the authorities of other members of the
Cabinet and "deposited it in a new department
headed by Secretary Dulles.
It would have been'an attempt to mobilize
under one directing head the evolution of pol-
icy, some of it based on central intelligence,
and its implementation through foreign aid,
propaganda and economic warfare.
It would have given the President a central-
ized source of information and advice about
the whole problem of international affairs,
and served as a unified agency for implemen-
tation of his decisions with much the same
relationship to him as now is borne by the
R+f+i ta noi.+-vv,-'n+

Foreign Aid Requests
By The Associated Press
W ASHINGTON-The annual fight over foreign aid has a new
twist this year. Some Democrats plan to counter President
Eisenhower's charge of being "spenders" by proposing deep cuts
in his aid program.
President Eisenhower has asked $3,930,000,000 in new foreign
aid spending and authorization for the fiscal year beginning next
July 1. He maintains that any substantial reduction would jeopar-
dize national security.
The following table compares what President Eisenhower is
asking this year on foreign aid, how much he asked last year and
how much Congress cut that request:

... supports balanced budget -
ground lost in national income and
production should be regained. But
this is not true for employment."
DEFICIT spending, stressed by
Prof. Galbraith as an important
factor in decreasing unemploy-
ment, is also considered by some
economists as a prime cause of
"An unbalanced budget exerts
inflationary influence to the ex-
tent that it creates a volume of
demand which outpaces productive
capacity," Prof. McCracken - ex-
plained. But during the recent
period of inflation during the re-
cession, production outpaced the
demand for goods. The inflation-
ary aspect of the 1959 budget defi-
cit is laregly psychological, he con-
cluded, but this doesn't mean there
may not be a budgetary dimension
to produce inflation.
With last year's 81 billion dollar
expenditure, there probably would
have been a small deficit even if
we hadn't had the recession, he
Economists :also list high profits
set by corporations and labor's
demands for higher wages as addi-
tional causes of inflation. Prof.
McCracken said he would reverse
the order, listing red ink spending
at the bottom.
* ,* *
"CORPORATE profits per unit
of production decreased between
1955 and 1957 while employee com-
pensation per unit went up," he
explained, citing figures which he
said will be released soon.. "Be-
tween 1953 and 1957, corporate
profits per unit of production rose
by about half as much as employee
compensation per unit."
According to statistics, Prof. Mc-
Cracken said, it is the increased





Defense Support ........
Technical Cooperation...
Special Assistance ......
Contingency Fund .....
Other Programs........
Development Loan Fund .

FISCAL YEAR 1958-59 YR. '59-60,
Requested Appropriated- Requested
(In million dollars)
835 750 835
172 172 2.11
212 200 213
200 155 200
106 106 171
625 400 700

The Daily Official Bulletin is an
official publication of The Univer-
sity of Michigan for which The
Michigan Daily assumes no edi-
torial responsibility. Notices should
be :sent in TYPEWRITTEN form to
Room 3519 Administration Build-
ing, before 2 p.m. the day preceding
publication. Notices for Sunday
Daily due at 2:0 p.m. Friday.
VOL. LXIV, No. 115
General Notices
The Alice Crocker Lloyd Fellowship
with a stipend of $750 is being offered
by the Alumnae Council of the Alumni
Association for 1959-60. -It is open to
women graduates of an accredited col-
lege or university. It may be used by a
University of Michigan graduate at any
college or university, but a graduate of
any other university will be required to
use the award on the Michigan campus.
Personality, achievement, and leader-
ship will be considered in granting the
The Laurel Harper Seeley Scholar-
ship is announcedby the Alumnae
Council of the Alumnae Association for
1959-60.The award is usually $200.00
and is open to both graduate and un-

by March 27. Awards will be al.
nounced by the end of the current se-
Applications for the April 30, 1959
administration of the College Qualifica-
tion Test are available at Selective Serv-
ice System local boards throughout the
country. Eligible students should apply
at once. The student should fill out his
application and mail it to Selective
Service Examining Section, Educational
Testing Service, P.O. Box, Princeton,
N.J. Applications for the April 30 test
must be postmarked no later than mid-
night, April 9, 1959.
Residence Hall Scholarship: Women
students wishing to apply for a Resi-
dence Hall Scholarship for theacadeie
year 1959-60 for Betsy Barbour Resi-
dence may do so through the Office of
the Dean of Women. Applications close.
Thursday, March 19. Students already
iiving in this residence hall and those
wishing to live there next fall may ap-
ply. Qualifications will be considered on
the basis of academic standing (mini-
mum 2.5 cumulative average), need,
and contribution to group living.
International Center Tea: Thurs.,
March 12, 4.30-6:00 p.m., International
The following student-sponsored so-
cial events have been approved for the
coming week-end. Social chairmen are

Economic Assistance .... 2,150 1,783 2,330
Military Aid......... 1,800 1,515 1,600
TOTAL AID PROGRAM 3,950 3,298 3,930
Thr mmre t - nv-'. + v l tn ilt Tl'OA ?TYt1f.f

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