Sixty-Eight Years of Editorial Freedom
See Page 4
ar over Berlin
Not Impossibility
Ike Rules Out Ground Warfare;
Reds Promise 'Open Road' To West
By The Associated Press
President Dwight D. Eisenhower yesterday ruled out ground war-
fare in Europe and said everyone migh, as well understand that nuclear,
warfare over the Berlin crisis is not "a complete impossibility."
Meanwhile Russia and Communist East Germany promised last
night they would keep the road open between West -Berlin and the
outside world if West Berlin becomes a free city.
But they indicated the price they would demand for such guaran-
tees would be Western diplomatic recognition of the satellite East
German regime. That recognition has long been sought by the Com-
munists and refused by the West. The latest word on the Berlin issue
^came in a communique issued by
the East German government as
Soviet Premier Nikita Khrushchev
U . . A ended a visit to East Germany.
The communique also again
Nmt'P sed0 urged a quick summoning of a
p summit conference to ease inter-
K3,national tension. It said a summit
meeting should be convened in
K am el. a addition. to a foreign ministers'
By KENNETH McELDOWNEY In a note to the Western powers
By KNNEH MeLDONEY March 2, the Soviet Union plumped
Mostafa Kamel, ambassador forasummit conference but said
from the United Arab Republic, at the same time Moscow would be
said last night there is no real agreeable to a meeting of foreign
conflict between the interests of ministers if it was not possible to
the United States and the goals set up a summit session. Yester-
of Arab nationalism. day's communique called for both.
Pass Draft
voted 90-1 yesterday to continue
for four more years the peacetime
military draft of men 18 to 26
years old.
Passage of the measure was
hastened by concern over the Ber-
lin crisis. Sen. Richard B. Russell
(D-Ga.), chairman of the Armed
Services Committee, said it would
"tell the Kremlin the United States
means what it says."
President Dwight D. Eisenhower
to boll
with r
If Cc
more m
said he
to keep
do with
four y'
one Se:
to the
He added that of course com-
plete agreement is not always pos-
sible. Ambassador Kamel cited
... Arab ambassador
existance of Israel as one conflict
in the Arab-United' States rela-
The conditions will not improve,
he continued, unless Israel imple-
ments all of the United Nation's
resolgtions, dennounces war and
stops the large scale immigration
into their country.
Expect Neutral Position
The Arabs expect the United
States to maintain at least a neu-
tral position between the Arab
world and Israel, the ambassador
said. "One sign of such neutrality,"
he suggested, "would be an end to
the unusual favoritism in terms of
tax-free, txa-deductible contribu-
tions that flow to Israel at the rate
of almost a million dollars a day.
"Another sign would be for polit-
ical leaders to take the issue of
Israel out of domestic partisan
platforms," he added.
Want Friendship
"The aim of the Arab peoples
to liberate their lands from all for-
* eign domination and follow a
policy of non-alignment. . . is in
accordance with the Charter of
the United Nations and all dictates
of sound relations between na-
tions," he said. He- added that it
is in the interest of the United
States and the West to support
r these aims.
Nothing but friendship and un-
derstanding Is wanted by the
Arabs, Kamel claimed. He ex-
plained that the Arab policy of
non-alignment is dictated by the
desire of all Arab peoples to avoid
becoming intangled in the coils of
the cold war.
The Arabs are only interested in
improving the condition of the
Arab peoples who have been neg-
lected and oppressed, the ambassa-
dor continued.
Arabs Want To Cooperate
Discuss Statute Principles now g:
now gi
On the Communist demand for veterin
making isolated West Berlin a free The:
city, the communique said princi- the leg
ples of the legal statute were dis- Willian
cussed. No details of what that cons stf
meant were given but the an- peacti
nouncement said: .. The
"The government of the German move -
Democratic Republic once again Ore.) 1
emphasized its readiness to guar- years.
antee the unhindered connection 'r
of the free city of West Berlin with
the outside world, in both the To
Eastern and Western directions."
It added that West Berlin's
status as a free city could be "
guaranteed by the Big Four powers
and by the United Nations, but
did not say what form the guaran-
tees would take. Five
Claims West Berlin next w
Seen, however, as an indication "restri
that the Communists would de- Greek
mand Western recogntion of East Enlis
Germany was the communique rae
claim that West Berlin is on the area w
territory of "soverign" East Ger- Getz,
many. It added that the East Ger- DougI
man regime was ready to grant Greene,
the status of a free city to the The
Western sectors of divided Berlin. Wright,
"Both sides are completely con- by Jun
vinced that the question of a peace schedul
treaty with Germany has become Wrigi
particularly acute at the, presentis start
time," the communique said. t"It ceived
can not be regarded as normal find."
thati the German people, nearly 14 "We
years after the ending of the war, tory of
still is without ;a peace treaty. opinion
That robs themof carrying out pus an
their sovereignty to its full extent. added.
As for a summit conference, the "We
communique said it would be to avoi
aimed at "solution of questions of ber, '59
reducing international tension nity Co
and peaceful settlement of dis- ary whe
puted problems." posed.
er stood firm at a news con-
e against pressure from some
ul Congressional Democrats
ster the nation's defenses
nore money, missiles and
particularly men.
ongress persists in providing
manpower for the Army and
s, the Commander-in-Chief
e supposes he'll have to put
some place where it's nice,
p them out of the way, be-
I don't know what else to
.h them."
bill now goes to the House,
already has voted for the
ear extension, to consider
nate amendment.
House is expected to agree
change-continuation' for
r four years of the extra pay
iven doctors, dentists and
arians in the armed forces.
lone vote against passage of
gislation was cast by Sen.
n Langer (R-N.D.), who has
ently voted against the
ime draft.
Senate rejected 67-24 a
by Sen. Wayne Morse (D-
to limit the draft to two
fraternity men will set out
eek to explore the area of
ctive" clauses within the
ted by the officers of In-
ernity Council to survey the
ere Fred Wright, '59, Bert
59BAd., Cy Hopkins, '59,
Lowerey, '60, and Walt
committee, headed by
will make a final report
e. Their first meeting is
ed for Wednesday.
ht stressed that the group
ing out with "no precon-
notions as to what we'll
plan 'to examine the his-
the situation and present
s of persons on this cam-
nd other campuses," he
cannot, and do not wish
d this matter," John Ger-
, president of Interfrater-
uncil explained in Febru-
en the committee was pro-
Senate Stops Proposal
For $50 Million Loan
LANSING (P)-The House yesterday broke open a deadlock on a
borrowing solution to the state's cash emergency, but Senate Republi-
cans quickly threw up another roadblock.
Capping a day of party caucuses, the lower chamber laid aside
Republican-Democratic differences and rammed through a proposal
for a statewide vote April 6 on a $50 million bond issue. If voters
approve, the state would borrow the 50 millions to tide the state over
Sthe financial shoals it faces in the
months ahead and pay off the loan
by June 30, 1965.
Some Opposition
The vote on the plan was 84-19,
10 votes more than the two-thirds
needed for passage. Republicans
set up the only opposition.
Senate Republicans, however,
leaped to action almost as soon
as the House vote was announced.
Meeting in caucus, they agreed to
raise the $50 million bonding pro-
vision to $100 million authorizing
repayment only by a penny'" in-
crease in the three cent sales tax.
Any such action almost certainly
would run into unyielding oppo-
sition from Democrats, who have
stood firmly for weeks against any
referendum on a sales tax increase.
Would Continue Paydays
If enacted, Gov. G. Mennen
Wiliiams said the house bonding
plan "would prevent payless pay-
days and guarantee state services."
"All the people of Michigan sin-
cerely hope that the Republicans
in the Senate will find it in their
hearts to endorse the solution," he
The House decided against tying
the plan to a specific tax proposal
for paying off the $50 million bond,
Hawaii Bil
Wins Vote
HONQLULU (A') - Exuberant
Hawaiians air-expressed -600 leis
to Washington for members of
Congress after the Senate passage
of the Hawaii statehood bill early
The House yesterday voted over-
whelmingly to consider statehood
for Hawaii, despite charges the
nation's 50th star would be tinged
with red.
It seemed likely that both
chambers would pass nearly iden-
tical measures today.
In the first voting test, the
House -adopted 337-69 a Rules
Committee resolution bringing the
Hawaii bill formally before the
house for six hours of general de-
bate and subsequent consideration
of amendments.
Voting for the resolution were
214 Democrats and 123 Republi-
cans. Forty-eight Democrats, most
of them southerners, 'and 21 Re-.
publicans voted against taking up
the bill.,
-Daily-Len Brunette
IN FAVOR-Panhellenic President Mary Tower, flanked by other Student Government Council mem-
bers, spoke in favor of fall rushing for women, as the issue came before the Council last night. Her
ten-minute speech began a four-hour session which included pro and con arguments from independent'
and affiliated women, and Council members. Miss Tower favored a reinstatement of fall rush, ruled
off campus since 1957. Her decision was upheld, she claimed, by affiliate opinion expressed Tuesday
at a meeting of Women's Senate.
Officials To Dedicate Training Center
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