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March 10, 1959 - Image 6

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1959-03-10

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Wolverine Relay Team
Is First at Milwaukee

good for hockey as a whole," said (EDITOR'S NOTE: This report is
Renfrew, "we want to cut it out special to The Daily from the Mil-
waukee Bureau of The Associated
and bring the sport into line-with Press.)
a game like football. We would MILWAUKEE -Michigan's all-
like to start it right from the time sophomore relay teams won a first
the players first come onto a cam- {place in the two-mile relay and
PUs 7finished second to a record-setting
"This isn't a one-man job that Villanova quartet in the mile relay
can be done by the coaches alone. at the Milwaukee Journal Games
We'll need the help of the athletic here last night.
directors and referees in making Fred Montour, a lean Wolverine
the players aware that we won't from Windsor-, Ont., made up a
stand for roughhouse hockey." 10-yd. deficit in the second leg of
Lacking unanimity, the meeting the two-mile contest, then burned
broke up without having come up the track to give the next run-
to any decision. Renfrew will now ner, Dave Martin, a 15-yd. margin
present the proposals made in Chi- over second-place Notre Dame.
cago to the Athletic Board for Martin stretched the lead to 30
their approval. yards for anchorman Tony Seth.
The members of the proposed Then Seth, the recent Big Ten 880
league will send representatives to champ, held off the Irish's Ron
another meeting in late April, Gregory to win by about 15 yards.
scheduled for Minneapolis. It is Wally Schafer led off for the win-
probable that at this meeting the ners, whose time was 7:44.3.
final decision will be made as to The Wolverines were- matched
whether or not a league will be against the classiest field in the
formed for the '59-60 season and FRED MONTOUR mile relay, but a foursome of
what teams *ill be included. . . . another success Bryan Gibson, Marsh Dickerson,
Miller Elected New Cage Captain
Burton Takes Two Bigy Ten Honors

Tony Seth and Don Chalfant fin-
ished second.
Villanova, an easy winner, set
a Games' mark at 3:17.8.
Other placers for Michigan were
Eeles Landstrom, second in the
pole vault; Pete Stanger, fourth
in the high hurdles; and freshman
Ergas Leps, thrd in the 1,000-yd.
Landstrom's jump of 14'8" was
bettered only by world-record
holder Don Bragg, who reached
Stanger was slowed down when
he hit the second hurdle in the
50-yd. highs. He was second in his
qualifying heat. Big Ten titlist
Willie May of Indiana won the
Leps followed world-reknown
shpeedsters Paul Schmidt, of West
Germany, and Arnie Sowell, for-
mer Pittsburgh great, across the
tape in a meet record, 2:09.7 clock-
Dick Cephas bettered 6'4" in
the high jump but it was not good
enough to place. Mamon Gibson
found the competition plentiful, as
he joined the also rans despite a
14' vault.
Tom Robinson, tired from his
record runs at the Big Ten meet,
was withheld from the sprint. Ira
Murchison won.
Irishman Ron Delaney stole the
crowds attention as he won his
32nd straight indoor mile victry-
a sound 4:05.4.
The outstanding performance,
however, was by little Max Truex,
of Los Angeles, who ran the two-
mile in 8:47.2, the second fastest
time on record.
Our Collegiate styles are
suave - smart --- individualistic
near Michigan Theatre
Daily Classifieds
Bring Results
March 10, 7:30 P.M.
Student Activities Bldg.





when he's sure to partially takeT
into his own hands the responsi- *. * new cage captain
bility r of making up for the 40 r captains M. C. Burton and George
so points per game that are being Lee.
lost with the graduation of co- Honors for Burton
Post-season honors are still be-
ing reaped by Burton and more
are certain to come. Already in the
possession of the senior from
Muskegon Hts. are the following:
1) Big Ten scoring champion
SR with 316; nearest rival was Ron
Johnson of Minnesota with 306.
2) Big Ten rebounding cham
RESIDENCE "A" BASKETBALL pion; nipped Michigan State's
First Place Semifinals Johnny Green by three, 232-229.
Kelsey 37, Lloyd 35 3) Single-season individual scor-
Lloyd 44, Gomberg 43i ng mark of 460 points tops Ron
Second Place Seminals Kramer's record of 450 by 10.
Van Tyne 63, Scott 36 4) Associated Press All-Big Ten
Taylor 25, Reeves 15
Third Place Semifinals first team.
Michigan 32, Allen-Rumsey 28 Burton and Lee also have re-
Fourth Place Semifinals ceived tentative bids to several
Chicago 38, Anderson 35 post-season all-star games in
Hinsdale 55, Adams 21 which they should put brilliant
Fifth Place Semifinals
Strauss 38, Greene 21 finishing touches on two brilliant
Huber 43, Wenley 26 careers.
First Place Semifinals
Lloyd 29, Michigan 20 The
Taylor 33, Reeves 27
Second Place Semifinals
Gomberg 36, Allen-Rumsey 27 Continental Look
Van Tyne 29, Chicago 27
Third Place Semifinals by U of M Barbers
Scott over Adams, Forfeit
-Williams 31, Hinsdale 23 BE DIFFERENT!
Fourth Place Semifinals
Hayden over Greene forfeit
Fifth P0 W lae y S miin ls6 lIowa,6 e '
Anderson 32, Strauss 25
Huber over Winchell, forfeit 715 N. University

Why ldid}
Many more applied. Not all were accepted.
In more than200 U.S.colleges,14,436college
sophomores met the high standards set. These
students were selected to continue officer
training in the advanced R.O.T.C. course.
Why did each of these young men decide
that he would benefit by fulfilling his military
obligation as an Army officer? Here are two
important reasons. Perhaps they'll help you
make your decision.

Suscbe The Michigan Daily





The Jet Propulsion Laboratory, now a research facility
operated for the National Aeronautics and Space
Administration, has several openings in the field of digi-
tal computer programming, analysis of problems for
solution on the computer, and research: in numerical
methods and programming systems. Facilities include an
IBM-704, and a Datatron 205. These computers are used
to provide numerical solutions to problems in guided
missile design and development in the space research
programs conducted by the Laboratory.
A training program is provided commensurate with
individual experience and education. Openings exist
at the B.S., M.S., and Ph.D. level. Opportunities for

As an Army officer, you're in command of men. More
men than the number supervised by many civilian ex.
ecutives years older than yourself. To meet your com-
mand responsibilities, you employ a great many of thea
LEADERSHIP principles acquired in advanced R.O.T.C.
training. And your executive potential develops while
In every organization, greater responsibilities mean
greater rewards. The traditional prestige of an Army
officer is matched by material advantages.. A second
lieutenant earns a minimum of $355.88 pet month-
plus substantial fringe benefits. Think you might want
to merry soon after graduation? An officer's salary can

you gather LEADERSHIP experience. The executive
ability you gain as an Army officer will be an important
advantage in any civilian career. That's why employment
directors often prefer men who have served as com-
missioned officers. These men have already proven their
capacity to handle executive responsibility.


make things a great deal easier for a married couple
just starting out. What's more, an Army officer is en-
titled to take his dependents with him, wherever pos-
sible. Imagine sharing the fun of travel with your wife
-in the United States or foreign countries like France.
Germany or Japan.


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